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Combined ultrasonic and microtomographic measurements were conducted for simultaneous determination of elastic property and density of noncrystalline materials at high pressures. A Paris-Edinburgh anvil cell was placed in a rotation apparatus, which enabled us to take a series of x-ray radiography images under pressure over a 180° angle range and construct accurately the three-dimensional sample volume using microtomography. In addition, ultrasonic elastic wave velocity measurements were carried out simultaneously using the pulse reflection method with a 10° Y-cut LiNbO(3) transducer attached to the end of the lower anvil. Combined ultrasonic and microtomographic measurements were carried out for SiO(2) glass up to 2.6 GPa and room temperature. A decrease in elastic wave velocities of the SiO(2) glass was observed with increasing pressure, in agreement with previous studies. The simultaneous measurements on elastic wave velocities and density allowed us to derive bulk (K(s)) and shear (G) moduli as a function of pressure. K(s) and G of the SiO(2) glass also decreased with increasing pressure. The negative pressure dependence of K(s) is stronger than that of G, and as a result the value of K(s) became similar to G at 2.0-2.6 GPa. There is no reason why we cannot apply this new technique to high temperatures as well. Hence the results demonstrate that the combined ultrasonic and microtomography technique is a powerful tool to derive advanced (accurate) P-V-K(s)-G-(T) equations of state for noncrystalline materials. 相似文献
Yeol Lee Sanjay Garg Gary S. Settles 《Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology》1997,11(2):164-172
An experimental research program establishing a database of the surface pressure in swept shock wave/boundary-layer interactions
is described. An equilibrium turbulent boundary-layer on a flat plate is subjected to impingement by swept planar shock waves
genterated by a sharp fin. Various fin angles at 4 different freestream Mach numbers produce a variety of interaction strengths
from weak to very strong. For each of different interaction cases, the surface flow patterns are obtained by a kerosene-lampblack-adhesive
transparent tape technique. Surface pressures within the interactions are also measured from several streamwise row of taps
connected to a computer-controlled Scanivalve system. An extensive error analysis is carried out for the experiments yielding
an uncertainty of about ±3%. From these measurements, high spatial resolution surface pressure distributions for different
interaction cases are obtained. 相似文献
Richard Paridaens Smaine Kouidri Fathi Jebali Jerbi 《Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology》2016,30(11):4971-4978
Nonlinear phenomena in oscillating flow devices cause the appearance of a relatively minor secondary flow known as acoustic streaming, which is superimposed on the primary oscillating flow. Knowledge of control parameters, such as the time-averaged second-order velocity and pressure, would elucidate the non-linear phenomena responsible for this part of the decrease in the system’s energetic efficiency. This paper focuses on the characterization of a travelling wave oscillating flow engine by measuring the time-averaged secondorder pressure and velocity. Laser Doppler velocimetry technique was used to measure the time-averaged second-order velocity. As streaming is a second-order phenomenon, its measurement requires specific settings especially in a pressurized device. Difficulties in obtaining the proper settings are highlighted in this study. The experiments were performed for mean pressures varying from 10 bars to 22 bars. Non-linear effect does not constantly increase with pressure. 相似文献
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology - When negative pressure wave (NPW) signals are used to locate pipeline leaks, noise will increase the error of location estimation. Thus, an adaptive... 相似文献
Bayard J 《The Review of scientific instruments》2007,78(2):024702
In its simplest shape, the pseudosinusoidal signal given by an arbitrary wave form generator is constituted by a continuation of samples which involve the presence of parasitic harmonics and an increase in its total harmonic distortion (THD) value. It seems evident that the signal shape can be improved by using a linear interpolation between two consecutive samples but, to our knowledge, this improvement is not evaluated quantitatively to date. So, we propose to calculate this THD (according to the number of samples used to build the signal) with or without linear interpolation. SPICE simulations and experimental results agree with theory. 相似文献
Chakraborty Thakur S McCarren D Carr J Scime EE 《The Review of scientific instruments》2012,83(2):023508
We report continuous wave cavity ring down spectroscopy (CW-CRDS) measurements of ion velocity distribution functions (VDFs) in low pressure argon helicon plasma (magnetic field strength of 600 G, T(e) ≈ 4 eV and n ≈ 5 × 10(11) cm(-3)). Laser induced fluorescence (LIF) is routinely used to measure VDFs of argon ions, argon neutrals, helium neutrals, and xenon ions in helicon sources. Here, we describe a CW-CRDS diagnostic based on a narrow line width, tunable diode laser as an alternative technique to measure VDFs in similar regimes but where LIF is inapplicable. Being an ultra-sensitive, cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopic technique; CW-CRDS can also provide a direct quantitative measurement of the absolute metastable state density. The proof of principle CW-CRDS measurements presented here are of the Doppler broadened absorption spectrum of Ar II at 668.6138 nm. Extrapolating from these initial measurements, it is expected that this diagnostic is suitable for neutrals and ions in plasmas ranging in density from 1 × 10(9) cm(-3) to 1 × 10(13) cm(-3) and target species temperatures less than 20 eV. 相似文献
