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具有黏结性(黏结性指数10~30)并高灰的劣质煤,如洗中煤难于适应于现有气化技术,但焦化等行业对这些煤的气化高价值利用具有极大的需求。中国科学院过程工程研究所提出了黏结性煤射流预氧化流化床气化技术,采用含氧气体向流化床气化炉稀相区喷射供料,有效破除煤的黏结性,同时强化气固接触和气化反应,实现对黏结性劣质煤的高效转化。采用小型射流预氧化流化床反应器,研究了黏结性指数为20的一种煤通过射流预氧化的破黏与实现流化的效果。分别考察了射流气过量空气系数(ER)和氧浓度(2OC)、加热炉设定温度(T)对预氧化破黏及煤颗粒流化的影响效果,分析了反应器内射流区的温度分布与生成气组成随时间的变化规律,并对预氧化后的半焦进行了电镜观测和气化反应活性测试及傅里叶红外分析。结果表明,在流化床中通过射流预氧化有效破黏、实现黏结性煤颗粒流化的工艺条件为:T950℃,2OC=21%,ER0.1。在有效破黏的条件下射流区内的温度变化平稳,生成气中H2与CO含量较低,波动较小,而结焦条件下射流区内温度逐渐下降,生成气中H2与CO含量增加。经历结焦的半焦表面生成了黏结性物质,而经过预氧化成功破黏后的半焦其表面大部分官能团消失。  相似文献   

射流预氧化流化床气化炉中黏结性煤的反应特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王芳  曾玺  孙延林  许光文  王永刚 《化工学报》2015,66(6):2212-2219
针对现有流化床气化技术难以处理黏结性、高含灰洗中煤的问题, 中国科学院过程工程研究所开发了可处理黏结性碎煤的射流预氧化流化床气化技术, 该技术利用含氧气体将煤颗粒快速喷射送入预氧化区内破除其黏结性, 形成的半焦进入气化区内发生气化反应, 进而实现对黏结性煤的利用。本工作采用小型流化床射流预氧化反应装置研究较强黏结性煤预氧化破黏后的产物分布、半焦结构与活性变化, 并考察气化操作条件(温度、当量空气系数、水煤比等)对半焦气化行为的影响。结果表明:当预氧化区温度为950℃、当量空气系数为0.13时, 黏结性煤生成半焦的孔结构和气化活性较好;当半焦气化区温度为1000℃、当量空气系数为0.17、水蒸气与煤质量比为0.09时, 生成燃气的品质较好, 而且生成焦油中的轻质组分最多, 有利于焦油被进一步脱除。研究结果可为射流预氧化气化技术的设计放大提供基础数据。  相似文献   

为解决黏结性煤在干馏过程中的黏结问题,采取配煤成型方法,在实验室条件下,以某黏结性原煤为基本原料,通过配入一定比例的不黏结煤和加入适当比例的黏结剂,进行配煤成型破黏研究,重点考察了成型过程中2种原料煤的粒度和配比、黏结剂用量和成型水分等因素对配煤成型破黏效果的影响,最终确定试验煤样配煤成型破黏的最优工况。结果表明:在黏结性煤(粒径≤0.5 mm)、不黏煤(粒径≤1 mm)配比为50∶50,黏结剂用量为1.0%,成型水分为15%的条件下进行配煤成型,得到的型煤干燥后冷压强度可达363 N/个,型焦冷压强度达597 N/个,且低温干馏试验中没有黏结现象,满足了国富(GF)干馏炉的入炉要求。  相似文献   

实验采用模拟的风化条件,研究了兴县黏结性煤的风化降黏特性,并探究了煤风化降黏的预防措施.结果表明:风化时间越长,煤的黏结指数(G)下降越多;风化气氛对煤风化降黏有较大影响,风化时气氛的压力、氧体积分数、气体流量和温度越高,黏结指数下降越多;煤本身物性对煤风化降黏也有较大影响,煤颗粒越小、含水量越低,在风化过程中黏结指数...  相似文献   

