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Objective: The predictive utility of hypnotizability, conceptualized as the change in suggestibility produced by a hypnotic induction, was investigated in the suggested reduction of experimental pain. Method: One hundred and seventy-three participants were assessed for nonhypnotic imaginative suggestibility. Thereafter, participants experienced hypnotic and nonhypnotic imaginative analgesia suggestions, counterbalanced for order. Hypnotic suggestibility was then assessed. Results: Hypnotizability, operationalized as hypnotic suggestibility with imaginative suggestibility statistically controlled (Braffman & Kirsch, 1999), predicted intraindividual differences in responding to the hypnotic and imaginative analgesia suggestions. Higher hypnotizability was associated with relatively greater response to the hypnotic analgesia suggestion than to the imaginative analgesia suggestion. Conclusions: Operationalized in this way, hypnotizability may be a useful predictor of the effect of adding a hypnotic induction to a specific imaginative suggestion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Masochistic behavior is defined as a change in response to punishing stimuli which may take the form of simple desensitization at one extreme to continued, self-aversive stimulation at the other. Experimental findings reflecting such changes are cited and some of the conditions necessary for demonstrating these effects are analyzed. The manner in which the scheduling of events may be involved is also suggested. The approach which is advocated seems to offer a fruitful alternative to current popular conceptions of masochism. (35 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

What is compassion? And how did it evolve? In this review, we integrate 3 evolutionary arguments that converge on the hypothesis that compassion evolved as a distinct affective experience whose primary function is to facilitate cooperation and protection of the weak and those who suffer. Our empirical review reveals compassion to have distinct appraisal processes attuned to undeserved suffering; distinct signaling behavior related to caregiving patterns of touch, posture, and vocalization; and a phenomenological experience and physiological response that orients the individual to social approach. This response profile of compassion differs from those of distress, sadness, and love, suggesting that compassion is indeed a distinct emotion. We conclude by considering how compassion shapes moral judgment and action, how it varies across different cultures, and how it may engage specific patterns of neural activation, as well as emerging directions of research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews 20 studies comparing child-abusive and nonabusive parents on psychological and behavioral dimensions to determine relevant distinctions between these populations. Studies were included in which Ss were under the purview of child-protection agencies, well-known self-report measures were used, controls for demographic factors were in place, and a complete presentation of results was given. Results show that, whereas few studies found significant differences between abusers and nonabusers on traditional psychological dimensions, abusers were more likely to report stress-related symptoms, such as depression and health problems, that were linked to the parenting role. Three comparative studies of family interactions indicate that abusers displayed reciprocal patterns of behavior with their children and spouses that were proportionately more aversive and less prosocial than nonabusers. Child abuse is viewed as an interactive process involving both parental competence and situational demands. Attention is given to methodological refinement and prevention efforts derived from these findings. (3 p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of the present research was to find physiological and cognitive correlates of hypnosis, imaginative suggestibility and emotional experiences. After the administration of a standard hypnotic induction, the EEG and heart rate (HR) were recorded during self-generated happy and sad emotions using a relaxation condition as a control. Physiological recordings were also obtained during three eyes-open and eyes-closed baseline periods: (1) waking rest; (2) early-rest in hypnosis (just after the hypnotic induction); (3) late-rest hypnosis (at the end of hypnotic condition). EEG was recorded at frontal (F3, F4), central (C3, C4), and posterior sites (middle of O1-P3-T5 and O2-P4-T6 triangles). Using log transform of mean spectral amplitude, eight EEG frequency bands (4-44 Hz) were evaluated. High hypnotizable subjects, as compared to the lows, produced a higher theta1 amplitude (4-6 Hz) across both left- and right-frontal and right-posterior areas. These subjects also produced smaller alpha1 amplitude (8.25-10 Hz) over both left and right frontal recording sites. High suggestible subjects, during resting conditions, disclosed higher theta2 (6.25-8 Hz) and alpha1 amplitudes in eyes-closed as compared to an eyes-open condition than did low suggestible subjects. High suggestible subjects also showed, in hypnosis-rest condition, higher 40-Hz amplitudes (36-44 Hz) and HR activity than did low suggestible subjects. Hypnotizability and not suggestibility was found to moderate emotional processing: high hypnotizable individuals self-reported greater levels of emotional experiences than did low hypnotizables especially in terms of negative emotion. High hypnotizables, during processing of emotional material, also disclosed opposite 40-Hz hemispheric asymmetries over anterior and posterior regions of the scalp. These subjects during happiness showed an increased production of 40-Hz activity in the left frontal and central regions of the scalp, while during sadness they showed an increased activity in the right central and posterior regions. The hemispheric asymmetries for relaxation condition were similar, but less marked, to those obtained for happiness. No significant interactions involving both hypnotizability and imaginative suggestibility were found for physiological variables considered in this study. This demonstrates that hypnotizability and suggestibility reflect different underlying psychophysiological activities.  相似文献   

