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M. Holloway  J.M. Sykes   《Corrosion Science》2005,47(12):3097-3110
Corrosion of mild steel reinforcement in an alkali-activated slag (AAS) cement mortar containing NaCl admixtures has been investigated using an improved galvanostatic pulse technique. Corrosion rates were monitored at 90% relative humidity over a period of several months. On first exposure highest corrosion rates are seen with the lowest chloride levels, but over time different behaviours are seen for different chloride levels. The complex pattern of current and potential variation has been analysed using Tafel plots. Tentative conclusions are put forward to account for the behaviour seen, based on a model where oxidation of sulphide anions to sulphur prevents potential rising into the pitting regime and leads to inhibition of the oxygen cathode reaction.  相似文献   

This study investigated four reinforced concrete mixtures with different replacement percentages of recycled coarse aggregate (RA). The corrosion rate was measured using an electrochemical workstation, and the corrosion-induced cracks on the concrete surface were observed using digital microscopy. The results show that the use of RA introduces more interfaces in concrete, which accelerates the steel corrosion process and corrosion-induced crack propagation in concrete cover. However, steel corrosion and the corrosion-induced cracking process in concrete are not significantly influenced by replacing a small amount (33% in the study) of coarse aggregate with RA.  相似文献   

The corrosion behaviour of three phosphoric irons P1 (Fe-0.11P-0.028C), P2 (Fe-0.32P-0.026C) and P3 (Fe-0.49P-0.022C) has been studied in simulated concrete pore solution (saturated Ca(OH)2 solution) containing different chloride concentration. This has been compared with that of two commercial concrete reinforcement steels, a low carbon steel TN (Fe-0.148C-0.542Mn-0.128Si) and a microalloyed corrosion resistant steel CS (Fe-0.151C-0.088P-0.197Si-0.149Cr-0.417Cu). The beneficial aspect of phosphoric irons was revealed from potentiodynamic polarization experiments. The pitting potentials and pitting nucleation resistances for phosphoric irons and CS were higher than that for TN. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) studies revealed thickening and growth of passive film as a function of time in case of phosphoric irons and CS in saturated Ca(OH)2 pore solutions without chloride and in the same solution with 0.05% Cl and 0.1% Cl. In case of TN, breakdown of passive film resulted in active corrosion in simulated pore solution containing 0.1% Cl. Linear polarization resistance measurements complemented EIS results. Visual observations indicated that phosphoric iron P3 was immune to corrosion even after 125 days of immersion in saturated Ca(OH)2 solution containing 5% NaCl. The good corrosion resistance of phosphoric irons in simulated concrete pore solution containing chloride ions has been related to the formation of phosphate, based on ultraviolet spectrophotometric analysis and Pourbaix diagram of phosphorus-water system.  相似文献   

An equivalent circuit representation for the steel–concrete interface is determined from direct potential measurements at the steel surface. The local response of steel–concrete interface to a given polarization applied at the concrete surface is investigated using an Ag/AgCl embedded reference electrode and a test system which allows simultaneous measurements at the steel–concrete interface and on the concrete surface. It is shown that the impedance spectrum on Nyquist plot for the steel–concrete interface comprises of a single arc. The equivalent circuit representation of the steel–concrete interface comprising of a parallel combination of a constant phase element (CPE) and a resistance was found to be suitable for representing the observed frequency response above 10 mHz. The parameters for the equivalent circuit obtained from the frequency-domain impedance measurements are shown to provide close prediction of the transient time-domain response from a linear polarization resistance measurement. The equivalent circuit was found to be suitable for interpreting the transient response of the steel–concrete interface during the linear polarization measurements. Available results indicate that while the response of steel undergoing active corrosion exhibits a distinctive CPE behavior, the passive steel approaches a pure capacitor. The value of resistance when the measured current increases linearly with time during a linear polarization measurement from the concrete surface provide acceptable measurements of the charge transfer resistance, and the Ohmic resistance of the concrete.  相似文献   

Continuous surface nanocrystallization (SNC) of rebar was achieved through wire-brushing process. A uniform NC layer with thickness of 25 μm and average grain size of 50 nm was formed on the rebar surface. Due to the enhanced passivation performance of the NC layer, corrosion resistance of the SNC rebar was significantly improved in Cl-containing saturated Ca(OH)2 solution. High-energetic crystal defects of the nano-grains leads to the faster passivation and enhanced stability of the passive film of the SNC rebar.  相似文献   

The corrosion rate (CR) of rebar embedded in cement mortar, concrete and cement extract is determined using harmonic analysis technique (HA). Simultaneously using other electrochemical techniques such as impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and Tafel extrapolation (TET), the CR was determined and compared with the weight loss method. CR obtained from HA is comparable to that of EIS provided that the Stern–Geary constant (B value) obtained from HA is used in the calculation. In concrete, comparable corrosion rates are obtained between TET and HA only under active condition of the rebar whereas under passive state, the corrosion current (icorr) by TET is 10 times lower than that of HA. A good agreement is obtained between the HA and weight loss method. The outcome of the result suggests that HA is capable of providing a higher degree of accuracy than that of EIS and TET in the determination of icorr in the medium like rebar in concrete having very low rate of corrosion.  相似文献   

