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Credal网络是研究不确定环境下知识表示和因果推理的一种图模型,其条件概率值可以用不精确的区间或不等式定性地表示,使得表达方式更加灵活有效。Credal网络的推理是计算一定证据下的后验概率最大值和最小值,给出了一种Credal网络推理的新方法,该方法是在桶消元框架下通过枚举计算部分因子函数值,使计算量大大减小,并且可以得到精确的结果。最后用一个实例说明了该方法的可行性。 相似文献
Cory J. Butz André E. dos Santos Jhonatan S. Oliveira Christophe Gonzales 《Computational Intelligence》2018,34(3):789-801
Testing independencies is a fundamental task in reasoning with Bayesian networks (BNs). In practice, d‐separation is often used for this task, since it has linear‐time complexity. However, many have had difficulties understanding d‐separation in BNs. An equivalent method that is easier to understand, called m‐separation, transforms the problem from directed separation in BNs into classical separation in undirected graphs. Two main steps of this transformation are pruning the BN and adding undirected edges. In this paper, we propose u‐separation as an even simpler method for testing independencies in a BN. Our approach also converts the problem into classical separation in an undirected graph. However, our method is based upon the novel concepts of inaugural variables and rationalization. Thereby, the primary advantage of u‐separation over m‐separation is that m‐separation can prune unnecessarily and add superfluous edges. Our experiment results show that u‐separation performs 73% fewer modifications on average than m‐separation. 相似文献
网络安全评估是提高网络安全性的基本步骤之一。目前的评估方法通常需要手工操作,带来较大的评估开销,很难应用到大规模复杂网络,无法快速响应用户请求。提出了一种高效的自动化评估方法来解决这些问题。为了实现评估的自动化,对多个弱点资源(如NVD、Bugtraq等)的脆弱性信息进行分析,将它们关联起来,形成一个包含40000多个已知弱点的大型综合弱点数据库。为了提高评估效率,利用"原子域"的概念,提出了一种新的攻击图生成方法,相比于传统的方法,大大减少了攻击图生成开销。构建贝叶斯评估模型,基于变量消元,提出了一种新的评估方法,简化了模型中的贝叶斯推理。由于能自动化部署贝叶斯攻击图概率信息,新方法能实现评估的自动化,并且可以应用到大规模网络,快速完成评估任务,还可为网络管理员提供量化判断依据,以快速应对大型复杂网络中不断变化的安全态势。 相似文献
《Expert systems with applications》2014,41(6):2660-2677
Fuzzy neural network (FNN) architectures, in which fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks are integrated, have been proposed by many researchers. In addition to developing the architecture for the FNN models, evolution of the learning algorithms for the connection weights is also a very important. Researchers have proposed gradient descent methods such as the back propagation algorithm and evolution methods such as genetic algorithms (GA) for training FNN connection weights. In this paper, we integrate a new meta-heuristic algorithm, the electromagnetism-like mechanism (EM), into the FNN training process. The EM algorithm utilizes an attraction–repulsion mechanism to move the sample points towards the optimum. However, due to the characteristics of the repulsion mechanism, the EM algorithm does not settle easily into the local optimum. We use EM to develop an EM-based FNN (the EM-initialized FNN) model with fuzzy connection weights. Further, the EM-initialized FNN model is used to train fuzzy if–then rules for learning expert knowledge. The results of comparisons done of the performance of our EM-initialized FNN model to conventional FNN models and GA-initialized FNN models proposed by other researchers indicate that the performance of our EM-initialized FNN model is better than that of the other FNN models. In addition, our use of a fuzzy ranking method to eliminate redundant fuzzy connection weights in our FNN architecture results in improved performance over other FNN models. 相似文献
第3级存储器的联机使用为海量数据管理提供了一种廉价可行的方案.为了使数据库管理系统能够联机使用第3级存储设备,第3级存储设备上的关系操作算法,特别是连接操作算法是必须解决的关键问题之一.提出一种高效的连接算法.实验结果表明,该算法无论在性能方面还是在扩展性方面都优于以往算法,极大地减少了I/O代价.当数据量较大时,算法的性能不低于基于磁盘的连接算法.结果表明,第3级存储器可以像磁盘一样在海量数据库系统中联机使用,解决海量数据库存储和联机查询等关键问题. 相似文献
介绍了多实体贝叶斯网络(MEBN)理论,给出了实体片断及多实体规则形式化的定义,分析了在态势估计中使用多实体贝叶斯网络进行知识表示和态势推理的问题.给出一个具体的实例,演示了使用多实体贝叶斯网络进行态势估计的过程. 相似文献
基于贝叶斯网络的步态识别 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
步态作为一种重要的生物特征由于其远距离身份识别能力而逐渐受到人们的重视。本文提出了一种基于贝叶斯网络的步态识别方法。首先应用背景差方法获得运动人体侧面二值图像,将侧面像分为七部分来提取特征,采用最大方差法对训练集进行离散化,对各部分分别建立贝叶斯网络,最后利用“投票”规则将网络推理结果进行组合。将该方法在Soton步态数据库上进行试验,取得了比较理想的识别效果。 相似文献
Rina Dechter 《Constraints》1997,2(1):51-55
This position paper argues that extending the CSP model to a richer set of tasks such as, constraint optimization, probabilistic inference and decision theoretic tasks can be done within a unifying framework called bucket elimination. The framework allows uniform hybrids for combining elimination and conditioning guided by the problem's structure and for explicating the tradeoffs between space and time and between time and accuracy. 相似文献
