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Autonomic neuropathy is a common complication of diabetes mellitus and is associated with significant morbidity and possibly an increase in mortality. Despite this, however, autonomic dysfunction is not usually sought in the routine assessment of diabetic patients. We report the development and testing of a small, portable and reliable device that allows the routine testing of cardiac autonomic function in the outpatient setting with minimal inconvenience to the patient. This should facilitate the accurate assessment both of patients with symptoms suggestive of autonomic dysfunction and of autonomic function in research.  相似文献   

Three electrophysiological tests of autonomic function were performed in patients with autonomic nervous system dysfunction to define test sensitivities and specificities. The skin sympathetic response, Valsalva ratio, and heart rate variation with deep breathing were studied in 10 patients with multiple system atrophy (MSA) and in 7 patients with pure (also called progressive or primary) autonomic failure (PAF); control subjects were 17 normal individuals of similar age. Thirteen patients had abnormal skin sympathetic responses, and 16 had abnormal Valsalva ratios. Fourteen patients had an abnormal variation of the heart rate with deep breathing. Taking the three tests together, binary logistic regression for distinguishing between patients and normal subjects correctly classified 91% of the 33 individuals for whom there were complete data with sensitivity of 88% and specificity of 94%. However, only 69% of the patients could be correctly classified by a logistic regression for discriminating between MSA and PAF. Electromyography (EMG) studies showed that 7 of 8 patients with MSA but only 2 of 7 patients with PAF (both multiparous women) had denervation of the rectal sphincter muscle. The EMG study is, therefore, valuable in men, but has a high false positive rate in women, probably because of pudendal nerve injury from parturition.  相似文献   

We investigated the sequential change in the hypervariable region 1 (HVR 1) of hepatitis C virus (HCV) E2/NS1 gene in an infant. He was transfused with 160 mL of blood containing the HCV (0.7 Meq/mL) on the 6th d after birth and subsequently developed chronic viremia. At 16 mo, the HVR1 amino acid sequences of HCV observed in the infant's sera were very similar to those from the donor (his maternal grandfather) on the day of transfusion. However, highly variable amino acid sequences of HVR1 were observed throughout infancy. These results demonstrate that an adaptive response of HCV to evade host immunity seems to occur, as in adult cases, even in early infancy when the ability to produce humoral immunoglobulin is thought to be low.  相似文献   

