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The AmO2−x solid solution data set for the dependence of the oxygen potential on the composition, x, and temperature was retrieved from the literature and represented by a thermodynamic model. The data set was analysed by least-squares using equations derived from the classical thermodynamic theory for the solid solution of a solute in a solvent. Two representations of the AmO2−x data were used, namely the Am5/4O2–AmO2 and AmO3/2–AmO2 solid solution. No significant difference was found between the two, and the Am5/4O2–AmO2 solution was preferred on the basis of the phase diagram. From the results the Gibbs energy of formation of Am5/4O2 has been derived.  相似文献   

The MnCl2-UCl4 system was studied employing differential thermal analysis, common thermal analysis and high-temperature cryometry. From the results obtained, both the phase diagram and the thermodynamic characteristics of liquid phases of the system have been determined. The results were discussed in terms of regularities found in the phase equilibria of binary salt systems with common anion and compared with those for other systems of the type MCln-UCl4. It appeared that the results confirmed earlier predictions on the title system.  相似文献   

The published data concerned with the determination of the composition ranges of uranium oxides, UO2+x, U4O9−y and U3O8−z, which have been determined using thermogravimetric, X-ray diffraction and electrochemical techniques are critically assessed. U4O9 and U3O8 have quite small domains of composition and the assessment of such data has carefully considered the uncertainties in the experimental determinations. In addition, the thermodynamic properties of U4O9 and U3O8, enthalpies of formation and transformation, entropies, and thermal capacities are analyzed and selected to build a primary data base for compounds.  相似文献   

A critical assessment of oxygen chemical potential of UO2+x, U4O9 and U3O8 oxide non-stoichiometric phases as well as of diphasic related domains has been performed in order to build up primary input data files used in a further optimization procedure of thermodynamic and phase diagram data for the uranium-oxygen system in the UO2-UO3 composition range. Owing to the fact that original data are very numerous, more than 500 publications, a twofold process is used for the assessment - (i) first a critical selection of data is performed for each method of measurement together with a careful estimate of their uncertainties, (ii) second a reduction of the total number of data on the basis of a chart with fixed intervals of temperature and composition that allows a comparison to be made of the results from the various experiments. Results are presented for chemical potentials of oxygen with their associated uncertainties.  相似文献   

The Gibbs energy of formation of SrThO3(s) has been determined using e.m.f. and manometric techniques. In the e.m.f. method, two fluoride cells have been constructed to determine ΔfG0m(SrThO3,s,T) using CaF2(s) as a solid electrolyte. The cells used are:

A horizontal thermal analysis instrument was adapted as a transpiration apparatus for the measurement of vapour pressure of solid boric acid, H3BO3. The experimental parameters necessary for establishing a dynamic isothermal congruent vapourisation equilibrium of H3BO3 were identified. Using these optimized transpiration experiments, the vapour pressures were measured in the temperature range 326-363 K. The temperature dependence of the measured values of vapour pressures could be expressed using the expression, log(p/Pa) = 26.83(±0.09) − 9094(±246)/T (K). The standard enthalpy of sublimation, , of H3BO3 was estimated to be 174.1 ± 4.7 kJ mol−1 at the mean temperature of the present measurements, viz., 345 K.  相似文献   

First-principle calculations in the framework of the full-potential linearized-augmented-plane-wave method (FLAPW, as implemented into the WIEN-2k code) have been performed to understand the structural, elastic, cohesive and electronic properties of the meta-stable cubic strontium thorate SrThO3. The optimized lattice parameters, elastic parameters, formation energies, densities of states, band structures and charge density distributions are obtained and discussed in comparison with those of cubic SrZrO3 and ThO2.  相似文献   