Investigated the determinants and predictive utility of the client's perception of the therapeutic relationship (CPTR) in the context of a behavior therapy clinical research project evaluating 3 approaches to assertion training. 39 22–60 yr old volunteers were studied. Measures included the Rathus Assertiveness Scale, the Social Avoidance and Distress Scale, the Fear of Negative Evaluation Questionnaire, the Bem Sex-Role Inventory, and the Multiple Affect Adjective Checklist. Individual differences in therapists were a significant determinant of CPTR. CPTR was an effective predictor of dropping out when measured early in therapy, and of immediate posttherapy client gains when measured in a mid- to late therapy session, but not of long-term maintenance of client improvements. Patterns of therapist behavior that were predictive of CPTR at 3 time points in therapy are delineated. It is speculated that CPTR is largely a function of the degree to which the client's expectation of the therapist and the consequences of therapy are being fulfilled. It is concluded that CPTR has significant predictive value, and perhaps also causal impact, in behavior therapy. (38 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the role of situational variables on responsiveness to hypnotizability and correlations between measures of hypnotizability. Experiment 1 found that the correlation between the Creative Imagination Scale (CIS) of T. X. Barber and S. C. Wilson (see record 1980-22417-001) and the Carleton University Responsiveness to Suggestion Scale (CURSS) was significantly stronger when the CIS was defined as a test of hypnotizability rather than as a set of imagination. Experiment 2 informed Ss who had scored high or low on the CURSS that their CIS performance would either match their earlier hypnotic performance or that it would differ from their earlier performance. Ss' CIS performance was consistent with their administered instructions. These findings suggest that the high correlations typically obtained between different hypnotizability scales may be more strongly influenced by situation-specific attitudes and interpretational sets than is usually acknowledged. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present research examined trends in the prominence of 4 widely recognized schools in scientific psychology: psychoanalysis, behaviorism, cognitive psychology, and neuroscience. The results, which replicated across 3 measures of prominence, showed the following trends: (a) psychoanalytic research has been virtually ignored by mainstream scientific psychology over the past several decades; (b) behavioral psychology has declined in prominence and gave way to the ascension of cognitive psychology during the 1970s; (c) cognitive psychology has sustained a steady upward trajectory and continues to be the most prominent school; and (d) neuroscience has seen only a modest increase in prominence in mainstream psychology, despite evidence for its conspicuous growth in general. The authors use these findings as springboard for discussing different views of scientific prominence and conclude that psychologists should evaluate trends in the field empirically, not intuitively. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"The main aim was to investigate the relationship between neuroticism and suggestibility, using a test which did not involve static ataxia. Hull's horizontal arm movement test was used, and confirming previous findings, neurotics moved more with suggestion than normals. Some movement occurred without suggestion (the neurotics tending to move more than the normals). There was no evidence of a difference in suggestability between the groups when they were matched for arm movement without suggestion, although such movement was slight. It is therefore impossible to conclude with certainty that neurotics respond more to suggestion." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Discusses the domain of hypnotic behavior and presents the controversy between clinical and experimental hypnotists concerning the modification of the ability to be hypnotized. 4 sections deal with the evidence demonstrating that responsiveness to hypnosis can be meaningfully altered. Modification studies are discussed in relation to sensory alterations, hypnotic set and environmental setting situational variations, training experiences in nonhypnotic behavior, and training in hypnotic behavior. Persistent hypnotic performance alterations are differentiated from transitory changes. An attempt is made to synthesize the findings, and possible approaches in future investigation are discussed. (51/2 p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study determined whether behavioral and insight-oriented marital therapy could be rendered in a distinct and uncontaminated fashion in manual-guided outcome research in which therapists were crossed with treatment condition. Results indicated that therapist interventions could be reliably coded into techniques specific to the respective approaches and into additional interventions not specific to either treatment