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The work was undertaken to study late results of surgical treatment of suppurative lung diseases during 1950-1974. Questionaries were sent to 420 operated patients. Answers were received from 328 (78%) patients, 86% of them were examined clinically, 14%--were estimated according to questionaries and their physician findings. 50 per cent of patients were followed up for 10-24 years. A positive effect was gained in 94.8%. 82 per cent of the operated patients have practically recovered well. The causes of poor issues are described, and trends for their improvement are delineated.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of surgical treatment of pyodestructive pyelonephritis diagnosed in 111 puerperae and gravidae. Suppurative nephritis, carbuncle and abscess of the kidney ran as unilateral (94 patients, 84.7%) or bilateral (16 patients, 14.4%) process. The diagnosis of pyodestructive pyelonephritis of the solitary kidney was made in 1 gravida. The outcomes of pyodestructive pyelonephritis in puerperae and gravidae depend primarily on individual approach to therapy. Different operative interventions warranted a complete response in 97.3% of the gravidae. 96 of 108 gravidae operated on the kidneys delivered viable neonates. Early operative interventions in many cases preserved the kidney and prevented septic complications. Pyodestructive changes restricted to 1-2 segments of the kidney were effectively treated by nephrostomy. Bilateral pyodestructive pyelonephritis should be managed step-by-step starting at the side of the most evident symptoms. Two-stage bilateral lumbotomy with nephrostomy in combination with antibacterial therapy and plasmapheresis eliminated septic complications thus allowing normal development of the fetus. Nephrectomy is the best treatment in advanced pyodestructive lesion with severe life-threatening septic intoxication.  相似文献   

From 1986 in the urological clinic of the Dagestan Medical Academy 82 patients received surgical treatment for purulent pyelonephritis caused by urinary occlusion. Nephrostoma or pyelostoma were applied in most of the patients. In the postoperative period the patients were given antiinflammatory and infusion therapy. Recently, 40 patients were exposed to adjuvant laser treatment. The comparison of the treatment results demonstrated better outcomes in patients exposed to laser radiation. Normalization of renal function, T- and B-immunity in them was faster.  相似文献   

Due to the improvement of chemotherapy some changes in the last 10 years took place concerning the indications of active surgical interventions. Special aspects of tuberculosis of the spine and joints are emphasized.  相似文献   

A second case of malfunction of a Harken disk valve due to undue disk wear is reported. Two and one-half years after aortic and mitral valvular replacement, the patient had paraprosthetic aortic insufficiency and physical findings suggesting intermittent dysfunction of his prosthetic mitral valve. Catheterization showed intermittent hemodynamic abnormalities; fluoroscopic and cineangiographic findings indicated intermittent mitral regurgitation secondary to undue mitral disk wear. At operation, the excised valve showed normal struts and sewing ring but severe disk wear. There was loss of disk substance and rim notching.  相似文献   

Comparative study of the effect of two groups of C-ring transformed oestrogens on the reproductive system was conducted in experiments on female rats. 11-Nitrate-9 alpha, 11 beta-dioxyethynylestadiols (I-IV), 11-nitrate-9 alpha-oxyesterons (V-VII), and 11 formiate-11 beta-oxyethynylstadiol (VIII) were given per os to the rats. As compared to ethynylestradiol (EE), compounds I-IV demonstrated 4-10 times higher oestrogenic activity and 11-23 times higher contraceptive activity. 11-Nitrate (V-VII) proved to be less active oestrogens (77-91% of EE activity) but its contraceptive effect was equal to or exceeded that of EE. The oestrogenic activity of 11-formiate (VIII) was three times higher than that of EE, but its contraceptive effect was only 50% of the effect of EE. The higher contraceptive effect of compounds I-IV in comparison to their oestrogenic activity allows these oestrogens to be considered perspective substituents of EE among the oral contraceptives. In oral administration of compound I alone or compounds I and IV together with gestagen acetomepregenol (AMP), inhibition of luteinizing hormone release was stronger and more prolonged than in administration of EE alone or in combination with AMP. This effect may be considered to be one of the possible mechanisms of the activity of 11-nitrate oestrogens.  相似文献   

Studied were clinically and paraclinically six cattle manifesting an experimental suppurative surgery infection caused by Cornebacterium pyogenes, strain 1056. It was established that the infection assumes the course of septicaemia with metastases in the viscera, causing severe disturbances in the general condition and leading to death in most cases. Found were also anemia, leukopenia, that alternated with leukocytosis presenting nuclear shift to left, changes in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in terms of more rapid settling out of r. b. c. The urine presented protein and sediment consisting of 8 to 10 or numerous erythrocytes, 5 to 6 or 10 to 15 leukocytes, single to 8-10 kidney epithelium cells. The rumen content became alkaline, and the infusoria count dropped.  相似文献   

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