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本文叙述了对使用在快中子飞行时间谱仪中的光电倍增管分压器电路(ORTEC269)管座的改进,改进后的时间探头的脉冲幅度、脉冲形状甄别和时间分辨的性能有了很大的改善。  相似文献   

介绍了双球型便携式中子剂量仪探头设计的计算过程,利用MCNP3B程序对双球的中子能量响应进行模拟,基于双球的中子能量响应差异,可确定一个修正因子,对H*(10)的估算值进行修正,使得中子剂量能量响应得到改善。考虑到双球的相互影响问题,对双球的间距和角响应进行了计算,并对影响的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

正Cancer has become the most dangerous factor of human health.Boron neutron capture therapy(BNCT)as a binary radiation therapy modality with some indication of its potential efficacy,has strongly attracted many scientists. The measurement of neutron spectrum is an important  相似文献   

实验确认治疗束的谱源项参数是硼中子俘获治疗(BNCT)物理剂量学研究的重要环节之一,全面细致地掌握相关信息,对精准制定临床治疗计划进而准确评估患者的给予剂量十分重要。为验证理论计算源项光子能谱的可靠性,设计适用于BNCT治疗束特点(宽能量范围、高强度n/γ混合束)的新型光子谱仪。通过蒙特卡罗模拟方法优化探测器内的中子注量率、光子计数率及次级光子占比(次级光子计数率/初级光子计数率)三个重要参数,在降低辐射强度以避免探测器的辐射损伤和死时间过大的同时,尽可能抑制中子诱导次级光子的产生,将次级光子占比降至5.45,以实现BNCT治疗束光子谱的快速准确测量。同时,开展谱仪对不同能量光子响应的校准方法研究,以便得到准确的响应函数,为光子谱的解谱工作奠定基础。  相似文献   

A special neutron diagnostic system is proposed that facilitates the measurement of neutron fluxes and spectra in the neutronics and tritium production-test blanket module (NTTBM) without interrupting the operation of the International Thermal-nuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), for studying the multiplication rate in the neutron multiplier and breeding ratio of tritium in the breeder. This system includes an encapsulated foil activation system, micro-fission chamber detectors (MFC), and a compact neutron spectrometer using a natural diamond detector (NDD). A helium coolant loop with a reasonable diameter is designed carefully for every measurement channel that ensures that the neutron detectors and preamplifiers would work well under a high temperature scenario and that the filling rates of the neutron multiplier (beryllium pebble) and tritium breeder material (Li4SiO4) would not decrease excessively (the expected value〉80%) due to the dimensions of the helium coolant loop.  相似文献   

从冷中子导管系统的实际情况出发,以程序模拟为主要手段,通过计算和分析得到最重要的设计参数:可用中子波长范围、样品处束流强度和能量分辨率。在这些参数的基础上,结合实际给出了谱仪的整体配置以及主要部件的部分参数,如能量和动量转移范围、单色器和分析器的起飞角范围和嵌镶角、样品台散射角、准直器的准直度及本底和剂量要求等。  相似文献   

介绍了一款同时测量混合辐射场中n、γ剂量当量的装置研制,该装置通过单球多计数器和GM计数管相结合的方法构成,单球多计数器的探测器由三根两两垂直的3He正比计数管构成,通过解谱的方法得到中子剂量当量。在Am-Be和Cf-252中子参考辐射场中进行了测试,剂量当量相对误差30%;在能量范围为63keV-1.25MeV的入射光子下进行了能量响应试验,相对误差30%。  相似文献   

A new time-resolved shifted dual transmission grating spectrometer(SDTGS) is designed and fabricated in this work. This SDTGS uses a new shifted dual transmission grating(SDTG) as its dispersive component, which has two sub transmission gratings with different line densities, of 2000 lines/mm and 5000 lines/mm. The axes of the two sub transmission gratings in SDTG are horizontally and vertically shifted a certain distance to measure a broad range of 0.1–5 keV time-resolved X-ray spectra. The SDTG has been calibrated with a soft X-ray beam of the synchrotron radiation facility and its diffraction efficiency is also measured. The designed SDTGS can take full use of the space on a record panel and improve the precision for measuring spatial and temporal spectrum simultaneously. It will be a promising application for accurate diagnosis of the soft X-ray spectrum in inertial confinement fusion.  相似文献   

We have explored methods for optimizing the timing resolution of an LSO-based detector module for a single-ring, "demonstration" time-of-flight PET camera. By maximizing the area that couples the scintillator to the PMT and minimizing the average path length that the scintillation photons travel, a single detector timing resolution of 218 ps fwhm is measured, which is considerably better than the ~385 ps fwhm obtained by commercial LSO or LYSO TOF detector modules. We explored different surface treatments (saw-cut, mechanically polished, and chemically etched) and reflector materials (Teflon tape, ESR, Lumirror, Melinex, white epoxy, and white paint), and found that for our geometry, a chemically etched surface had 5% better timing resolution than the saw-cut or mechanically polished surfaces, and while there was little dependence on the timing resolution between the various reflectors, white paint and white epoxy were a few percent better. Adding co-dopants to LSO shortened the decay time from 40 ns to ~30 ns but maintained the same or higher total light output. This increased the initial photoelectron rate and so improved the timing resolution by 15%. Using photomultiplier tubes with higher quantum efficiency (blue sensitivity index of 13.5 rather than 12) improved the timing resolution by an additional 5%. By choosing the optimum surface treatment (chemically etched), reflector (white paint), LSO composition (co-doped), and PMT (13.5 blue sensitivity index), the coincidence timing resolution of our detector module was reduced from 309 ps to 220 ps fwhm.  相似文献   