煤的黏结性是煤的重要指标之一,对煤的热解、气化等化工应用有着重大影响。本文在大量文献的基础上,总结分析了目前国内外破黏技术的发展及研究现状,并对今后的研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

大型射流流化床的流型转变与射流深度   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在高 8m、直径 0 .5m的大型射流流化床中 ,通过摄像分析法 ,研究了射流、喷流两种流型的转变 .结果表明在低静床高、大射流气速下易出现喷流 ;喷流出现时 ,功率谱主频射流气速曲线上出现一转折点 .转折点射流气速与摄像法得出的流型转变射流气速相同 .提出了射流、喷流流型转变关系式 .同时发现射流深度随射流气速变大而增大 ,结合二维射流床射流深度的研究结果 ,得出了射流深度的预测式  相似文献   

碳纤维生产中的预氧化及预氧化设备简介   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在碳纤维生产流程中,预氧化是一个重要环节,也是制约生产的瓶颈。现介绍两种顶吹式预氧化炉,并对其工艺和机械结构方面进行分析,供生产厂家借鉴使用以提高碳纤维的品质。  相似文献   

刘心慰  雷绍曾 《炭素》1991,(2):35-38
经预氧化处理的煤沥青纤维,在惰性气体保护下,进行高温处理,目的是使芳烃大分子之间脱H_2和CH_4,进一步缩合交联,逐步驱除氢、氧等非碳原子,使之转变成碳纤维。用热分析和红外光谱分析、考察了预氧化沥青纤维在热处理中的变化过程,采用简单快速的热处理工艺得到了抗拉强度为700MP(?)左右,模量为2~3.5t/mm~2左右的民用碳纤维。  相似文献   

粘结性烟煤在地下气化过程中容易造成通道堵塞,气流分布不均匀进而导致地下气化过程环境的恶化,使气化反应停止。粘结特性在热解过程中表现得尤为突出,研究了低温氧化破粘的方法对地下气化热解特性的影响。结果表明随着氧化时间的增加,最大失重速率降低,煤气中H2,CH4体积分数以及热值在部分热解温度区间均低于原煤,从而增加了煤炭地下气化热解惰性。  相似文献   

预氧化是碳纤维生产中承前启后的关键工艺,预氧化工艺及设备直接影响碳纤维生产收率及性能.着重介绍了三种进风方式的碳纤维预氧化炉的结构形式与特性.  相似文献   

吴家桦  沈来宏  肖军  卢海勇  王雷 《化工学报》2008,59(8):2103-2110
针对串行流化床煤气化技术特点,以水蒸气为气化剂,在串行流化床试验装置上进行煤气化特性的试验研究,考察了气化反应器温度、蒸汽煤比对煤气组成、热值、冷煤气效率和碳转化率的影响。结果表明,燃烧反应器内燃烧烟气不会串混至气化反应器,该煤气化技术能够稳定连续地从气化反应器获得不含N2的高品质合成气。随着气化反应器温度的升高、蒸汽煤比的增加,煤气热值和冷煤气效率均会提高,但对碳转化率影响有所不同。在试验阶段获得的最高煤气热值为6.9 MJ•m-3,冷煤气效率为68%,碳转化率为92%。  相似文献   

The influence of pressure on the bubble size and average bed voidage has been investigated experimentally and computationally in a circular three-dimensional cold-flow model of pressurized jetting fluidized bed of 0.2 m i.d. and 0.6 m in height with a central jet and a conical distributor, which roughly stands for the ash-agglomerating fluidized bed coal gasifier. The pressurized average bed voidage and bubble size in the jetting fluidized bed were investigated by using electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) technique. The time-averaged cross-sectional solids concentration distribution in the fluidized bed was recorded. The influence of pressure on the size of bubble and the average bed voidage in a pressurized fluidized bed was studied. Both experimental and theoretical results clearly indicate that there is, at the lower pressure, a small initial increase in bubble size decided by voidage and then a decrease with a further increase in pressure, which proves the conclusion of Cai et.al. [P. Cai, M. Schiavetti, G. De Michele, G.C. Grazzini, M. Miccio, Quantitative estimation of bubble size in PFBC, Powder Technology 80 (1994) 99-109]. At higher pressure, bubbles become smaller and smaller because of splitting. The average bed voidage increases gradually with the pressure at the same gas velocity. However, there is a disagreement between the experimental results and simulation results in the average bed voidage at the higher gas velocity, especially at the higher pressure. It suggests that the increase in density of gas with pressure may result in the drag increase and the drag model needs to be improved and revised at higher pressure.  相似文献   

