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很多朋友都会使用智能手机拍摄照片,但对于Android手机来说,如果要将拍摄的照片分享到腾讯微博,恐怕并不像iPhone那么方便,需要登录腾讯微博进行发布,而且还会占用相当的流量。其实,我们可以借助腾讯手机管家在电脑端实现这一要求。  相似文献   

  连接Android手机,打开腾讯手机管家PC版本,切换到“照片”选项卡,在这里选择需要分享到微博的照片。点击右下角的蒲公英标志,随后会弹出“分享”对话框,在这里可以适当写上几句心情话语(如图),当然也可以@给你的微博好友,确认之后即可发送,刚才选定的照片会立即发布到腾讯微博。  相似文献   

  连接Android手机,打开腾讯手机管家PC版本,切换到“照片”选项卡,在这里选择需要分享到微博的照片。点击右下角的蒲公英标志,随后会弹出“分享”对话框,在这里可以适当写上几句心情话语(如图),当然也可以@给你的微博好友,确认之后即可发送,刚才选定的照片会立即发布到腾讯微博。  相似文献   

LRS 《电脑迷》2014,(3):65-65
正现在使用智能手机拍摄照片的朋友越来越多,有时难免会拍摄一些比较私密的照片,可能某些照片泄露之后会导致一些后果,但总不可能即拍即删吧?与其亡羊补牢,不如未雨绸缪。1安卓系统借助手机管家就行  相似文献   

你拥有可拍摄照片的手机吗?希望在互联网上与其他朋友即时分享你通过手机拍摄的照片吗?那么,通过移动博客服务,你可以用手机邮件的方式更新你的博客站点,将手机拍摄的景物立即显示在你的博客站点上。  相似文献   

现在不少朋友在网上做起了博客,把自己的心事,情感,工作写给自己也分享给别人。然而当你突发灵感或者刚用手机拍到一幅绝好的照片想发布在Blog中怎么办?中国博客网推出的“移动博客”手机日志这时就派上用场了,它可以让你在手机上完成日志或将拍摄的照片随时上传。移动博客。简称为MBlog,用户只要将自己的手机与博客账号绑定,便可随时随地通过手机发表日志,上传手机图片,就像发短信一样简单,开通移动博客的用户现可免费使用以下手机博客功能,写日志,传图片,看日志,精品图片等。  相似文献   

随着数码相机功能的不断强大,动辄几百万像素的摄像头,使得大家在出差、旅行时,都喜欢用手机来拍照,然而不少朋友都在埋怨,手机拍摄后的照片总是存在瑕疵,为了美化照片,通常需借助电脑软件来处理,这实在太繁琐,而且也未免大材小用,事实上,如果你使用的是智能手机,借助手机第三方软件同样可处理照片。  相似文献   

张越 《个人电脑》2016,(4):12-14
如果你以及习惯了使用手机作为日常的拍摄设备,又对照片质量有所追求,那么华硕推出的这款Zen Fone Zoom是值得考虑的。编辑评价很像相机的一款手机,拍照功能很强大产品信息价格厂商电话网址3299元华硕400-600-6655www.asus.com.cn胶片时代,我们拍照是为了冲洗照片。数码相机时代,我们拍照是为了在PC上能够存储照片,在网络上能够分享照片。随着微博、微信成为人们分享照片的最广泛平台,智能手机也成为了最为流行的"拍照"设备。  相似文献   

在移动设备越发强大的今天,手机在照片的贡献量上早已远远超越了相机,成为了:名副其实的最大”图片生产商”。前面我们说了在电脑上如何处理那些照片,那么使用手机拍摄的照片需不需要后期处理呢?这个答案毫无疑问。其实从某种意义上来说,由于拍摄性能上的差异,手机拍摄的照片比起相机拍出来的更加需要用后期处理,来弥补硬件上的一些不足。另外现在的手机上还有各种图片处理的小花样,做出来了也是很有趣的哟!  相似文献   

现在智能手机的功能越来越强大,如果想将手机里的照片或文档打印出来,而你还在用复制拷贝到本地的方法那就太OUT了,看看手机打印的新玩法吧。现在智能手机的功能越来越强大,除了用于通话,很多朋友还把它作为自己生活和工作的助理,在手机上保存很多需要打印的资料,比如手机拍摄的照片、经过简单编辑的工作文档等。如果要打印这些资料,传统的方法是使用数据线和电脑连接,然后将资料传输到电脑上打印。不过对于手机达人来说,手机打印无需这么麻烦,他们还有更简单的打印方法!  相似文献   

At this year’s Cannes GSM Congress, Domain Dynamics (in partnership with SchlumbergerSema) showed off its smart card-based voice authentication system for mobile phones. Martin George of Domain Dynamics explains why this is a breakthrough for the mobile phone industry.  相似文献   

