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为了对异构终端进行有效聚合,解决泛在末梢环境中网络资源和终端能力有限性带来的多用户效益冲突分配问题,该文提出一种均衡多业务的终端聚合机制(DCMME)。首先以相对熵为均衡性指标设计了均衡服务质量效益函数,建立了面向多业务的终端聚合问题模型(MODC);然后,该机制对问题模型进行降维简化,提出了基于均衡的终端聚合算法(EDC);最后,通过C++和MATLAB仿真表明,在该机制下,用户均衡性改善了0.5%~20%,由此证明该方法很好地权衡和保证了多泛在业务请求下各用户效益。  相似文献   

在移动自组织网络(MANET)组成的泛在末梢环境下,由于终端能力有限及网络拓扑的动态变化,无法保证持续高质量的异构业务。该文提出一种基于动态备用的业务应急机制,实现备用指标函数的构建和业务修复策略的设计,包括业务发现、业务选择和业务维护3个阶段。首先,该文综合终端个体能力、协同能力及终端移动性预测,抽象出备用指标函数模型。其次,针对业务选择阶段提出基于时间预测算法(TPA)来构建稳健的业务执行及备用的终端集合。再次,针对业务维护过程的失效,提出全局备用算法(GBA)来动态维持业务的持续性。最后,通过仿真表明在该机制作用下,业务中断次数少于基于动态监督器的业务恢复方法(DMBSRS)和冷备用业务替代策略(CBSRS)约30%~45%和14%~28%,在效益方面分别高于这两者约10%~40%和0%~25%,同时具有最小重启时间,由此证明该机制具有较优的效率。  相似文献   

1IntroductionWith the increasing competing in telecom,telecomoperators are under the pressure of providing more highperformance services based on the li mited network re-source. Adaptive QoS service is such a solution, whichcan increase the network efficiency and produce moreprofit ulti mately.Service QoScontrol andserviceinven-tory management are key techniques for adaptive QoSservices. Many issues in these aspects ,such as charac-terization of QoS, mapping QoS to resource ,efficiencyand …  相似文献   

针对目前相控阵雷达网目标分配模型中约束条件构建不合理以及求解算法性能不高的问题,该文构建了基于服务质量(QoS)的雷达网目标分配模型,并提出基于强凹曲线逼近的模型求解算法。通过QoS模型中资源空间、环境空间的建立准确描述雷达的资源限制以及雷达与目标的可见性约束;通过库恩-塔克(KKT)条件推导出QoS模型最优解存在的充分条件,利用2维快速遍历方法逼近得到强凹函数曲线,最后对每个目标强凹曲线中的操作设定点进行逐步迭代得出优化分配方案。仿真结果表明:模型能够有效完成雷达网任务分配,且所提模型求解算法相比典型的智能搜索算法有更好的性能。  相似文献   

Kagal  Lalana  Korolev  Vladimir  Avancha  Sasikanth  Joshi  Anupam  Finin  Tim  Yesha  Yelena 《Wireless Networks》2002,8(6):619-635
In the near future, we will see dramatic changes in computing and networking hardware. A large number of devices (e.g., phones, PDAs, even small household appliances) will become computationally enabled. Micro/nano sensors will be widely embedded in most engineered artifacts, from the clothes we wear to the roads we drive on. All of these devices will be (wirelessly) networked using Bluetooth, IEEE 802.15 or IEEE 802.11 for short range connectivity creating pervasive environments. In this age where a large number of wirelessly networked appliances and devices are becoming commonplace, there is a necessity for providing a standard interface to them that is easily accessible by any user. This paper outlines the design of Centaurus, an infrastructure for presenting services to heterogeneous mobile clients in a physical space via some short range wireless links. The infrastructure is communication medium independent; we have implemented the system over Bluetooth, CDPD and Infrared, three well-known wireless technologies. All the components in our model use a language based on Extensible Markup Language (XML) for communication, giving the system a uniform and easily adaptable interface. Centaurus defines a uniform infrastructure for heterogeneous services, both hardware and software, to be made available to diverse mobile users within a confined space.  相似文献   

基于博弈理论建立无线自组网中激励合作机制的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
该文首先结合OSI 参考模型,针对无线自组网中节点具有非合作的特性进行了分析,阐述建立激励合作机制的重要性。然后根据网络层上的3种不同的激励合作机制,分类总结其设计的核心思想,并通过具体算法对其有效性进行论证。最后基于博弈理论建立网络模型来描述自组网中节点的行为特征,提出一种激励节点合作的效用函数,并从理论上证明其合理性、有效性。  相似文献   

重点业务保障方案作为中国电信移动网智能管道提供的应用场景,可以对自营业务与第三方合作CP/SP业务进行差异化QoS保障,也可结合PCC技术,实现用户、业务、网络流量的多维度智能管控与调度.对重点业务保障的关键技术与部署方案进行深入分析与研究,提出了满足中国电信cdma2000 1x Ev-Do移动网现网需求的重点业务保障方案.  相似文献   

In the 5th generation(5G)wireless communication networks,network slicing emerges where network operators(NPs)form isolated logical slices by the same cellular network infrastructure and spectrum resource.In coverage regions of access points(APs)shared by slices,device to device(D2D)communication can occur among different slices,i.e.,one device acts as D2D relay for another device serving by a different slice,which is defined as slice cooperation in this paper.Since selfish slices will not help other slices by cooperation voluntarily and unconditionally,this paper designs a novel resource allocation scheme to stimulate slice cooperation.The main idea is to encourage slice to perform cooperation for other slices by rewarding it with higher throughput.The proposed incentive scheme for slice cooperation is formulated by an optimal problem,where cooperative activities are introduced to the objective function.Since optimal solutions of the formulated problem are long term statistics,though can be obtained,a practical online slice scheduling algorithm is designed,which can obtain optimal solutions of the formulated maximal problem.Lastly,the throughput isolation indexes are defined to evaluate isolation performance of slice.According to simulation results,the proposed incentive scheme for slice cooperation can stimulate slice cooperation effectively,and the isolation of slice is also simulated and discussed.  相似文献   

Reversible data hiding techniques are capable of reconstructing the original cover image from stego-images. Recently, many researchers have focused on reversible data hiding to protect intellectual property rights. In this paper, we combine reversible data hiding with the chaotic Hénon map as an encryption technique to achieve an acceptable level of confidentiality in cloud computing environments. And, Haar digital wavelet transformation (HDWT) is also applied to convert an image from a spatial domain into a frequency domain. And then the decimal of coefficients and integer of high frequency band are modified for hiding secret bits. Finally, the modified coefficients are inversely transformed to stego-images.  相似文献   

朱颖  武穆清 《电子学报》2010,38(10):2350-2357
 为解决Ad hoc网络中转发节点拥塞和低优先级业务增多而影响高优先级业务带宽的问题,提出了一种无线多跳网络服务质量保证框架WMHQ(Wireless Multiple Hop QoS)和自适应合作式信道接入算法QAC-EDCA(QoS guaranteed Adaptive Cooperation EDCA).算法将802.11e的优先级区分机制扩展成了三层优先级机制,通过将业务的服务质量需求映射成时隙利用率进行周期性的监测,并以控制帧捎带的方式在两跳范围内传播竞争窗口调整信息,使得高优先级业务具备剥夺低优先级业务带宽的能力和拥塞节点具有协调获取更多带宽的能力.仿真表明,该算法相对802.11e能更好地保护多跳情况下高优先级业务的服务质量.  相似文献   

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