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为了更好地研究氨水混合工质透平,提升Kalina循环系统整体性能,对径流式氨水混合工质透平进行了一维热力学设计,并使用BladeGen、TurboGrid和ANSYS CFX软件进行三维数值模拟;将一维和三维建模方法分别与参考文献案例进行对比验证,并比较了透平一维热力计算与三维模型数值模拟的结果。结果表明:径流式氨水混合工质透平的性能通过热力设计模型估算,可大幅降低计算成本;透平一维热力计算与三维模型数值模拟得到的参数基本一致,所得透平等熵效率分别为84.67%和88.75%;工质在透平流道内流动均匀且无明显旋涡。 相似文献
为了更好地研究氨水混合工质透平,提升Kalina循环系统整体性能,对径流式氨水混合工质透平进行了一维热力学设计,并使用BladeGen、TurboGrid和ANSYS CFX软件进行三维数值模拟;将一维和三维建模方法分别与参考文献案例进行对比验证,并比较了透平一维热力计算与三维模型数值模拟的结果。结果表明:径流式氨水混合工质透平的性能通过热力设计模型估算,可大幅降低计算成本;透平一维热力计算与三维模型数值模拟得到的参数基本一致,所得透平等熵效率分别为84.67%和88.75%;工质在透平流道内流动均匀且无明显旋涡。 相似文献
刘雄 《柴油机设计与制造》2008,15(4)
对预混合燃烧降低碳烟形成的机理进行了数值模拟,并与仅有主喷射的燃烧过程的数值模拟计算结果进行对比,结果证明采用预混合燃烧确能降低柴油机碳烟形成。 相似文献
本文根据柴油机燃烧过程的数学模型,将Chemkin中甲醇燃烧动力学反应机理导入Fluent软件中,对各种比例下的甲醇柴油微乳液进行了燃烧模拟计算,并用S195柴油机在台架上对计算值进行测试验证。结果表明:数值模拟的方法可靠。在不改动柴油机结构的情况下,甲醇含量影响燃烧效果,低甲醇含量可以提高燃烧效率,高甲醇含量降低燃烧效率,甲醇含量为10%时最佳。 相似文献
Wenjing DING Liang GONG Yaling HE Wenquan TAO 《Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China》2008,2(1):48-53
A three-dimensional physical and numerical model of the basic pulse tube refrigerator (PTR) was developed. The compressible
and oscillating fluid flow and heat transfer phenomenon in the pulse tube were numerically investigated using a self-developed
code. Some cross-section average parameter variations such as velocity, temperature and pressure wave during one cycle were
revealed. The variations of velocity and temperature distributions in the pulse tube were also analyzed in detail for further
understanding of the working process and refrigeration mechanism of PTRs.
Translated from Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2006, 27(5): 737–740 [译自: 工程热物理学报] 相似文献
INTRoDUCTIONAfterthebasicpulsetuberefrigeratorwasfirstin-ventedbyGmerdandLongsworthl1],theorilicepulsetuberefrigeratorwasintroducedbyMikulinetal.[2]Double-inletpulsetuberefrigeratorwasreportedbyZhuetal.l3jStillothermodificationswerepresentedbyIshizakietall4landMatsubaraetal.l5]Illterestsinpulsetuberefrigeratorshavegrownrapidlyduetothefactthatithasnomovingpartsatthecoldend,soithasconsiderablesystemadvalltagesovermostoftheothertypesofrefrigeratorsinreliabilitylifetime,vibrationandcostI6-7… 相似文献
The mechanism of convective condensation heat transfer of moist mixed gas across a horizontal tube was studied in this paper. The models referring to how the liquid film flows and the heat transfers on the tube are set up by combining modified film model and Nusselt condensation theory. The effects of Re number, wall temperature, and water vapor concentration on condensation heat transfer are discussed. Results predict that the film thickness profile on the tube is influenced greatly by vapor shear force on liquid film. Local Nusselt number depends remarkably on gas phase heat resistance, which is different from pure vapor and very similar to single‐phase gas. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 36(6): 324–333, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20169 相似文献
Y.P. Banjare R.K. Sahoo S.K. Sarangi 《International Journal of Thermal Sciences》2009,48(12):2280-2287
Pulse tube refrigerator has the advantages of long life and low vibration over the conventional cryocoolers, such as Gifford–McMahon (GM) and Stirling coolers because of the absence of moving parts in low temperature. This paper performs a two-dimensional computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation of a Gifford–McMahon type double inlet pulse tube refrigerator (DIPTR), operating under a variety of thermal boundary conditions. A commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software package Fluent 6.1 is used to model the oscillating flow inside a pulse tube refrigerator. Helium is used as working fluid for the entire simulation. The simulated DIPTR consists of a transfer line, an after cooler, a regenerator, a pulse tube, a pair of heat exchangers for cold and hot end, an orifice valve with connecting pipe, a double inlet valve with connecting pipe and a reservoir. The simulation represents fully coupled systems operating in steady-periodic mode. The externally imposed boundary condition is sinusoidal pressure inlet by user defined function at one end of the tube and constant temperature or heat flux boundaries at the external walls of the hot end and cold-end heat exchangers. The general results, such as the cool down behaviors of the system, phase relation between mass flow rate and pressure at pulse tube section and the temperature profile along the wall of the cooler are presented.The simulation shows the minimum decrease in temperature at cold-end heat exchanger for a particular combination of cryocooler assembly. The CFD simulation results are compared with available experimental data. Comparisons show that there is a reasonable agreement between CFD simulation and experimental results. 相似文献
