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The crystallographic structure of the SrCeO2-SrZrO2 solid solution was determined and the crystallographic constants were calculated from X-ray diffractometry data. The specific electrical conductivities were also determined in the temperature range 800° to 1200°C at different oxygen partial pressures. The thermal gap was calculated and related to the lattice parameters. 相似文献
TianKai Chen WeiBing Ma Rui Li QingChi Sun CuiCui Tang ZhengLi Huan 《Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics》2014,25(6):2494-2500
The Zn1?xNixTiNb2O8 (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) ceramics were synthesized by the conventional solid-state reaction method. The crystal structure and microwave dielectric properties were investigated by XRD, SEM and dielectric measurements. The XRD patterns of Zn1?xNixTiNb2O8 ceramics showed that (Zn, Ni)TiNb2O8 phase and (Ni, Zn)0.5Ti0.5NbO4 phase were obtained. With the increase of sintering temperature and Ni content, the amount of the second phase [(Ni, Zn)0.5Ti0.5NbO4] enhanced, resulting in the increase of dielectric constant and the decrease of Q × f value. Moreover, the temperature coefficient of resonant frequency (τf) shifted to a positive value with increasing Ni content. In conclusion, the excellent microwave dielectric properties were obtained for Zn0.7Ni0.3TiNb2O8 ceramics sintered at 1,125 °C for 4 h: εr = 41.36, Q × f = 31,760 GHz, τf = ?9.2 ppm/°C. Furthermore, to realize the zero value for τf, a proper adjustment of Ni doping and sintering temperature can be feasible in this system. 相似文献
We have investigated Bi2O3-Eu2O3 binary system by doping with Eu2O3 in the composition range from 1 to 10 mole% via solid state reactions and succeeded to stabilize β-Bi2O3 phase which is metastable when pure. Stability of β-Bi2O3 polymorph was influenced by heat treatment temperature. Tetragonal type solid solution was obtained in 3–6 mole% addition
range when annealed at 750°C and the range was 2–7 mole% when annealed at 800°C. We have also carried out investigations on
lattice parameters, microstructural properties and elemental compositions of this β type solid solution for each doping ratio.
Lattice parameters increased with amount of Eu2O3 addition. Our experimental observations strongly suggested that oxygen deficiency type non-stoichiometry is present in doped
β type solid solutions. 相似文献
采用高压合成技术,制备出了热电材料AgSbTe2,并且研究了AgSbTe2样品微结构和高温电学输运性质。X射线衍射测试结果表明,高压合成的AgSbTe2样品中含有微量的Sb2Te3,电子能谱测试结果表明Ag、Sb、Te 3种元素分布很均匀。电学性能测试表明,在高压的作用下,AgSbTe2样品的载流子浓度增大;随着测试温度的升高,电导率降低,Seebeck系数增大。4 GPa高压合成的AgSbTe2样品在573 K温度下具有最高的功率因子(约18.1μW/(cm·K2))。 相似文献
J. Fontcuberta J. Rodríguez M. Pi R. Rodríguez J. Tejada 《Materials Research Bulletin》1980,15(7):969-980
By means of Mössbauer spectroscopy magnetization measurements and powder diagrams, the structural and magnetic properties of the isomorphous series Cd1?xNixFe2O4 has been studied. The cationic distribution depends on the relative concentration of Cd and Ni. The exchange integrals between the two sites in the spinel have been obtained. 相似文献
The regioregular hexyl-substituted poly(3,4-ethylenedioxy-2-thiophenylthiophene) (PEDOTt), structurally alternating copolymer of EDOT and thiophene, was synthesized via the Grignard Metathesis (GRIM) using catalytic amounts of Ni(dppp)Cl2. The products were characterized by 1H NMR spectroscopy, UV-vis spectroscopy and XRD. The alkyl-substituted conjugated polymer showed an enhancement of solubility in common organic solvents. Based on XRD data, the regioregular hexyl-substituted poly(3,4-ethylenedioxy-2-thiophenylthiophene) (PEDOTt) shows better crystallinity than the regiorandom hexyl-substituted PEDOTt owing to self-ordering. In addition, regioregular hexyl-PEDOTt has a conductivity of 0.788 S/cm by iodine doping. 相似文献
