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In 4 category cued recall experiments, falsely recalled nonlist common members, a semantic confusion error participants. Errors were more likely if critical nonlist words were presented on an incidental task, causing source memory failures called episodic confusion errors . Participants could better identify the source of falsely recalled words if they had deeply processed the words on the incidental task. For deep but not shallow processing, participants could reliably include or exclude incidentally shown category members in recall. The illusion that critical items actually appeared on categorized lists was diminished but not eradicated when participants identified episodic confusion errors post hoc among their own recalled responses; participants often believed that critical items had been on both the incidental task and the study list. Improved source monitoring can potentially mitigate episodic (but not semantic) confusion errors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study frames anomalous functional brain organization in schizophrenia (SCZ) within an evolutionary model of brain development, the dual trends theory (DTT). The DTT argues that neural architecture develops along 2 separate pathways: the dorsal archicortical trend and the ventral paleocortical trend. The DTT dovetails with visual system organization, which is also composed of 2 independent pathways: a dorsal stream dedicated to visuomotor action and a ventral stream dedicated to perceptual processing. The present study examined the integrity of these pathways using a size-contrast visual illusion. Prior research has shown that, normally, perceptual estimations of object size are susceptible to visual illusions, whereas goal-directed actions are resistant. The authors hypothesized that, unlike control participants, SCZ patients' actions would be susceptible to the illusion, reflecting dorsal stream dysfunction. Here, 42 SCZ patients and 42 healthy controls grasped and estimated the size of target blocks in control and illusion conditions. During estimation, both groups were equally perturbed by the illusion; however, grasping movements of patients alone were influenced by the illusion. These results suggest disrupted dorsal brain circuitry in SCZ but relatively intact ventral circuitry. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of an orientation illusion on perception and 2 different actions were investigated. An 8-cm?×?2-cm cylindrical bar was placed in front of participants at various orientations. A background grating was used to induce an orientation illusion. In a perception task, the illusion affected participants' ability to align the bar with their sagittal planes. In one reaching task, a similar effect of the illusion was found on the choice between 2 possible grasping postures. In a second reaching task involving a single grasping posture, the orientation illusion affected the orientation of the hand at the beginning of the reach but not near its end. The authors argue that reaching trajectories are planned and initiated through a context-dependent representation but are corrected on-line through a context-independent representation. The relation of this model to a more general dichotomy between perception and action is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Many theories of visual perception assume that before attention is allocated within a scene, visual information is parsed according to the Gestalt principles of organization. This assumption has been challenged by experiments in which participants were unable to identify what Gestalt grouping patterns had occurred in the background of primary-task displays (A. Mack, B. Tang, R. Tuma, S. Kahn, & I. Rock, 1992). In the present study, participants reported which of 2 horizontal lines was longer. Dots in the background, if grouped, formed displays similar to the Ponzo illusion (Experiments 1 and 2) or the Müller-Lyer illusion (Experiment 3). Despite inaccurate reports of what the patterns were, participants' responses on the line-length discrimination task were clearly affected by the 2 illusions. These results suggest that Gestalt grouping does occur without attention but that the patterns thus formed may not be encoded in memory without attention. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Ebbinghaus (Titchener) illusion was examined in a remote culture (Himba) with no words for geometric shapes. The illusion was experienced less strongly by Himba compared with English participants, leading to more accurate size contrast judgments in the Himba. The study included two conditions of inducing stimuli. The illusion was weaker when the inducing stimuli were dissimilar (diamonds) to the target (circle) compared with when they were similar (circles). However, the illusion was weakened to the same extent in both cultures. It is argued that the more accurate size judgments of the Himba derive from their tendency to prioritize the analysis of local details in visual processing of multiple objects, and not from their impoverished naming. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study tested the idea that if subjects rely more on scene-based pictorial cues when binocular cues are not available, then both their perceptual judgements and their grasp might be influenced by pictorial illusions such as the Ebbinghaus (Titchener) Circles Illusion under monocular viewing conditions. Under binocular viewing conditions, subjects were always able to scale their grip accurately to the true size of the target disc and were unaffected by the illusion. Under monocular viewing, however, subjects appeared to be influenced by the illusion. Thus, when confronted with physically different target discs displayed on backgrounds that made them appear equivalent in size, subjects treated the two discs as equivalent--even when picking them up. These results, combined with earlier work from our laboratory suggests that binocular information plays a critical role in normal human prehension but when this information is not available the visuomotor system is able to "fall back" on the remaining monocular cues, which can cause the visuomotor system to be more susceptible to pictorial illusions.  相似文献   

