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An observer moving forwards through the environment experiences a radial pattern of image motion on each retina. Such patterns of optic flow are a potential source of information about the observer's rate of progress, direction of heading and time to reach objects that lie ahead. As the viewing distance changes there must be changes in the vergence angle between the two eyes so that both foveas remain aligned on the object of interest in the scene ahead. Here we show that radial optic flow can elicit appropriately directed (horizontal) vergence eye movements with ultra-short latencies (roughly 80 ms) in human subjects. Centrifugal flow, signalling forwards motion, increases the vergence angle, whereas centripetal flow decreases the vergence angle. These vergence eye movements are still evident when the observer's view of the flow pattern is restricted to the temporal hemifield of one eye, indicating that these responses do not result from anisotropies in motion processing but from a mechanism that senses the radial pattern of flow. We hypothesize that flow-induced vergence is but one of a family of rapid ocular reflexes, mediated by the medial superior temporal cortex, compensating for translational disturbance of the observer. 相似文献
PURPOSE: To compare motor and sensory capabilities for fusion of vertical disparities at different angles of horizontal vergence in healthy humans. METHODS: Eye movements were recorded from both eyes of 12 healthy subjects using three-axis search coils. The stimulus was a cross (+) (3.4 x 3.2 degrees , vertically and horizontally, respectively) presented to each eye with a stereoscopic display. Vertical disparities were introduced by adjusting the vertical position of the cross in front of one eye. The disparity was increased in small increments (0.08 degrees ) every 8 seconds. Viewing was defined as "near" if there was a horizontal disparity that elicited 6 degrees to 15 degrees convergence, depending on the subject's capability for horizontal fusion; viewing was defined as "far" at 1 degrees convergence. Maximum motor (measured), sensory (stimulus minus motor), and total (motor plus sensory) vertical fusion were compared. RESULTS: In 9 (75%) of 12 subjects the maximum total vertical fusion was more in near than in far viewing. The three who did not show this effect had relatively weak horizontal fusion. For the entire group, the motor component differed significantly between far (mean, 1.42 degrees ) and near (mean, 2.13 degrees). Total vertical fusion capability (motor plus sensory) also differed significantly between far (mean, 1.68 degrees ) and near (mean, 2.39 degrees ). For the sensory component there was no difference between between far (mean, 0.268 degrees ) and near (mean, 0.270 degrees ). As vertical disparity increased in a single trial, however, there was a small gradual increase of the contribution of the sensory component to vertical fusion. CONCLUSIONS: Vertical fusion capability usually increases with convergence. This increase is caused primarily by an increase in the motor component. There is a gradual but small increase in the sensory component as target disparity slowly increases. 相似文献
RJ Snowden 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,8(24):1343-1345
Where do we perceive an object to be when it is moving? Nijhawan [1] has reported that if a stationary test pattern is briefly flashed in spatial alignment with a moving one, the moving element actually appears displaced in the direction in which it is moving. Nijhawan postulates that this may be the result of a mechanism that predicts the future position of the moving element so as to compensate for the fact that the element will have moved position from the time at which the light left it to the time at which the observer becomes aware of it (as a result of the finite time taken for neural transmission). There is an alternative explanation of this effect, however. Changes in the stimulus presentation could affect perceptual latency [2], and therefore the perceived position if in motion (as suggested for the Pulfrich pendulum effect [3] [4]). In other words, if the flashed probe of the Nijhawan demonstration takes longer to reach perceptual awareness than the moving stimulus, the latter will appear to be ahead of the probe. Here, I demonstrate an alternative way of testing this hypothesis. When an illusory movement is induced (via the motion aftereffect) within a stationary pattern, it can be shown that this also produces a change in its perceived spatial position. As the pattern is stationary, one cannot account for this result via the notion of perceptual lags. 相似文献
Based on evidence that physical space serves to regulate the intensity of perceived threat, and that the experience of threat is mediated by personality characteristics, it was predicted that peripherally seated students in the classroom would have poorer self-concepts and greater personal space needs than centrally seated students. Personality, personal space, and attitudinal measures (e.g., Self-Esteem Inventory, School Sentiment Index) were administered to 9 classes of high school students (181 9th–22th graders). Comparisons of extreme sections of the classroom revealed a significant polarization of student traits on 3 categories of variables dominated by self-concept and class participation issues. Results support the notion that differential participation and physical isolation are closely related to self-concept. (37 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
