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卢旺达政府启动了一项雄心勃勃的计划,即尽快将该国电力供应提升到一个令人满意且可持续发展的水平。现有水电站私营化是满足偏远农村地区用电需求的有效途径。介绍了5座私营化试点电站的主要特征,并对其财务状况进行了分析。 相似文献
长治市全面建设小康社会的难点和关键是农村,特别是广大山区农村,而这些地方拥有丰富的水电资源,充分发挥农村水电在促进农村经济社会发展中的作用可为农村全面建设小康社会提供有效支撑。 相似文献
中国户用微水电行业发展与建议 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
李德孚 《中国农村水电及电气化》2006,(6):59-61
介绍我国实施农村水电电气化县建设的背景下微水电发展的概况,分析了微水电的应用特点及行业现状,阐述我国推广应用微水电的优势,分析其中的问题并提出意见和建议。 相似文献
李德孚 《中国水能及电气化》2006,(6):59-61
介绍我国实施农村水电电气化县建设的背景下微水电发展的概况,分析了微水电的应用特点及行业现状,阐述我国推广应用微水电的优势,分析其中的问题并提出意见和建议。 相似文献
建国以来,我国的水电建设取得了巨大的成就,2004年我国常规水电装机总容量已达1亿kW,居世界首位,我国水电建设管理水平也已经提高到了一个相应的新水平,同时也促进了水电的大发展。对各个历史时期的水电建设管理模式进行剖析和总结,详细地叙述了电力体制改革和水电建设管理体制改革中为了提高管理水平而采取的各种措施,客观地分析了要继续提高水电建设管理水平所面临的新的考验和压力,并指出了当前存在的问题,提出了很好的建议。 相似文献
得天独厚的水电资源黑河市拥有两江(黑龙江、嫩江)、一池(五大连池)、六百河(大、小河流631条)。为全面开发水电事业提供了良b+6勺自然条件、全市地表径流量105.94亿立方米,人均7049立方米,是全国人均占用量的6.6倍.主要江河水能理论蕴藏量为67万千瓦(不包括黑龙江和嫩江右岸支流),全市可开发水能资源总装机(500万千瓦以上的)48万千瓦,年发电量可达13.7亿千瓦时可建小水电的优越坝址43处。其中装机在1.0万千瓦以上的电站坝址有14处。不断发展的水电现状1984年前我市仅有一座装机250千瓦的水电站。1985年逊克县库尔滨电… 相似文献
我国微水电的现状与发展前景 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
主要阐述了我国发展微水电的作用与意义,微水电资源的开发利用情况,微水电的发展历程以及发展中面临的若干问题,并对我国微水电的发展前景作了预测。 相似文献
从空间数据模型、模型的构建方法、复杂地质体建模及应用三维水文地质模型进行地下水数值模拟等几个方面论述了三维水文地质建模技术的发展和研究现状,分析了目前三维水文地质建模技术的难点和不足;对未来三维水文地质建模技术的发展提出了建议;得出虽然目前一些难点和不足限制着三维水文地质建模技术的发展和应用,但由于水文地质行业对可视化及定量化的迫切需求及建模理论和建模技术的提高,其在水文地质行业中将发挥越来越重要的作用;最后,指出了针对不同应用的指导性质的概化原则、方法及标准体系的研究是未来专业水文地质工作人员重点研究的方向之一. 相似文献
I. H. Olcay Unver 《国际水资源开发杂志》1997,13(2):187-208
The Republic of Turkey has initiated a comprehensivesocioeconomic development project in its less developed south-east region. The South-eastern Anatolia Project, or GAP to use its Turkish acronym, aims at improving the living standards of some 6 million residents of this 75 000 km2 region by mobilizing the natural resources of this area for integrated development on a regional scale. GAP is planned, designed, coordinated and implemented in an integrated manner taking into account interactions among different sectors as well as activities within individual sectors. The South-eastern Anatolia Project, in its historical context, was formulated as a packageof water and land resources development projects in the 1970s, which was later transformed, in the early 1980s, to a multi-sectoral, socioeconomic regional developmentprogramme.A Regional Administration (GAP-RDA) was established in 1989 for the management of the programme.Sectors covered in the development programmesinclude irrigation, hydropower, agriculture, urban infrastructure, rural development, forestry, healthcare and education among others. The water resources programme of the US$32 billion project includes 22 dams, 19 hydropowerplants and irrigation of 1.7 million ha of land. This paper describes, in brief, the size, main features, financial aspects and the status of the integrated socioeconomic project in its general context thus forming the basis for operational as well as specific issues. It then attempts to provide an overall discussion of the sustainability framework for development in its different but highly interrelated facets. After establishing the main, global benefits the paper comments on the adverse, undesired impacts along with the measures adapted to