modality. When provided with explicit treatment manuals and ongoing case supervision, therapists were able to administer both treatment conditions faithfully without contamination from techniques that were inconsistent with that theoretical approach. Behavioral marital therapy (BMT) was shown to be highly structured, with 93% of therapist interventions reflecting techniques specific to that approach. In contrast, insight-oriented marital therapy (IOMT) comprised a large percentage of nonspecific interventions (62%) compatible with but not unique to a psychodynamic orientation. Implications for the two treatment approaches and for future marital therapy outcome research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Despite much theoretical speculation and some indirect evidence, no study has empirically assessed the relationship of orality to depression. In the present investigation, two separate samples of male college students (N? = 276; N? = 141) completed both the Rorschach test and the Depression Experiences Questionnaire (DEQ). More DEQ items correlated significantly with a Rorschach orality measure than would be expected by chance, but the magnitude of these correlations was small. Item analysis suggests that dependency is less a factor in depression than is a personality constellation marked by egocentrism, immaturity, fear of rejection, helplessness, and lack of integration. The results of this study are limited by its use of nonclinically disturbed male subjects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Proposed that the traditional method of categorizing employee turnover as voluntary or involuntary has the effect of overstating the gravity of turnover on the organization. A recently suggested taxonomy was used to identify the extent of functional/dysfunctional and unavoidable/controllable employee separations. Analysis of data on employees (N?=?1,389) of Western bank branches, which considers both the replaceability and quality of departing employees, indicated substantial levels of functional (71%) and unavoidable (52%) turnover. Results suggest that the traditional dichotomy may in fact substantially overstate the impact of voluntary turnover. (14 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evaluations of children exposed to abuse or neglect are often sought from psychologists and other clinicians. Social service and juvenile court professionals need reliable, objective, and relevant assessments to help in their determination of what will best serve the needs of the minor children in such situations. The adequacy and usefulness of these types of evaluations have not been studied, but such study is needed. To that end, we systematically examined the content of 207 completed evaluations of children involved in one urban juvenile court system. The results show us some areas where changes in practice and training are needed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

16 female psychology undergraduate students were drawn from a pool of 48 Ss. 8 students having the highest "oral" scores and 8 having the highest "anal" scores were selected by means of the Blacky test. 1 of the E's attempted a Taffel-type verbal-conditioning problem with each of the Ss. In a separate phase the 2 remaining E's saw the 16 Ss for a hypnotic induction experiment. A comparison of the 2 predictors of hypnotic susceptibility revealed that the oral-anal measure failed completely to predict satisfactory hypnotic Ss while the verbal-conditioning test was successful at a highly significant level. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Standardized interviews were held with a sample of Korean and Chinese war prisoners to attempt to determine receptiveness to psychological warfare (PW). Nine factors were studied, including two criterion factors (degree of disaffection shown and degree of willingness to surrender peacefully). Scores on the factors were intercorrelated, and certain partial and multiple correlations were analyzed. The results "appeared to corroborate the major hypothesis… that PW is effective in changing behavior, but its effects are mainly of a precipitating nature that is differential for persons more sensitized to it by their morale and experiences… " (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A claimed benefit of transcendental meditation is increased creativity, although the literature neither supports nor negates such a claim. Four groups of 35 Ss each were administered a battery of 5 creativity measures (the Remote Associates Test, Adjective Check List Creativity Scale, Barron-Welsh Revised Art Scale, Franck Drawing Completion Test, and Similies Test), both before and after a 6-mo period. One group was enrolled in a transcendental meditation program; a 2nd group participated in a relaxation–response program; a 3rd group practiced, within a psychology of creativity course, a variety of creativity-enhancing techniques; the 4th group underwent no special treatment. Only the psychology of creativity group showed significant pre–post increases on 4 of the 5 measures, with no changes for the other 3 groups. The claim that meditation leads to increased creativity is not supported. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Responds to comments by M. J. Tagler, K. R. Gibson, M. P. Martens, S. Leigland , P. C. Friman et al, and G. N. Martin (see records 2000-13816-016, 2000-13816-017, 2000-13816-018, 2000-13816-019, 2000-13816-020, and 2000-13816-021) on R. W. Robins et al's (see record 1999-00297-003) article which examined trends in the prominence of 4 major schools of psychology. Methodological issues are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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