A.K. Singh 《Advanced Powder Technology》2010,21(6):609-613
The present study investigates the electrical and sensing properties of mechanically compacted pellets of nanosized zinc oxide powders synthesized by chemical method at room temperature in alcohol base using Triethanolamine (TEA) as capping agent. Synthesized ZnO particles has been characterized for its optical, structural, morphological properties using UV–VIS spectrophotometer, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The ZnO particles have hexagonal wurtzite structure and the particles are of 20–30 nm in size. The electrical properties of the prepared material have been investigated with Impedance Spectroscopy at different temperatures and frequencies and other laboratory setup. Resistivity, I–V curves, AC impedance of ZnO nanoparticles pellets with temperature was investigated and response was compared with commercial ZnO. Piezoelectric and oxygen sensing property of ZnO were also examined. Dynamic hysteresis of sintered ZnO pellet using axis ACCT TF analyzer 2000HS did not show polarization retention by sample. Oxygen sensing of ZnO pellet has been investigated for different concentrations of oxygen for the temperature range of 200–350 °C. The decrease of the current flow through the ZnO pellet with increasing oxygen concentration indicates the application of ZnO in oxygen sensing. The prepared ZnO particles were also used for preparing nanofluids of different concentrations and were characterized by measuring thermal conductivity using hot wire method which shows sigmoidal behavior over a temperature range of 10–50 °C. 相似文献
Shi Jufeng Xu Yangyi Wei Yunge Li Guifang 《Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics》2021,32(18):23156-23163
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics - Gd2O3-doped ZnO varistor ceramics were successfully prepared through the solid reaction sintering route. The influence of Gd2O3 additive on... 相似文献
具有一维Co-O链的Ca3CO2O6是一类新型高温热电材料。通过柠檬酸盐溶胶-凝胶法合成粉体,采用常压烧结方式制备陶瓷体。结果表明,在700℃煅烧干凝胶就可以生成片状的Ca3CO4O9晶体,随着煅烧温度的升高,在850℃保温2h的条件下,Ca3CO4O9基本转化为短棒状的Ca3CO2O6晶体。Ca3CO2O6为P型半导体,电阻率随着温度的升高而降低,Sccbcck系数随着温度的升高而增加,功率因子也呈现单调增加。 相似文献
Yinian Zhu Xuehong Zhang Fei Long Huili Liu Meifang Qian Na He 《Materials Letters》2009,63(13-14):1185-1188
A series of arsenate substituted hydroxyapatite was directly prepared through aqueous precipitation method. Characterization studies from elemental analysis, XRD, FT-IR spectra and SEM have confirmed the forming of the arsenate/phosphate hydroxyapatite solid solutions. The XRD analysis indicated that the unit cell a and c parameters did not vary smoothly with the degree of substitution as expected by the Vegard's Law. The solids with As/(P + As) = 0.46–1.0 were typically needle-like crystals; those with As/(P + As) = 0–0.46 large tabular. In FT-IR spectra, the area of the phosphate peak was gradually suppressed and that of the arsenate peak increased as the proportion of the arsenate increased. 相似文献
纳米氧化铋基材料高温相变的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以分析纯Bi(NO3)3·5H2O和Y(NO3)·6H2O为原料制备纳米β-Bi2O3和Bi2O3-Y2O3(75%(摩尔分数)Bi2O3 25%(摩尔分数)Y2O3)粉体,平均粒度分别为40和30nm.经TG-DTA、高温XRD以及高温拉曼的研究结果表明,亚稳态的纳米β-Bi2O3粉体在升温过程中于420℃先向低温稳定的α-Bi2O3转变,在720℃时向δ-Bi2O3相转变,降温过程则是由δ→β→α.由于纳米Bi2O3具有很高的活性,使得相变温度比微米Bi2O3有所降低.纳米Bi2O3-Y2O3复合粉体升温过程中,Y2O3的固溶反应在较低温度(400℃)开始,500℃时β-Bi2O3完全转变为δ相,同时Y2O3完全固溶到δ-Bi2O3晶体中.Y2O3的掺杂使得Bi2O3的β→δ相转变温度大幅降低. 相似文献
E. Chakroun-Ouadhour R. Ternane D. Ben Hassen-Chehimi M. Trabelsi-Ayadi 《Materials Research Bulletin》2008,43(8-9):2451-2456
