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基于视知觉的视觉信息界面设计研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
王苗辉 《包装工程》2011,32(8):49-51,55
以用户注意、人机交互的方式和具体过程对用户能否准确、迅速认知产品的视觉信息界面有着重要影响为启示,为提高用户对产品的注意以及人机交互的效率,即改善用户对产品的认知,从产品视觉信息界面中的视觉元素的分组和布局、视觉元素的属性以及视觉元素含义的理解3个方面入手进行了具体的研究。在此基础上,提出了相应的设计对策。  相似文献   

新媒体环境下的视知觉审美研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张湛 《包装工程》2016,37(8):9-11,81
目的研究视知觉审美在新媒体环境下维持不变与产生变化的部分。方法通过格式塔心理学中视知觉的基础审美原理和现代传播理论,对新媒体环境下的视觉文化发展进行分析,进而分析视觉文化变化中视知觉审美的变与不变。结论新媒体促使视觉文化往去中心化发展,复制品的泛滥让体验价值变得关键,创作者应遵循视知觉基础审美原理,重视体验价值,激发受众对作品进行二次创造的热情。  相似文献   

以人类视知觉中的简化心理为启示,通过实例分析归纳了视觉形式的简化不但能让人心理愉悦还能传达寓意。在此基础上,提出了视觉传达设计中,视觉形式的表现应顺应人们的视觉审美心理取向,利用人们对符号等抽象、概括形体的喜好,去除对视觉再现无用的信息,通过简洁的、有意味的形式来传达更为深刻的含义与信息。  相似文献   

顾燕  张杰 《包装工程》2008,29(2):168-169,174
分析了研究视知觉的形成过程和视知觉规律,阐述了视知觉在包装设计中的重要作用,并通过实例分析运用图形、色彩2种视觉语言进行包装设计的具体方法.强调设计师应该从视知觉的特征中寻找设计的突破口,将包装设计改进得更符合人的生理和心理需求.  相似文献   

龙真 《包装工程》2014,35(20):75-78
目的研究视知觉规律在包装设计中的运用。方法从视知觉的定义及其规律入手,分析视知觉规律对于包装设计的重要作用,探讨视知觉规律在包装设计中的运用。结论视知觉规律在包装设计中对于丰富和发展包装设计理论具有重要的作用,使设计能够更好地符合消费者的需求,以此提升产品的竞争力。  相似文献   

本文简述了Gibson的知觉加工地面理论,概述了客体目标距离与主体知觉感知距离两者关系的Gilinsky方程,回顾了以二者为基础展开的一系列以往研究及取得的成果,对视觉系统整合客观环境信息、产生距离知觉的编码加工过程进行总结阐释,并对该课题研究在驾驶安全、现代交通设计等领域的应用作了展望。  相似文献   

秦波 《包装工程》2005,26(2):153-154,179
完形心理学是探讨人类对于图像的认知反应的科学,以强调知觉活动过程中的整体性、独特性为特征.从工业设计角度出发,通过其知觉组织原则与产品形态特征的分析和理解,可以进一步了解和把握产品形态的视觉规律,对于产品形态的设计与创造有着重要的作用和意义.  相似文献   

城市公园绿地植物配置与知觉心理效应调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市公园绿地,是城市中向公众开放的,以游憩为主要功能,有一定的游憩和服务设施,同时兼具有健全生态、美化景观、防灾减灾等综合作用的绿地。它是城市建设用地、城市绿地系统和城市市政公用设施的重要组成部分,是表示城市整体环境水平和居民生活质量的一项重要指标。城市公园绿地作为城市的“绿肺”,它既有观赏功能又具生态功能,公园中优美且合理的植物配置空间会给公园带来更多的生机,使其功能更加完善,充分发挥其各项作用。  相似文献   

柳林 《包装工程》1995,16(6):39-40,30
从观察、个性、本质方面阐述了商品包装造型艺术的表体选择,并且从整理、结构、简练方面阐述了它的概括、说明了选择、概括是设计师对自然(商品)形体艺术加工和创造的整个表现过程。  相似文献   

In the present study the functional fatigue in the commercial SMP Veriflex® which is associated with repeating up to 20 programming/1‐WE cycles has been examined. The material is characterized by a glass temperature Tg of 67 °C, above which it looses all its strength. During tensile testing at 21 °C (T < Tg), stresses steadily increase to 26 MPa as strains approach the rupture strain of 7.6 %. At 80 °C (T > Tg) the material can be strained up to 225 % before rupture occurs while stresses slowly increase to values as low as 0.4 MPa. Thermomechanical cycles including programming, cooling and unloading and heating to trigger the one way effect result in an increase of irreversible strain associated with a corresponding decrease of recovery ratio at the beginning of thermomechanical cycling. In parallel a wavy surface structure evolves during cycling.  相似文献   