A coal gasification mathematical model that can predict temperature, converted fraction and particle size distribution for solids have been developed for a high pressure fluidized bed. For gases in both emulsion and bubble phase, it can predict temperature profiles, gas composition, velocities and other fluid-dynamic parameters. In the feed zone, it could be considered a Gaussian distribution or any other distribution for the solid particle size. Experimental data from literature have been used to validate the model. Finally, the model can be used to optimize the gasification process changing several parameters, such as excess of air, particle size distribution, coal type and reactor geometry.  相似文献   

刘林爱  沈果 《山西化工》2012,32(3):60-62
灰熔聚循环流化床粉煤气化技术是我国具有自主知识产权的新型煤气化技术。介绍了该技术的特点、工艺流程,总结了在应用中出现的问题及一些整改措施。  相似文献   

张红潮 《现代化工》2005,25(1):45-47
介绍了灰粘聚循环流化床粉煤气化的原理、工艺流程及工艺特点。该流化床底部设置了灰粘聚分离装置,在炉内形成中心高温区,使炉渣在中心高温区内粘聚成灰球,借助密度差异,有选择地使煤粉与灰球分离,从而降低灰渣的含碳量,提高了煤中碳的转化率。将该技术应用于合成氨生产中,每吨氨可增加综合经济效益295 14元。  相似文献   

Binary fluidization finds wide application in a variety of gas–solid catalytic and non-catalytic industrial fluidization systems. In the present study, a three-dimensional transient computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was used to model the binary fluidization of coal and ash in a laboratory-scale cold flow fluidized bed. In parallel, phase velocity measurements using radioactive particle tracking (RPT) and gamma-ray densitometry were performed, which provided a rich database for validation of the CFD model. RPT being a time-resolved Lagrangian technique, it was possible to extract velocity fluctuations and their correlations in addition to the mean velocity profiles. The latter provided additional validation for the CFD model, in addition to the typical validation that is done with time-averaged profiles of phase velocity and volume fraction. The robust validation procedure opens up the possibility of expanding this model to a pilot plant-scale fluidized bed.  相似文献   

Devolatilization and combustion of large particles of Eastern Canadian coals (Evans and Minto), 5-50 mm dia., were studied in a bench-scale atmospheric fluidized bed reactor at 1023-1173 K with 0.5 mm sand particles as the bed material. The devolatilization time, mass loss history, changes in proximate volatiles content and C/H mass ratio, and temperature history at the centre of the particle during devolatilization were determined. The mass loss during devolatilization is correlated with the proximate volatiles content of the parent coal. The devolatilization time is correlated with the initial particle diameter by a power-law relation with an exponent of 1.54-1.64. The results show insignificant effect of superficial velocity on devolatilization.  相似文献   

The times at which devolatilising coal particles fragmented were compared with their devolatilisation times in a fluidized bed combustor. Whereas the devolatilisation times were similar, the time to first fragmentation varied markedly from coal to coal. Immediate fragmentation was attributed to thermal shock. Fragmentation during the first 1/3 of the devolatilisation time was attributed to the internal pressure generated from restricted transport of volatiles through the pores in the coal structure. Fragmentation near the end of devolatilisation may occur due to weakening of the coal structure by loss of volatiles. Primary fragmentation did not affect the devolatilisation time, even for coals which fragmented early in their devolatilisation time.  相似文献   

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