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No Heading Recent torsional oscillator measurements on solid 4He confined in Vycor glass at 62 bars show supersolid response, an abrupt drop in rotational moment of inertia, at 175 mK1. We have investigated the pore-size dependence of the supersolid behavior by confining solid 4He in a different porous host, porous gold, of a considerably larger pore diameter. When solid 4He in porous gold is cooled below 0.2 K a sharp drop in the resonant period is found. The supersolid response exhibits a strong dependence on the amplitude of oscillation.PACS numbers: 67.80–s. 67.80 Mg., 0.5.70.Fh, 05.30.Jp  相似文献   

We have developed a double resonance compound torsional oscillator for studying non-classical rotational inertia (NCRI) of solid 4He at two different frequencies. The torsional oscillator consists of two beryllium copper torsion members, and two masses. The two masses rotate in phase in the first mode and out of phase in the second mode at resonance frequencies, 496 Hz and 1173 Hz, respectively. Samples of solid 4He (commercial grade with 3He impurity level less than 1 ppm) are grown with the blocked capillary method at pressures between 27 and 42 bar. Temperature dependences of NCRI signals at two different frequencies are observed in identical solid 4He at 37 bar.   相似文献   

We have carried out systematic measurements of the 3He-impurity effect using a compound torsional pendulum, which allows probing “non-classical rotational inertia” (NCRI) of the identical solid 4He sample at two different frequencies at 495 Hz and 1172 Hz. The measurements have shown significant differences in the temperature dependence of the NCRI signal as well as the energy dissipation peak positions between the two frequencies. The NCRI fraction derived from the higher frequency mode is greater than that derived from the lower frequency mode at all temperatures. The normalized NCRI fraction shows that T 50 (≡temperature at which NCRI fraction decreases to 50% of the maximum) is greater in the higher frequency mode by ~9, 18, 30 and 35 mK when the nominal 3He impurity added is 0.3, 6, 12 and 25 ppm, respectively. The systematic changes in the inverse quality factor (Q ?1) were also measured at the same 3He-impurity concentrations.  相似文献   

Using a novel SQUID-based torsional oscillator (TO) technique to achieve increased sensitivity and dynamic range, we studied TO’s containing solid 4He. Below ~250?mK, the TO resonance frequency f increases and its dissipation D passes through a maximum as first reported by Kim and Chan. To achieve unbiased analysis of such 4He rotational dynamics, we implemented a new approach based upon the generalized rotational susceptibility $\chi_{{}^{4}\mathrm{He}}^{ - 1}(\omega,T)$ . Upon cooling, we found that equilibration times within f(T) and D(T) exhibit a complex synchronized ultraslow evolution toward equilibrium indicative of glassy freezing of crystal disorder conformations which strongly influence the rotational dynamics. We explored a more specific $\chi_{{}^{4}\mathrm{He}}^{ -1}(\omega,\tau(T))$ with τ(T) representing a relaxation rate for inertially active microscopic excitations. In such models, the characteristic temperature T ? at which df/dT and D pass simultaneously through a maximum occurs when the TO angular frequency ω and the relaxation rate are matched: ωτ(T ?)=1. Then, by introducing the free inertial decay (FID) technique to solid 4He TO studies, we carried out a comprehensive map of f(T,V) and D(T,V) where V is the maximum TO rim velocity. These data indicated that the same microscopic excitations controlling the TO motions are generated independently by thermal and mechanical stimulation of the crystal. Moreover, a measure for their relaxation times τ(T,V) diverges smoothly everywhere without exhibiting a critical temperature or velocity, as expected in ωτ=1?models. Finally, following the observations of Day and Beamish, we showed that the combined temperature-velocity dependence of the TO response is indistinguishable from the combined temperature-strain dependence of the 4He shear modulus. Together, these observations imply that ultra-slow equilibration of crystal disorder conformations controls the rotational dynamics and, for any given disorder conformation, the anomalous rotational responses of solid 4He are associated with generation of the same microscopic excitations as those produced by direct shear strain.  相似文献   

With the help of a new experimental technique strong anisotropy of the mobility of ions has been observed in hcp 4 He crystals. The mobility of positive ions in the direction of the six-fold axis is found to be 200 times higher than in the perpendicular direction. Activation energies of the mobility have been measured in both principal directions. They are equal to: 5.3K in the direction of the C6-axis and 11K in the perpendicular direction. The behaviour of the ions' velocity in the strong electric field regime is also studied as a function of the orientation.  相似文献   

We have performed experiments in which we inject atoms into hcp, solid 4He contained in a cell of fixed volume at pressures greater than the bulk melting pressure. We measure the change in pressure of the solid in response to the injection, which gives a measure of the isochoric compressibility. We show that at T??700?mK the solid undergoes very little growth and is incompressible. With decreasing temperature the compressibility rises, saturates near T??400 mK and may show weak evidence of a decrease near T??250 mK. Measurements at lower temperatures are necessary to fully test the predictions.  相似文献   