The fuel of civil nuclear plants, UO2, melts at 3120 K. During an hypothetical severe accident, urania, submitted to high temperatures and various oxygen potentials, presents a wide non-stoichiometry range: the melting temperature of UOx, related to oxygen potential, decreases in all cases. In this scenario, urania could react with other materials, firstly zircaloy, and the melting temperature of (U, Zr)Ox still decreases. That is why the critical assessment of the O-U binary system including the non-stoichiometry range of urania, is a major step to a correct thermodynamic modelling of multicomponent systems for nuclear safety. The very numerous experimental information has been compiled and analysed. The associate model was used for the liquid phase, and a sublattice model for UOx; U4O9−y, U3O8 and UO3 were treated as stoichiometric. Phase diagram and thermodynamic properties have been calculated from the optimised Gibbs energy parameters. The calculated consistency with the experimental ones is quite satisfactory.  相似文献   

ThO2 containing around 2-3% 233UO2 is the proposed fuel for the forthcoming Indian Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR). This fuel is prepared by powder metallurgy technique using ThO2 and U3O8 powders as the starting material. The densification behaviour of the fuel was evaluated using a high temperature dilatometer in four different atmospheres Ar, Ar-8%H2, CO2 and air. Air was found to be the best medium for sintering among them. For Ar and Ar-8%H2 atmospheres, the former gave a slightly higher densification. Thermogravimetric studies carried out on ThO2-2%U3O8 granules in air showed a continuous decrease in weight up to 1500 °C. The effectiveness of U3O8 in enhancing the sintering of ThO2 has been established.  相似文献   

The reduction of U3O8 pellets to UO2+x has been investigated at 1300 °C in H2, Ar and CO2 gas atmospheres by TGA, SEM, and X-ray diffraction. The selected U3O8 pellet was prepared by sintering a U3O8 powder compact. The TGA results show that the reduction rate is fastest in H2 gas, and X-ray diffraction indicates that U3O8 reduces to UO2+x without any intermediate phase. The reduced pellet, UO2+x, has a special grain structure that consists of equiaxed grains at the surface, columnar grains in the middle, and equiaxed grains in the center. The equiaxed grains and columnar grains are much smaller in H2 gas than in Ar or CO2 gas. The reducing gases significantly influence the morphology of the grain structure. This difference can be explained in terms of a relation between oxygen potential and critical nucleus size during the reduction.  相似文献   

Enthalpy increment measurements on La2Te3O9(s) and La2Te4O11(s) were carried out using a Calvet micro-calorimeter. The enthalpy values were analyzed using the non-linear curve fitting method. The dependence of enthalpy increments with temperature was given as: (T) − (298.15 K) (J mol−1) = 360.70T + 0.00409T2 + 133.568 × 105/T − 149 923 (373 ? T (K) ? 936) for La2Te3O9 and (T) − (298.15 K) (J mol−1) = 331.927T + 0.0549T2 + 29.3623 × 105/T − 114 587 (373 ? T (K) ? 936) for La2Te4O11.  相似文献   

A new chlorination method using ZrCl4 in a molten salt bath has been investigated for the pyrometallurgical reprocessing of nuclear fuels. ZrCl4 has a high reactivity with oxygen but is not corrosive to refractory metals such as steel. Rare earth oxides (La2O3, CeO2, Nd2O3 and Y2O3) and actinide oxides (UO2 and PuO2) were allowed to react with ZrCl4 in a LiCl-KCl eutectic salt at 773 K to give a metal chloride solution and a precipitate of ZrO2. An addition of zirconium metal as a reductant was effective in chlorinating the dioxides. When the oxides were in powder form, the reaction was observed to progress rapidly. Cyclic voltammetry provided a convenient way of establishing when the reaction was completed. It was demonstrated that the ZrCl4 chlorination method, free from corrosive gas, was very simple and useful.  相似文献   