殷实 《包装工程》2020,41(4):291-293
目的分析视觉思维模式与视觉传达设计的关系,探究视觉思维模式在视觉传达设计中的应用原则及创新策略。方法从视觉思维和视觉传达设计的内涵、特点入手,指出两者之间存在的千丝万缕的联系,且在一定程度上具有相通性,接着从视觉传达设计中创新思维的具体分类进行分析,得出视觉传达设计中创新视觉思维的具体应用原则,如视觉中心、比例与尺度、对比与统一、对称与均衡、整体与局部等,然后以此为基础,从具体的包装设计和广告招贴设计领域展开分析与探索,提出创新及综合运用联想思维、逆向思维和发散思维等思维模式提升视觉传达设计的水平和质量的有效策略。结论视觉传达设计借助视觉思维模式进行了全新的设计探索,能够轻松地找到最有效的创新方案,使整个作品呈现出理想的设计效果。  相似文献   

It is well known that the achievement of high transformation strains in shape memory alloys (SMAs) has been curtailed by plastic deformation mediated via dislocation slip. In particular, the utilization of SMAs at high temperatures is also hindered by plastic slip. In this paper, an overview of the most important SMAs is provided by constructing transformation strain, transformation temperature, and slip resistance plots to put existing works in perspective. To this plots, we added results on NiTiHf alloys which impart both high temperature capability and high slip resistance at unprecedented levels. The remarkable finding is that NiTiHf alloys can undergo transformation strains near 20% and transformation temperatures exceeding 400 °C.  相似文献   

We address the problem of two-dimensional heat conduction in a solid slab embedded with an isothermal, symmetric pipe of general cross-section. Similar formulations have applications in continuum mechanics and electricity. The main objective of this work is to develop a Shape Optimization algorithm that will reveal the optimal shapes of the pipe such that the conduction rate is maximized or minimized. This is achieved by optimizing the Shape Factor. To obtain the Shape Factor we transform the pipe into a strip using the generalized Schwarz-Christoffel transformation, and develop an integral equation of the first kind for the temperature gradient using Fourier transform techniques. The integral equation is solved both numerically and analytically/asymptotically. The fact that the Shape Factor is a monotonic function of the length of the strip suggests a Shape Optimization formulation where the objective function is the length of the strip and the variables of the optimization are the parameters of the generalized Schwarz-Christoffel transformation. Optimal shapes for the problem of minimizing the conduction rate are computed numerically and validated with an analytical solution. Numerical results for maximizing the transport rate are also obtained. The versatility and the robustness of the numerical optimization algorithm offers opportunities for improving the design of similar processes with non-linear equality and inequality constraints.  相似文献   

Shape memory properties provide a very attractive insight into materials science, opening unexplored horizons and giving access to unconventional functions in every material class (metals, polymers, and ceramics). In this regard, the biomedical field, forever in search of materials that display unconventional properties able to satisfy the severe specifications required by their implantation, is now showing great interest in shape memory materials, whose mechanical properties make them extremely attractive for many biomedical applications. However, their biocompatibility, particularly for long‐term and permanent applications, has not yet been fully established and is therefore the object of controversy. On the other hand, shape memory polymers (SMPs) show promise, although thus far, their biomedical applications have been limited to the exploration. This paper will first review the most common biomedical applications of shape memory alloys and SMPs and address their critical biocompatibility concerns. Finally, some engineering implications of their use as biomaterials will be examined.  相似文献   

论香水容器造型设计的模拟性   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
杜平 《包装工程》2003,24(2):76-77
论述香水容器造型设计中的模拟性,是指依照客观形象进行描绘和塑造,一般表现在器物的立体造型上,即模拟各种生物形象。模拟不等于复制,模拟则具有较多的主观创造因素,是对物体形象的再创造。  相似文献   

视觉思维与语言思维的结合   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
谭昕 《包装工程》2003,24(6):144-145
思维活动是对知觉活动的成品进行再加工的过程,在包装装潢设计的不同阶段,所使用的思维方式也有所不同,具体体现为语言思维与视觉思维这两种方式的更替与结合。语言思维与视觉思维的结合,弥合了感性与理性、感知与思维、艺术与科学之间的裂缝。  相似文献   

通过低温DSC测试仪、金相显微镜和拉伸试验机,研究NiTi形状记忆合金冷轧变形量对马氏体相变行和形状恢复率的影响。结果表明:冷轧变形生成的应力诱发马氏体和取向不同的丝织构及高密度位错,使得马氏体相变时界面迁移的阻碍作用增加,抑制了相变的发生;随冷轧变形量的增大合金的形状恢复率降低。  相似文献   

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