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On Negotiations and Deal Making in Electronic Markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Negotiation has traditionally been an important element in all types of commerce. As electronic commerce systems become generally available on the Internet, there is a need to support negotiation in the context of deal making. However, as in the physical world, the type of negotiation mechanism required is context dependent. In particular, we distinguish between the support required in the context of single deal and support required in coordinating negotiations across multiple deals. A framework is presented to describe deal making and negotiation in the context of a single deal. It is used to illustrate four representative Internet-based automated trading scenarios and to help understand the success of the scenario featuring online auctions. While popular, online auctions are limited in that they permit negotiation only along a single dimension such as price. We present ongoing work on multi-attribute negotiation mechanisms, and outline important new concepts relevant to supporting coordination across multiple deals.  相似文献   

电子商务协议中的可信第三方角色   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
卿斯汉 《软件学报》2003,14(11):1936-1943
在安全电子商务协议中,可信第三方TTP(trusted third party)担任重要的角色.通过3类不同的协议,即Coffey-Saidha协议、CMP1协议和Asoken-Shoup-Waidner协议,指出TTP在inline TTP协议、online TTP协议和offline TTP协议中的不同作用.对上述协议进行了全面的分析,分别指出它们的特点、缺陷与改进方法.  相似文献   

网页作为一种新的视觉表现形式,兼容了传统平面设计的特征,又具备平面所没有的优势,成为信息交流的非常有影响的平台,网页设计的商业性和艺术性合二为一,色彩作为最具视觉艺术的设计元素在网页设计中的应用,不仅提升网页的视觉美感,更成为企业文化的延展。本文从网页设计的色彩搭配方法结合案例分析,研究色彩在网页中的应用以及对商务网页的作用,网页的艺术设计,日益被网站建设者所注重。  相似文献   

Combined Negotiations are a novel and general type of negotiation, in which the user is interested in many goods or services and consequently engages in many negotiations at the same time. The negotiations are independent of each other, whereas the goods or services are typically interdependent. Using currently available technology for electronic negotiations, the user conducts each negotiation separately, and has the burden of coordinating and reconciling them. The inherent complexity of combined negotiations in B2C as well as B2B e-commerce calls for software support.In our research, we aim to devise a Combined Negotiation Support System (CNSS) to help the user conduct all the negotiations at the same time. The CNSS enables the user to control and monitor the progress of the negotiations, makes sure that the specified dependencies are respected, and applies user-defined strategy rules. We have designed such a CNSS which we call CONSENSUS. The architecture of CONSENSUS relies on workflow technology, negotiating software agents, and rule engine technology. The originality of this architecture lies in the fact that the user of CONSENSUS models the combined negotiation at build time using a workflow that captures the sequencing of the individual negotiations and the dependencies between them. At runtime, software agents are assigned to individual negotiations, and they participate in the combined negotiation as actors in the workflow. The user can monitor the progress of the combined negotiation as a whole, and the progress of individual negotiations via dedicated graphical user interfaces. We rely on rule engine technology to enable the agents to use negotiation strategies.The paper introduces combined negotiations with a usage scenario. Then, combined negotiations are detailed, along with the approach taken to cope with their complexity. Afterwards, we describe the functionality a CNSS should provide, and present the architecture of CONSENSUS, together with a discussion of the underlying concepts and technologies. Furthermore, we report on our prototype implementation of CONSENSUS and illustrate it with an example. A discussion of related and future work concludes the paper.  相似文献   

席琳  周清雷 《计算机工程》2010,36(13):291-292,F0003
在卿-周逻辑(软件学报,2001年第9期)的基础上提出一种改进的逻辑分析方法,用于分析电子商务协议的安全性,如可追究性、公平性和原子性。该方法通过引入消息新鲜性机制,使被重放的消息可以被识别,重新定义可追究性的实现条件,使得在发生重放攻击时能正确分析各方的责任性,给出原子性目标并增加对原子性分析的方法,以实现对协议原子性的分析。  相似文献   

基于J2EE架构的分布式体系结构的思想模式,设计开发了网上购物电子商务系统。阐述了系统的用例分析、时序分析,以及模块设计及数据库设计。  相似文献   

一种电子商务协议形式化分析方法   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
卿斯汉 《软件学报》2005,16(10):1757-1765
提出了一种新颖的形式化方法,可以用于分析电子商务协议的安全性质,例如可追究性和公平性.与以前的工作相比较,主要贡献在于:(1)对协议主体的拥有集合给出了形式化定义,且主体的初始拥有集合只依赖于环境;(2)将协议的初始状态假设集合分为3类:基本假设集合、可信假设集合和协议理解假设集合,避免了因非形式化的初始假设而产生的分析错误;(3)对可信假设作细粒度的形式化规范,揭示协议的内涵;(4)建立公理系统,使新方法更为严格与合理.  相似文献   

