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CORBA是一种当前流行的基于对象技术的中间件平台.CORBA对应用屏蔽了分布式系统的异构性.然而目前许多CORBA系统没有充分地考虑容错问题,而容错是运行在异构环境中的分布式应用的核心问题之一.因此,在最近几年对容错CORBA的研究成为CORBA技术的一个研究热点.本文讨论了对象复制技术的若干问题,提出了基于标准组通信机制的、能够容忍节点故障也能够容忍数值错误的基于选举的主动复制策略.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new clustering architecture for SNMP agents that supports semi-active replication of managed objects. A cluster of agents provides fault-tolerant object functionality: replicated managed objects of a crashed agent of a given cluster may be accessed through a peer cluster. The proposed architecture is structured in three layers. The lower layer corresponds to the managed objects at the network elements. The middle layer contains management entities called clusters that monitor and replicate managed objects. The upper layer allows the definition of management clusters as well as the relationship between clusters. A practical tool was implemented and is presented. The impact of replication on network performance is evaluated as well as a probabilistic analysis of replicated object consistency.  相似文献   

针对分布式环境提出一种容错的文件数据复制与更新机制,其算法/协议建立在分布式算法理论的基础上,具有较强的容错性、故障恢复透明性和较高的效率,支持服务器同步和异步两种复制模式以及客户机启动与服务器启动两种工作方式。该机制可广泛应用于Internet分布式文件系统、分布式数据库、WEB镜像服务器以及分布式软件分发、群集服务器等应用中。  相似文献   

在设计实时异构系统中的容错调度算法时,既要考虑到实时性的约束,又要最大化系统的可靠性.此外,异构系统中的并行应用调度问题已经被证明了是NP完全问题.现有的容错调度算法大多采用复制技术来提升系统的可靠性,但是任务的多次执行会导致应用执行时间变长,系统实时性下降.为此,提出了一个基于积极复制技术的容错调度算法,该算法连续的复制任务集中对当前系统实时性影响最小的任务,然后将任务集中的所有任务调度至最早完成的处理器,用以在满足实时性约束的同时,提升系统的可靠性.实验表明,相比于同样着眼于实时异构系统的DB-FTSA算法,该算法在实时性约束严格的情况下,可靠性有较大提升.  相似文献   

Chandra  Ramesh  Liu  Xue  Sha  Lui 《Real-Time Systems》2003,24(2):153-169
Many real-time systems, such as manufacturing plants, have long life cycles. To enable the realization of technological innovations and to mitigate the risk and cost of bringing new control technologies into functioning systems, flexible and reliable real-time software architectures such as Simplex have been developed. There is also an emerging trend that integrates the design of controllers and schedulers. For example, algorithms that identify the optimal frequencies of control tasks subject to schedulability constraints have been developed, and the notion of feedback schedulers has been investigated. However, the optimization of the performance of flexible and reliable architectures with analytically redundant software controllers has remained an open problem. In fact, a direct application of the existing optimization methods would not yield the optimal frequencies. In this paper, we present a method that correctly finds the optimal frequencies for systems using analytically redundant controllers. We also show that the proposed method is robust against inaccuracies in the estimation of failure rates of the controllers.  相似文献   

异构分布式实时仿真系统的容错调度算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘云生  张童  张传富  查亚兵 《软件学报》2006,17(10):2040-2047
异构分布式实时仿真系统是一类特殊的实时系统,基于改进的SP(spare processor)容错模型(checkpoint-based spare processor,简称CSP)对其容错问题进行了研究.首先,根据仿真系统的特点提出了两个命题,这是后续工作的基础;而后,基于Markov链对仿真任务的最坏反应时间进行了分析,并提出了仿真任务的可调度性分析规则;最后,基于CSP容错模型和上述可调度分析规则提出了异构分布式实时仿真系统的容错调度算法CSP-RTFT.算法的仿真结果表明:该算法较之基于SP模型的算法SP-RTFT可获得更好的稳定性、更高的任务接收率;缺点是资源利用率比PB模型下的算法要低.  相似文献   

分布式实时系统的容错调度算法   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
秦啸  庞丽萍  韩宗芬  李胜利 《计算机学报》2000,23(10):1056-1063
提出了两种分布式实时容错调度算法:副版本后调度算法(BKCL)及无容错需求后调度算法(NFRL),并研究了算法的时间复杂度,这两种容雕工算法能同时调度具有容错需求的实时任务和无容错需求的实时任务,BKCL和NFRL所产生的调度可保证:在分布式系统中一个节点机失效的情况下,具有容错需求的实时任务仍然可在截止时间内完成,在描述了两个实时容错调度算法之后,分别证明了这两个算法的容错调度正确性。接着,阐述  相似文献   

