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The degree of fluorescence polarization, P, of unoriented and magnetically oriented spinach chloroplasts as a function of excitation (400-680 nm) and emission wavelengths (675-750 nm) is reported. For unoriented chloroplasts P can be divided into two contributions, PIN and PAN. The latter arises from the optical anisotropy of the membranes which is due to the orientation with respect to the membrane plane of pigment molecules in vivo. The intrinsic polarization PIN, which reflects the energy transfer between different pigment molecules and their degree of mutual orientation, can be measured unambiguously only if (1) oriented membranes are used and the fluorescence is viewed along a direction normal to the membrane planes, and (2) the excitation is confined to the Qy (approximately 660-680 nm) absorption band of chlorophyll in vivo. With 670-680 nm excitation, values of P using unoriented chloroplasts can be as high as +14%, mostly reflecting the orientational anisotropy of the pigments. Using oriented chloroplasts PIN is shown to be +5+/-1%. The excitation wavelength dependence studies of PIN indicate that the carotenoid and chlorophyll Qy transition moments tends to be partially oriented with respect to each other on a local level (within a given photosynthetic unit or its immediate neighbors).  相似文献   

The fluorescence polarization (FP) technique was evaluated to determine molecular interaction between plant lectins and polysaccharides, yeast cells and glycopeptide after labeling the lectins with fluorescein isothiocyanate. Use of Lycoris radiata agglutinin allowed determination of the molecular interactions with large biomolecules containing mannose oligomers and polymers. Another example using a fluorescein-labeled glycopeptide also indicated that use of the FP method would allow easy observation of the molecular interactions on the quantitative base. The present technique is highly sensitive and facile because it does not require any washing procedures before measurement.  相似文献   

A polarization fluoroimmunoassay was developed for the detected of N-desmethylzopiclone in urine and the reagents were adapted for use on the Vitalab Eclair analyser. Therefore, N-fluoresceinthiocarbamyldesmethylzopiclone was synthesized as a fluorescent tracer and used in combination with an existing pool of antibodies, raised against the hemisuccinyl derivative of N-desmethylzopiclone. The optimization of the assay was performed on a semi-quantitative basis, relative to a cut-off value of 300 ng ml-1. No significant interference was observed from a selection of existing drugs and endogenous compounds. The minimum detectable dose of the immunoassay was calculated to be 30 ng ml-1 (pooled-variance t-distribution, p = 0.01, degrees of freedom = 10). Intra- and inter-assay relative standard deviations were < 10 and < 12%, respectively. For the confirmation of positive samples, an established reverse-phase HPLC technique, in combination with fluorescence detection, was used. The combined screening/confirmation procedure was applied to cumulative excretion samples, after ingestion of one tablet of Imovane (zopiclone, 7.5 mg).  相似文献   

A survey of all PhD programs in psychology in the US and Canada assessed the extent to which advances in statistics, measurement, and methodology have been incorporated into doctoral training. In all, 84% of the 222 departments responded. The statistical and methodological curriculum has advanced little in 20 yrs; measurement has experienced a substantial decline. Typical 1st-yr courses serve well only those students who undertake traditional laboratory research. Training in top-ranked schools differs little from that in other schools. New PhDs are judged to be competent to handle traditional techniques, but not newer and often more useful procedures, in their own research. Proposed remedies for these deficiencies include revamping the basic required quantitative and methodological curriculum, culling available training opportunities across campus, and training students in more informal settings, along with providing retraining opportunities for faculty. These strategies require attention to the human capital needs that support high-quality quantitative and methodological training and practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper presents the results obtained through a kinetic study of the nonoxidative dissolution of natural galena in hydrochloric acid and perchloric acid solutions with and without the addition of sodium chloride. Under the experimental conditions employed in this study, the dissolution rates were controlled by a chemical reaction on the surface of the galena sample. The galena dissolution rate is of the first order with respect to hydrochloric ion activity in hydrochloric acid and perchloric acid solutions. The addition of sodium chloride to the acid solutions greatly enhanced the dissolution rate. The effect of sodium chloride has two possible interpretations: First, it may be the result of an increase in hydrogen ion activity. Second, the enhancement of the dissolution rate observable at high sodium chloride concentration may be due to the specific adsorption of chloride ions or the surface complexing of chloride ions on the galena surface.  相似文献   

