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综述了目前国内外各类木材的阻燃处理方法,从阻燃剂的发展趋势以及木材对阻燃效果的要求分析了各种处理方法的优点及不足,并详细介绍了浸渍法等主要处理方法,归纳了木材阻燃处理方法的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

采用空白燃烧试验研究常用木垛引燃燃料的自身燃烧热释放规律,并采用油盘火引燃方式对自动灭火装置检测常用的小木垛进行了燃烧试验,获取了热释放速率及总放热量特性。以自动灭火装置和灭火药剂的应用特点和工作方式为出发点,采用四角点火方式对同类型木垛进行了引燃试验,对比分析两种点火方式所获得的燃烧热释放参数曲线规律和区别的产生原因。采用四角点火方式的木垛燃烧进程阶段性特征更为明显,适宜于考察自动灭火装置类产品对于初起火灾的反应和抑制效果,以及考察灭火药剂对木垛燃烧的最大扑灭能力。  相似文献   

High-rise building fire is often influenced by the ambient wind. Study concerning fire behavior in the compartment of high-rise buildings in wind environment is needed for exploring some effective methods used for evaluation of compartment fire smoke movement and control. In this paper, smoke flowing direction and temperature of ventilation-controlled fire in a two-vent compartment are studied when ambient wind blows to the vent at higher altitude. It is found that there is a critical wind speed, above which the direction of smoke movement is dominated by wind rather than by buoyancy. It is also found that ambient wind has a complex influence on smoke temperature in the compartment. When wind speed exceeds another critical value, only one steady state appears in the smoke temperature rising curve. Otherwise three steady states appear. Heat transfer through the compartment walls has great influence on the second critical wind speed.  相似文献   

Some modifications on Suzuki’s multi-layer zone model (MLZ) have been done to predict temperature and smoke distribution of a tunnel fires, i.e., the radiation heat loss of fire source is taken into account and a four-surface radiation heat transfer model is introduced. Like Suzuki’s model, as a special long and narrow space, the tunnel space is also divided into a number of layers in vertical direction and regions in longitudinal direction. The physical properties like temperature and species (CO, CO2, etc.) are assumed uniform in every zone like two-zone model. However, the different heat transfer model is introduced. The MLZ model prediction is compared with the experiments of USTC and CFD model (FDS). It shows good agreement between the model prediction, experiments and CFD models (FDS). And the MLZ model needs less time than CFD model.  相似文献   

为了研究水泥粉体扑灭木垛火灾的可行性,通过自行设计的气力输送水泥粉体装置开展木垛火的灭火试验研究,利用温度采集装置和摄像机等仪器测试水泥粉体灭火前后木垛火的变化规律.结果表明,气力输送水泥粉体能有效抑制木垛表面明火,显著降低木垛火的燃烧温度,其中水泥粉体主要通过堆积覆盖作用进行灭火,而过大的木垛高度和孔隙率对水泥粉体灭...  相似文献   

The Fire Dynamic Simulator code is used to investigate fire spread and smoke movement in a large underground car park under different fire scenarios. Initially, by comparing with experimental results of heat release rate of a single car fire, the development of car fire is designed by letting surface densities of the fuel over the car. Fire spread and movement of smoke are then investigated under different ventilation conditions. Simulated results show that the development of car fire in the underground car park can be classified into four stages; namely an initial stage, a developed stage, an extinction and re-burning stage and another fast-developed stage. Affected by ventilation systems, fire develops rapidly resulting in consuming most oxygen quickly followed by early extinction of the fire. After extinction of the fire, with more ambient air drawn into the car park due to ventilation, re-ignition takes place with accelerated development. In addition, detailed field distributions of temperature and velocity vectors are given. It is found that the smoke layer decent to the top of the car after 15 min and the hot smoke flows in a disorderly manner resulting in the spread of fire more rapidly.  相似文献   

以某综合管廊为研究背景,利用PyroSim模拟软件建立的仿真计算模型,研究了设立挡烟垂壁、改变防火门开启程度、增设排烟设施等情况下的烟气蔓延规律.研究发现:在烟气未充满管廊时,挡烟垂壁会使烟气蔓延速度降低,烟气蔓延速度与挡烟垂壁高度成反比;防火门打开会使火灾烟气蔓延至相邻防火分区,烟气蔓延速率与防火门开启程度成正相关;...  相似文献   