The development of distributed real-time embedded systems presents a signi-ffcant practical challenge both because of the complexity of distributed computation and because of the need to rapidly assess a wide variety of design alternatives in early stages when requirements are often volatile. Formal methods can address some of these challenges but are often thought to require greater initial investment and longer development cycles than is desirable for the development of noncritical systems in highly competitive markets.In this paper we propose an approach that takes advantage of formal modelling and analysis technology in a lightweight way, making signi cant use of readily available tools. We describe an incremental approach in which detail is progressively added to abstract system-level speci cations of functional and timing properties via intermediate models that express system architecture, concurrency and distribution. The approach is illustrated using a modelof a home automation system. The models are expressed using the Vienna Development Method (VDM) and are validated primarily by scenario-based tests.  相似文献   

Thispaper presents resource management techniques that achieve thequality of service (QoS) requirements of dynamic real-time systemsusing open architectures and commercial off-the-shelf technologies(COTS). Dynamic real-time systems are subject to constant changessuch as a varying external environment, overload of internalsystems, component failure, and evolving operational requirements.Examples of such systems include the emerging generation of computer-based,command and control systems of the U.S. Navy. To enable the engineeringof such systems, we present adaptive resource management middlewaretechniques that achieve the QoS requirements of the system. Themiddleware performs QoS monitoring and failure detection, QoSdiagnosis, and reallocation of resources to adapt the systemto achieve acceptable levels of QoS. Experimental characterizationsof the middleware using a real-time benchmark illustrate itseffectiveness for adapting the system for achieving the desiredreal-time and survivability QoS during overload situations.  相似文献   

We present a novel mobile code management environment,currently under design and development. Our design employs anopen architecture, suitable for ``plug-and-play' with COTS andother groups' tools. While we have studied new algorithms, costand objective functions, and other fundamental issues, the maincontribution of this experimental research work is in the environmentitself. It should be noted that networked platforms, such asthe World Wide Web, are inherently not suitable for traditional,predictable real-time applications. Thus, real-time concernsnecessarily need to be blended with others concerns, and thetarget applications, making use of our environment, will toobe a blend of partially hard real-time and partially (or mostly)soft-real- time ones. The prototype environment will thereforesupport performance-based analysis and management focusing notonly on predictability but also on compilation, efficiency, safetyand other tradeoffs. We have selected the Java language and itsbytecode format as a representation for mobile code as well asa language for our implementation.  相似文献   

实时产生式系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
产生式系统是一种重要的人工智能程序设计语言,但却比较难于应用到实时领域之中.本文在分析其在实时应用方面两个主要不足的基础上,对实现实时产生式系统的几种可能途径与方法做了较为深入的探讨.  相似文献   

对于诸如Web服务这种面向广域环境的分布计算,服务应答慢等同于不可用。它在不改变可用性的前提下对算法的性能提出了很高的要求。然而目前的容错算法很少致力于提高算法的性能。文中提出一种新的复制算法RRR。它的主要优点是:应答由处理速度最快的副本返回,响应时间短;节约系统资源;基于主动复制,但避免了重复嵌套呼叫问题。最后用理论分析和实验证明了算法的优点。  相似文献   

Threshold-Based Dynamic Replication in Large-Scale Video-on-Demand Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent advances in high speed networking technologies and video compression techniques have made Video-on-Demand (VOD) services feasible. A large-scale VOD system imposes a large demand on I/O bandwidth and storage resources, and therefore, parallel disks are typically used for providing VOD service. Although striping of movie data across a large number of disks can balance the utilization among these disks, such a striping technique can exhibit additional complexity, for instance, in data management, such as synchronization among disks during data delivery, as well as in supporting fault tolerant behavior. Therefore, it is more practical to limit the extent of data striping, for example, by arranging the disks in groups (or nodes) and then allowing intra-group (or intra-node) data striping only. With multiple striping groups, however, we may need to assign a movie to multiple nodes so as to satisfy the total demand of requests for that movie. Such an approach gives rise to several design issues, including: (1) what is the right number of copies of each movie we need so as to satisfy the demand and at the same time not waste storage capacity, (2) how to assign these movies to different nodes in the system, and (3) what are efficient approaches to altering the number of copies of each movie (and their placement) when the need for that arises. In this paper, we study an approach to dynamically reconfiguring the VOD system so as to alter the number of copies of each movie maintained on the server as the access demand for these movies fluctuates. We propose various approaches to addressing the above stated issues, which result in a VOD design that is adaptive to the changes in data access patterns. Performance evaluation is carried out to quantify the costs and the performance gains of these techniques.  相似文献   

