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The in vitro effect of citric acid application on periodontally involved root surfaces was investigated using scanning electron microscopy. Teeth were selected following specific criteria. The specimens were prepared for observation, and the features of the root surface were studied. The results demonstrated that a 3-minute application of citric acid (pH = 1.0) to the root surface after scaling and root planing demineralized the outer root surface, opened the dentinal tubules, and exposed collagen fibers. Scaling and root planing alone left the surface with a smear layer, scattered islands of cementum, and no collagen fibers or exposed dentinal tubules.  相似文献   

Disseminated neuroblastoma frequently show a very poor prognosis. N-myc gene amplification, 1p deletion and lack of CD44 gene expression, are all genetic factors associated with the disease's dissemination. Human neuroblastoma xenografts in nude mice has permitted to characterize, in disseminated neuroblasts, oncogenes overexpression, inactivation of tumor suppressor genes as well as detoxifying genes activation which contributes to increase cellular resistance to chemotherapy. These genetic abnormalities permit to propose a nosology of this very aggressive pediatric solid tumor. Hopefully, this genetic classification could be of great value for new therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage P22 and lambda are related bacteriophages with similar gene organizations. In lambda the cll-dependent Pl promoter is responsible for lambda int gene expression. The only apparent counterpart to pl in P22 is oriented in the opposite direction, and cannot transcribe the P22 int gene. We show that this promoter, called P(al), is active both in vivo and in vitro, and is dependent upon the P22 cll-like gene, called c1. We have also determined the DNA sequence of a 3.3 kb segment that closes the gap between previously reported sequences to give a continuous sequence between the P22 pL promoter and the int gene. The newly determined sequence is densely packed with genes from the pL direction, and the proteins predicted by the sequence show excellent correlation with the proteins mapped by Youderian and Susskind in 1980. However, the sequence contains no apparent genes in the opposite (p(al)) direction, and no additional binding motifs for the P22 c1 protein. We conclude that int gene expression in P22 is regulated by a different mechanism than in lambda.  相似文献   

In a previous work we showed that only unilocular brown adipocytes express leptin. In order to investigate the relationship between leptin gene expression, brown adipocyte activity (UCP1) and morphology, we studied brown adipose tissues of mice (C57BL, female, 7 weeks old) acclimated at different temperatures (19 degrees C and 28 degrees C). Northern blot analysis revealed higher leptin and lower UCP1 mRNA levels in mice exposed to 28 degrees C than in the group acclimated at 19 degrees C. Also protein expression (immunohistochemistry) differed in the two groups: at 28 degrees C brown adipocytes were positive for leptin and only weakly positive for UCP1, while at 19 degrees C they were leptin-negative and UCP1-positive. In the former group the morphology was mainly unilocular. Our data suggest that in brown adipocytes of warm-acclimated mice leptin expression is closely related to their hypoactive functional stage, as evidenced by their low level of UCP1 synthesis and the morphological rearrangement of the lipid content (unilocularity).  相似文献   

Present paper is aimed at assessing the effect of hypoxic gaseous mixtures intended for the use as the fire suppression agents within closed volumes on the basis of argon with addition of carbonic acid on the body of mammalia. Three experiments were performed on the male white laboratory Wistar rats. It is indicated that argon adding to the hypoxic mixtures containing 4-5% volume increases animal survivability as compared to analogous nitrogen-based mixtures. An addition of 4-8% volume of carbonic acid impairs the of animal condition and reduces the survival rate. There noted a pronounced negative effect of the increased temperature on the survival time in the hypoxic media. One can draw inference about the principal possibility of using argon for formation of the hypoxic gaseous mixtures possessing fire suppression properties.  相似文献   

LH is a dimeric glycoprotein hormone that is stored in the anterior pituitary and is released in response to GnRH, while the placental hormone, human CG (hCG), sharing the same alpha-subunit and a related beta-subunit, is secreted constitutively. In search of a determinant that allows sorting of LH into a regulated secretory pathway, the genes encoding the common alpha- and LH/CG beta-subunits were expressed in the GH3 rat pituitary tumor cell line, which contains a regulated secretory pathway. Steady state labeling and subsequent chase experiments showed that not only LH but also hCG can be sorted to a regulated secretory pathway; after an initial period of constitutive secretion, the mature forms of both hormones containing processed oligosaccharides were stored intracellularly, and their release was stimulated by either forskolin or KCl depolarization. In Chinese hamster ovary cells, which lack a regulated pathway and are devoid of storage granules, only hormones containing unprocessed N-linked oligosaccharides were found. In GH3 cells the LH beta-subunit was partially retained in an endoglycosidase H-sensitive form, presumably in the endoplasmic reticulum; the enzyme-resistant fraction was secreted through a regulated secretory pathway. A large fraction of the hCG beta-subunit was released constitutively, although some mature hCG beta-subunit accumulated in secretory granules and was released by forskolin. The common alpha-subunit was secreted constitutively with little intracellular accumulation of the mature forms. We conclude that the LH beta-subunit contains sufficient information to direct LH to a regulated pathway, and alpha:LH beta assembly is not a prerequisite for this targeting. The sorting of hCG to a regulated pathway in GH3 cells presumably reflects a structural similarity between LH and hCG. In addition, we have shown that GH3 cells can recognize the N-linked oligosaccharides on the gonadotropin subunits as substrates for sulfation.  相似文献   