A target that is nearer to one eye than the other subtends a larger visual angle in the closer eye. Consequently, when making saccades between vertically separated targets that are closer to one eye, there is a vertical retinal disparity that must be overcome by a change in the relative alignment of the eyes. We recorded eye movements in three normal subjects and showed that in such viewing circumstances subjects made unequal vertical saccades that led to a rapid change (peak velocity up to 30 deg/sec) in vertical eye alignment. On average, 81% of the required change in alignment occurred within the saccade for downward movements and 47% for upward movements. Such unequal vertical saccades occurred independently of immediate disparity cues; saccades remained unequal when refixing to the remembered locations of the vertically-oriented targets, or even when the natural vertical disparity was nullified by a prism. On the other hand, when subjects wore the nullifying prism in front of the inferior visual field of the left eye for 8-20 hr, they showed a decrease in saccade disconjugacy (to 12-35% of the preadaptation value) to targets closer to the left eye in the inferior but not in the superior visual field. We suggest that the brain develops a three-dimensional map (horizontal, vertical, depth) for vertical saccade yoking, which is under adaptive control, and which is used to preprogram automatically the relative excursions of the eyes during vertical saccades as a function of the current and the desired point of regard. 相似文献
The present study examines whether the direction of gaze can influence sound lateralization. For this purpose, dichotic stimuli with variable interaural level difference (ILD) were presented under different conditions of visual fixation. In experiment 1, subjects with their head fixed directed their gaze to a given target, simultaneously adjusting the ILD of continuous pure tone or noise stimuli so that their location was perceived in the median plane of the head. The auditory adjustments were significantly correlated with gaze direction. During eccentric fixation, the psychophysical adjustments to the median plane shifted slightly toward the direction of gaze. The magnitude of the shift was about 1-3 dB, over a range of fixation angles of 45 degrees to either side. The eye position effect, measured as a function of pure-tone frequency, was most pronounced at 2 kHz and showed a tendency to decrease at lower and higher frequencies. The effect still occurred, although weaker, even when the eyes were directed to eccentric positions in darkness and without a fixation target. In experiment 2, the adjustment method was replaced by a two-alternative forced-choice method. Subjects judged whether sound bursts, presented with variable ILDs, were perceived on the left or right of the median plane during fixation of targets in various directions. Corresponding to experiment 1, the psychometric functions shifted significantly with gaze direction. However, the shift was only about half as large as that found in experiment 1. The shift of the subjective auditory median plane in the direction of eccentric gaze, observed in both experiments, indicates that dichotic sound is localized slightly to the opposite side, i.e., to the left when the gaze is directed to the right and vice versa. The effect may be related to auditory neurons which exhibit spatially selective receptive fields that shift with eye position. 相似文献
Sensorimotor adaptation was studied in 23 institutionalized, mentally retarded individuals. This was achieved by recording the pattern of off-target pointing errors resulting from viewing through a 20-diopter prism. The results showed a wide range of individual differences in prism adaptation. The electroencephalogram (EEG) was also recorded from four scalp locations and analyzed by computer to determine EEG intensity, coherence, and phase angle. Correlations between EEG and behavioral scores of prism adaptation revealed a number of significant relationships, especially negative correlations between alpha intensity and prismatic adaptation. These results indicate that patterns of central nervous system activity are meaningful related to sensorimotor capabilities in retarded individuals. 相似文献
VG Kokich 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,18(12):1225-31; quiz 1232
Throughout the 1990s, esthetic dentistry has become a prominent part of the treatment protocol of most dentists. Patients have become more conscious of the benefits of a beautiful smile and are willing to invest time and money to improve the appearance of their teeth. Many of these patients can be treated with routine restorative procedures (crowns, composites, laminates) to achieve the desired results. However, some patients have problems with tooth position that create significant discrepancies in gingival levels which can compromise the esthetic result of restorative dentistry. Prerestorative orthodontic therapy can often resolve these tooth position problems and enhance the esthetic restoration. This article describes the indication, methods, and results achieved when orthodontics preceded restorative dentistry in the treatment of various esthetic challenges. 相似文献
A simple technique that relies on a fine wire to maintain vertical relationships of the maxilla during Le Fort I osteotomy is described. The advantages are (1) the hands of the assistant are free to help adapt plates, (2) it decreases the assistant's need to maintain a pose, and (3) the time of the operation decreases. 相似文献
