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堆叠筛板填料已在核电站放射性气体除气塔中得到成功应用。针对这一新型填料的应用设计,在较广泛的气液流量下,对气液并流下行通过不同规格堆叠筛板填料的阻力特性进行了系统的实验。实验填料共6种规格,孔径参数包括6、10和14 mm,不同孔径填料对应不同的孔间距、板间距,每种孔径填料具有正方形和正三角形两种筛孔分布方式。通过压降数据分析,研究了流动参数和几何参数(孔径、开孔率、布孔方式、板间距)对气液两相并流通过填料的流动行为及压降特性的影响;结合多孔板阻力系数经验公式提出了堆叠筛板填料干板阻力系数的计算模型,模型很好地反映了不同几何参数对干板阻力系数的影响,预测偏差在5%范围以内;基于均相流模型提出了堆叠筛板填料气液两相压降的预测模型,模型预测偏差在10%范围以内。研究工作对堆叠筛板填料塔的应用设计及进一步的传质动力学研究有一定参考价值。 相似文献
针对堆叠筛板填料的基本单元,采用12种不同规格的孔板,研究了气液两相并流向下通过孔口的压降特性,阐明了气液流量、孔板结构对压降的影响规律。结果表明:压降随气液流量的增加而增大;随孔径的增大而减小;在筛板常用厚度范围内,孔口锐缘效应使得压降随板厚减小而增大。根据孔口压降行为不同,以气相雷诺数ReG=5000分界,建立了单一气相向下通过孔口的压降预测关联式;然后利用气相折算因子对关联式进行修正,得到了ReG>5000时气液并流向下通过孔口的压降预测关联式;当ReG<5000时,通过直接对单一气相阻力系数进行修正,得到了相应气相雷诺数范围内的气液两相压降预测关联式。 相似文献
通过高速摄像机和压力传感器测量,对脉冲流的产生机理、筛板数的影响、液相脉冲传播速度及频率进行了系统的研究。实验发现:脉冲流是重力和气流曳力作用下,孔口液相波动在向下传播过程中被叠加放大的动力学过程,且与气、液流量及筛板数密切相关;一定气量下,脉冲流的产生需要有一个最小(临界)液相流量,且增加液量可促进局部脉冲的产生,并使液相脉冲传播速度与频率均增大;临界液量之上,增大气量,气相的扰动作用增强,局部脉冲越容易产生,从而导致脉冲传播速度与频率均增大;进一步增大气量,液相脉冲会被逐渐分散,导致脉冲传播速度与脉冲频率均减小。增加筛板数,有利于增强脉冲流强度,从而导致脉冲流范围变宽,当筛板数少于三块时不会出现脉冲流。最后,基于实验结果分析,提出了脉冲传播速度及频率的预测关联式。 相似文献
导出了计算散装料层压降的半经验关联式,在包括泛点气速的多种空塔气速下,对11种填料的床层压降进行了计算,总平均计算误差为6.710%,泛点压降平均计算误差为7.727%,比文献上已有的关联图和关联式的准确性高。 相似文献
规整填料层压降的研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
根据实验数据研究了规整填料层压降的关联,导出了规整填料层压降的关联式,计算表明,与实验数据相吻合。各种规整填料在不同空塔气速下的压降计算误差一般在±15%以下,准确性优于文献公式,计算简便,为规整填料层压降的计算提供了可靠的方法。 相似文献
填料塔压降与泛点的关联式 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据工程设计的要求,以填料塔设计通用关联图为基础,采用正交筛选法进行数据处理,将图表回归成压降和泛点的简单关联式。并对图中近400组数据点与关联式的计算值作了对照检验。 相似文献
以空气-水为研究体系,在并流旋转填充床内采用整体式碳化硅(SiC)填料,利用单因素法,分别考察了转速、气量对干床压降的影响以及转速、气量、液量对湿床压降的影响。实验结果表明,对于干床压降,压降随转速的增大而减小,随气量增大而增大。当气量为183 m3·h-1、转速为1400 r·min-1时,压降为-140 Pa左右;对于湿床压降,压降随转速增大而减小,随气量增大而增大,液量变化对湿床压降影响不大。当气量为183 m3·h-1、液量为340 L·h-1、转速为1400 r·min-1时,湿床压降为-160 Pa左右。通过对实验数据的关联,分别得到了干床和湿床压降的关联式,与实验结果的偏差均在±15%以内。 相似文献
基于欧拉-欧拉模型,采用CFX软件对筛板式填料的气液两相并流流动进行了模拟。将模拟所得的压降与填料的出厂特性值进行了对比,发现在液气动能参数较小的情况下,两者吻合较好。分析了该流场内的速度分布和压力分布的特点,射流卷吸作用使流场内两相流体混合,但涡旋使筛板下方压强减小,射流撞击使筛板上方压强增加。对不同结构的矩形筛板式填料的压降进行研究,结果表明:筛板孔径和液相流量是影响筛板压降的重要因素,开孔直径越小,液相流量对单板压降的影响越大;上层筛孔投影与下层筛孔相交的结构更能有效降低单板压降。液相流量较大时,两个不同板间距的单板压降曲线将相交于一点,气相流量低于此交点时,板间距越小,单板压降越大;气相流量高于此交点时,则相反。 相似文献
分别应用标准k-ε模型、RNG k-ε模型和Realizable k-ε模型3种湍流模型并结合有限体积法,在不同空塔气体动能因子下数值模拟了筛孔塔板(0.38 m)的干板压降。数值计算结果分别同Hughmark-O'connell和Leibson实验结果进行了比较,吻合较好。通过模型对比,发现RNG k-ε模型和Realizable k-ε模型计算结果同实验结果比较接近,标准k-ε模型的计算结果误差较大。利用RNG k-ε模型研究了塔板厚度、筛孔直径同塔板干板阻力系数的关系曲线,随着筛孔直径和塔板厚度的增加,塔板阻力系数增加,相对于塔板厚度,筛孔直径的大小对阻力系数的影响更大。证明了计算流体力学在筛孔塔板干板压降的研究中有一定的可行性。 相似文献
为探究新型立体旋流筛板内构件对流化床流化质量的影响,文中以CRP-1催化裂化颗粒为介质,在气速U为0.087—1.311 m/s范围内,对比分析了自由床和旋流筛板流化床的压力脉动、压力脉动标准偏差和功率谱密度(PSD)。结果表明:低气速下,旋流筛板内构件破碎气泡效果显著,且颗粒分布均匀;U<0.7 m/s时,旋流筛板内构件对气泡的破碎作用大于扰动作用,床层波动较小,U>0.7 m/s时则效果相反;速度增大,旋流筛板内构件的作用逐渐减小,功率谱密度波峰多于自由床,且峰值对应的主频也随之增大。研究结果有助于旋流筛板内构件设计的进一步优化和工业应用。 相似文献
HUO Xiaoqian XU Ying WANG Jinghan ZHANG Tao MAIMAITI Aikebaier WANG Xigang 《化工学报》2021,71(12):5506-5514
