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一、概况1.公司背景 上海永新彩色显像管股份有限公司系中外合资股份制企业,是由上海广电电子股份有限公司、永新彩管(香港)有限公司、上海久事公司、上海上菱电器股份有限公司和上海工业投资(集团)有限公司共同投资23.97亿元建成的特大型知识密集型和技术密集型企业。 公司引进日本东芝、日本三菱以及韩国LG的技术及关键设备,在消化吸收  相似文献   

日本东芝公司研制成一种用殷钢(Invarnickel steel)制造的彩色显象管荫罩,其热膨胀系数只是钢的10%。众所周知,荫罩是一块多孔片,它是安装在荧光屏的后面的,用以确保从三色电子枪发射出来的电子只能击中其对应的荧光物质上。因为荫罩  相似文献   

中外合资南京电子网板有限公司(中山集团下属单位)的第二期工程最近竣工投产,该工程投资2亿多元人民币,可年产彩管平板荫罩1200万张,产品品种包括14英寸到32英寸大屏幕以及16:9窄幅式彩  相似文献   

本文从材料的物理特性分析入手,通过热处理改变其部分物理特性,从而达到解决INVAR材成型荫罩翘曲量超差的目的。  相似文献   

本文结合生产实际,着重论述了将水基碱性清洗技术应用于成型荫罩的清洗工序,通过对工艺条件的摸索、对重大工艺不良采取了对策和对设备进行了必要的改造,最终达到了良好地清洗效果,从而结束了使用对臭氧层有破坏作用的三氯乙烷清洗荫罩的历史。  相似文献   

本文通过热拱效应现象,叙述了常用的分析评价方法,并简要介绍了热拱对策手段.  相似文献   

荫罩是彩色显像管的重要部件,本文详细介绍了提高64cm平面直角(FS)彩色显借管用于平板荫罩分辨率计算方法和计算结果,在不影响旧透过率和强度,又不用制作新的荫罩成形模具有以及彩管的其它部件的情况下,水平节距从原来的0.71mm降低到0.57mm,彩管的分辨纺从原来的587线提高到727线,而亮度及色纯等整管参数跟现行64cm彩管基本相同,可以更好的接受VGA信号,DVD图像以及电视节目。  相似文献   

介绍了东南大学开发的25in SMPDP,荫罩上像素间最小间距尺寸为0.66mm,可以显示SVGA分辨率.新的最小像素间距尺寸预示了将来42in SMPDP与HDTV的兼容性.重新设计的放电胞结构可以提供更大的显示面积,并更有利于显示平板的制造.对其技术发展和市场前景作了展望.  相似文献   

随着电子工业的快速发展,高密度集成电路和BGA封装器件也广泛用于军用电子产品,新的器件和焊接工艺对印制电路板的表面可焊涂覆层提出了新的要求,其不但要求涂覆层有良好的可焊性,而且要求涂覆层平整,印制板电镀镍/金涂层不但表面平整,可焊性好而且具有较好的三防性能和较长的存放期,因此,电镀镍/金印制板正逐渐被应用于高密度的军用电子产品,本文就印制板电镀镍/金过程中出现的问题进行探讨和交流。  相似文献   

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are a serious threat to Internet security. A lot of research effort focuses on having detection and prevention methods on the victim server side or source side. The Bloom filter is a space-efficient data structure used to support pattern matching problems. The filter is utilised in network applications for deep packet inspection of headers and contents and also looks for predefined strings to detect irregularities. In intrusion detection systems, the accuracy of pattern matching algorithms is crucial for dependable detection of matching pairs, and its complexity usually poses a critical performance bottleneck. In this paper, we will propose a novel Dual Counting Bloom Filter (DCBF) data structure to decrease false detection of matching packets applicable for the \(\textit{SACK}^2\) algorithm. A theoretical evaluation will determine the false rate probability of detection and requirements for increased memory. The proposed approach significantly reduces the false rate compared to previously published results. The results indicate that the increased complexity of the DCBF does not affect efficient implementation of hardware for embedded systems that are resource constrained. The experimental evaluation was performed using extensive simulations based on real Internet traces of a wide area network link, and it was subsequently proved that DCBF significantly reduces the false rate.  相似文献   

在125 mm(5英寸)硅抛光片清洗过程中,发现硅片边缘容易出现"色斑"现象。对这一现象进行了分析,通过工艺试验,消除了这种现象。  相似文献   

张卫明  李世取  刘九芬 《电子学报》2007,35(12):2258-2261
证明了二值图像隐写算法CPT的等价密钥量为2mn-r.把CPT算法看成一个特殊的分组密码,利用差分分析给出了一个求等价密钥的快速算法,该算法需要mn对明密文,时间复杂度为O(2r).  相似文献   

地球存在着地磁场,地磁场对彩色显像管(CPT)的色纯度影响很大.为了减小地磁场对CPT色纯度的影响,通常在CPT内部装有磁屏蔽组件(简称为内屏蔽).本文介绍一种无内屏蔽组件的CPT,它既降低了CPT的成本,又不影响CPT的品位,还能满足全球地磁场的兼容性.  相似文献   

This paper addresses impulse‐radio ultra‐wideband (IR‐UWB) transmission under the Russian spectral emission mask for unlicensed UWB radio communications. Four pulse shapes are proposed and their bit error rate (BER) performance is both estimated analytically and evaluated experimentally. Well‐known shapes such as the Gaussian, root‐raised cosine, hyperbolic secant, and the frequency B‐spline wavelet are used to form linear combinations of component pulses, shaped to make efficient use of the spectral emission mask. Analytical BER values are derived using a Nakagami‐m model, and good agreement is found with the experimentally obtained BER. The proposed pulse shapes allow IR‐UWB transmission with BERs below the limit for a 7% overhead forward error correction, achieving distances of up to 6.5 m at 1 Gbit/s, 4.5 m at 1.25 Gbit/s, and 1 m at  Gbit/s. These results confirm the viability of IR‐UWB transmission under the strict regulations of the Russian spectral emission mask.  相似文献   

通过对彩色显像管阴极套管表面氧化膜的微观分析,探讨和分析了阴极套管的黑化工艺机理及阴极套管氧化状态对阴极启动特性的影响,为生产工艺的优化提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

利用激光剥离技术实现直径为50.8 mm CaN LED外延膜的大面积完整剥离.激光剥离后的原子力显微镜(AFM)扫描和X射线双晶衍射谱(XRD)表明剥离前后外延膜的质量并未明显改变.并报道了在剥离掉后的蓝宝石(α-Al2O3)衬底上MOCVD外延生长InGaN/CaN多量子阱(MQW's)LED器件结构,通过光致发光谱(PL)和XRD谱对比分析了在相同条件下剥离掉后衬底与常规衬底上生长的CaN LED外延膜晶体质量.  相似文献   

22 October 2012, Shenzhen-ZTE Corporation announced it has launched the industry’s first PC-based capacity planning tool (CPT) for LTE networks. The CPT uses an innovative concept to overcome limitations in capacity planning technology. It provides operators with a professional, systematic aid for building the highest-performance networks. The CPT is based on a 3GPP protocol and incorporates four technology patents. With a powerful set of  相似文献   

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