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以125种含水二元共沸物为研究对象,基于定量结构-性质关系,对该类共沸物在常压下的共沸温度及组成进行了预测研究,分别建立了多个预测模型。首先,利用HyperChem 8.0软件绘制了纯组分的三维分子结构,并利用分子力学方法和量子力学半经验方法对分子结构进行优化;然后,利用Materials Studio 8.0软件计算纯物质的分子描述符;其次,利用遗传算法分别筛选出与共沸温度及组成最为密切的特征描述符;再运用多元线性回归方法建立了6个共沸温度预测模型及5个共沸组成预测模型,并对模型的稳定性、拟合能力和预测能力进行对比分析;最后,对最适宜模型分别进行内部验证、外部验证、应用域分析、与文献中同类模型及UNIFAC基团贡献法进行对比。结果表明:最适宜共沸温度/组成预测模型分别是利用8/5个特征描述符所建立的模型;其复相关系数,调整复相关系数,均方根误差,平均绝对误差,留一法交叉验证系数和外部验证系数分别为0.960 6/0.997 0、0.957 2/0.996 9、2.940 0/0.016 1、1.890 0/0.010 4、0.947 5/0.995 7和0.943 9/0.997 6,且模型的稳定性、预测能力和泛化能力均优同类模型。 相似文献
甲醇-碳酸二甲酯二元共沸物的分离 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
分别用共沸精馏法和萃取精馏法对甲醇一碳酸二甲酯(DMC)二元共沸体系进行了分离,通过正交实验分别得到了最佳分离工艺条件。实验结果表明,共沸精馏法的最佳分离工艺条件:共沸剂正己烷用量为总质量(共沸剂+甲醇)的76%,回流比控制在3:1,馏出速率为6mL/min;萃取精馏法的分离最佳工艺条件:以糠醛为萃取剂,回流比控制在3:1,萃取剂滴加速率为3mL/min,萃取剂配比为4:1。并分别从装置和纯度方面对两种方法进行比较,结果表明萃取精馏法占优。 相似文献
随着工农业生产的发展,化学品生产的种类和数量与日俱增。据统计全世界每天使用的合成化学品达7万余种,这些化学品在生产、运输、再加工、使用等过程中不可避免地要进入环境,造成严重的化学污染。1982年“经济合作与开发组织”理事会规定了化学品投产前最基本的安全评价项目(MPO),全面对化学品进行评价以确定是否可以 相似文献
碳酸二甲酯的合成及其共沸物的分离 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
介绍了目前国内外碳酸二甲酯的合成及碳酸二甲酯—甲醇二元共沸物的分离方法,并指出了各种方法的优缺点。甲醇气相氧化碳基化法合成碳酸二甲酯具有发展潜力,对于甲醇—碳酸二甲酯二元共沸物的分离建议使用物料自身压力加压精馏法。 相似文献
碳酸二甲酯-甲醇二元共沸物的分离方法 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
讨论了分离碳酸二甲酸-甲醇二元共沸物的各种方法,重点介绍了最有工业化前景的萃取精馏法,并对萃取剂的选择作了较为详细的讨论。 相似文献
N.J.K. Rantonen 《Carbon》2008,46(9):1225-1231
Ultraviolet laser irradiation into a mixture of supercritical carbon dioxide and benzene at 266 nm wavelength in an electric field of 8 kV/cm resulted in production of needle-shaped carbon filaments at low temperature, observed Tmin being 33.5 °C. Structures could only be produced under near- and supercritical conditions, and did not appear in sub-critical conditions, i.e., in the gas-liquid coexistence state. The filaments are straight, with maximum observed length approximately 20 μm, and are 0.5-1 μm in diameter at the base, and approximately 300 nm at the tip. They do not bundle together, but grow individually, aligned radially from the sharp edges of the silicon substrates attached to the electrodes. No catalyst particles were found inside, at the base or the tip of the filaments. We suggest that the primary facilitator in the filament growth is the local electric field strength, which corresponds to the substrate morphology, possibly further assisted by the unusual properties of the critical fluid phase, such as increased miscibility and high isothermal compressibility. The structures were observed by scanning electron microscopy, and further characterized by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and visible and ultraviolet Raman spectroscopy. 相似文献
Development of nano carbon containing magnesia carbon refractories has been studied to reduce the total carbon content, thereby reducing the heat loss from the metallurgical process and producing more eco-friendly refractories. The carbon contamination from refractory to liquid metal will be minimized using low amount of nano carbon. Different percentages of nano carbon are used in combination with graphite as carbon source and the total carbon is maintained below the half of the total carbon of the conventional MgO-C refractories. The compositions were processed as per the conventional manufacturing techniques and the properties were evaluated and compared against the conventional refractory prepared under exactly similar conditions. Also elemental mapping of carbon was done to study the distribution of the nano carbon in the matrix. 相似文献
Ordered mesoporous carbons (OMCs) with embedded metallic nickel (Ni) nanoparticles have been directly synthesized by a simple and low temperature (50 °C) hydrothermal method. The synthesis involved the use of a triblock copolymer Pluronic F127 as the mesostructure directing agent, resorcinol (R) and formaldehyde (F) as carbon precursors, and Ni(NO3)2·6H2O as nickel source. It consisted in the self-assembly of F127, Ni2+ salt and RF polymer in an acidic medium and further carbonization, where the Ni2+ was captured by the network of F127/RF and further reduced into metallic Ni nanoparticles. The resultant Ni/carbon materials were characterised by