The modified film model combined with Nusselt's condensation theory are used for the study of convective condensation heat transfer on a horizontal tube with moist mixed horizontal gas flows at a given speed. A theoretical model considering gas boundary layer separation was set up. The liquid film flows and the heat transfer on the tube are presented. The effects of the flow direction on condensation heat transfer are discussed. The results predict that the condensate film is so thin that the liquid phase heat resistance can be ignored. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20238 相似文献
A. Jafarian M.H. Saidi N. Sarikhani S.K. Hannani 《International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer》2008
Recent developments of superconductive industries require cryocoolers with cooling power higher than 1 W in the 70–80 K temperature range. High capacity pulse tube cryocoolers assure the cooling power required for operation of superconducting devices. This paper presents numerical simulation of a high capacity pulse tube cryocooler, intended to provide more than 200 W cooling power at 80 K. In this respect the behavior of the cryocooler is explained by applying the mass and energy balance equations to different components of the cryocooler. Nodal analysis technique is employed to simulate the tube section behavior numerically. To perform the system optimization the influence of key operating parameters on cryocooler cooling capacity and coefficient of performance is studied. The proposed model reports the optimum cooling capacity of 244 W at 80 K cold end temperature at frequency of 50 Hz with 3.5 kW net power delivered to the gas. 相似文献
Dapeng HU Shengtao CHEN Hu LIU Zuzhi CHEN Che ZHU Institute of Chemical Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian Liaoning China 《热科学学报(英文版)》2006,15(4):337-341
The contact face and shock wave motion in an open ends receiving tube of gas waverefrigerator are investigated numerically and experimentally.The results show that,velocity of the contact face rises rapidly as gas is injected into the receiving tube,anddrops sharply after a steady propagation.However,velocity of the shock wave in thetube is almost linear.With increasing of inlet pressure,velocity of the shock waveand steady velocity of contact face also increase.In addition, time and distance ofcontact face propagation in the receiving tube become longer. 相似文献
Experimental studies of the influencing factors on the lowest refrigerating temperature of a miniature co‐axial pulse tube refrigerator have been carried out in this paper. The results show that with the decrease of the mole fraction of hydrogen in the hydrogen‐helium mixture, the lowest refrigerating temperature decreases, and when the mole fraction of hydrogen is below 20%, the lowest refrigerating temperature is close to that obtained using pure helium. In addition, it is also found that the optimum frequency of the compressor is about 16.7 Hz for different hydrogen‐helium mixtures. When the charge pressure of the compressor increases, the lowest refrigerating temperature decreases; however, the decreasing trend gradually slows down with the increase of the charge pressure. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 34(4): 219–225, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20065 相似文献
为缩短燃气灶的研发周期、降低研发成本、进一步提高燃气灶热效率,以旋流燃气灶为对象,以甲烷为燃料,利用Fluent模拟软件,研究了锥角和锅支架高度、一次空气系数因素对燃气灶热效率的影响。模拟结果表明:旋流燃气灶热效率随这三个参数的增大均呈现出先增后减的规律,其最大值分别发生在一次空气系数为0.6、锥角为45°、锅支架高度为22.5 mm时。为确定这三个参数的不同组合对热效率的影响,采用正交试验研究了这三个参数对热效率影响的显著性。试验结果表明:一次空气系数为0.6、锥角为45°、锅支架高度为22.5 mm为最优水平组合。 相似文献