The heats of formation of (U,Mo)Al3 intermetallic compounds were obtained by measuring the reaction heats of U-Mo/Al dispersion samples by differential scanning calorimetry. Based on literature data for the reaction heats of U3Si/Al and U3Si2/Al dispersion samples, the heats of formation of U(Al,Si)3 as a function of the Si content were calculated. The heat of formation of (U,Mo)Al3 becomes less negative as the Mo content increases. Conversely, the heat of formation of U(Al,Si)3 becomes more negative with increasing Si content.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic stability of rubidium thorate, Rb2ThO3(s), was determined from vaporization studies using the Knudsen effusion forward collection technique. Rb2ThO3(s) vaporized incongruently and predominantly as Rb2ThO3(s)=ThO2(s) + 2Rb(g) + 1/2 O2(g). The equilibrium constant K=pRb2·pO21/2 was evaluated from the measurement of the effusive flux due to Rb vapor species under the oxygen potential governed by the stoichiometric loss of the chemical component Rb2O from the thorate phase. The Gibbs energy of formation of Rb2ThO3 derived from the measurement and other auxiliary data could be given by the equation, ΔfG°(Rb2ThO3,s)=−1794.7+0.42T ± .  相似文献   

Thermoanalytical (TG-DTA-EGA) and X-ray diffraction measurements have been used to study the reaction between uranyl nitrate hexahydrate and strontium nitrate. The results confirmed the absence of a direct interaction between the two compounds. The presence of strontium nitrate, however, ensured that the extent of hydrolysis and polymerisation of uranyl nitrate hexahydrate during its dehydration and decomposition to UO3 is significantly reduced. DTA curves recorded in both heating and cooling modes gave evidence to the occurrence of a reaction between molten strontium nitrate and uranium trioxide to form nitrato-complexes of uranium and strontium. X-ray diffraction data on reaction residues obtained at different temperatures and cooled to room temperature also showed evidence for the formation of such complexes. The results obtained indicated an increase in thermal stability of these nitrato-complexes with increase in Sr/U ratio. The complex with an Sr/U ratio of 2.0 is stable up to 660 °C and the complex with Sr/U ratio of 4.0 is stable up to 680 °C. These complexes decompose at higher temperatures to give strontium uranates.  相似文献   

The temperature variation of UV-VIS-NIR optical spectra of UO2 have been investigated from room temperature up to 1173 K with careful in situ oxygen partial pressure control. The deduced optical absorption edge exhibits a strong temperature dependence. Its value decreases from ∼2 eV at room temperature to ∼0.8 eV at 1173 K. Such thermal behaviour is interpreted as the consequence of the existence of a strong electron-phonon coupling (small polaron). In the temperature range 300-1173 K, the model yields a hopping radius of ∼2 Å and a polaron self-energy of Ep=−0.38 eV.  相似文献   

This work is dedicated to the understanding of the basic processes involved in the formation of copper enriched clusters in low alloyed FeCu binary system (FeCu0.1 wt%) under irradiation at temperature close to 300 °C. Such an alloy was irradiated with electrons or with ions (Fe+ or He+) in order to deconvolute the effect of displacement cascades and the associated generation of point defect clusters (ion irradiations), and the super-saturation of mono-vacancies and self-interstitial atoms (electron irradiation). The microstructure of this alloy was characterised by tomographic atom probe. Experimental results were compared with results obtained with cluster dynamic model giving an estimation of the evolution of point defects (free or agglomerated) under irradiation on the one hand and describing homogeneous enhanced precipitation of copper on the other hand. The comparison between the results obtained on the different irradiation conditions and the model suggests that the point defect clusters (dislocation loops and/or nano-voids) created in displacement cascades play a major role in copper clustering in low copper alloy irradiated at 573 K.  相似文献   

The phase diagram in the quaternary Fe-Pu-U-Zr system was established at 923 K in the uranium-rich region to understand better the compatibility between the metal fuel and stainless steel cladding in a fast reactor. The experimental phase relation data obtained in this study was applied to the thermodynamic methodology for construction of the phase diagram. The calculated phase diagram was consistent and well within the experimental data. The applicability of the thermodynamic model to other temperatures was confirmed by comparing the present results of differential thermal analysis with the calculated phase diagrams. These consistencies mean that both the thermodynamic model and the assessed parameters in the binary and ternary subsystems developed so far are reasonable. The calculated phase diagram established in this study was also in good agreement with the analysis of the diffusion zone in tests on Pu-U-Zr/Fe couples. This suggests that the diffusion zone formed at the fuel-cladding interface in the reactor system can be assessed using the phase diagram in the quaternary Fe-Pu-U-Zr system.  相似文献   

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