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The Shaanxi provincial government is looking for investors for three methanol-to-olefin (MTO) projects in Yulin area. It is told that these project will be set up in Yushen, Yuheng and Shanchang coal chemical industry parks, respectively,which will use coal as the starting material provided by nearby coal mines. The investment in Yushen project is about 9.67  相似文献   

SINOPEC plans during the "11th Five-Year Plan" period to construct a 800 kt/a steam cracking unit at Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Company. SINOPE has approved the proposal on construction of this unit, which is scheduled for startup by 2008 or 2009. Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Company is located in Zhejiang province and is a giant domestic refinery  相似文献   

SINOPEC Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Branch Company intends to invest 20 billion RMB (2.4 billion US dollars) to construct in 2010 in Ningbo, Zhejiang province a largest in China petrochemical integrated unit, including a 1.0 Mt/a ethylene unit. The proposal on construction of this project is awaiting the approval by the Central Govemment. It will take three years to execute the project construction.  相似文献   

The existing Formosa Plastics MMA unit in Mailiao, which was constructed to run in tandem with the third phase of No. 6 ethylene plant, was pre-commissioned and started up in 2001, and currently has been operating smoothly.A  相似文献   

墨西哥授予环球实业Akal MB油气管道安装工程  据美国《油气在线》3月 2 0日报道 ,墨西哥国家石油公司 (Pemex)将授予环球海洋 (墨西哥 )公司一份价值4× 10 7US$建设合同 ,将安装 3条连接墨西哥海上Akal油田生产平台的油气管道。Akal MB开发项目位于Yu catanPeninsula附近约 80km的Campeche湾Cantarell油田。环球公司将使用其 4 0 0英尺的Shawnee号管道铺设船在 16 5英尺深的水下进行安装。(饶兴鹤摘译自OGJonline ,2 0 0 4-0 3 -2 0 )美国Devon能源公司获得尼日利亚海域区块石油生产合同  据美国《油气在线》3月 2 2日报道 ,…  相似文献   

卡塔尔石油公司要建设全球最大的气变油 (GTL)工业   2 0 0 4年 3月卡塔尔石油公司和SasolChevron公司 (南非Sasol和美国Chevron合资公司 )宣布 ,在卡塔尔合资扩建一个和新建一个GTL(天然气变液体燃料 )厂 ,生产能力共 11.0 0Mt/a。扩建是把现在卡塔尔东北RasRaffan的GTL厂 (简称ORYXGTL)从现有 5 4 0 0m3 /d(约 1.70Mt/a)能力扩大到 16 0 0 0m3 /d(约 5 .0 0Mt/a)。扩建采用增加 3列生产线 ,每列的 3部分技术早先已确定用丹麦HaldorTopse公司的自热重整从天然气制合成气 (CO +H2 ) ;再用Sasol公司的浆相低温反应器和新型…  相似文献   

新型耐高温树脂应用前景好  九江石化总厂科研所与天津大学合作开发成功一种新型高分子树脂。该树脂利用该厂催化裂化重油中的稠环芳烃为原料 ,耐热性能及自润滑性好 ,且与碳材料有较好的粘合性 ,可以用作碳 碳复合材料基体和摩擦材料的粘合剂 ,用于制造汽车刹车片、高温密封件、机械传动轴套等。这种新型耐高温树脂可耐热 4 0 0℃不分解 ,其耐热性能可以和价格昂贵的聚酰亚胺树脂媲美 ,而且利用催化裂化重油中的稠环芳烃合成的树脂价格相对较低 ,产品具有较好的市场前景。(钱伯章 供稿 )新型加氢裂化预处理催化剂FF 2 6通过鉴定  一…  相似文献   

The feasibility of construction of a 500kt/a ethylene unit using catalytic pyrolysis process (CPP), 270 kt/a PVC revamp unit and 110kt/a acrylate unit, in which Shenyang Chemical Group will invest 4 billion RMB, has been reviewed and approved by the State Assets Management Commission.  相似文献   

Henan Zhongyuan Dahua Group Company has officially kicked off a coal chemical development planning project. As specified in the overall planning, Zhongyuan Dahua Co. will adopt Shell's technology to construct a 2.0 kt/d (660 kt/a) coal gasification unit, the downstream units of which will include a 400 kt/a methanol unit, a 180 kt/a formaldehyde unit,a 20 kt/a urea-formaldehyde resin unit, a 50 kt/a polyformaldehyde unit, a 50 kt/a dimethyl ether unit, a 30  相似文献   

跨国公司看好中国乙烯市场将不断扩展的商机,纷纷参与中国乙烯工业的规模化经营。现有巴斯夫、BP、壳牌、埃克森美孚和陶氏化学公司在中国组建了6家大型乙烯合资企业。具体为:巴斯夫公司与中国石化扬子石化公司参建扬巴一体化600 kt/a乙烯工程,定于2004~2005年投产:BP公司与中国石化上海石化公司参建赛科石化900 kt/a乙烯工程,定于2005年投产;埃克森美孚公司与中国石化福建  相似文献   

Sinopec launched a subsidiary company in midNovember, Sinopec Qingdao Refinery and Chemical Company, to construct and operate a US$1.2 billion refinery in Qingdao, East China‘s Shandong Province. The refinery,which was first initiated 12 years ago, is an important move for Sinopec to complete its refinery deployment along the coast line to cash in on rapid market growth and better handle imports of crude oil.  相似文献   

The 5 kt/a enlarged acrylic acid unit at Jilin Petrochemical Company had been put on stream on August 12, 2004. This unit is the third project commissioned among “eight large projects” to be commissioned at Jilin Petrochemical Company.Test run of unit provided with feedstock was commenced on July 28, and all process parameters had complied with design  相似文献   

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