There is accumulating evidence that small GTPases of the rab family regulate intracellular vesicle traffic along biosynthetic and endocytotic pathways in eukaryotic cells. It has been suggested that Rab3a, which is associated with synaptic vesicles in neurons and with secretory granules in adrenal chromaffin cells, might regulate exocytosis. We report here that overexpression in PC12 cells of Rab3a mutant proteins defective in either GTP hydrolysis or in guanine nucleotide binding inhibited exocytosis, as measured by a double indirect immunofluorescence assay. Moreover, injection of the purified mutant proteins into bovine adrenal chromaffin cells also inhibited exocytosis, as monitored by membrane capacitance measurements. Finally, the electrophysiological approach showed that bovine chromaffin cells which were intracellularly injected with antisense oligonucleotides targeted to the rab3a messenger exhibited an increasing potential to respond to repetitive stimulations. In contrast, control cells showed a phenomenon of desensitization. These results provide clear evidence that Rab3a is involved in regulated exocytosis and suggest that Rab3a is a regulatory factor that prevents exocytosis from occurring unless secretion is triggered. Furthermore, it is proposed that Rab3a is involved in adaptive processes such as response habituation.  相似文献   

Regulation of gene expression of three putative long-chain fatty acid transport proteins, fatty acid translocase (FAT), mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase (mAspAT), and fatty acid transport protein (FATP), by drugs that activate peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) alpha and gamma were studied using normal and obese mice and rat hepatoma cells. FAT mRNA was induced in liver and intestine of normal mice and in hepatoma cells to various extents only by PPARalpha-activating drugs. FATP mRNA was similarly induced in liver, but to a lesser extent in intestine. The induction time course in the liver was slower for FAT and FATP mRNA than that of an mRNA encoding a peroxisomal enzyme. An obligatory role of PPARalpha in hepatic FAT and FATP induction was demonstrated, since an increase in these mRNAs was not observed in PPARalpha-null mice. Levels of mAspAT mRNA were higher in liver and intestine of mice treated with peroxisome proliferators, while levels in hepatoma cells were similar regardless of treatment. In white adipose tissue of KKAy obese mice, thiazolidinedione PPARgamma activators (pioglitazone and troglitazone) induced FAT and FATP more efficiently than the PPARalpha activator, clofibrate. This effect was absent in brown adipose tissue. Under the same conditions, levels of mAspAT mRNA did not change significantly in these tissues. In conclusion, tissue-specific expression of FAT and FATP genes involves both PPARalpha and -gamma. Our data suggest that among the three putative long-chain fatty acid transporters, FAT and FATP appear to have physiological roles. Thus, peroxisome proliferators not only influence the metabolism of intracellular fatty acids but also cellular uptake, which is likely to be an important regulatory step in lipid homeostasis.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that at physiological pH, the trypsin-catalyzed activation of the lipase cofactor, procolipase, to colipase has no consequence for intestinal lipolysis and serves primarily to release the N-terminal pentapeptide, enterostatin, a satiety factor (Larsson, A., and C. Erlanson-Albertsson 1991. The effect of pancreatic procolipase and colipase on pancreatic lipase activation. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1083:283-288). This hypothesis was tested by measuring the adsorption of [14C]colipase to monolayers of 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-3-glycerophosphocholine and 13, 16-cis, cis-docosadienoic acid in the presence and absence of procolipase. With saturating [14C]colipase in the subphase, the surface excess of [14C]colipase is 29% higher than that of procolipase, indicating that colipase packs more tightly in the interface. With [14C]colipase-procolipase mixtures, the proteins compete equally for occupancy of the argon-buffer interface. However, if a monolayer of either or both lipids is present, [14C]colipase dominates the adsorption process, even if bile salt is present in the subphase. If [14C]colipase and procolipase are premixed for > 12 h at pH approximately 8, this dominance is partial. If they are not premixed, procolipase is essentially excluded from the interface, even if procolipase is added before [14C]colipase. These results suggest that the tryptic cleavage of the N-terminal pentapeptide of procolipase may be of physiological consequence in the intestine.  相似文献   

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