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A new method for low mercury concentration analysis in drinking waters is presented. Membranes containing a few micrograms of various complexing reagents were produced on the surface of quartz glasses (reflectors). The reflectors were immersed in water solutions containing various concentrations of inorganic mercury salts at low concentrations (1-40 ng/mL). The membranes were left to equilibrate in 5-500 mL of solution for many hours; when the equilibration stage was finished they were cleaned with ultrapure water and left to dry. Analyses were performed by total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF). The effects of various experimental parameters (complexing agent, equilibrium time, sample volume, etc.) as well as the selectivity of the membranes were studied. The complexing reagent dithizone with a PVC-based membrane gave the best results. The limit of quantitation was 0.8 ng/mL.  相似文献   

The methodology developed for evaluating, by total reflection X-ray fluorescence, the main elements in used three-way catalysts for cars after more than 59 000 km is described. The analytical method does not require chemical manipulation of the samples, is quick (30 min for sample preparation and 10 min for analysis), precise (between 1% and 10% of variation coefficient), and simple. The two catalytic monoliths contained in the cartridge of a car with more than 59,000 km have been analyzed. The mass relationships between the detected elements and Si, a component of the cordierite ceramic substrate, have been used to follow the axial and radial profiles of the elements. Information concerning the loss of active elements and the retention of contaminating elements as a consequence of the working conditions was attained by comparison between the results obtained for the used catalyst (59 000 km) with those of a fresh catalyst (0 km). The interface effect between the first and the second catalytic bricks was also studied.  相似文献   

Total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) analysis is a well-established method to monitor lowest level contamination on semiconductor surfaces. Even light elements on a wafer surface can be excited effectively when using high-flux synchrotron radiation in the soft X-ray range. To meet current industrial requirements in nondestructive semiconductor analysis, the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) operates dedicated instrumentation for analyzing light element contamination on wafer pieces as well as on 200- and 300-mm silicon wafer surfaces. This instrumentation is also suited for grazing incidence X-ray fluorescence analysis and conventional energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis of buried and surface nanolayered structures, respectively. The most prominent features are a high-vacuum load-lock combined with an equipment front end module and a UHV irradiation chamber with an electrostatic chuck mounted on an eight-axis manipulator. Here, the entire surface of a 200- or a 300-mm wafer can be scanned by monochromatized radiation provided by the plane grating monochromator beamline for undulator radiation in the PTB laboratory at the electron storage ring BESSY II. This beamline provides high spectral purity and high photon flux in the range of 0.078-1.86 keV. In addition, absolutely calibrated photodiodes and Si(Li) detectors are used to monitor the exciting radiant power respectively the fluorescence radiation. Furthermore, the footprint of the excitation radiation at the wafer surface is well-known due to beam profile recordings by a CCD during special operation conditions at BESSY II that allow for drastically reduced electron beam currents. Thus, all the requirements of completely reference-free quantitation of TXRF analysis are fulfilled and are to be presented in the present work. The perspectives to arrange for reference-free quantitation using X-ray tube-based, table-top TXRF analysis are also addressed.  相似文献   

A simple and fairly inexpensive total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) spectrometer has been designed, constructed and realized. The spectrometer is capable of ultra-trace multielement analysis as well as performs surface characterization of thin films. The TXRF setup comprises of an X-ray generator, a slit-collimator arrangement, a monochromator/cutoff-stage, a sample reflector stage and an X-ray detection system. The glancing angle of incidence on the two reflectors is implemented using a sine-bar mechanism that enables precise angle adjustments. An energy dispersive detector and a GM counter are employed for measuring respectively the fluorescence intensities and the direct X-ray beam intensity. A Cu-target X-ray generator with its line focus window is used as an excitation source. The spectrometer is quite portable with its compact design and use of a peltier cooled solid state detector for energy dispersive detection. Alignment and characterization of the TXRF system has been performed and the minimum detection limits for various elements have been determined to be in the range of 100 pg to 5 ng even at low X-ray generator powers of 30 kV, 5 mA. The capability of the TXRF system developed for thin film characterization is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