Considering the influence of swirl attenuation, the pressure drop characteristics of gas-liquid spiral annular flow are studied, and the pressure drop prediction model of spiral annular flow is deduced. The swirl-straight ratio of pressure drop is defined as the ratio of pressure drop of swirl flow to straight flow, used to characterize the effect of swirl decay on pressure drop. The expression of swirl-straight ratio of pressure drop is derived by the method of dimensional analysis, and it has a strongly dependence on Lockhart-Martinelli coefficient and gas phase Froude number. Finally, the prediction model of pressure drop for gas-liquid swirl annular flow is obtained. The pressure drop characteristics of the swirl annular flow are experimentally studied in a horizontal tube with an inner diameter of 50 mm. The range of the gas superficial velocity is 10—16 m/s and the range of the liquid volume fraction (LVF) is 0.6%—4.8%. Through comparison with experimental data, the relative error of the pressure drop prediction model is within ±15%, which provides a method reference for engineering applications. 相似文献
Gas holdup and pressure drop measurements were made in two multistage bubble columns. Plates made from 6 mesh/in screen (α = 0.64) and those of Karr design (α = 0.53) were tested. An improved separated-flow model was developed for correlating the two-phase friction losses over the ranges: 0 ≤ VG ≤ 8.22 cm/s and 0 ≤ VL ≤ 6.12 cm/s. This model was also sound for the vibrating disk column introduced by Tojo et al. (1974). Empirical correlations are presented for the gas holdup and the pressure drop due to liquid circulation within these two columns. 相似文献
Modeling of dry pressure drop for fully developed gas flow in structured packing using CFD simulations 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Dry pressure drop in columns equipped with structured packings is considered to involve two components: drag force due to the direction changes near the column walls and in the transition region between two packing layers rotated to each other by 90°, and friction force between the different gas flows inside the crossing triangular channels and with the packing solid walls. It is believed that in a packed bed with compact sheet density and large packing surface area (above 250 m2/m3), the major contribution of the pressure drop is generated by the friction component.In this paper, a model is proposed to determine the dry pressure drop friction component. The gas is assumed to establish a fully developed turbulent flow inside the structured packing channels. The structured packing geometry consists of a combination of periodic elements. It is shown that the reproduction of one periodic element aerodynamics leads to determine the gas distribution and pressure drop inside the packed bed. Therefore, modeling the dry pressure drop through one periodic element is a meaningful representation of the dry pressure drop over the packing.CFD simulations are carried out on periodic elements using different turbulence models: RNG k−ε, realizable k−ε, and SST k−ω. The best results that agree with the experimental data in the literature are obtained with the SST k−ω model. The CFD model proposed is used to study the impact of packing geometry variations on the dry pressure drop and to bring up a correlation for the pressure drop with respect to changes of packing geometry: channel height dimension, channel opening angle, and corrugation angle. 相似文献