Used a "transsaccadic" partial report procedure to measure memory for position and identity information across saccades. Delaying the partial-report cue after the eye movement had little effect on report accuracy. Mask presentation hindered recall only at the shortest delay. Accuracy was much higher when the letter array contained 6 letters than when it contained 10 letters. Intra-array errors were much more frequent than extra-array errors. These results suggest that memory across eye movements decays slowly, has a limited capacity, is maskable for a brief time, and retains identity information better than position information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Tested E. Hering's (1968 [1977]) claim that extreme horizontal eye position varies as a function of viewing distance. This relationship between version and vergence was measured in 5 university students (aged 19–28 yrs), using both subjective and objective techniques. Results suggest that the extreme eye position difference observed by Hering may have been a function of eye elevation, not distance. With eye elevation held constant, no consistent difference in extreme eye position as a function of distance was observed. Differences in extreme eye position were observed when eye elevation covaried with distance and also when eye elevation varied within one distance. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
JO Phillips AF Fuchs L Ling Y Iwamoto S Votaw 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,78(5):2817-2821
Gain adaptation of eye and head movement components of simian gaze shifts. J. Neurophysiol. 78: 2817-2821, 1997. To investigate the site of gaze adaptation in primates, we reduced the gain of large head-restrained gaze shifts made to 50 degrees target steps by jumping the target 40% backwards during a targeting saccade and then tested gain transfer to the eye- and head-movement components of head-unrestrained gaze shifts. After several hundred backstep trials, saccadic gain decreased by at least 10% in 8 of 13 experiments, which were then selected for further study. The minimum saccadic gain decrease in these eight experiments was 12.8% (mean = 18.4%). Head-unrestrained gaze shifts to ordinary 50 degrees target steps experienced a gain reduction of at least 9.3% (mean = 14.9%), a mean gain transfer of 81%. Both the eye and head components of the gaze shift also decreased. However, average head movement gain decreased much more (22.1%) than eye movement gain (9.2%). Also, peak head velocity generally decreased significantly (20%), but peak eye velocity either increased or remained constant (average increase of 5.6%). However, the adapted peak eye and head velocities were appropriate for the adapted, smaller gaze amplitudes. Similar dissociations in eye and head metrics occurred when head-unrestrained gaze shifts were adapted directly (n = 2). These results indicated that head-restrained saccadic gain adaptation did not produce adaptation of eye movement alone. Nor did it produce a proportional gain change in both eye and head movement. Rather, normal eye and head amplitude and velocity relations for a given gaze amplitude were preserved. Such a result could be explained most easily if head-restrained adaptation were realized before the eye and head commands had been individualized. Therefore, gaze adaptation is most likely to occur upstream of the creation of separate eye and head movement commands. 相似文献
We have previously shown that fast phase axis orientation and primary eye position in rhesus monkeys are dynamically controlled by otolith signals during head rotations that involve a reorientation of the head relative to gravity. Because of the inherent ambiguity associated with primary otolith afferent coding of linear accelerations during head translation and tilts, a similar organization might also underlie the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) during translation. The ability of the oculomotor system to correctly distinguish translational accelerations from gravity in the dynamic control of primary eye position has been investigated here by comparing the eye movements elicited by sinusoidal lateral and fore-aft oscillations (0.5 Hz +/- 40 cm, equivalent to +/- 0.4 g) with those during yaw rotations (180 degrees/s) about a vertically tilted axis (23.6 degrees). We found a significant modulation of primary eye position as a function of linear acceleration (gravity) during rotation but not during lateral and fore-aft translation. This modulation was enhanced during the initial phase of rotation when there was concomitant semicircular canal input. These findings suggest that control of primary eye position and fast phase axis orientation in the VOR are based on central vestibular mechanisms that discriminate between gravity and translational head acceleration. 相似文献
Kelsey John E.; Aranow Jonathan S.; Matthews Russell T. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1990,104(5):704
Rats previously injected with morphine in a particular environment (paired rats) emitted more withdrawal symptoms in that environment than did rats previously injected with morphine in another environment (unpaired rats) after both 1 day and 5 days of morphine abstinence. Thus, reexposure to an environment previously associated with morphine can elicit context-specific withdrawal even after several days of morphine abstinence. Clonidine (0.06 mg/kg) reduced most of the withdrawal symptoms seen 5 days after morphine abstinence in both the paired and unpaired rats. However, clonidine enhanced many of the withdrawal symptoms in both groups of rats during naltrexone-precipitated withdrawal 1 day after morphine abstinence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Responses of first-order afferents from the extraocular muscles of the pigeon were studied by extracellular recording in the ophthalmic part of the trigeminal ganglion of decerebrate, paralysed pigeons. The afferents responded to both the amplitude and velocity of ramp displacements of the intact eye with amplitude sensitivities ranging from 0.9 to 8 impulses/s/deg of eye displacement beyond the response threshold. Once a new stable position had been reached, the afferent signal depended only upon the absolute position of the eye within the orbit. The responses adapted in seconds rather than minutes so these units would not provide a continuous signal of the position of an immobile eye; they are best described as signalling position and velocity in relation to eye movements. 相似文献