X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, transmission electron microscopy and nitrogen sorption. Ni/carbon materials with a highly ordered mesostructure were obtained using equal moles of resorcinol and formaldehyde molar ratio (R/F = 1/1), whereas an excess amount of formaldehyde (R/F = 1/2) was found to not form an ordered carbon structure. The results showed that nickel particles, with sizes of ∼10–50 nm, were homogeneously dispersed in the carbon matrices, while the pore mesostructure remained intact. The homogeneous Ni/carbon composites synthesized by this easy hydrothermal route have been demonstrated to be effective molecular adsorbents for magnetic separation. 相似文献
It is shown that ridges and valleys in the boiling temperature surface do not coincide with azeotropic distillation region boundaries. Thus, the prevai and valleys is shown to be false. This allows for a greater flexibility in design and a better understanding of the behavior of azeotropic distillation 相似文献
Ultra‐low temperature sintering microwave dielectric ceramics based on Ag2O–MoO3 binary system

The Ag2Mo2O7 and Ag6Mo10O33 ceramics for ultra‐low temperature co‐fired ceramic application were prepared by the solid‐state reaction route. The optimized densification temperatures of Ag2Mo2O7 and Ag6Mo10O33 are 460°C and 500°C, respectively. The phase structures and microstructures of these ceramics were systematically studied. The Ag2Mo2O7 ceramic sintered at 460°C/4 h exhibits excellent microwave dielectric properties with εr=13.3, Q×f=25 300 GHz and τf=?142 ppm/°C at 9.25 GHz. The Ag6Mo10O33 ceramic sintered at 500°C/4 h shows the microwave dielectric properties with εr=14.0, Q×f=8500 GHz and τf=?50 ppm/°C at 9.00 GHz. Moreover, when Ag2Mo2O7 samples are sintered at ultra‐low sintering temperatures of 420°C‐490°C, the Q×f values of them are all above 20 000 GHz. Besides, the Ag2Mo2O7 ceramic does not react with silver powder or aluminum powder. The variation of relative permittivity, resonant frequency, and Q×f values as a function of operating temperature has been also studied. All the results indicate that the Ag2Mo2O7 ceramic is a good candidate for ultra‐low temperature co‐fired microwave devices. 相似文献
Experiments with elemental mercury (Hg0) adsorption by activated carbons were performed using a bench-scale fixed-bed reactor at room temperature (27°C) to determine the role of surface moisture in capturing Hg0. A bituminous-coal-based activated carbon (BPL) and an activated carbon fiber (ACN) were tested for Hg0 adsorption capacity. About 75-85% reduction in Hg0 adsorption was observed when both carbon samples’ moisture (∼2 wt.% as received) was removed by heating at 110°C prior to the Hg0 adsorption experiments. These observations strongly suggest that the moisture contained in activated carbons plays a critical role in retaining Hg0 under these conditions. The common effect of moisture on Hg0 adsorption was observed for both carbons, despite extreme differences in their ash contents. Temperature programmed desorption (TPD) experiments performed on the two carbons after adsorption indicated that chemisorption of Hg0 is a dominant process over physisorption for the moisture-containing samples. The nature of the mercury bonding on carbon surface was examined by X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy. XAFS results provide evidence that mercury bonding on the carbon surface was associated with oxygen. The results of this study suggest that surface oxygen complexes provide the active sites for mercury bonding. The adsorbed H2O is closely associated with surface oxygen complexes and the removal of the H2O from the carbon surface by low-temperature heat treatment reduces the number of active sites that can chemically bond Hg0 or eliminates the reactive surface conditions that favor Hg0 adsorption. 相似文献
为了提高生物脱氮效率,采用序批式生物反应器(SBR)处理模拟废水。在pH=7.0—8.5、温度10—15℃、溶解氧(DO)为3—5 mg/L、污泥浓度(MLSS)为(3 500±200)mg/L、ρ(NH4+-N)为50—70 mg/L条件下,分别考察蔗糖、醋酸钠和乙醇作为碳源对SBR工艺同步硝化反硝化(SND)脱氮效果和胞外聚合物(EPS)的影响。结果表明,蔗糖作为碳源时,当进水COD为370 mg/L时,COD去除率达到86%,SND率为88.3%,ρ(EPS)为659 mg/L;当醋酸钠作为碳源时,COD去除率达83.9%,SND率为68.8%,ρ(EPS)为742 mg/L;当乙醇作为碳源时,COD去除率仅为72.8%,SND率为58%,ρ(EPS)为736 mg/L。与醋酸钠和乙醇相比,蔗糖更适合作为低温下SBR工艺同步硝化反硝化的碳源。 相似文献