摘 要:以现行燃烧性能分级框架内的小尺度动态管式炉法和中尺度单体燃烧试验为产烟模型,选取典型阻燃和非阻燃材料开展燃烧产烟试验,利用FTIR等气体分析技术实时测量烟气组分数据,借助有效剂量分数(FED)等计算模型进行烟气毒性量化研究。结果表明:根据动态管式炉产烟气体分析计算的FED1值约为单体燃烧试验FED3max值的4~17倍;难燃材料单体燃烧试验获得的FED值较小,通常在0.15以下,而易燃材料的FED值则高达0.65;以小尺度动态管式炉和中尺度单体燃烧试验为产烟模型,应用毒性组分计算模型FED1和FED3,可对材料在火灾无焰燃烧(氧化热解)阶段和通风充足的有焰燃烧阶段的烟气毒性做出具有代表性的有效便捷评价。  相似文献   

通过对风能特点与消防关系的分析,找出引发风电火灾的原因,如雷击、电气、机械故障、人为因素等,提出增设固定报警灭火系统、防火分隔控制、加强消防技术研究、制定相关标准、加强日常防火监督等预防风电火灾的对策.  相似文献   

In this work, a numerical model of tunnel fire is developed and aimed to investigate the influence of cross-sectional fire locations on critical velocity and smoke flow characteristic. It is shown that the critical velocity for a fire next to the wall is obviously higher than that for a fire in the middle or on the left/right lane. The ratio is estimated to be 1.12. The predictions of critical velocity from ‘small-fire’ models show a good agreement with that for a fire in the middle or on the left/right lane from CFD. The tunnel height at the fire location is proposed to be instead of the hydraulic tunnel height in the ‘big-fire’ model of Wu and Bakar for a fire next to the wall. The smoke moves backward in a tongue like form as the ventilation velocity is lower than the critical velocity. The back-layering length of a fire in the middle is shown to be approximate twice than that on the left/right lane under the same ventilation velocity, although they share the same critical velocity. Whereas a relatively short back-layering length for a fire next to the wall under the velocity of 2.6 and 2.7 m/s. In addition, a snaky high-temperature profile on the top wall at the initial downstream is observed for a fire on the left lane and next to the wall, and finally a steady and layered smoke flow. The likely cause of this phenomenon is subsequently explained in this study.  相似文献   

This paper presents an image-processing technique for automatic real-time flame and smoke detection in a tunnel environment. To avoid the large-scale damage caused by fire occurring in different environments, there are many studies about discovering and minimizing an incident as fast as possible. However, we need an original algorithm specialized for a tunnel fire, because this environment is quite different and it is difficult to apply existing fire detection algorithms to a tunnel environment. Therefore, this paper proposes an original algorithm that applies to a tunnel environment. Color and motion information are used to minimize false detections in tunnels, and this information enables us to detect the exact position of an event at an early stage, by detection, test, and verification procedures. The experimental results show the validity and efficiency of the proposed algorithms by a comparison of the characteristics of each algorithm.  相似文献   

针对某地铁双层岛式车站,利用FDS模拟研究无屏蔽门和有屏蔽门两种情况发生火灾的场景,分析温度和烟气浓度分布,并对结果进行比较分析。结果表明,屏蔽门对于火灾烟气的扩散有显著的抑制作用,对地铁站台设计、火灾时人员疏散等具有一定的理论指导。  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in a full-scale model office equipped with movable and fixed fire loads to explore the influence of ignition source (movable fire load(s)) conditions on smoke detector and sprinkler actuation. The interior plan dimension is 5.7 m × 4.7 m and the net ceiling height is 3.3 m. Both northeast and southeast wings have a 2.1 m × 0.9 m single door to be opened. Seven fire scenarios (seven different ignited fire load configurations) under natural ventilation were investigated experimentally. The results show that the amount of fire load at the initial stage in a room fire does not markedly affect smoke generation and does not significantly impact the actuation time of the smoke detectors. When the fire source is located near a corner, the plume corner effect greatly increases; smoke detectors and sprinklers can activate quickly and effectively actuate the fire suppression. When the fire source is located in the room's center, given the uncertainty regarding smoke detector and sprinkler actuation, it may not be possible to control the fire spread.  相似文献   

采用FDS火灾数值模拟的方法,分析不同天井宽度及进深对带外廊开口天井建筑中天井底部与顶部压差、天井内温度及外廊CO浓度等参数的影响,研究高层住宅建筑开口天井宽度及进深对烟囱效应的影响。设定3种火源功率、4种开口天井宽度、4种开口天井进深,共计48组工况进行计算分析,研究发现,开口天井内由于侧面与外界连通,烟囱效应较弱,天井宽度和天井进深对烟囱效应没有明显影响。天井宽度和天井进深越大,天井内温度、外廊CO浓度均降低。  相似文献   