In the present work a method for the determination of perchlorate trace levels by total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) is introduced. Perchlorate anions were concentrated on anion-selective membranes that had been prepared on the surface of TXRF quartz reflectors. Various complexation substances were used in the membranes. The reflectors were immersed in water solutions containing nanogram per milliliter (ppb) concentrations of perchlorate. After this step, the reflectors were taken out of the solution and they were analyzed by TXRF, using a copper X-ray tube and helium flow on the target (to lower the argon peak which is present in the air). The effects of various experimental parameters were examined, and the possibility of discrimination between chloride and perchlorate anions was shown. Minimum detection limits lower than 1 ng/mL and good linearity at the concentration range of 1-50 ng/mL were achieved. The method is applicable for the analysis of perchlorate in drinking water samples.  相似文献   

A portable total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometer is presented. The present spectrometer mainly consists of a 1.5-W X-ray tube, a waveguide type slit, a detector, and a sample carrier (a quartz optical flat), and these components are contained in an attache case-type box. Continuum X-rays emitted from the low-power X-ray tube are used for the excitation of the X-ray fluorescence, and the minimum detection limit for Cr is a few nanograms or the level of 1013 atoms/cm2.  相似文献   

Features of total external reflection x-ray fluorescence analysis and certain aspects in the miniaturization of spectrometers are briefly considered. The design of a miniature experimental cell for spectrometry of the surface layers of different materials and the dry residues of liquids, developed on the base of a planar xray waveguide-resonator, along with experimental data, are presented.  相似文献   

Important interfacial processes in disciplines ranging from medicine to the separations sciences occur over a wide range of pressures, temperatures, and time scales. In this paper we report a new high-pressure total internal reflection fluorescence (HP-TIRF) apparatus that allows rapid fluorescence measurements of sub-monolayers in contact with liquids and supercritical fluids between 293 K and 353 K and up to 250 bar with picosecond time resolution. We use the HP-TIRF system to study the in-plane rotational reorientation dynamics of the fluorescent probe BODIPY 494/503 (C(2v) symmetry) covalently attached to silica surfaces that have been silanized with n-propyltrimethoxysilane (C(3)-TMOS) or 3,3,3-trifluoropropyltrimethoxysilane (CF(3)-TMOS) when the interface is subjected to pure supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO(2)). The in-plane BODIPY 494/503 rotational reorientation dynamics are assessed by using the Debye-Stokes-Einstein expression. As the scCO(2) density increases the local microviscosity surrounding the tethered BODIPY 494/503 molecule decreases. The terminal group (CH(3) versus CF(3)) within the silane monolayer governs the onset and absolute magnitude of the observed viscosity changes. The results are explained in terms of the wellknown solubility of fluorine-containing species in scCO(2).  相似文献   

A newly constructed measuring chamber for total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis (TXRF) has been tested for several applications. Full spectrum excitation and monoenergetic excitation of the sample are compared using rotating and standing anode tubes as primary radiation source. Advantages and disadvantages of using a W-C multilayer structure as monochromator in TXRF are discussed. Extrapolated detection limits of 170 fg (1 fg = 10−15 g) for Mn were obtained using a Cu-anode and full spectrum excitation.  相似文献   

The current state of the art in one of the most promising techniques of X-ray spectral analysis, namely, total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis (TXRF), is summarized. The underlying physical processes, including reflection, refraction, total external reflection (TER) of X-rays, and formation of standing waves by TER, are considered. The construction and crucial components of a modern energy-dispersive TXRF spectrometer, involving X-ray tubes, monochromators, detectors, and reflectors, are described. Examples of analytical application of TXRF are given. High efficiency of this technique for qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis of liquids and solids of various natures is demonstrated. The main research trends in surface analysis and investigation of surface layers of solids by TXRF are discussed.  相似文献   