mitigate them. The paper later describes, in more detail, environmental impact studies, their main findings and proposals related to watersheds and irrigation development with an emphasis on management and environmental health matters together with the measures taken. The paper concludes by emphasizing the commitment to sustainable development and to planning ahead rather than damage reduction, and the effort to integrate relevant and sometimes conflicting aspects rather than compromise. 相似文献
水利部水电局 《中国水能及电气化》2017,(9)
2016年是 "十三五" 农村水电改革发展开局之年. 在水利部党组的坚强领导和大力支持下, 农村水电坚持开发与保护统筹, 建设与管理并重, 大力转变工作思路, 全力推进民生水电、 平安水电、 绿色水电、 和谐水电建设. 农村水电全年完成投资249 亿元. 新投产装机155万千瓦, 技改净增发电设备容量48万千瓦, 累计新增加发电设备容量203万千瓦, 农村水电总装机达到7791万千瓦, 年发电量2682亿千瓦时, 农村水电各项工作取得明显成效. 相似文献
Water Resources in the GCC Countries: An Overview 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
One of the critical problems that hinders thesustainable development in the Gulf CooperationCouncil (GCC) countries is the lack of renewable waterresources. Rainfall in the Arabian Peninsula is scarceand infrequent. Over-exploitation of fossilgroundwater resources, mostly to meet the irrigationdemands and create greenery lands, has alreadyaffected the aquifer's productivity bothquantitatively and qualitatively. A great portion ofthe freshwater demands in the GCC countries is coveredby desalinated water. Recently, after the Gulf war anduncertainty of oil prices, the expansion in theconstruction of desalination plants may not beeconomically feasible. This article investigates thewater availability and assesses the water demands inthe GCC countries. It emphasizes the need for theadaptation of an efficient and integrated policy forwater utilization and application of relevantconservation techniques in various water consumptionsectors. Water of higher quality should be preservedfor drinking purposes and should not be utilized forother purposes that may tolerate water of lowerquality. Recycling of water and artificial recharge ofgroundwater by surface water and treated wastewatershould be adapted at a larger scale. 相似文献
文章介绍该工程安全鉴定的主要技术工作内容,包括现场检查、工程质量评价、大坝运行管理评价、防洪标准复核、结构安全、稳定分析评价、渗流安全评价、抗震安全复核、金属结构安全评价和大坝安全综合评价等,并提出工程存在的主要问题及对工程加固的意见和建议。 相似文献
Abstract Web Sites are becoming mainstream, necessary components of every organization's mandate, whether that organization is governmental, academic or commercially based. With this popularity comes an increasing demand for intelligent web design: simple, attractive, easy-to-navigate style that balances well-written content with useful web technologies and freshness that will keep people coming back. The Great Lakes Information Network (GLIN) has been employing these principles of Web design since its beginnings in 1993, focusing first on supplying useful content and secondly, ensuring that the useful content is well-organized and easy-to-navigate. By forming online partnerships with hundreds of groups involved in management of the Great Lakes ecosystem, GLIN represents a united Web presence for the entire region. 相似文献
从国际水电发展形势看我国水电百年发展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
我国水电经过百年的发展取得了巨大的成就,总装机容量突破2亿kW,已雄居世界第一。从当前国际水电的发展形势出发,认为水电是回报率最高的能源,分析了储水设施建设的重要性,并在回顾我国水电百年发展的各个阶段的基础上,提出了新形势下水电未来发展需要的新理念。 相似文献