Heat exhaust coefficient of transversal smoke extraction system in tunnel under fire is studied by experimental means with a 1:10 model tunnel using Froude scaling. Heat exhaust coefficient is defined as the proportion of the heat exhausted by individual exhaust inlet, smoke duct and exhaust fans in total heat released by the fire in the tunnel, respectively. Results of a series of fire tests in a model tunnel are presented. Heat exhaust coefficient of single exhaust inlet and the smoke duct are strongly influenced by the configuration of the exhaust inlets. Heat exhaust coefficient of the exhaust fans varies in the range of 13–20% and is smaller than the heat exhaust coefficient of the smoke duct which varies from 17% to 83% and tends to be about 35% with the increase of the total area of the exhaust inlets. Activating small number of the exhaust inlets is beneficial for enhancing the heat exhaust coefficient of the smoke duct. The heat exhaust coefficient of the smoke duct and exhaust fans is high when the exhaust inlets are set close to the fire. Due to the cooling effect of the solid boundaries on the smoke while traveling in the tunnel and smoke duct, the heat exhaust coefficient of the exhaust fans in unilateral exhaust mode is slightly smaller than that in bilateral exhaust mode.  相似文献   

采用试验与数值模拟研究隧道双火源火灾临界风速变化,重点研究双火源功率和火源间距对临界风速的影响。结果表明:随着火源间距增加,临界风速逐渐降低,当两火源间距达到极限距离时,临界风速不再变化;当进风口侧火源功率确定时,在极限间距内出风口侧火源功率增大时,临界风速增大,说明出风口侧的火源对进风口侧的烟气回流有促进作用;在极限间距内,临界风速随火源间距增加呈二次方递减到一个稳定值;两火源总功率越大,临界风速随着间距增加降低的幅度越明显。并得到了临界风速的预测公式。  相似文献   

A number of measurements were made to help define the thermal and flow conditions in a 9 × 18 meter pool fire that was used to simulate a transportation accident. Temperatures were measured at twenty-eight locations throughout the continuous flame region. Velocities were measured at four vertical stations near the centerline of the pool. Heat fluxes were estimated from thermal measurements on and near vertical steel plates. As is often the case in fires of this size, the effects of mild, ambient winds on the measurements were pronounced. Attempts have been made to mitigate these effects by the application of conditional sampling. Temperatures and velocities are compared with other experimental results as well as results of modeling efforts.  相似文献   

在大空间火灾试验厅内采用沙发作为火源,研究了烟气层的发展过程,并将得出的烟气层温度、烟气层下降曲线与油池火对比。结果表明:不同的火源条件下,烟气的温升曲线和烟气层下降曲线是不同的,对于稳定的油池火,烟气层下降曲线是光滑的,对于非稳定火源,烟气层下降曲线存在跳变现象;烟气层厚度较小时,火源热释放速率的大小对烟气层的温度、烟气层的下降速率有着重要影响;对于变热释放速率情况下的烟气充填,可以采用对热释放速率的分段近似来进行模拟分析。  相似文献   

高层建筑外墙外保温系统是一种重要的节能手段,在全国特别是东北地区得到广泛应用,起到了良好的节能效果。但建筑外保温系统在推广应用、施工过程中,存在法规标准滞后、施工、使用阶段消防安全管理不到位等问题,遗留了大量火灾隐患,增大了建筑的火灾危险性。分析了高层建筑外保温材料的燃烧特性和火灾危险性,并根据辽宁省外墙保温材料消防安全管理的经验,梳理外墙保温材料消防管理存在的问题,提出了防范火灾风险的对策措施。  相似文献   

摘 要:为研究不同毛巾对室内火灾烟气的防护过滤效果及防护机理,自行设计并搭建了热分解产烟防护测试平台,选取室内装修装饰用量较多的PVC材料作为产烟材料,选用市面上常见的纯棉、纱布和超细纤维3种材质毛巾,分别研究了干湿两种状态下,不同毛巾对PVC火灾烟气的防护过滤效果,并结合烟气过滤前后毛巾表面形貌,分析了干湿毛巾对室内火灾烟气的防护过滤机理。结果表明:3种毛巾对PVC材料火灾烟气均具有一定的防护过滤效果;无论是干态还是湿态下,3种毛巾对烟气防护过滤效果的优劣程度排序均为纯棉毛巾>纱布毛巾>超细纤维毛巾;湿毛巾对CO、NOx、HCl气体的防护过滤效果好于干毛巾;湿毛巾较于干毛巾对CO气体和HCl气体的防护过滤效果得到极大提升,对HCl气体的防护过滤效果提升了近1倍。  相似文献   

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