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C-Si-Mn TRIP steels were produced using the thin slab casting and rolling (TSCR) process under simulation in laboratory. The results of tensile tests show that the yield strength, tensile strength, and the total elongation of the experimental TRIP steels are 430 MPa, 610 MPa, and 28.4%, respectively. Optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were employed to identify the microstructures of the TRIP steels. The final microstructures consist of ferrite, bainite, and retained austenite. The results of quantitative color metallography show that the fraction of the retained austenite is about 5.8%.  相似文献   

Heat treatment process for producing cold rolled transformation induced plasticity-aided (TRIP-aided) steels with bainitic ferrite matrix was adopted. Characteristics of retained austenite (RA) in such TRIP steels were investigated. SEM and OM determination results showed that the stable austenite retained at room temperature were mainly located between laths and some of them inside the coarse ferrite. The grains were uniformly distributed in heat treated steel matrix and the regularly dispersed RA represented to be triangular morphology. XRD analysis indicated that RA content in matrix was not less than 10%, and TEM testified that RA inside the matrix were formed at the prior austenite boundaries and represented to be single or twin crystals. The ductile fracture originated from the boundaries of martensite islands from RA and ferrite. The cracks propagated along grain boundaries and some passed through the large ferrite grains and induced transgranular fracture.  相似文献   

高强度高塑性是汽车用钢发展的主要趋势.Fe-Mn-Al-Si系TRIP/TWIP钢、Fe-Mn-C系TWIP钢和Fe-Mn-Al-C钢具有高的强度、优良的塑性和成形性,为新一代汽车材料.近年来,这些奥氏体汽车用钢的研究与开发受到了高度重视.本文对高锰TRIP/TWIP钢的组织性能、晶体学行为、强韧化机制、应变硬化行为和高速变形方面的研究工作进行了综述.  相似文献   

In a typical process, C-Mn steel was annealed at 800℃ for 180 s, and then cooled rapidly to obtain the ferrite-martensite microstructure. After pre-straining, the specimens were baked and the corresponding bake-hardening (BH) values were determined as a function of pre-strain, baking temperature, and baking time. The influences ofpre-strain, baking temperature and baking time on the microstructure evolution and bake-hardening behavior of the dual-phase steel were investigated systematically. It was found that the BH value apparently increased with an increase in pre-strain in the range from 0 to 1%; however, increasing pre-strain from 1% to 8% led to a decrease in the BH value. Furthermore, an increase in baking temperature favored a gradual improvement in the BH value because of the formation of Cottrell atmosphere and the precipitation of carbides in both the ferrite and martensite phases. The BH value reached a maximum of 110 MPa at a baking temperature of 300℃. Moreover, the BH value enhanced significantly with increasing baking time from 10 to 100 min.  相似文献   

金属切削过程是切削层金属的塑性变形和断裂过程 .切削过程中 ,金属的形变强化、裂纹形成与长大的知识对理解切屑分离和流出是必要的 .本文应用快速落刀及金相分析方法研究了奥氏体温锰钢 5 0Mn18Cr4切削变形过程中的形变强化和微裂纹形成与扩展规律 .研究表明 ,切削过程中的形变强化规律符合幂函数规律 ;切削刃处切削材料的分离是该局部材料形变强化达到断裂应力的结果 ;奥氏体高锰钢切屑属挤裂型切屑 ;切屑断裂源于剪切带 ;在切屑沿前刀面流出过程中 ,因流速不等而产生的弯矩是导致切屑局部剪切失稳的重要原因  相似文献   

采用热轧后控制冷却的工艺制备了TRIP钢,拉伸试验表明,试验钢的性能为:σb=605 MPa,σs=440 MPa,δ=28.4%;对试验钢的组织进行了研究,定量金相检测结果表明,试验钢中残余奥氏体含量为5.6%.  相似文献   

C-Si-Mn系TRIP钢变形奥氏体连续冷却过程相变及组织研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用热模拟试验机研究了一种C-Si-Mn系TRIP钢在不同连续冷却工艺条件下的组织变化情况,用热膨胀法绘制了动态CCT曲线,分析了冷却速度对组织的影响.研究表明,在动态CCT曲线中,相变区域主要有2个部分:A→F转变区和A→B转变区;冷却速度高于10℃/s时,有贝氏体组织生成;冷却速度对铁素体、贝氏体组织形貌影响极大.  相似文献   