The effects of environmental pollutants, such as triazines, urea herbicides, phenols, nitro aromatic compounds, aldehydes, hydrogen sulfide, volatile halogenated aliphatic and aromatic compounds, and alkylbenzenes, the photosynthesis of green algae were investigated by using detailed analysis of chlorophyll a fluorescence. Application of quenching analysis by means of a pulse amplitude-modulated fluorometer allows the discrimination of different modes of action. Blocks of the electron-transport chain, the action of uncouplers, and fluorescence quenching by nitroaormatic compounds could be distinguished. Hydrogen sulfide and short-chain aldehydes seem to react in the same way, probably by reaction with components of the electron-transport chain. Nonreactive volatile compounds affect chlorophyll fluorescence in a strictly hydrophobicity-dependent manner. The quenching analysis suggests an inhibition of utilization of proton-motive force for ATP synthesis. Detailed analysis of fluorescence patterns may be of great help for identification of toxic pollutants and their sources.  相似文献   

Serine proteinase inhibitors (serpins) form enzymatically inactive, 1:1 complexes (denoted E*I*) with their target proteinases that release free enzyme and cleaved inhibitor only very slowly. The mechanism of E*I* formation is incompletely understood and continues to be a source of controversy. Kinetic evidence exists that formation of E*I* proceeds via a Michaelis complex (E.I) and so involves at least two steps. In this paper, we determine the rate of E*I* formation from alpha-chymotrypsin and alpha1-antichymotrypsin using two approaches: first, by stopped-flow spectrofluorometric monitoring of the fluorescent change resulting from reaction of alpha-chymotrypsin with a fluorescent derivative of alpha1-antichymotrypsin (derivatized at position P7 of the reactive center loop); and second, by a rapid mixing/quench approach and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis. In some cases, serpins are both substrates and inhibitors of the same enzyme. Our results indicate the presence of an intermediate between E.I and E*I* and suggest that the partitioning step between inhibitor and substrate pathways precedes P1-P1' cleavage.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of detecting melanoma by measuring the intracellular fluorescein fluorescent polarization (IFFP) of patients' SCM (structuredness of the cytoplasmic matrix)-responding lymphocytes was examined. SCM-responding lymphocytes from 46 melanoma patients and 32 healthy volunteers were labeled with fluorescein diacetate and challenged with different stimuli, and the resulting polarization was determined. The polarizations (P) obtained upon stimulation with nothing (P-0), encephalitogenic factor (P-EF), phytohaemagglutinin (P-PHA), or melanoma antigen (P-MEL), and the ratios RR(ef) (P-EF/P-PHA) and RR(mel) (P-MEL/P-PHA) were lower for SCM-responding lymphocytes from the patients as a group than for those of the controls. The specificity and sensitivity of the IFFP tests (using cutoff values) to detect melanoma were 90.6 and 73.9%, respectively. The IFFP tests may facilitate the discrimination between melanoma patients and healthy subjects, and may be used in follow-up of patients with melanoma.  相似文献   

A novel ligand with two ester groups, two benzene rings and two carboxyl groups was synthesized. The composition and structure of the ligand were characterized by the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum (NMR) and UV spectrometer. The rare-earth complex with the ligand and 1, 10-phenanthroline (phen) was synthesized and structurally characterized by FT-IR, TG and fluorescent spectrometer. The results showed that the novel multicarboxyl ligand could efficiently transfer the energy to Eu3+ ions in the complex and sensitize the luminescence of the rare earth ions, and the complex could emit strong fluorescence of the rare earth ions.  相似文献   

A novel ligand with two ester groups,two benzene rings and two carbox yl groups was synthesized. The composition and structure of the ligand were char acterized by the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR) ,nuclear magnet ic resonance spectrum(NMR) and UV spectrometer. The rare-earth complex with the ligand and 1,10-phenanthroline(phen) was synthesized and structurally charact erized by FT-IR,TG and fluorescent spectrometer. The results showed that the no vel multicarboxyl ligand could efficiently transfer the energy to Eu3+ ions in t he complex and sensitize the luminescence of the rare earth ions,and the comple x could emit strong fluorescence of the rare earth ions.  相似文献   