The shear modulus of solid 4He increases below 200 mK, with the same dependence on temperature, amplitude and 3He concentration as the frequency changes recently seen in torsional oscillator (TO) experiments. These have been interpreted as mass decoupling in a supersolid but the shear modulus behavior has a natural explanation in terms of dislocations. This paper summarizes early ultrasonic and elastic experiments which established the basic properties of dislocations in solid helium. It then describes the results of our experiments on the low temperature shear modulus of solid helium. The modulus changes can be explained in terms of dislocations which are mobile above 200 mK but are pinned by 3He impurities at low temperature. The changes we observe when we anneal or stress our crystals confirm that defects are involved. They also make it clear that the shear modulus measured at the lowest temperatures is the intrinsic value—it is the high temperature modulus which is reduced by defects. By measuring the shear modulus at different frequencies, we show that the amplitude dependence depends on stress in the crystal, rather than reflecting a superfluid-like critical velocity. The shear modulus changes shift to lower temperatures as the frequency decreases, showing that they arise from a crossover in a thermally activated relaxation process rather than from a true phase transition. The activation energy for this process is about 0.7 K but a wide distribution of energies is needed to fit the broad crossover. Although the shear modulus behavior can be explained in terms of dislocations, it is clearly related to the TO behavior. However, we made measurements on hcp 3He which show essentially the same modulus stiffening but there is no corresponding TO anomaly. This implies that the TO frequency changes are not simply due to mechanical stiffening of the oscillator—they only occur in the Bose solid. We conclude by pointing out some of the open questions involving the elastic and TO behavior of solid helium.  相似文献   

The complex shear modulus of solid 4He exhibits an anomaly in the same temperature region where torsion oscillators show a change in period. We propose that the observed stiffening of the shear modulus with decreasing temperature can be well described by the response of glassy components inside of solid 4He. Since glass is an anelastic material, we utilize the viscoelastic approach to describe its dynamics. The viscoelastic component possesses an increasing relaxation as temperature decreases. The response functions thus derived are identical to those obtained for a glassy, time-delayed restoring back-action. By generalizing the viscoelastic equations for stress and strain to a multiphase system of constituents, composed of patches with different damping and relaxation properties, we predict that the maximum change of the magnitude of the shear modulus and the maximum height of the dissipation peak are independent of an applied external frequency. The same response expressions allow us to calculate the temperature dependence of the shear modulus?? amplitude and dissipation. Finally, we demonstrate that a Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann (VFT) relaxation time is in agreement with available experimental data.  相似文献   

Precise measurements of pressure in the crystal at constant volume were used to obtain the data on growth and dissolution kinetics of liquid 3 He droplets formed as a result of isotopic phase separation of solid 3 He- 4 He Mixtures. We studied several crystals with an initial 3 He concentration of 2.05% in the pressure range of 26–27 bar. It is shown that the growth of the liquid droplets during the stepwise cooling of the two-phase crystal is correctly described by the superposition of two exponential processes: diffusion decomposition with a small time constant and strain relaxation with a big time constant. The strain layer near the droplet boundaries is due to a great difference in molar volume between the droplets and the matrix, and leads to a plastic deformation of the matrix and to a non-equilibrium 3 He concentration in the matrix. Under such conditions quantum diffusion is significantly suppressed and 3 He atom transport occurs only as the strain is relaxed.  相似文献   

A new anomaly in the acoustic properties of solid4He has been observed when as little as a few parts per million of3He impurities are added. We show that the specific properties of the anomaly, can be explained by a continuous (second order) phase transition from a Bose condensed state above a critical temperature to a normal state below it. In this model the Bose particles which condense are long lived, thermally activated excitations.  相似文献   

The peculiar features noted in (Penzev et al. in Phys. Rev. Lett. 101: 065301, 2008) we conjecture are evidence of a vortex fluid state in solid He. We suggest to analyze this state by means of the dynamics of quantized vortices, as used for the tangle of vortices in superfluid turbulence. We introduce parameters of the vortex tangle dynamics, e.g., relaxation time for the drift of lines in parallel to the torsional oscillation axis. We briefly discuss the transition from the supposed vortex fluid state into the supposed supersolid state (Shimizu et al. in Phys. Rev. Lett., arXiv:0903.1326).  相似文献   

We have used a torsional oscillator with square cross section and a resonance frequency of 185 Hz to confirm the nonclassical rotational inertia (NCRI) discovered by Kim and Chan (Nature 427:225, 2004; Science 305:1941, 2004). We have also found a strong correlation between the NCRI signal and a high dissipation Q ?1 of 4×10?6 of the oscillation above the transition temperature. Here, we present preliminary results of the annealing process in 4He at a pressure of 26 bar. When holding the temperature constant above 1 K we have observed a immediate rise in the period and a slow decay of the dissipation. The equilibrium value of Q ?1 decreases with increasing temperature.  相似文献   