推导出串联机器人机构上任意点的速度和雅可比矩阵计算公式,在此基础上,编制出机器人机构任意杆件上任意点的雅可比矩阵自动生成程序.对于两自由度机器人和PUMA560机器人的计算实例证明了程序的有效性.该程序可作为机器人机构雅可比矩阵自动生成的实用工具. 相似文献
《Flow Measurement and Instrumentation》2006,17(1):59-68
Low density turbidity currents have been investigated in a laboratory flume. An Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) was used to measure the velocity. The dimensionless velocity profiles were compared with previous studies to check the accuracy of acoustic measuring techniques for turbidity currents. Successful use of the ADV to measure the current velocity has led to interest in the technique of using acoustic sensors to estimate concentrations. Acoustic backscattering analyses are used for estimating the sediment concentration in turbidity currents. With this approach, concentration measurements can be reasonably well represented by a similarity profile. Using this technique, an accurate estimation of the concentration close to the bed, where obtaining reliable concentration data by sampling techniques is difficult, is possible. The results show that a power relation is a good estimate for the concentration distribution in this region, for which no reliable expressions have been provided previously.Successful estimation of the velocity and concentration, in the present experiments, indicates that this technique could be appropriate and useful for determining the flow structure in turbidity currents. 相似文献
Grierson BA Burrell KH Solomon WM Pablant NA 《The Review of scientific instruments》2010,81(10):10D735
Newly installed diagnostic capabilities on the DIII-D tokamak [J. L. Luxon, Nucl. Fusion 46, 6114 (2002)] enable the measurement of main ion (deuterium) velocity and temperature by charge exchange recombination spectroscopy. The uncertainty in atomic physics corrections for determining the velocity is overcome by exploiting the geometrical dependence of the apparent velocity on the viewing angle with respect to the neutral beam. 相似文献
S. L. Avramenko 《Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing》2009,45(1):40-49
The resonance and impact echo methods for testing compact large-size concrete building constructions can be used only at a known value of the correlation coefficient of the velocity of longitudinal vibrations in a particular compact article. This can be done using the technique of numerical simulation of acoustic fields. A new correlation method for determining the velocity in a compact article with known dimensions is described. It allows monitoring of the strength of arbitrarily shaped large-size concrete building constructions. 相似文献
Quantitative vapor phase exciplex fluorescence measurements at high ambient temperature and pressure
The exciplex fluorescence technique with the TMPD (tetamethyl-p-phenylene-diamine) / naphthalene dopant system was applied in a combustion-type constant-volume spray chamber. A detailed
set of calibration experiments has been performed in order to quantify the TMPD fluorescence signal. It has been demonstrated
that the TMPD fluorescence intensity was directly proportional to concentration, was independent of the chamber pressure,
and was not sensitive to quenching by either water vapor or carbon dioxide. Using a dual heated-jet experiment, the temperature
dependence of TMPD fluorescence up to 1000 K was measured. The temperature field in the spray images was determined using
a simple mixing model, and an iterative solution method was used to determine the concentration and temperature field including
the additional effects of the laser sheet extinction. The integrated fuel vapor concentration compared favorably with the
measured amount of injected fuel when all of the liquid fuel had evaporated. 相似文献
Hot-wire measurements of velocity vector components use a sensor with three orthogonal wires, taking advantage of an anisotropic effect of wire sensitivity. The sensor is connected to a three-channel anemometric circuit and a data acquisition and processing system. Velocity vector components are obtained from measurement signals, using a modified algorithm for measuring velocity vector components enabling the minimization of measurement errors described in this paper. The standard deviation of the relative error was significantly reduced in comparison with the classical algorithm. 相似文献
A fluid film journal bearing test rig with a shaft, 70 mm in diameter, was developed and an offset half journal bearing was tested at five vertical loads and two rotational speeds. The bearing had a length-to-diameter ratio of 1.00, a pre-load factor of 0.51 and an offset factor of 1.0. Loads from 0 to 4450 N and speeds of 2250 and 1650 rev min−1 were tested. On-rotor instrumentation and amplification are used to measure continuous fluid film pressures around the bearing, film thicknesses and journal temperatures. Slip ring telemetry is used to transmit the data to a real time data collection system. External instrumentation is used to measure film pressures and temperatures in discrete locations on the bearing surface, thus, allowing comparison with the on-shaft measurements. The eccentricity ratio and attitude angle are pressure measurements obtained indicate agreement within 5% between the results recorded by the on-shaft and the external pressure transducers. The experimental film thickness, temperature and pressure profiles and journal eccentricity agree with the expected behavior for this bearing type and are presented for Sommerfeld numbers from 0.41 to 2.2. 相似文献