采用Gleeble3800热模拟机对TRIP钢拉伸试样进行不同工艺条件的快速热处理模拟实验,并采用金相分析、显微硬度测试等方法对试样进行组织观察和性能测试,目的是通过适宜的热处理工艺促使材料微观组织中出现适量的残余奥氏体组织,增强该材料在变形过程的相变诱导塑性(TRIP)效应,强化材料.结果表明:在两相区内,TRIP钢中的残余奥氏体含量随着退火温度和退火时间的增加而增大,以25℃/s缓慢加热到700℃,再以150℃/s的速率快速加热到820℃保温120 s后淬火处理,处理后的试样,残余奥氏体体积分数达到13%,显微硬度最高,达到262 HV.  相似文献   

利用Ludw igson模型研究了两种氮含量不同的无镍奥氏体不锈钢18Cr-12Mn-0.55N(质量分数/%)和18Cr-18Mn-0.63N在室温快速拉伸时的塑性流变行为.结果表明,由于N含量的增大,实验钢18Cr-18Mn-0.63N的加工硬化能力明显强于实验钢18Cr-12Mn-0.55N.N促进CrMnN奥氏体不锈钢中的短程有序,使位错在更高的应变水平进行单系滑移和平面滑移,推迟位错的多系滑移和交滑移,因而提高CrMnN奥氏体不锈钢的加工硬化能力.  相似文献   

研究了锰含量(质量分数)为23.8%的低碳高锰钢的力学行为和组织演变,并对其强化机制进行了探讨.结果表明:23.8%Mn TRIP/TWIP钢的屈服强度约为300 MPa,抗拉强度可达610 MPa,断裂延伸率可达到63%.实验钢拉伸变形呈连续屈服,其应变硬化指数n值约为0.48.该钢在变形初期的强化机制以应变诱发孪生为主,变形后期出现应变诱发马氏体相变.位错与形变孪晶、马氏体之间的相互作用也对强度的增加做出贡献.  相似文献   

研究合金成分为18 M n-0 .15C-3Si-3 Al的高锰T RIP/T W IP钢(18 M n钢)在 40 ~200oС 范围内的拉伸变形行为,分析形变温度对其拉伸性能、相组成和显微组织的影响. 采用EBSD取向成像分析方法着重研究了〈111〉取向的奥氏体晶粒在拉伸过程中的相组成变化. 结果表明,随着形变温度的升高,18 M n钢的抗拉强度和延伸率大体上呈降低趋势,T RIP效应很快消失,形变孪晶和位错滑移取代马氏体相变成为主要的形变机制,即奥氏体晶粒内形变机制的变化为:α’- M相变→ε- M相变→形变孪晶→位错滑移.18 M n钢中较硬的铁素体在形变过程中能提高材料的加工硬化率,但同时也会引起低温脆性  相似文献   

通过改变激光功率和扫描速度等参数,研究其对45钢激光表面强化组织与性能的影响。实验结果表明,单道扫描时,当保持扫描速度v为15mm/s时,增加激光功率P,可增加硬化层的深度,最大深度可达1.5mm以上。另外,P/v比值越大,硬化层深度越大;而当P/v比值保持不变时,硬化层深度随着激光功率的增加而增加,其中激光功率从1.2kW到1.8kW时,硬化层深度值增加较快;当激光功率大于1.8kW后,深度值的增长随功率增加变缓;而且硬化层的硬度都达到700HV以上,远高于基体的硬度。在激光多道搭接扫描时,激光能量的再次输入会导致靠近搭接区的前一道硬化层产生回火软化,其硬度接近基体的硬度。  相似文献   

采用低温回火实验模拟热轧双相钢实际生产过程中卷取后的冷却过程,分析回火温度与保温时间对0.09C-0.1Si-1.3Mn-0.5Cr-0.05P热轧双相钢组织及力学性能的影响。结果表明,回火过程中主要是碳原子通过扩散影响铁素体与马氏体中的微结构,从而对其组织和力学性能产生影响;200℃回火后双相钢基本保持原有的组织与性能,230℃以上随回火温度升高和保温时间延长,马氏体分解逐渐明显,铁素体中碳原子钉扎可动位错造成屈服现象的发生;在230~250℃温度范围回火时,保温时间的延长较温升对回火程度的影响更加明显。  相似文献   

The scratch behaviors of two high speed steels (HSS) for hot rolls were studied by a Micro-combi Tester, and the emphasis was placed on researching the relations between the microstructure and the scratch resistance property of different HSS. The experimental results indicate that during the scratch process, the carbides are embedded into the matrix, the penetration depth of different HSS is closely related with the matrix hardness, i.e., the higher the matrix hardness, the better the scratch resistance property; and in the matrix, the fine, dispersive carbides are beneficial to form steady friction between the indenter and the scratched materials, but the coarser carbides are easier to fall into pieces.  相似文献   