The influence of stress on passive behaviour of steel bars in concrete pore solution was studied with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The passive ability of steel decreased as the applied load increased and higher load had much greater influence on passivation than repeated loading of small magnitude. A micro-crack model was presented to explain the damage of passive layer by loads. Lower load caused micro-cracks in the passive film which might be completely recovered after unloading. Under higher load more micro-cracks were produced in the passive film and some may penetrate the film, leading to irreversible damages.  相似文献   

Cathodic protection (CP) is considered to be the only rehabilitation method for chloride-induced rebar corrosion in reinforced concrete structures. The protection current distribution depends on several parameters, such as the geometry and number of rebars and the concrete resistivity. In order to investigate the influence of concrete resistivity on the possibilities and limitations of rebar protection, this paper presents a numerical approach based on the finite element method (FEM) in conjunction with laboratory results to determine its impact on the CP of alkali-activated slag mortar. An ordinary Portland cement was also tested for comparative purposes.  相似文献   

In the companion paper [Z.T. Chang, B. Cherry, M. Marosszeky, Polarisation behaviour of steel bar samples in concrete in seawater, Part 1: Experimental measurement of polarisation curves of steel in concrete, Corrosion Science 50(2) (2008) 357-364], influences of the experimental procedure on measured polarisation curves of steel in concrete in seawater were investigated. It was found that an undistorted full polarisation curve of a steel sample in concrete can be obtained by the two-test procedure to conduct separate anodic and cathodic polarisation tests and combine the two partial curves into one curve. However, polarisation curves of steel samples in concrete in seawater were found not to fit with the theoretical curves based on the kinetics of charge transfer reactions. This was considered to be due in the main to the influence of a passive film on the steel surface in concrete. This paper proposes an empirical model for the polarisation behaviour of steel in concrete based on the assumption of two major electrochemical processes taking place at the interfaces of steel/passive-film/concrete: one is the active corrosion process and the other is the passive film growth or dissolution process. Typical curve-fit results are presented using the proposed model to simulate the polarisation behaviour and to evaluate the corrosion rate and Tafel parameters of three types of steel corrosion in seawater: steel bars in concrete, new steel bars and corroded steel bars.  相似文献   

Measurements of corrosion rate of reinforcing steels have been carried out in solutions simulating electrolytic chloride environments in corrosion pits in the propagation period with sodium nitrite. A significant corrosion inhibition has been observed at relatively low chloride contents of 0.045 M due to the presence of nitrite in these systems, but its efficiency decreases when the pH is reduced. The corrosion intensity seems to be related to the [Cl]/[OH] ratio. Three different pH regions from acid to alkaline have been observed in terms of corrosion activity. An explanation on the behaviour of nitrite at different pH is given.  相似文献   

Chloride threshold level for corrosion of steel in concrete   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ki Yong Ann 《Corrosion Science》2007,49(11):4113-4133
The steel rebar inside reinforce concrete structures is susceptible to corrosion when permeation of chloride from deicing salts or seawater results in the chloride content at the surface of the steel exceeding a chloride threshold level (CTL). The CTL is an important influence on the service life of concrete structures exposed to chloride environments. The present study discusses the state of art on the CTL for steel corrosion in concrete, concerning its measurement, representation, influencing factors and methods to enhance the CTL. As the CTL values reported in the majority of previous studies were varied with experimental conditions, corrosion initiation assessment method, the way in which the CTL was represented, direct comparison between the results from different sets and evaluation was subjected to the difficulty. As a result, total chloride by weight of cement or the ratio of [Cl]:[H+] is the best presentation of CTL in that these include the aggressiveness of chlorides (i.e. free and bound chlorides) and inhibitive nature of cement matrix. The key factor on CTL was found to be a physical condition of the steel-concrete interface, in terms of entrapped air void content, which is more dominant in CTL rather than chloride binding, buffering capacity of cement matrix or binders. The measures to raise the CTL values using corrosion inhibitor, coating of steel, and electrochemical treatment are also studied.  相似文献   

Corrosion potential measurements were analyzed using the continuous wavelet transform (CWT). The corrosion potentials estimate the probability of corrosion of steel embedded in concrete. The CWT of the corrosion potential data estimates the behaviour in time of the energy distribution associated with the corrosion process. The results obtained indicate that CWT-based ratios can be successfully applied to better understand the different processes involved in the corrosion phenomenon, such as the cracking of concrete.  相似文献   