Hong X Shen G Prakapenka VB Rivers ML Sutton SR 《The Review of scientific instruments》2007,78(10):103905
We describe an x-ray absorption method for in situ density measurement of non-crystalline materials in the diamond anvil cell using a monochromatic synchrotron x-ray microbeam. Sample thickness, which is indispensable in the absorption method, can be determined precisely by extrapolating the thickness profile of the gasket obtained by x-ray absorption and diffraction measurements. Diamond deformation across the sample chamber becomes noticeable at high pressures above 10 GPa, which can be monitored with a precision better than 1%, as demonstrated by measurements on crystalline Ag. We have applied the developed method to measure densities of the classic network-forming GeO(2) glass in octahedral form at pressures up to 56 GPa. The fit to the pressure-volume data with the Birch-Murnaghan equation from 13 to 56 GPa gives parameters of V(0)=23.2+/-0.4 cm(3)mol and K=35.8+/-3.0 GPa, assuming that K(')=4. This method could be applicable for in situ determination of the density of liquids and other noncrystalline materials using a diamond anvil cell up to ultrahigh pressures. 相似文献
A new data collection protocol for forced oscillation experiments using a multianvil high pressure device is reported. We derive the stress of the sample at high pressure and temperature from synchrotron x-ray diffraction that is synchronized with sample strain measurements from x-ray radiographs. This method yields stress directly from the sample rather than a stress proxy. Furthermore, the diffraction pattern yields useful information concerning time evolution of structurally related phenomena. Here we illustrate some of these possibilities with high pressure experimental data. 相似文献
To identify major features in low electron energy loss spectra, the different excitations (bulk plasmons, interband transitions, surface plasmons, Cherenkov and surface guided modes) must be delineated from each other. In this paper, this process is achieved by noting the linear thickness dependence of bulk processes contrasted with the constant thickness behavior of surface excitations. An alternative approach of analyzing bulk plasmon-loss is also introduced. Using a new algorithm, the parameters of plasma generation-plasmon energy E(P,0), a damping parameter DeltaE(P) and the coefficient of the dispersion relation gamma were obtained from a single curve fitting on the example of Si. The ability to separate surface-losses from the rest of the data permitted identification of the fine structure of the surface-losses. The strong peak at 8.2 eV characteristic of non-radiative surface plasmon excitations was measured for Si. Analysis of surface excitations indicates that a 10ASiO2 surface coating layer is still present despite careful cleaning the specimen. Dielectric functions deduced from the EELS data prove to be considerably affected by the presence of the surface-losses for samples as thick as 800A. 相似文献
A method is described for measuring ultrasonic velocity and attenuation simultaneously by sampling echo pulses along with the repetition rate of velocity measurements. This is achieved by extending the pulse superposition method. This system enables us to measure the attenuation coefficient with a precision of 0.001 dB/cm, and the ultrasonic velocity with better precision than 1 part in 10(6). Velocity measurements can be made automatically up to five times the initial round trip time and can also track fast changes of 50 ms. Since the operation under the p=1 condition can be applied, the system can be used for the measurements of high-loss materials. 相似文献
The viscosity of liquids can be measured in the diamond-anvil pressure cell utilizing a falling-solid sphere method and the ruby technique for pressure measurement. The pressure dependence of the viscosity of a 4:1 mixture (by volume) of methanol-ethanol was determined to 70 kilobars. The accuracy of the method is estimated from measurements made on a fluid of known viscosity. 相似文献
Kono Y Park C Sakamaki T Kenny-Benson C Shen G Wang Y 《The Review of scientific instruments》2012,83(3):033905
An integration of multi-angle energy-dispersive x-ray diffraction and ultrasonic elastic wave velocity measurements in a Paris-Edinburgh cell enabled us to simultaneously investigate the structures and elastic wave velocities of amorphous materials at high pressure and high temperature conditions. We report the first simultaneous structure and elastic wave velocity measurement for SiO(2) glass at pressures up to 6.8 GPa at around 500°C. The first sharp diffraction peak (FSDP) in the structure factor S(Q) evidently shifted to higher Q with increasing pressure, reflecting the shrinking of intermediate-range order, while the Si-O bond distance was almost unchanged up to 6.8 GPa. In correlation with the shift of FSDP position, compressional wave velocity (Vp) and Poisson's ratio increased markedly with increasing pressure. In contrast, shear wave velocity (Vs) changed only at pressures below 4 GPa, and then remained unchanged at ~4.0-6.8 GPa. These observations indicate a strong correlation between the intermediate range order variations and Vp or Poisson's ratio, but a complicated behavior for Vs. The result demonstrates a new capability of simultaneous measurement of structures and elastic wave velocities at high pressure and high temperature conditions to provide direct link between microscopic structure and macroscopic elastic properties of amorphous materials. 相似文献