Hybridization of complementary single-stranded DNAs (ssDNA) at a water/CCl4 interface was studied on the basis of picosecond total internal reflection fluorescence spectroscopy. Complementary ssDNAs dissolved in water were shown to produce the relevant double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) at a water/CCl4 interface in the presence of octadecylamine (ODA) in the oil phase, while hybridization between ssDNAs did not proceed in the water phase, as demonstrated by the fluorescence dynamics of ethidium bromide as a probe for the DNA structure. The structures of dsDNA and the roles of ODA in hybridization of ssDNA at the interface were discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of an optical readout system for the real-time analysis of fluorescent-labeled DNA microarrays is described. The system is targeted toward research applications in genomics, agriculture, and life sciences, where the end-point detection of state-of-the-art readout systems does not provide sufficient information on the hybridization process. The hybridization progress of molecules from the liquid phase in a flow cell to immobilized oligonucleotides on a transducer surface can be observed. The excitation of fluorochromes is realized by a semiconductor laser, and the fluorescence emission is collected by a cooled CCD camera. Quantitative data can be extracted from the images for analysis of the microarray. For the signal transduction, the principle of total internal reflection is used. With a multiple internal reflection arrangement, the sensor chip was adapted to the standard microscope slide format and a homogeneous evanescent illumination of the active area of the sensor surface was achieved. An application measurement was carried out with this readout system. The hybridization of Cy5-labeled 30-mer single-stranded oligonucleotides to fully complementary immobilized strands was observed in real time. A kinetic analysis was demonstrated with the recorded data. Melting curves of a 140-mer PCR product from a hemochromatosis patient sample hybridized to immobilized wild-type mutant 15- and 17-mer oligonucleotides were recorded and single-point mutations could be detected.  相似文献   

An X-ray fluorescent spectrometer with total X-ray reflection and minimum detection limit by zinc of n · 10−10 g is developed that allows performing analysis of elements from magnesium to uranium. This spectrometer is used to determine the elemental composition of Bi-Nd-Fe-O films grown on an Al2O3 single crystal (transparent sapphire, face 0001) in a gas-discharge sputtering chamber of a ceramic Bi0.95Nd0.05FeO3 target. It is shown that the spectrometer allows registering formation and growth of films starting from the sputtering time of 15 s.  相似文献   

于吉顺  陆琦  肖平  张锦化 《功能材料》2008,39(2):199-201
X射线的反射(XRR)测量法可精确地确定平行层及其薄膜结构,如测定光滑基体上聚合物膜的特性,包括层的厚度、密度和界面粗糙度.使用X'Pert X射线粉晶衍射仪对单晶硅片上的有机薄膜镀层进行了其厚度的精确测定,测定结果为该单晶硅片上的有机薄膜有3层,其厚度分别为5.0、60.2和245.3nm.并用倒易向量方法计算和验证了测量结果的正确性.还讨论了用X射线反射测定薄膜结构的一些影响因素.  相似文献   

Metal (Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cd, and Pb) concentrations in the region of Criciuma (Brazil), a region impacted by coal mining, were determined in water and sediments using total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) spectroscopy. Samples were collected from the M?e Luzia River (south Brazil) at five different stations, from the source down to the river mouth (Ararangua estuary). Water and sediment toxicity were also evaluated using bioassays with Daphnia magna as the bioindicator. The metal present in the highest concentrations both in water (1.3-11 mg L(-1)) and in sediments (34-142 mg L(-1)) was iron. Results suggest an influence of coal mining on the aquatic receptors, showing a clear relationship between metal content (mostly Fe) and ecotoxicity.  相似文献   

Chon JW  Gu M 《Applied optics》2004,43(5):1063-1071
We propose a new type of total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) called scanning TIRFM (STIRFM) that uses a focused ring-beam illumination and a high-numerical-aperture objective (NA = 1.65). The evanescent field produced by the STIRFM is focused laterally, producing a small excitation volume that can induce a nonlinear effect such as two-photon absorption. Experimental images of CdSe quantum dot nanocrystals and Rhodamine 6G-doped microbeads show that good lateral and axial resolutions are achieved with the current setup. The theoretical simulation of the focal spot produced in STIRFM geometry shows that the focused evanescent field is split into two peaks because of the depolarization effect of a high numerical-aperture objective lens. However, the point-spread function analysis of both one-photon and two-photon excitation cases shows that the detection of the focus-splitting effect is dependent on the detection pinhole size. The effect of pinhole size on image formation is theoretically investigated and confirmed experimentally with the nanocrystal images.  相似文献   

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