韧性断裂准则参数标定及其在DP590中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为研究DP590高强钢板材的韧性断裂力学性能,以DF2012韧性断裂准则为理论基础,设计6种包含不同应力状态的拉伸试样来获取材料的塑性流动和断裂参数,采用一种实验-模拟混合方法标定韧性断裂准则的参数.准确地描述材料发生断裂前的塑性行为是韧性断裂准则参数标定的关键,以新提出的各向异性Drucker屈服准则和一种修正的Voce硬化准则表征DP590的塑性行为,使用Fortran语言将该本构模型编译为VUMAT子程序嵌入ABAQUS仿真软件中进行试样的拉伸模拟.实验和模拟对比表明,所构建的本构模型可以准确地预测不同试样沿着轧制方向各个角度的力程曲线.在拉伸实验和标定的本构模型基础上,标定DF2012韧性断裂准则的参数并构建DP590在应力三轴度和断裂应变二维空间中的断裂轨迹.与3种经典的韧性断裂准则Cockcroft-Latham、Clift和Rice-Tracey进行比较,使用Fortran语言将DF2012韧性断裂准则和本构模型一起嵌入ABAQUS仿真软件对不同试样的断裂进行模拟,结果表明:基于实验-模拟混合法标定的DF2012韧性断裂准则能够合理地构建DP590的断裂轨迹曲线和准确地预测不同应力状态下拉伸试样断裂的发生.  相似文献   

The influences of copper on microstructure and the hardening behavior of high chromium cast irons subjected to sub-critical treatment were investigated. The results show that the microstructure of the as-cast high chromium cast irons consists of retained austenite, martensite and M1C3 type eutectic carbide. When copper is added into high chromium cast irons, austenite and carbide contents are increased. The increased addition of copper content from 0% to 1.84% leads to the increase of austenite and carbide from 15.9% and 20. 0% to 61.0% and 35.5% , respectively. In the process of sub-critical treatment, the retained austenite in the matrix can be precipitated into secondary carbides and then transforms into martensite in cooling process, which causes the secondary hardening of the alloy under sub-critical treatment. High chromium cast irons containing copper in sub-critical treatment appear the second hardening curve peak due to the precipitation of copper from supersaturated matrix.  相似文献   

The hot ductility of V-N and V-Nb microalloyed steels was investigated on a Gleeble-1500 thermomechanical simulator, and the results were compared with those of V and Nb microalloyed steels. A ductility trough is found in both the steels in the temperature range of 700 to 1050°C. Compared to the V steel, the V-N steel has a wider and deeper ductility trough with the increase of N content, due to the in-creased precipitation of V(C, N) in the steel. Above 930°C, when 0.047wt% V is added to the 0.028wt% Nb-containing steel, the ductility becomes worse, owing to the rise of the onset dynamic recrystallization temperature. However, the ductility gets better at 800 to 930°C be-cause of the coarsening of precipitates in austenite. With the improvement in ductility, the fracture mechanism is changed from intergranular to high ductile fracture in the temperature range of 800 to 1050°C.  相似文献   

Uniaxial tension tests and hole-expansion tests were carried out to determine the influence of silicon on the microstructures, mechanical properties, and stretch-flangeability of conventional dual-phase steels. Compared to 0.03wt% silicon, the addition of 1.08wt% silicon induced the formation of finer ferrite grains (6.8μm ) and a higher carbon content of martensite (Cm≈ 0.32wt%). AS the silicon level increased, the initial strain-hardening rate (n value) and the uniform elongation increased, whereas the yield strength, yield ratio, and stretch-flangeability decreased. The microstructures were observed after hole-expansion tests. The results showed that low carbon content martensite (Cm ≈ 0.19wt%) can easily deform in coordination with ferrite. The relationship between the mechanical properties and stretch-flangeability indicated that the steel with large post-uniform elongation has good stretch-flangeability due to a closer plastic incom- patibility of the ferrite and martensite phases, which can effectively delay the production and decohesion of microvoids.  相似文献   

Nine steels with different deoxidizing degrees and two comparative steels were selected. Their pitting initiation susceptibility was compared by means of potentiodynamic polarization tests in 3wt% NaCl solution. The pit propagation rate was evaluated in artificial sea water and 3wt% sea salt solution by simulating occluded corrosion cell (SOCC) test and hanging plate test, respectively. The composition of inclusions and corrosive feature were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron probe mic...  相似文献   

Effects of cold rolling on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe-Ni-Mn-Mo-Ti-Cr maraging steels were studied.To investigate the microstructure and mechanical properties,optical microscopy,scanning electron microscopy,X-ray diffraction,tensile test,and hardness test were used.The results show that the solution-annealing treatment in the cold-rolled steel redounds to the formation of submicrocrystalline Fe2(Mo,Ti)Laves phase particles,which are stable at high temperatures.These secondary Laves phase particles prevent from recrystallization at high temperatures and correspond to semi-brittle fiacture in the subsequent aging treatment.  相似文献   

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