电子商务应用中数据加密协议的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘丽霞 《控制工程》2002,9(5):15-16
介绍了电子商务是买卖双方基于Internet网,按照一定的标准所进行的商务活动,而电子商务应用中安全性的保证则依赖于对网络数据遵循一定的密钥协议进行加密,举例说明了在较完整的电子商务活动过程中使用ING密钥协议的数据加密方法。  相似文献   

一种分析电子商务协议的新工具   总被引:47,自引:3,他引:44  
周典萃  卿斯汉  周展飞 《软件学报》2001,12(9):1318-1328
提出了一种新的形式化分析方法,可用于分析电子商务协议.与Kailar逻辑相比,它有3个优点:(1)能够有效地分析协议的公平性,在进行公平性分析时充分考虑了通信信道的可靠性;(2)初始化拥有集合只依赖于环境,不需要人为地引入初始化假设;(3)增加了密文理解规则,能够有效地分析包含有签过名的加密公式的消息.  相似文献   

电子交易一般是指基于互联网技术的商务,即电子交易一互联网+商务。而对于传统企业而言,电子交易最重要的应用模式是两个:企业与企业(BToB)和企业与消费者(BToC)。企业与企业(BToB)应用模式主要应用在企业与供应商之间的采购商务和企业与客户之间(分销商)的销售商务,通过BToB,实现企业基于互联网的供应链管理(sic),它是传统企业电子交易的基础和核心。企业与消费者(BToC)应用模式主要应用在企业与消费者之间的零售业务,对于商场、分销商、服务等类型的企业,BToC将是主要的电子交易模式。  相似文献   

Markets play a central role in the economy, facilitating the exchange of information, goods, services, and payments. Recent years have seen an enormous increase in the role of information technology in markets, in particular the emergence of electronic marketplaces. Different matching mechanisms are appropriate in different situations and there is not a single solution that caters for all the various negotiation situations. Therefore, economists, game theorists, and computer scientists have started to take a direct role by designing various kinds of negotiation mechanisms for computer products, travel, insurance, and utilities such as power and gas. What is so special about electronic market design is the fact that a designer has many more possibilities to design a negotiation mechanism than one would have for physical markets. The design of electronic markets involves a number of disciplines including game theory, mechanism design theory, simulation and laboratory experimentation. The focus of this special issue is to provide an overview of several new approaches in the field, and we are pleased to bring you an exciting selection of high standing papers. This article is intended to provide a brief introduction to this new and dynamic field.  相似文献   

基于有穷自动机模型的电子商务支付协议公平性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢晓尧  张焕国 《计算机应用》2004,24(6):13-15,18
文中将形式化方法,即有穷自动机理论分析方法应用到电子商务支付协议的研究中,证明了ISI协议不满足支付过程的公平性,在此基础上提出了具体的修改办法。  相似文献   

鉴于日益复杂的设计数据和在地域及时间上存在差别的设计团队迫切需要分布式的集成设计环境。提出了一种基于WEB的电子设计环境结构,阐述了基于WEB的设计过程管理和数据安全性管理的思想。  相似文献   

移动电子商务的框架与应用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
讨论了移动电子商务的框架、应用体系和编程模型,指出了其现有和潜在的应用领域。最后对移动电子商务的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

基于“云计算”的电子商务应用初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了企业电子商务系统目前应用的现状,指出了电子商务系统应用中存在的主要问题。通过对云计算概念和特点的描述,提出了云计算在企业的电子商务领域具有广阔的应用前景,重点分析了云计算对企业电子商务系统应用改善的几个方面。  相似文献   

计算机安全技术对于电子商务来讲有着很重要的意义,对电子商务有很大的影响,现在电子商务中存在很多安全方面的隐患,需要计算机网络安全技术的辅助,电子商务的发展促进了市场经济的发展,安全性对于电子商务来讲是非常关键的。  相似文献   

该文针对移动电子商务平台在我国的应用现状,提出了新的移动应用模式,通过构建一个面向服务的移动电子商务平台,采用企业服务总线应用系统集成模式,为企业提供了一个可靠的、低成本的集成方案,在保护企业原有信息资产的的基础上,充分考虑未来发展的可扩展性。  相似文献   

随着电子技术和计算机技术的迅速发展,电子设计也变得越来越复杂,并朝着自动化方向发展,且运用语言进行电子设计成为了一种趋势,有效地缩短了开发的周期及效率,其中VHDL语言就是电子设计中常用的一种语言。本文就VHDL语言在电子设计自动化中的应用进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了电子商务安全的现状以及存在的问题,然后阐述了电子商务安全体系结构及其内容,接着对电子商务安全技术进行了改进和优化,最后得出了改进和优化后的电子商务安全体系架构。  相似文献   

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