The damage of concrete cover in reinforced concrete structures induced by reinforcing steel corrosion is investigated in this study. The damage process of the concrete cover can be divided into two distinct stages: the non-cracking stage and the partial cracking stage. An analytical model based on damage mechanics and elastic mechanics is developed to predict the concrete cracking due to steel corrosion. Based on this model, the expansive pressure and the radial loss of steel bar are discussed. Parametric studies are carried out to examine the effects of the correlative factors on the expansive pressure and the steel loss.  相似文献   

Z.Q. Tan 《Corrosion Science》2008,50(9):2512-2522
The present work was aimed at determining the effect of coating surface condition on the initial corrosion of hot-dip galvanized reinforcing steel bar (HDG rebar) in ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete. During zinc corrosion in OPC concrete, calcium hydroxyzincate (CHZ) formed on untreated HDG steel provided sufficient protection against corrosion. Therefore, it is concluded that treating HDG rebar with dilute chromic acid is unnecessary as a method of passivating zinc. A layer of zinc oxide and zinc carbonate formed, through weathering, on HDG bars increased the initial corrosion rate and passivation time compared with the non-weathered rebar exposed to concrete. HDG steel with an alloyed coating, i.e. containing only of Fe-Zn intermetallic phases, required a longer time to passivate than those with a pure zinc surface layer. The lower zinc content of the surface limited the rate of CHZ formation; hence, delayed passivation. Regardless of the surface condition, the coating depth loss after two days of embedment in ordinary Portland cement concrete was insignificant.  相似文献   

The effect of silica fume on the chloride threshold for the initiation of pitting corrosion of steel in concrete was investigated. Laboratory tests were carried out in concrete specimens made with ordinary Portland cement and with 10% of silica fume. Chloride contents up to 2% by mass of cement were added to the mixes, in order to investigate the corrosion rate of embedded bars made of both strengthened and mild steel. A lower chloride threshold was observed in the bars which were embedded in concrete with silica fume compared to those embedded in concrete made of Portland cement.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the lab-synthesized iron benzoate as a novel steel corrosion inhibitor pigment to formulate anticorrosive paint films. The iron benzoate anticorrosive properties were studied by electrochemical and spectroscopic essays employing pigment suspensions. In a second stage, it was evaluated the performance of anticorrosive paint films containing iron benzoate by accelerated (salt spray and humidity chambers) and EIS tests. The protective layer nature grown under the paint films in the salt spray chamber was also assessed.Experimental results shown that ferric benzoate was adequate to formulate anticorrosive paint films with improved anticorrosive assessed.  相似文献   

A Gaussian function is proposed to describe the non-uniform spatial distribution of corrosion products as measured from chloride-exposed reinforced concrete specimens using backscattered electron imaging and image analysis. The model provides a good fit to the observed data and limited data sets reported in the literature. Subsequently, it is used as an input into a finite element analysis to provide a qualitative comparison of the damage induced on concrete from idealized uniform corrosion and more realistic non-uniform corrosion. The spatial distribution of corrosion is shown to have a major impact on the propagation phase, directly influencing residual service life.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analytical study on ferrous reinforcements embedded in binders found in ancient buildings aged from the Gallo-Roman period to the beginning of the 20th c. AD. The study of this kind of archaeological analogues is necessary to improve knowledge on the long-term corrosion behaviour of low carbon steels that could be used in concrete to build the substructure of nuclear wastes storage or reversible disposal facilities. The corrosion system can be described as a multi-layer pattern made of metal, a dense corrosion product layer, a transformed medium and a binder. The morphological, and physico-chemical properties like composition, structure and porosities of each part were studied with different analytical methods like optical and electronical microscopies, Energy Dispersive Spectrometry coupled with Scanning Electron Microscopy, Electron Probe MicroAnalysis, Mercury porosimetry, micro-Raman spectroscopy and micro-Diffraction under Synchrotron Radiation. Moreover, average corrosion rates were evaluated. These rates are relatively low compared to the same parameters measured on low alloyed contemporary steels and are comparable with corrosion rates noted for passivated systems.  相似文献   

Reinforced concretes were corroded to varying degrees by exposing to cyclic NaCl spray and 40 °C drying. The amount of corrosion products and induced damage were measured using image analysis. We found that corrosion products can accumulate at steel-concrete interface as well as penetrate cement paste and deposit within hydration products, relicts of reacted slag, and air voids. As corrosion increases, the products tend to accumulate at the steel-concrete interface, while the amount penetrating cement paste remains relatively constant. Only a small amount of corrosion is needed to induce visible cover cracking. Implications on modelling time to cover cracking are discussed.  相似文献   

Corrosion behaviour of steel in concrete in the presence of stray current   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Effects of stray current on the corrosion behaviour of steel in concrete have been studied, with regards to both corrosion initiation and propagation. Results showed that DC current can induce corrosion initiation on the reinforcement in the anodic zone only after it has circulated for a certain time, which depends on the anodic current density, the presence of chloride in the concrete and interruptions in the current. AC current proved to be much less dangerous than DC, although it can influence the corrosion rate of steel in chloride-contaminated concrete and stimulate macrocouples.  相似文献   

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