Defects are believed to play a fundamental role in the supersolid state of 4He. We report on studies by exact Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations at zero temperature of the properties of solid 4He in presence of many vacancies, up to 30 in two dimensions (2D). In all studied cases the crystalline order is stable at least as long as the concentration of vacancies is below?2.5?%. In the 2D system for a small number, n v , of vacancies such defects can be identified in the crystalline lattice and are strongly correlated with an attractive interaction. On the contrary when n v ?10 vacancies in the relaxed system disappear and in their place one finds dislocations and a revival of the Bose-Einstein condensation. Thus, should zero-point motion defects be present in solid 4He, such defects would be dislocations and not vacancies, at least in 2D. In order to avoid using periodic boundary conditions we have studied the exact ground state of solid 4He confined in a circular region by an external potential. We find that defects tend to be localized in an interfacial region of width of about 15 ?. Our computation allows to put as upper bound limit to zero-point defects the concentration 3×10?3 in the 2D system close to melting density.  相似文献   

We propose a new model for the nature of the nucleation of solid from the superfluid phases of 4He and 3He. Unique to the superfluid phases the solid nucleation involves an extremely fast solidification front. We depart from the usual quasi-static treatment of solid nucleation by proposing that the nucleation of a solid seed is helped by the simultaneous nucleation of vortex-loops in the superfluid around it. It is the composite entity which is nucleated out of the over-pressurized liquid. This occurs when the local release of pressure creates a velocity field in the superfluid which in turn facilitates the nucleation of vortex-loops. The kinetic energy gain of this process balances the surface tension, as the solid surface is quickly covered by many vortex-loops (hairy snow-ball). We show that this scenario gives good agreement with many experiments on heterogeneous nucleation, where the energy barrier is found to differ with the classical theory of homogeneous nucleation by 8 orders of magnitude. We propose several experiments that could show the involvement of vortices with solid nucleation.  相似文献   

The behavior of pairs and clusters of vacancies in solid 4He crystals is studied with diffusion Monte Carlo method. We use a trial function suitable for describing solid 4He with long range order, arbitrary number of unoccupied sites and explicit Bose symmetry. It is found that vacancy clusters are unstable and collapse in all considered systems. We find no signature of stability of bound vacancy clusters of any size. Vacancies are found to exhibit weak attraction and a rough estimation of the binding energy is reported.  相似文献   

The excess pressure due to the phase separation of solid mixtures of 3He in 4He held at a constant volume was measured and used for constructing the phase separation diagram of this system. We obtained high-quality homogeneous samples of the solid mixtures after several cycles of cooling down and heating up the two-phase crystal. This gave reliable and reproducible experimental data without hysteresis efects. We compared the phase diagram line obtained with various theoretical approaches, which describe the phase separation of the helium isotope mixtures. The regular solution model can not describe the experimental data well and neither can the asymmetrical Mullin's model. Good agreement is observed only with the theory of Edwards and Balibar which takes into account the difference between the crystal symmetry (hcp and bcc) of the coexisting phases.  相似文献   

Careful measurements of the dielectric properties of solid 4He have been carried out down to 35 mK, considerably lower than the temperature range of previous studies. The sample was prepared from high purity gas with 3He concentrations of the order of 200 ppb and were formed by the blocked capillary method. The molar volume of the sample was 20.30 cm3. The dielectric constant of the samples was found to be independent of temperature down to 120 mK before showing a continuous increase with decreasing temperature and saturating below 50 mK. The total increase in ?? is 2 parts in 10?5. The temperature dependence of ?? mimics the increase in the resonant frequency found in the torsional oscillator studies and also the increase found in the shear modulus measurements.  相似文献   

A pressure jump has been found at the onset of the dissolution of bcc inclusions in separated solid 3 He - 4 He mixture if the crystal is overheated above a certain critical value. This effect can be explained in the framework of a multistage dissolution process model.  相似文献   

Torsional oscillator measurements on solid 4He have demonstrated non-classical rotational inertia (NCRI), indicative of a supersolid phase transition. Recent experiments indicate that the NCRI fraction depends on isotopic purity and perhaps on details of crystal growth and annealing, suggesting that defects may be involved. Our recent experiments have shown that solid helium does not flow in response to pressure gradients at low temperatures. Close to the melting temperature we do observe mass flow, but it decreases rapidly with temperature. For solid helium in the pores of Vycor the flow appears to be thermally activated and disappears below about half the melting temperature. Flow in bulk helium is restricted to a much narrower temperature range. Very close to melting (within 20 mK) the flow completely eliminates pressure differences in less than a minute. At slightly lower temperatures we saw flow, but significant pressure differences remained even after annealing.  相似文献   

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