Current mobile technology gives us ubiquitous services with personal mobile devices such as smart phones, tablet PCs, and laptops. With these mobile devices, the human users may wish to exchange sensitive data with others (e.g., their friends or their colleagues) over a secure channel. Public key cryptography is a good solution for establishing this secure channel. However, it is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attack, if the entities have no shared information. A number of techniques based on human-assisted out-of-band channels have been proposed to solve this problem. Unfortunately, these works have a common shortcoming: The human users must be colocated in close proximity. In this paper, we focus on how to construct a distance-free channel, which is not location-limited for establishing a secure channel between two users (devices). The proposed distance-free channel provides identification and authentication of the devices at the different locations using taken pictures or pre-stored images. The human user participates in the authentication process by sending and verifying an image. We describe the prototype implementation operated on a smart phone and show the experimental results when actually two smart phones share a common key using Diffie–Hellman key agreement over the proposed distance-free channel.  相似文献   

针对探究智能手机与移动医疗相结合的新模式, 以脉搏信号为例, 开发了一系列基于Android智能手机的软件, 使得智能手机实现了对脉搏信号的采集、传输和分析, 尤其是利用手机摄像头采集脉搏信号及脉搏信号在手机的本地智能分析。同时, 基于智能手机完整的信号采集、分析和网络通信功能, 提出了一种基于智能手机的自组织医疗数据共享网络。该模式下, 智能手机同时完成移动医疗系统中的采集、传输和分析功能, 有效地简化了移动医疗系统。  相似文献   

The mobile phone industry has changed quite a bit since 1998. Back then, most consumer cell phones weren't "smart". They were simple phones that couldn't be programmed, didn't have Web browsers or cameras, and had limited storage. Although you could send digital data over the voice connections, cell phones didn't offer data-networking services. Edge, GPRS, Bluetooth, i-Mode, USB, and Wi-Fi weren't available for consumer phones, and there was considerable debate within the industry about whether the smart phone could ever replace PDAs such as the Palm Pilot and the Psion Organizer.  相似文献   

针对目前手机的高普及、高智能和安全性差的问题,统计并研究了不同手机用户使用手机的击键特征。依据数理统计知识发现其符合正态分布,进而设计和实现了基于击键特征的手机用户身份认证系统。经测试表明,该系统能显著提高手机安全性。  相似文献   

随着智能手机的普及,手机功能将越来越为丰富,手机平台越来越为开放,手机安全问题越来越突出。本文介绍了手机安全的特性,论述了手机终端的安全问题,结合实际,提出了手机安全防范策略。  相似文献   

Mental disorders can have a significant, negative impact on sufferers’ lives, as well as on their friends and family, healthcare systems and other parts of society. Approximately 25 % of all people in Europe and the USA experience a mental disorder at least once in their lifetime. Currently, monitoring mental disorders relies on subjective clinical self-reporting rating scales, which were developed more than 50 years ago. In this paper, we discuss how mobile phones can support the treatment of mental disorders by (1) implementing human–computer interfaces to support therapy and (2) collecting relevant data from patients’ daily lives to monitor the current state and development of their mental disorders. Concerning the first point, we review various systems that utilize mobile phones for the treatment of mental disorders. We also evaluate how their core design features and dimensions can be applied in other, similar systems. Concerning the second point, we highlight the feasibility of using mobile phones to collect comprehensive data including voice data, motion and location information. Data mining methods are also reviewed and discussed. Based on the presented studies, we summarize advantages and drawbacks of the most promising mobile phone technologies for detecting mood disorders like depression or bipolar disorder. Finally, we discuss practical implementation details, legal issues and business models for the introduction of mobile phones as medical devices.  相似文献   

周巍  何涛  林嘉宇 《微处理机》2011,32(6):28-32
3G无线网络技术的飞速发展促进了移动终端硬件性能不断提升.具有多功能、多应用和服务“智能化”等特点的新一代智能手机正在逐渐取代传统的功能手机.着眼智能手机的语音应用开发,选取Android操作系统智能手机,介绍其语音应用开发环境的构架,并提出基于此构架的语音应用开发解决方案.  相似文献   

Empowerment through seamfulness: smart phones in everyday life   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper, we describe research into use of multifunctional mobile phones by working adults and posit the device as a plausible realization of ubiquitous computing. We investigate how users actively adapt and adopt the different functions in smart phones to suit their needs and lifestyles. Through an interview and diary study, we discover how the smart phone is used in pragmatic and seamful ways, regardless of the interface of the specific phone selected or the particular features available. Users used phones in highly individual manners; mixed and adapted existing functions to meet their own priorities; added some functions and ignored others to create their own portfolio; and blended their use with the specifics of their everyday lives. While these data challenge some assumptions of human–computer interaction and ubiquitous computing, it also presents new research potential in terms of understanding how users take advantage of the multiple features in smart phone devices and how they utilize seamfulness in everyday smart phones practices.  相似文献   

伴随智能手机的日益普及,对重要资料的保存愈发依赖于手机,一旦手机丢失,资料的安全追回便是当务之急。目前,市面上涌现的手机防盗软件的功能并不齐全.缺乏对重要资料的加密传输等安全措施。针对这一现状,该系统运用基于Eclipse平台的Android编程,实现集SIM监控、地理位置获取、图像采集、隐私数据远程备份等功能于一体的手机防盗与数据保护系统。  相似文献   

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