Previous research by M. W. Prull, L. L. Light, M. E. Collett, and R. F. Kennison (1998) has shown that older adults are not susceptible to a memory illusion referred to as the revelation effect. The authors examined the robustness of Prull et al.'s findings by having participants solve a word fragment (Experiment 1) or an anagram (Experiment 2) prior to the recognition memory decision. In both experiments, younger and older adults showed a reliable revelation effect. These results simultaneously challenge both the conclusion that older adults are not vulnerable to the revelation effect and the conclusion that aging is associated with increasing susceptibility to memory illusions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Müller-Lyer illusion is produced by a mechanism which uses information defined in the retinal coordinates, or by a mechanism taking into account the three-dimensional (3-D) shape of the illusion figure. The classical Müller-Lyer figure could not be used to address this question since it is two-dimensional. Three-dimensional Müller-Lyer figures were created to see if the illusion they produce is correlated with the shape of the projected retinal image, or with the shape of these figures defined in a 3-D coordinate frame. In the experiments retinal image shape was juxtaposed against the 3-D shape of the illusion displays. For some displays the direction in which the fins pointed, relative to the shafts, in the 3-D frame was the "opposite" of the direction in which they pointed in the retinal images. For such displays, the illusion predicted on the basis of the 3-D structure was the opposite of that predicted on the basis of retinal image shapes. For another 3-D display the fins were oriented such that each projected a single straight line in the retinal image, thus the typical retinal image (< >, > <) was replaced by straight lines (symbol: see text). For all the displays the observed illusion was consistent with how the fins were oriented relative to the shaft in the 3-D coordinate frame, ie with the 3-D shape of the illusion displays. The retinal image shape appeared to play little, if any, role. One conclusion that emerges is that the specific retinal image shape projected by the classical line-drawn pattern is neither necessary nor sufficient for producing the illusion. The present findings are inconsistent with two well known theories of the Müller-Lyer illusion: inappropriate constancy scaling and selective filtering.  相似文献   

Four experiments investigated influences of irrelevant action effects on response selection in Simon tasks for which tone pitch was relevant and location irrelevant, and responses were clockwise- counterclockwise wheel rotations. When the wheel controlled left-right movement of a cursor in a direction opposite an instructed left-right hand-movement goal, the Simon effect was reduced. When the wheel was held at the bottom, this reduction was due to some participants coding responses relative to the cursor and others relative to the hands. However, when the wheel was held at the top, it was due to participants integrating cursor movements with hand movements as a single action concept. In contrast, a cursor triggered by the wheel movement showed little influence on the Simon effect, even when contiguity and contingency with the wheel movements were high. Experience with the controlled cursor in a prior trial block or between trials established a causal relation that enabled participants to code the triggered cursor as belonging to the action concept and thus reduce the Simon effect. Multiple factors determine the influence of an irrelevant action effect on performance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the role of visual information during reaching by comparing conditions in which visual information was either available or unavailable during the movement. In this study, 24 participants reached out and picked up a bar placed on a background grating that induced an illusion in the perceived orientation of the bar. The illusion had a large effect on the orientation of the hand early in the reaches, but this effect decreased continuously as the hand approached the target. This pattern occurred whether or not participants were allowed vision of the hand and target while reaching. These results are consistent with a "planning/control" model of action, in which actions are planned using a context-dependent visual representation but monitored and corrected on-line using a context-independent visual representation. The hypothesized neural bases of these representations are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In four experiments, the effect of the semantic relationship between test and inducing stimuli on the magnitude of size contrast in an Ebbinghaus-type illusion was explored. In Experiments 1 and 2, the greatest illusion was found when test and inducing stimuli were identical in shape and differed only in size. Decreased size contrast was found when inducing stimuli were drawn from the same category as the test stimulus, but were not visually identical. Even less size contrast was found when inducing stimuli were from a near conceptual category, with the least effect when they were drawn from a completely different category. In Experiment 3, it was demonstrated that even if test and inducing stimuli are drawn with identical geometric elements, the size contrast illusion is greatly reduced if they represent apparently different conceptual categories (through the manipulation of orientation and perceptual set). In Experiment 4, any geometric or spatial confounds were ruled out. These results suggest that size contrast is strongly influenced by the conceptual similarity between test and inducing stimuli.  相似文献   

Pathologically asymmetrical P300 fields with right lateralized peaks were described in core schizophrenia as an expression of left-temporal functional deficits, while higher than normal amplitudes were found in cycloid psychosis. This latter finding appeared to be specific for cycloid psychosis and was explained by a generalized cerebral hyperarousal. Based on some psychopathological analogies with cycloid psychosis, and on the comparable pharmacological treatment of the acute episodes, a group of 19 manic patients was investigated immediately after remission and clinical stabilization of an episode. Patients with psychotic features were excluded to avoid overlaps with cycloid psychosis. Patients showed normal P300 amplitudes and no pathological asymmetries of the field, but more posterior positive areas compared to age- and sex-matched controls. This indicates that the neurophysiological changes underlying mania are different from both core schizophrenia and cycloid psychosis. Based on previous three-dimensional source location studies, this finding indicates that disinhibition due to reduced frontal lobe activity, and not hyperarousal, is the basic functional mechanism of manic disorders.  相似文献   