We present a new framework for combining logic with probability, and demonstrate the application of this framework to breast cancer prognosis. Background knowledge concerning breast cancer prognosis is represented using logical arguments. This background knowledge and a database are used to build a Bayesian net that captures the probabilistic relationships amongst the variables. Causal hypotheses gleaned from the Bayesian net in turn generate new arguments. The Bayesian net can be queried to help decide when one argument attacks another. The Bayesian net is used to perform the prognosis, while the argumentation framework is used to provide a qualitative explanation of the prognosis. 相似文献
贝叶斯网络是一种进行不确定性推理和分析的有效工具,针对系统可靠性分析问题,建立了一种基于贝叶斯网络的系统可靠性分析平台。所建立的分析平台将贝叶斯网络应用于系统可靠性分析中,把系统各组部件抽象成节点,从而构成贝叶斯网络模型;通过推理和分析算法找到影响系统可靠性的薄弱环节;通过计算某个部件发生变化时对整个系统的影响,得出各个节点的重要度,给出合理的优化方案,提升系统可靠性。通过对平视显示器实例进行分析,计算了每个组部件对整个系统的影响程度,证明该分析平台在利用贝叶斯网络对系统可靠性分析上的可行性。 相似文献
Jongik Kim 《Information Sciences》2006,176(22):3300-3331
For accelerating a structural join operation, current techniques focus on skipping elements that do not contribute to the results. They make use of external index structures (e.g. B+ tree) to determine a bunch of elements to be skipped. However, external indexes are too heavy for a structural join and the overhead of index lookups can reduce the benefit of skipping. In this paper, we proposed element trees and distribution encoded bitmaps for efficient element skipping. With proposed techniques, we can exploit the distribution of elements as well as the context information of a query for efficient skipping of unnecessary elements. 相似文献
This paper investigates synchronization in leader‐follower networks with varying time‐delay interconnections. In such a network, the leader has its own dynamics and is followed by all the other nodes. Specifically, a variable structure control strategy is developed for the synchronization of the leader‐follower networks based on the Lyapunov stability theory. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society 相似文献
Jose A. Pascual Jose Miguel‐Alonso Jose A. Lozano 《Concurrency and Computation》2014,26(17):2792-2810
In this paper, we propose and evaluate improved first fit (IFF), a fast implementation of the first fit contiguous partitioning strategy. It has been devised to accelerate the process of finding contiguous partitions in space‐shared parallel computers in which the nodes are arranged forming multidimensional cubic networks. IFF uses system status information to drastically reduce the cost of finding partitions with the requested shape. The use of this information, i combined with the early detection of zones where requests cannot be allocated, remarkably improves the search speed in large networks. An exhaustive set of simulation‐based experiments have been carried out to test IFF against other algorithms implementing the same partitioning strategy. Results, using synthetic and real workloads, show that IFF can be several orders of magnitude faster than competitor algorithms. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The first-order logical theory of dense linear order has long been known to admit quantifier elimination. This paper develops an explicit algorithm that yields an equivalent quantifier free form of its input formula. This algorithm performs existential quantifier elimination via constraint propagation. The result is computed incrementally using functional programming techniques. This approach may be of interest in implementing query languages for constraint databases. 相似文献
基于粒子群优化算法的Bayesian网络结构学习 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
近年来,Bayesian网络已经成为人工智能领域的研究热点.为了更广泛的应用Bayesian网络,本文采用粒子群优化搜索算法,通过对粒子群算法中各个算子的确定,从训练数据样本中学习到Bayesian网络结构,并用测试数据样本测试学习结果与训练数据的匹配程度,试验结果表明,该算法能有效地学习到Bayesian网络结构. 相似文献
变量消除算法作为一种重要的预处理算法已经应用于多种预处理器中。对比研究了在不同约束条件下,变量消除算法对简化性能和求解性能的影响,提出了基于子句文字长度动态约束的变量消除算法。该算法只允许当变量分解后的子句文字长度比原有子句文字少时,执行变量消除替换操作。在此基础上实现了一个基于Mini Sat开源代码的可满足性问题预处理器Mini Sat BFS。实验结果表明,与现有的基于子句数目约束的算法相比,新算法不仅降低了子句、变量和文字的数目,而且缩短了预处理过程和求解过程的时间消耗。更重要的是,改进后的算法在限定时间内可以求解更多的可满足性问题。 相似文献
在软件项目生存周期早期或创新型项目的研发过程中,可用的案例数据很少或很不完整,项目风险多由专家经验进行主观评估,给风险的客观度量带来了很大的困难。提出了一种基于贝叶斯网络的软件项目风险评估方法,不仅可度量风险影响程度的风险当量,还能度量出多种风险对某种风险后果的组合影响以及单个风险对整体后果的综合影响,从而增强了软件项目风险的预测和应变能力,为有效地降低风险发生概率、提高软件开发成功率提供了一种新的途径。 相似文献
基于信息融合的入侵检测系统研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究在入侵检测中,采用信息融合的方法,试图解决当前入侵检测系统中存在的问题。提出了用于入侵检测的信息融合模型,并应用贝叶斯网络的多书传播算法给出了信息融合的方法。采用和挑选DARPA2000中的数据作为样本,通过实验验证,基于信息融合技术的入侵检测方法能够提高检测度,降低误报率。 相似文献