中子飞行时间谱仪是用于中国先进研究堆上可直接测量冷、热中子能谱的实验装置。介绍了该谱仪的结构和谱仪关键部件的参数选择,分析了机械斩波器狭缝与限束狭缝对脉冲中子束中子数和宽度的影响,得出与中子波长相关联的脉冲中子束中子数和宽度的公式。根据高注量率中子束能谱测量的需求,通过选择低灵敏探测器、加载探测器狭缝、选择多道时间分析器获取数据,保证漏计数率小于0.5%。设计了探测系统电子学线路,给出系统总分辨时间为22.15~29.46 μs。  相似文献   

本文通过对中子能谱的不确定度的阐释,明确提出了中子能谱的不确定度应理解为能区份额或某一能量范围内中子注量(率)的不确定度。以6 Li夹心半导体中子谱仪测量CFBR-Ⅱ堆泄漏中子谱为例,对3个典型能区的中子注量率谱的不确定度进行了分析。当全谱中子注量率为3.00×107 cm-2·s-1时,0~20keV能区内的中子注量率为5.70+2.38-0.33×105 cm-2·s-1(不确定度中的包含因子k=1),0.59~0.61MeV能区内的中子注量率为(4.32±0.87)×105 cm-2·s-1(k=1),4.99~5.01MeV能区内的中子注量率为0.094+0.028-0.022×105 cm-2·s-1(k=1)。  相似文献   

阐述了中子三轴谱仪的工作原理,利用MCSTAS程序模拟计算了分辨函数,分别计算了在弹性散射下能量分辨率、钒样品散射实验的转移能量的扫描和不同转移能量下的分辨函数形态。分析了实验中测量位置的选取与分辨椭圆状态的关系。结果表明,模拟计算能快速地计算出分辨函数形态。  相似文献   

Various kinds of optical fibers and related optical components for fusion diagnostics were irradiated with 14-MeV neutrons from OKTAVIAN or RTNS-II. This report shows typical fusion neutron irradiation effects on them and their hardness levels to mean 14-MeV neutron fluences at which their important performance degrades 10%. Also experimental formulas for fusion neutron induced backgrounds of scintillators and a photomultiplier tube are given by fitting their pulse height distributions for 14-MeV neutrons with a summation of exponential functions. These data and formulas are useful for the estimation of lifetimes and background levels of optical fusion diagnostic systems which may be located in the 14-MeV neutron environment of a fusion reactor.  相似文献   

<正>The multisphere neutron spectrometer(BSS)is a most widely used spectrometer focus research on neutron spectroscopy in the fields of radiation protection,chiefly because it has the advantages such as an almost isotropic response,can cover the energy range from thermal to GeV  相似文献   

中子三轴谱仪分辨率的计算与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了中子三轴谱仪分辨率函数的计算方法,计算分析了中子波矢、准直器水平发散度、谱仪布局及能量和动量转移对分辨率函数的影响.谱仪分辨率随着入射波矢增大而降低,随着准直器水平发散度的减小而提高,谱仪最高能量分辨率能达到23μeV,计算值与实验测量和模拟计算结果符合得很好;谱仪布局只改变分辨率椭球在散射平面的方向,而不会影响...  相似文献   

中子小角散射谱仪探测器标定测试方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了用于中子小角散射谱仪上的二维位敏探测器标定测试方法。通过对MK-640N-1类型二维位敏探测器的3个重要指标:探测器效率、探测器分辨率和探测器单元均匀性的测试和计算,得到了重要的数据指标,对实验的数据的准确分析提供了支持。  相似文献   

Spatial effect—the variations in space of transient neutron flux noted in pulsed neutron experiments, and which is ascribable to the occurrence in moderator of spatial harmonics—is studied on the measured flight time spectra of neutrons reentering the atmosphere from parametrically varied depths of a graphite moderator. Measurements were made using moderator slabs of two different axial lengths, to examine the influence of differences in moderator size on the spatial effect. The master equation representing the scalar neutron flux as function of time and energy is solved by a semi-analytic method that takes account of spatial harmonics. Simulation of the solution thus obtained of the master equation proved to reproduce the measured flight time spectra with good accuracy. It was indicated that the spatial effect on the thermal neutron spectrum is stronger with a larger than with a smaller moderator slab. The neutron temperature in graphite moderator was calculated by formula fitted in Maxwellian distribution to the peaks of the thermal neutron spectra. It was indicated that in a graphite moderator of 120 cm axial length, spatial harmonics caused a variation of more than 40 K in neutron temperature between depths in moderator differing by 30 cm.  相似文献   

采用MC法对用于热中子探测的碳化硅探测器开展设计。优化了中子转换层参数和半导体器件参数,研究表明采用~(10)B作为中子转换材料,其最优厚度为2μm,在系统甄别阈为300 keV时对应的探测效率理论值为3.29%。制备了碳化硅外延层厚度20μm,灵敏区面积5 mm×5 mm的碳化硅器件,在外加反向偏压达180V时,其漏电流仅20.8 nA。性能测试表明:该器件对4.7-6.0 MeV的α粒子具有极好的能量线性,其线性度达0.999 97。对5.49 MeV的α粒子的能量分辨率为1.03%,对应半高宽57.3keV,与SiC高分辨α探测器分辨率相当。  相似文献   

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