一种基于主动复制的动态容错算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于诸如Web服务这种面向广域环境的分布计算,服务应答慢等同于不可用。它在不改变可用性的前提下对算法的性能提出了很高的要求。然而目前的容错算法很少致力于提高算法的性能。文中提出一种新的复制算法RRR。它的主要优点是:应答由处理速度最快的副本返回,响应时间短;节约系统资源;基于主动复制,但避免了重复嵌套呼叫问题。最后用理论分析和实验证明了算法的优点。  相似文献   

Automatic control applications are real-time systems which pose stringent requirements on precisely time-triggered synchronized actions and constant end-to-end delays in feedback loops which often constitute multi-rate systems. Motivated by the apparent gap between computer science and automatic control theory, a set of requirements for real-time implementation of control applications is given. A real-time behavioral model for control applications is then presented and exemplified. Important sources and characteristics of time-variations in distributed computer systems are investigated. This illuminates key execution strategies to ensure the required timing behavior. Implications on design and implementation and directions for further work are discussed.  相似文献   

Fault tolerance is an important design criterion for reliable and robust video-on-demand systems. Conventional fault-tolerant designs use either a primary backup or an active replication method to provide system fault tolerance. However, these approaches suffer from low utilization of the backup or replication system. In this paper we propose two playback-recovery schemes for distributed video-on-demand systems called the forward playback-recovery scheme and the backward playback-recovery scheme. Unlike conventional fault-tolerant designs, our schemes use existing playback resources to recover faulty playbacks without allocating new resources, significantly reducing recovery overhead. To use the schemes effectively, we developed a distributed algorithm for determining the order and gap information between the playbacks on the distributed video-on-demand servers so that overhead for recovering from a server failure can be minimized. This algorithm achieves N – 1 fault-tolerant resiliency for N-server video-on-demand systems. In addition, three server-recovery policies are also presented to guide surviving servers in applying the proper scheme to recover faulty playbacks, thus reducing overall recovery costs. Simulation results show that the proposed recovery schemes are effective and useful in designing fault-tolerant multiple-server video-on-demand systems.  相似文献   

Chen  Hong-Ren  Chin  Y. H. 《Real-Time Systems》2004,27(3):237-269
Many noticeable studies have focussed on scheduling flat transactions in a distributed real-time database system (RTDBS). However, a nested transaction model has been widely adopted in many real-life applications such as Internet stock trading systems and telecommunications. This work concerns efficiently scheduling real-time nested transactions in a distributed RTDBS. A new real-time scheduler called flexible high reward for nested transactions (FHRN) is proposed. FHRN consists of (1) FHRNp 1 policy to schedule real-time nested transactions and (2) 2PL_HPN to resolve the concurrent data-accessing problem among interleaved nested transactions. Simulation results show that FHRN outperforms these existent real-time schedulers such as random priority (RP), earliest deadline (ED), highest value (HV), hierarchical earliest deadline (HED), and highest reward and urgency (HRU) when an application requires a nested transaction model.  相似文献   

基于异构分布式系统的实时容错调度算法   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
目前文献中研究的实时容错调度算法都是基于同构分布式系统,系统中的所有处理机完全相同。该文首先建立了一个基于异构分布式系统实时容错调度模型,异构分布式系统中的各个处理机均不相同。基于该异构分布式系统模型,该文引入了可靠性代价(reliability cost)概念,并提出两种静态实时容错调度算法(RTFTNO和RTFTRC)用于调度周期性实时容错任务。算法RTFTRC在调度任务时,尽量使系统的可靠性代价最小;而算法RTFTNO在调度实时任务时,没有考虑系统的可靠性代价。该文详细讨论了两种调度算法的性能。性能模拟实验分别比较了两个算法的可靠性代价,超时比率和可调度性;并研究了任务的计算时间与可靠性代价的关系以及调度长度阈值与最小处理机个数的关系。实验结果表明,算法RTFTRC的性能优于算法RTFTNO。  相似文献   

Lam  Kam-Yiu  Hung  Sheung-Lun  Son  Sang H. 《Real-Time Systems》1997,13(2):141-166
The use of Static Two Phase Locking Protocols (S2PL) for concurrency control in real-time database systems (RTDBS) has received little attention in the past. Actually, real-time S2PL (RT-S2PL) protocols do possess some desirable features making them suitable for RTDBS, especially for distributed real-time database systems (DRTDBS) in which remote locking is required and distributed deadlock is possible. In this paper, different RT-S2PL protocols are proposed. They differ in their methods of reducing the blocking time of higher priority transactions. Their performance is studied and compared with a real-time dynamic two phase locking protocol (RT-D2PL), called Hybrid Two Phase Locking (Hb2PL). The impact of different system and workload parameters, such as mean inter-arrival time of transactions, number of remote lock requests of a transaction, communication overhead for sending messages, and database size on their performance have been examined. The performance results indicate that the RT-S2PL protocols are suitable for DRTDBS in which the proportion of local locks of a transaction is small and the communication overhead for locking is high.  相似文献   

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