Bilirubin neurotoxicity can be mediated by numerous mechanisms due to its increased permeability in neuronal membranes. The present study tests the hypothesis that a prolonged bilirubin infusion modifies the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor/ ion channel complex in the cerebral cortex of newborn piglets. Studies were performed in seven control and six bilirubin-exposed piglets, 2-4 d of age. Piglets in the bilirubin group received a 35 mg/kg bolus of bilirubin followed by a 4-h infusion (25 mg/kg/h) of a buffer solution containing 0.1 N NaOH, 5% human albumin, and 0.055 Na2HPO4 with 3 mg/mL bilirubin. The final mean bilirubin concentration in the bilirubin group was 495.9 +/- 85.5 mumol/L (29.0 +/- 5.0 mg/dL). The control group received a bilirubin-free buffer solution. Sulfisoxazole was administered to animals in both groups. P2 membrane fractions were prepared from the cerebral cortex. [3H]MK-801 binding assays were performed to study NMDA receptor modification. The Bmax in the control and bilirubin groups were 1.20 +/- 0.10 (mean +/- SD) and 1.32 +/- 0.14 pmol/mg protein, respectively. The value for Kd in the control brains was 6.97 +/- 0.80 nM compared with 4.80 +/- 0.28 nM in the bilirubin-exposed brains (p < 0.001). [3H]Glutamate binding studies did not show a significant difference in the Bmax and Kd for the NMDA-specific glutamate site in the two groups. The results show that in vivo exposure to bilirubin increases the affinity of the receptor (decreased Kd) for [3H]MK-801, indicating that bilirubin modifies the function of the NMDA receptor/ion channel complex in the brain of the newborn piglet. We speculate that the affinity of bilirubin for neuronal membranes leads to bilirubin-mediated neurotoxicity, resulting in either short- or long-term disruption of neuronal function.  相似文献   

Residual deficiency of brain performance in chronic alcoholics after a 5-year abstinency. Brain performance of a group of 43 chronic alcoholics abstinent since 5 years was tested. Some aspects of higher intellectual performance were found to be reduced as compared to a control population. The performance was also better than that of a group of chronic alcoholics abstinent for only one year. The residual deficiency of performance could be interpreted as a "functional psychosyndrome", resulting from chronic sensory deprivation on the base of the alcoholism.  相似文献   

探讨了一些文章对溶液体积测量不确定度有关分量的识别及其处理方法等问题的合理性。认为:量器示值不确定度的计算用实差代替公差可合理提高评定精度,配制溶液时客观存在的工标体积差(液体在非标准情况下定容的体积与标准情况体积之间存在着差异)不应被忽视,溶液配制与使用时的温差按实际过程取值更合理,使用移液器时不可忽略移液器的体积变化。  相似文献   

In furtherance of its efforts to increase the effectiveness of the use of psychological and educational tests, the American Psychological Association's Division 5 (Evaluation and Measurement) appointed a Test Use Committee in the fall of 1954. At the time of appointing this committee, its mission was to carry on where the Committee on Test Standards left off and its particular concern would be to consider problems of training test users and to study other ways in which services involving the use of tests could be improved. After some study, the committee decided that an appropriate starting point for its activity would be to conduct a survey of the training programs, course offerings, and placement procedures for high level specialists in the field of measurement, since such specialists exercise a major influence on the use of tests. In the summer of 1956 a questionnaire was mailed to 83 Division 5 members who were deemed likely to have some connection with measurement and evaluation training programs at the graduate level. The questionnaire items and the responses are summarized in this report. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Secondary tumors of the thyroid are very rare, being the kidney the most frequent place of the primary tumor. The majority of these metastases appear months or years after the primary renal tumor. We report the case of an asymptomatic renal carcinoma discovered after the histological analysis of a thyroidectomy piece. The treatment of the primary renal tumor was radical nephrectomy. Three years after diagnosis and treatment the patient is free of relapse.  相似文献   

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