The study of circulatory function is fundamental to the understanding of many physiological processes and pathological conditions, and has been greatly advanced by developments in the use of ultrasound. Transcutaneous measurement of blood velocity has been made possible by the use of Doppler shift methods, and many methods of spectral analysis have been developed. Blood volumetric and flow profiles can be achieved through the use of range-gated pulsed Doppler systems. A combination of Doppler velocimetry, pressure measurements and volumetric visualisations provide a powerful alternative to more conventional investigations like arteriography. Current developments indicate that the use of ultrasound in investigating vascular function is cost effective.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the accuracy and repeatability of the widely used comparison method of measuring pupil size. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. PARTICIPANTS: Fourteen eyes of seven healthy myopic subjects were examined. INTERVENTION: Two examiners made two repeated measures of pupil diameters of 14 eyes using Rosenbaum card comparison pupillometry and infrared pupillometry. Subjects fixated on a distant visual acuity chart, and pupils were measured under three luminance conditions. The agreement and inter-rater repeatability of both methods were determined. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Outcomes were pupil diameters, limits of agreement, and coefficient of repeatability of two examiners. RESULTS: The mean difference between the two techniques ranged from 0.3 to 0.5 mm. The limits of agreement within two standard deviations ranged from 2.4 to 2.8 mm. Coefficient of repeatability ranged from 0.6 to 1.4 mm for infrared pupillometry and 1.0 to 1.2 mm for Rosenbaum pupillometry. Inter-rater repeatability of Rosenbaum pupillometry was consistently pupil diameter biased. Pupil diameters measured with the Rosenbaum method were consistently larger than diameters measured with the infrared technique for both examiners under all luminance conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Results indicate that although the mean difference in techniques was small, the range of the agreement between the Rosenbaum and the infrared techniques was large. The Rosenbaum method consistently overestimated pupil diameters and was subject to inter-rater repeatability bias. Rosenbaum pupillometry may not be appropriate when accurate pupil measurements are required. The results have implications for many clinical trials in ophthalmology, including those evaluating refractive surgery that use Rosenbaum comparison pupillometry.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate and compare heart rate variability (HRV) and responses of heart rate and arousal to head-up tilting in infants sleeping prone and supine. METHODS: Thirty seven healthy infants aged 2-4 months were studied. HRV was measured for 500 beats while they were in a horizontal position. Subjects were then tilted 60 degrees head-up, and heart rate recorded over 1 minute and arousal responses observed. Data were collected during both quiet and active sleep for both prone and supine sleep positions. RESULTS: HRV, as assessed by the point dispersion of Poincaré plots, was significantly reduced in the prone position for both sleep states. Sleep position did not influence the changes in heart rate seen during a head-up tilt. Full awakening to the tilt was common in active sleep but significantly less so in the prone position (15% of prone tests vs 54% supine). Full awakening to the tilt rarely occurred during quiet sleep in either sleep position. CONCLUSION: This study provides some evidence that blunted arousal responses and/or altered autonomic function are a feature of the prone sleeping position. Decreased HRV may be a sign of autonomic impairment. It is seen in many disease states and in infants who later die of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether obesity influences cardiac autonomic nerve function. DESIGN: Comparing two groups of subjects with different degrees of obesity to normal weight controls. SUBJECTS: 19 healthy controls (mean age 33 y, BMI 21.7 +/- 0.2 kg/m2) and 17 obese non-diabetic subjects (mean age 39 y, BMI 33.7 +/- 1.8 kg/m2). MEASUREMENTS: Insulin sensitivity was calculated by an oral glucose tolerance test. Autonomic nerve function was evaluated by analysing the variation of the heart frequency at rest (coefficient variation of R-R intervals, REST 1), during deep respiration, at a Valsalva maneuver (longest/shortest R-R interval during inspiration hold) and by the Ewing test (ratio between the 30th and 15th R-R interval after reaching up-right position). RESULTS: The obese showed a lower insulin sensitivity than healthy controls (3.09 vs 4.60 mg x l2/mmol x mU x min, P < 0.001). Their variation in heart frequency was reduced (REST 1: 1.95 vs 2.9, P < 0.01, Valsalva: 1.30 vs 1.52 and Ewing test: 1.03 vs 1.14, P < 0.05). However, patients with moderate (BMI 31.7 kg/m2) or severe obesity (39.0 kg/m2) with identical insulin sensitivity had no significant difference in autonomic nerve function. Except for the Ewing test all measured parameters for the evaluation of cardiac autonomic nerve function correlated with the degree of diminished insulin sensitivity (REST 1: r = 0.475, P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Moderate obesity with significantly decreased insulin sensitivity is associated with impaired cardiac autonomic nerve function.  相似文献   

Cardiac autonomic modulation was examined in 10 healthy subjects (mean age = 27.8 +/- 1.7) at rest (paced breathing at 12 and 16 breaths/min) and during a submaximal cycle ergometer exercise test. Heart rate variability (HRV) spectral parameters and spontaneous baroreflex (SBR) function variables showed no significant differences between mean values for any of the testing conditions. Spectral parameters and SBR function did not differ significantly between the resting conditions. Significant reliability coefficients (r = 0.59-0.73) were observed for all spectral parameters except low frequency power (r = 0.22) during 12 breaths/min, with moderately lower values during 16 breaths/min (r = 0.10-0.75) and exercise (r = 0.20-0.89). Significant reliability coefficients were observed for baroreflex sensitivity at 12 (r = 0.83) and 16 (r = 0.92) breaths/min. It was concluded that at rest, HRV spectral and SBR analyses are reliable methods for studying cardiac autonomic balance.  相似文献   

Standard techniques measuring heart rate (HR) variability do not account for its dependence on the rate and depth of respiration or measure the time relationship between changes in lung volume and HR. We used transfer function analysis to determine the magnitude and time relationship of the HR response to a known change in lung volume in controls and diabetics. This technique demonstrated significant differences between controls and diabetics with varying degrees of autonomic dysfunction. Specifically, reduced supine vagal and increased supine sympathetic HR modulation was found with progression of the autonomic neuropathy. In response to postural change the normal diabetics displayed impaired sympathetic HR modulation. Transfer function analysis yields new insight into the sequence of changes that occur with diabetic autonomic neuropathy and provides an accurate, easily comprehensible measurement of respiratory induced HR variability.  相似文献   