We show that human observers strongly underestimate a linear or circular trajectory that a luminous spot follows in the dark. At slow speeds, observers are relatively accurate, but, as the speed increases, the size of the path is progressively underestimated, by up to 35%. The underestimation imposes little memory load and does not require tracking of the trajectory. Most importantly, we found that underestimation occurred only when successive motion vectors changed in direction. This suggests a perceptual rather than representational origin of the illusion, related to vector-sum integration over time of neural motion signals in different directions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effect of pictorial illusion on prehension and perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study examined the effect of a size-contrast illusion (Ebbinghaus or Titchener Circles Illusion) on visual perception and the visual control of grasping movements. Seventeen right-handed participants picked up and, on other trials, estimated the size of "poker-chip" disks, which functioned as the target circles in a three-dimensional version of the illusion. In the estimation condition, subjects indicated how big they thought the target was by separating their thumb and forefinger to match the target's size. After initial viewing, no visual feedback from the hand or the target was available. Scaling of grip aperture was found to be strongly correlated with the physical size of the disks, while manual estimations of disk size were biased in the direction of the illusion. Evidently, grip aperture is calibrated to the true size of an object, even when perception of object size is distorted by a pictorial illusion, a result that is consistent with recent suggestions that visually guided prehension and visual perception are mediated by separate visual pathways.  相似文献   

Schutz and Lipscomb (2007) reported an audiovisual illusion in which the length of the gesture used to produce a sound altered the perception of that sound’s duration. This contradicts the widely accepted claim that the auditory system generally dominates temporal tasks because of its superior temporal acuity. Here, in the first of 4 experiments, we show that impact gestures influence duration ratings of percussive but not sustained sounds. In the 2nd, we show that the illusion is present even if the percussive sound occurs up to 700 ms after the visible impact, but disappears if the percussive sound precedes the visible impact. In the 3rd experiment, we show that only the motion after the visible impact influences perceived tone duration. The 4th experiment (replacing the impact gestures with the written text long and short) suggests that the phenomenon is not due to response bias. Given that visual influence in this paradigm is dependent on the presence of an ecologically plausible audiovisual relationship, we conclude that cross-modal causality plays a key role in governing the integration of sensory information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The straight trajectory of a dot crossing a pattern of tilted lines is perceived as being sinusoidal. Manipulation of the size of the angle between the trajectory and the tilted lines, the velocity of the dot, and the distance between the tilted lines shows that the magnitude of the illusion is inversely proportional to the size of the incidence angle, to velocity, and to the distance between the lines. The illusion is interpreted as being the result of an integration process of local distortions occurring at the intersections with the tilted lines.  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported that backgrounds depicting linear perspective and texture gradients influence relative size discrimination in nonhuman animals (known as the “corridor illusion”), but research has not yet identified the other kinds of depth cues contributing to the corridor illusion. This study examined the effects of linear perspective and shadows on the responses of a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) to the corridor illusion. The performance of the chimpanzee was worse when a smaller object was presented at the farther position on a background reflecting a linear perspective, implying that the corridor illusion was replicated in the chimpanzee (Imura, Tomonaga, & Yagi, 2008). The extent of the illusion changed as a function of the position of the shadows cast by the objects only when the shadows were moving in synchrony with the objects. These findings suggest that moving shadows and linear perspective contributed to the corridor illusion in a chimpanzee. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Illusions of competence are thought to arise when judgements of learning (JOLs) made in the presence of intact cue-target pairs during study create a “foresight bias,” such that JOLs are inflated by the apparent association between a cue and a target, despite the lack of benefit this association has for recall performance. For example, Castel, McCabe, and Roediger (2007) recently demonstrated an illusion of competence for identical word pairs (mouse—mouse). In two experiments, the authors examined possible sources for this overconfidence, including phonetic, semantic, and orthographic similarity. An illusion of competence was found for homophones, synonyms, orthographically similar, and unrelated items, whereas no illusion of competence was found for word pairs with a relatively high forward-semantic association. Self-paced study times indicated that encoding fluency was not closely associated with the magnitude of overconfidence. Error data revealed participants may have been engaging in strategic responding in order to maximise correct recall. Our results underscore the importance of considering factors that influence both JOLs and recall performance when considering sources of (mis)calibration in absolute accuracy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Exp I examined problems in the textbook representations of the Mueller-Lyer illusion (MLI) by conducting a survey of 18 psychology textbooks randomly selected from the author's bookshelf. Results show a systematic distortion of the MLI so that the line that is supposed to appear longer actually is longer. Exp II, conducted informally with the author's colleagues and an author-modified MLI, indicates that this distortion was not necessary to induce the illusion of differential line length. It was not possible to ascertain the cause of the distortion, renamed the Mueller-Liar illusion (MLI-2), but its existance may have serious, far-reaching consequences for the future of psychology. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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