The lacunary lead sodium vanadate apatite Pb8Na2(VO4)6 was synthesized by the solid-state reaction method. The compound was characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, infrared (IR) absorption spectroscopy and Raman scattering spectroscopy.By comparing the effect of vanadate and phosphate ions on electrical properties, it was concluded that Pb8Na2(VO4)6 apatite is better conductor than Pb8Na2(PO4)6 apatite. 相似文献
Kumar PR Venkateswarlu M Misra M Mohanty AK Satyanayana N 《Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology》2011,11(4):3314-3322
Lithium cobalt phosphate (LiCoPO4) nanoparticles were synthesized using modified polyol process. Shape and size of LiCoPO4 nanoparticles were controlled by using poly (vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) stabilizer. Coating of carbon over the LiCoPO4 nanoparticles was done using the resin coating process to enhance its conductivity. XRD and FTIR results respectively confirm the crystalline phase and structure of pure and carbon coated LiCoPO4 nanoparticles. SEM-EDX results confirm size and shape and also the presence of carbon over LiCoPO4 nanoparticles. Electrical conductivity of pure and carbon coated LiCoPO4 nanoparticles were evaluated by analyzing the measured impedance data using the win fit software. More than three orders of conductivity enhancement was observed in carbon coated LiCoPO4 nanoparticles when compared to pure ones. Further, transport properties like temperature dependence conductivity, AC conductivity, dielectric constant and electric modulus studies were made to find out the bulk and relaxation properties of LiCoPO4 nanoparticles. 相似文献
F. R. Díaz M. A. Del Valle L. H. Tagle J. L. Torres 《Journal of Materials Science》2003,38(11):2455-2459
The chemical copolymerization of aniline and 2,5-dibromoaniline or 2,6-dibromoaniline by oxidation with K2Cr2O7 in H2SO4/acetonitrile media has been carried out. Copolymer composition can be effectively controlled varying the monomer feed ratio. When substituted aniline fraction is increased in the copolymer, the electrical conductivity () decreases; this effect is more important when 2,6-dibromoaniline is used. Thus, the conductivity can be controlled in a broad range, from 1.2 to 10–6–10–11 S·cm–1 depending on the substituted aniline and the feed ratio. The relations between copolymer compositions and comonomer feed molar ratios shows that the aniline is slightly more reactive than dibromoanilines during the copolymerization process. All the copolymers were shown to be more processable than polyaniline. 相似文献
以硝酸铈和硝酸锆为原料用溶剂热的方法在甲酸中120℃加热24h制得了纳米Ce0.8Zr0.2O2固溶体材料,利用X射线衍射(XRD)、Raman光谱、扫描电镜(SEM)和投射电镜(TEM)对其进行了表征。在乙酸和正丁醇制备乙酸丁酯的反应中考察了其催化活性。XRD和Raman光谱显示出所制备的样品形成了具有氧化铈立方结构的均一固溶体。TEM结果表明所合成的Ce0.8Zr0.2O2的粒径〈100nm。在酯化反应中,Ce0.8Zr0.2O2固溶体具有较高的催化活性,且容易和反应液分离。反复实用10次后,其催化活性基本上保持不变。 相似文献
In the temperature range 1600 to 1900° C, the system A2O3-Cr2O3-ZrO2 is characterized by the coexistence of ZrO2 (unstablilized) and an (Al, Cr)2O3 solid solution series. In the systems MgO-Cr2O3-ZrO2 and MgO-Al2O3-ZrO2 a nearly stoichiometric spinel coexists with both stabilized and unstabilized ZrO2. At temperatures above 1600°C a new ternary Mg-Al-Zr oxide becomes stable in the MgO-rich part of the MgO-Al2O3-ZrO2 system. 相似文献
《Materials Chemistry and Physics》2007,101(2-3):428-432
Perovskite types Ba1−xMgxTi0.6Zr0.4O3 (with x = 0.0, 0.07, 0.14) ceramics have been prepared through solid state reaction route. The room temperature XRD study suggests the compositions have single phase cubic symmetry. Microstructural studies have shown a step decrease in grain size. The dielectric study revels that the materials are of relaxor type and undergoes a diffuse type ferroelectric phase transition. The diffusivity increase with increase in Mg contents in the studied composition range. The transition temperature decreases with increase in Mg contents due to the decrease in grain size. 相似文献