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炸药撞击感度试验的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
综述了炸药撞击感度的背景知识,试验现象的判定以及撞击感度与分子结构的关系。指出了撞击感度的研究方向。  相似文献   

为提高火炸药静电感度试验结果的准确性,特别是小概率发火能量计算结果的准确性,通过蒙特卡罗方法数值模拟试验,研究了升降法、兰利法、最优化D法三种典型数理统计方法的原理和特点,探索提出了离散分布试验测点的新思路,对兰利法进行了优化和改进。结果表明,最优化D法在小概率发火能量计算上准确度最高,可在250次试验内获得误差(68.26%置信区间)小于10%的百万分之一概率静电引燃刺激量,且试验结果具有稳定性,但试验程序和数据分析计算过程复杂,可操作性不强,不适用于常规静电感度试验。改进后兰利法试验结果的准确度与最优化D法相当,且其程序和计算过程复杂度远低于最优化D法,可操作性更强,便于常规静电感度试验使用。  相似文献   

6.6能量标定不合格的原因分析与检查处理如果能量标定不合格,首先应对所测数据进行分析,看这一组数据是有规律的变化,还是其中个别数据的偶然变化,然后进行判断处理。一般比较典型的故障原因有以下几个方面:6.6.1测得的一组数据基本都偏小,这主要可能是落锤与导轨间隙变小。落锤下落受阻,撞击能量损耗所致,但也不排除导轨生锈,落高不够25cm或撞击装置与落锤同轴度不  相似文献   

综述了炸药撞击感度的发展应用情况,分析了实验现象的判定依据及撞击感度的影响因素,指出了撞击感度研究的重要性。  相似文献   

RDX粒度对机械感度的影响   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:20  
系统研究了RDX粒度对撞击感度和摩擦感度的影响.实验测试的RDX平均粒径为1.5~124μm,并在此粒度范围内分为5个粒度等级。其中撞击感度用特性落高法表示,摩擦感度用特性正压力表示。结果表明:炸药的撞击感度、摩擦感度均随粒度的减小而降低。从理论上分析了炸药粒度变化对机械感度影响的机理。  相似文献   

聚奥炸药的机械感度研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对聚奥炸药造型粉和产品在不同的贮存条件和不同状态机械感度的研究 ,分析了炸药药柱经老化后感度数据增高的原因 ;分析了由解剖药柱经不同工艺方法制备成的试样 ,其机械感度也不同的原因 ;对该炸药的安全使用具有指导意义  相似文献   

回顾了当前国内外撞击感度测量仪器的使用情况,介绍了在撞击感度测量仪的改进方面,国内研究者所做的一些工作.经过分析与探讨,展望了撞击感度测量仪器将朝着自动化的方向发展.  相似文献   

In sensitivity studies when estimating the location and scale parameters for the underlying latent distribution “wild values” are often encountered. This is typically caused by the non‐existence of the corresponding estimates. A simple condition is developed, which is both necessary and sufficient for the existence of the Maximum Likelihood Estimates (MLE) in all types of sensitivity studies we are aware of. This condition can thus be employed in an iteration procedure to ensure proper convergence.  相似文献   

The thermal shock behavior of Si3N4 has been determined with a new type of computer-controlled testing equipment. Thin circular disks are heated up to 1350°C with two tungsten halogen lamps yielding heating rates up to 1000°C/s. The sample temperature is measured in situ with an infrared pyrometer and used to calculate the transient thermal stresses. The simple geometry of radially orientated notches allows in situ observation of the crack growth behavior during thermal shock. Measured failure times are used to determine the fracture toughness of the material under thermal shock loading, K cTS, from room temperature (RT) up to 1000°C. Comparison of the results with K IcSENB values measured by the single-edge notch beam method at RT shows excellent agreement.  相似文献   

王宁博  王蕾  邹建栋 《辽宁化工》2012,41(9):948-950
许多油田的矿场实践表明,邻井影响普遍地存在于高渗透性的注水开发储层中,对于一些中低渗透性储层,若井距比较小时,井间影响也是常见的问题.对于这类资料的解释,需要用考虑多井系统影响的试井分析方法去解释.  相似文献   

Sensitivity analysis generates essential information for model development, design optimization, parameter estimation, optimal control, model reduction and experimental design. In this paper we describe the forward and adjoint methods for sensitivity analysis, and outline some of our recent work on theory, algorithms and software for sensitivity analysis of differential-algebraic equation (DAE) and time-dependent partial differential equation (PDE) systems.  相似文献   

提出了一种聚乙烯流滴膜流滴持效期快速判断方法,即用表面润湿张力法测定流滴膜的表面张力来表征聚乙烯流滴膜的流滴性好坏。研究了薄膜样品表面张力随干燥时间、浸泡时间和温度的变化关系,确定了失效时的临界表面张力(34×10^-3N/m),得出其快速判定方法:在50℃的水浴中浸泡薄膜样品后,通过测试达到失效临界表面张力,比较薄膜样品浸泡时间的长短,可预测流滴膜的实际流滴持效期。经实验证明了表面润湿张力法测定流滴膜流滴性的科学合理性。  相似文献   

蒋海强  巩丽丽 《广州化工》2012,40(9):239-239,250
介绍山东中医药大学教学实验中心加强分析测试仪器管理,促进仪器统一管理,积极开放,资源共享,提高仪器设备使用效益的做法。通过建立完善的仪器管理制度,加强对使用人员的培训,管理人员的有效到位,合理安排开放时间,逐步达到分析测试仪器开放的科学、有序、规范。  相似文献   

A drop‐weight instrument is described to investigate the impact sensitivity of high explosives at elevated temperatures. This test is typically performed to discover potential safety aspects of either newly synthesized materials of unknown behavior. Normally, drop‐weight impact sensitivity tests are conducted at room temperature, since high explosives are often stored or handled at room temperature. The instrument described here has the capability of heating the samples from ambient to 300 °C prior to impact. The thermal impact sensitivities of PETN, TATP, HMX, and silver azide (AgN3) as a function of temperature are obtained. The phase transition of HMX can clearly be observed by a significant decrease in the impact height in situ.  相似文献   

就焊缝超声波检测的灵敏度问题对ASME和JB/T4730标准进行了对比。对比主要侧重于理论计算方面。通过对比可以知道,哪种情况下、哪个标准在焊缝超声波检测方面更严格些,从而有助于超声波检测人员对检测灵敏度的掌握。  相似文献   

A three‐layer neural network, based on 192 sets of experimental data obtained by the authors, was built in order to simulate the influence of four main process parameters on the minimum and stationary spouting velocity and on the pressure drop in a spouted bed. The simulations with the neural net are in good agreement with experimental learning data, and the overall average absolute error is 5.43 %. The neural net was used in the framework of a Monte Carlo simulation using CRYSTAL BALL®. The result of 100,000 trials revealed the percentage contributions of the process parameters to the variance of the selected state variables. Since there is significant uncertainty concerning the design equations of spouted beds, the results of this work should be useful for the design of such devices.  相似文献   

在学校硬件大为改善之际,我们提出软环境建设的概念,通过编写了仪器分析放培训教材、仪器操作规程及仪器操作注意事项等,既适应学校的快速发展,又加强了仪器分析测试平台的分析测试服务水平,保证了分析测试服务质量,建立了较为完善的仪器分析测试平台放软环境。  相似文献   

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