The link between personality and cardiac function is insufficiently characterized. We postulated that in a healthy population, cardiac autonomic function is linked to coping style. In 276 healthy volunteers, between the ages of 18 and 71, the Utrecht Coping List was used to evaluate different coping strategies. Trait anxiety was scored by the Spielberger State Trait Anxiety Inventory. A 24-hour Holter recording was used to calculate heart rate variability (HRV). For HRV parameters and coping mechanisms this study demonstrated gender-specific differences and correlations with age. In men (n = 141) higher active coping was associated with less global autonomic activity or SDANN (rs = -0.27, P < 0.001). This relationship was most prevalent in young (18-30 years) men (rs = -0.45, P < 0.005). Higher expression of negative emotions or anger was related to both higher vagal (rs = 0.23 for rMSSD, P < 0.01) tone and higher LF power (rs = 0.23, P < 0.01). In young men expression of negative emotions or anger was associated with LF power (rs = 0.37, P < 0.01) and in middle-aged (31-50 years) men with vagal tone (rs = 0.43 for rMSSD, P < 0.005) and heart rate (rs = -0.41, P < 0.005). Higher comforting ideas was related to higher LF power (rs = 0.23 for LF power, P < 0.005), and this especially in middle-aged men (rs = 0.37, P < 0.01). In women (n = 135), no significant correlations between coping style and HRV indices were found. We conclude that in normal individuals, at least in men, our findings suggest a relationship between coping style and cardiac autonomic function.  相似文献   

The article deals with diagnostic potential of new generation pupillometers having hi-tech units and using up-to-date methods of information processing. Those pupillometers proved to be effective for express diagnosis of intoxications.  相似文献   

Endothelial dysfunction is an early event in atherosclerosis preceding the formation of plaques. An important functional consequence of endothelial damage is reduced vasodilatory responses to a variety of pharmacological and physiological stimuli including reactive hyperaemia. Hitherto, endothelial function could only be assessed by invasive techniques, but a novel ultrasound based technique has recently been developed, which allows non-invasive evaluation of endothelial function in large systemic arteries such as the brachial artery. The technique is accurate, reproducible and able to differentiate between subjects with and without vascular dysfunction. Impaired endothelial function has been documented in young and adult individuals with various vascular risk factors including cigarette smoking, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolaemia, and homocystinuria. A good correlation has been found between both the presence of atherosclerotic lesions and endothelial function in the coronary arteries and the brachial artery. The method may help in identification of individuals with early vascular changes and thereby make risk factor modification possible at a very early stage of the atherosclerotic process. It may furthermore serve as a tool to monitor the impact of prevention and intervention on arterial damage.  相似文献   

A rare cause of secondary peritonitis due to coital tear is presented. The correct diagnosis can be made by a detailed history and gynaecological examination. Prompt surgical management is mandatory to prevent grave prognosis.  相似文献   

Evaluated the role of individual differences in anxiety and autonomic lability on the habituation of GSR responses to auditory stimuli of moderate and very low intensity. 60 male undergraduate Ss were used. They were divided into high- and low-anxious groups on the basis of Taylor MA scale scores and high and low autonomic lability groups on the basis of spontaneous GSR activity during a rest period. No relationship between Taylor score and GSR habituation was obtained for either stimulus intensity. Autonomically labile Ss showed no habituation to the moderate tone, but did habituate to the low intensity tone. Autonomically stabile Ss habituated to both tones. It was concluded that individual differences in autonomic lability may predict whether an S will respond to moderate intensities with orienting or defensive reactions. (33 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Injecting scolicidal solutions into the hydatid cyst and packing the operative field with sponges soaked in scolicidal agents have been used to avoid dissemination of the parasite during surgery. In the first part of this invitro study, we tried to determine the scolicidal property of various agents in different concentrations and exposure times. In the second part, we tested whether sponges soaked in different type and concentrations of scolicidal agents have any role beyond being a mechanical barrier. 20% saline, 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1.5% cetrimide-0.15% chlorhexidine (10% Savlon), 95% ethyl alcohol, 10% polyvinylpirrolidone-iodine (Betadine) and their further dilutions were used in this study. Protoscoleces were obtained from the cyst containing livers of the sheep and viability was determined with dye-uptake (0.1% Eosin) and flame cell activity. Savlon was found to be the least concentration dependent scolicidal agent among those studied. Scoleces sprayed on sponges soaked in 20% saline, 95% ethyl alcohol, Betadine and 3% hydrogen peroxide were killed after 15 minutes. 3% and 10% saline and normal saline were ineffective. Sponges work not only as a mechanical barrier but also as a chemical one if the agent is chosen correctly. In purely cystic hydatid liver disease, the risk of dissemination of the cyst contents can be avoided by injection of a potent scolicidal agent such as Savlon.  相似文献   

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