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1 Contiguity and Contiguity Topology Defintion 1.1 Let X be a non-void set.A contiguity for X is a non-void family U of subsets of X×X such that (a) each member of U contains the diagonal △; (b) if u∈U and u(?)v(?)X×X, then v∈U;and (c) if u and v are members of U, then u ∩v∈U. We also call pair (X, U) is a contiguous space. (where U is a contiguity for X).  相似文献   

In this paper, we have got some properties of product and quotient spaces of fuzzy topologioal vector spaces of type (QL) (cf. Wu Congxin, Fang Jinxuan, Annals of Math., 6A (1985), 3: 355-364), whereby we work out a representation theorem of locally ccnvex spaces. Fuzzy topological vector space is short for FTVS in the following text. Lemma 1. Let (X,T) be a FTVS of type (QL) and {‖·‖_d: d∈D} be the family of Lasalle pseudonorms generating T, then the fuzzy net {X_(λα)~((α)): α∈A} converges to x_λiff for each ε>o, o<δ<λand ‖·‖_d, there exists α∈A such that ‖x-x_(λn)~((n))‖_d<ε, λ_n>λ-δwhenever n≥α. Let (X,T) be the product space of a family of FTVSs(X_α,T_α) (a∈A); P_α  相似文献   

Let X be a locally convex space and X~* its dual space.Let N(X) denote a localbase neighborhoods 0∈X which are barrells.For each U∈N(X),letP_U(x)=sup{|f(x)|:f∈U~0}, (?)x∈X,where U~0 is polar of U with respect to the dual pair (X, X~*).Then P_U is a continuousseminorm on X. Pietsch gave the vector-valued sequence space l_1[X] as follows:  相似文献   

Hand tracking is a challenging problem due to the complexity of searching in a 20 degrees of freedom (DOF) space for an optimal estimation of hand configuration. The feasible hand configurations are represented as a discrete space, which avoids learning to find parameters as general configuration space representations do. Then, an extended simulated annealing method with particle filtering to search for optimal hand configuration in the proposed discrete space, in which simplex search running in multi-processor is designed to predict the hand motion instead of initializing the simulated annealing randomly, and particle filtering is employed to represent the state of the tracker at each layer for searching in high dimensional configuration space. Experimental results show that the proposed method makes the hand tracking more efficient and robust.  相似文献   

Let X and Y be real Banach spaces. The stability of Hyers-Ulam-Rassias approximate isometries on restricted domains S(unbounded or bounded) for into mapping f: S→Y satisfying ‖f(x)-f(y)‖-‖x-y‖≤ε(x,y) for all x,y∈S is studied in case that the target space Y is uniformly convex Banach space of the modulus of convexity of power type q≥2 or Y is the Lq(Ω,,μ) (1<q< ∞) space or Y is a Hilbert space. Furthermore, the stability of approximate isometries for the case that (x,y)=‖x‖p ‖y‖p or (x,y)=‖x-y‖p for p≠1 is investigated.  相似文献   

Time is an important dimension for information in the geographical iniormatlon system. Data, such as the historical state of target property space and related events causing the state to be changed, should be saved as important files. This should be applied to property management. This paper designs and constructs a spatial temporal model, which is suitable to the property data changing management and spatial temporal query by analyzing the basic types and characteristics of property management spatial changing time and date. This model uses current and historical situational layers to organize and set up the relationship between current situation data and historical dates according to spatial temporal topological relations in property entities. By using Map Basic, housing property management and spatial query is realized.  相似文献   

The theory of Kothe sequence spaces with values in a scalar field has been considerably developed (for example, see Ruckle, W, H, Sequence Spaces, London, 1981). In this paper, the generalized Kothe duals of sequence spaces with values in a Banach space are defined, and some properties of the duals are given. Let X be a Banach space with the norm ‖·‖and X', its topological dual, and X~N, (X')~N the spaces of all sequences in X and X' respectively, and φ(X), φ(X') the spaces of all finite sequences in X and X' respectively.  相似文献   

Let G =( V,E) be a connected graph and W = { w_1,w_2,…,w_k} be an ordered subset of V( G).For any vertex v ∈V,the locating code of v with respect to W is the k-vector CW( v) = { d( v,w_1),d( v,w_2),…,d( v,w_k) },W is said to be a locating set of G if distinct vertices have the distinct locating code,and the locating number of G is defined as: Loc( G) = min{ | W| : W is a locating set of G}.We study the locating set and locating number of a graph G,obtain some bounds for the locating numbers of graphs,and determine the exact value of Loc( G) for some special classes of graphs,such as cycles,wheels,complete t-partite graph and some Cartesian products of paths and cycles. In addition,we also prove that Loc( T) ≥Δ-1 holds for all trees T with maximum degree Δ,and shows a tree T with Loc( T) = Δ-1.  相似文献   

In the research of path planning for manipulators with many DOF, generally there is a problem in most traditional methods, which is that their computational cost (time and memory space) increases exponentially as DOF or resolution of the discrete configuration space increases. So this paper presents the collision-free trajectory planning for the space robot to capture a target based on the wavelet interpolation algorithm. We made wavelet sample on the desired trajectory of the manipulator’s end-effector to do trajectory planning by use of the proposed wavelet interpolation formula, and then derived joint vectors from the trajectory information of the end-effector based on the fixed-attitude-restrained generalized Jacobian matrix of multi-arm coordinated motion, so as to control the manipulator to capture a static body along the desired collision-free trajectory. The method overcomes the shortcomings of the typical methods, and the desired trajectory of the end-effector can be any kind of complex nonlinear curve. The algorithm is simple and highly effective and the real trajectory is close to the desired trajectory. In simulation, the planar dual-arm three DOF space robot is used to demonstrate the proposed method, and it shows that the algorithm is feasible.  相似文献   

We give a fuzzy goal programming (L-UFGP).Definition 1 Let X(?)E_n,A is called a generalized fuzzy set on E_n with respect toX iff (?)(x)∈[0,1] for x∈X and (?)(x)∈E_1 for x∈E_n\X.Definition 2 Let i∈(1,...,p),R(?)E_n,(?)={x∈R|l_i≤f_i(x)≤u_i} and (?)(f_i(x)) be ageneralized fuzzy set on E_n with respect to (?),(?) is called a fuzzy goal set of f_i(x)iff (?)(y) is a strictly increasing function on E_(?) and (?)(l_i)=0,(?)(u_i)=1.Here l_i iscalled a lower goal of f_i(x) and u_i is called an upper goal of f_i(x).  相似文献   

狭义拟仿紧空间是广义仿紧空间类的重要空间,文章在附加完全正则的条件下讨论了狭义拟仿紧空间的逆极限定理和Tychonoff乘积定理,得到以下主要结论:(1)设X=lim{xσ,πρσ,∑},并且每一个投射,πσ:X→Xσ乃是开满射,设x是|∑|-仿紧空间,其中|∑|〉2,若每一个Xσ是完全正则狭义拟仿紧空间,则X也是完全正则狭义拟仿紧空间;(2)记X=∏a∈∧Xα是|∧|-仿紧空间,则X是完全正则狭义拟仿紧空间当且仅当A↓Vσ∈∑,X=∏a∈σ是完全正则狭义拟仿紧空间,其中:∑=|∧|。文章的证明方法以及得出的结论使狭义拟仿紧空间的逆极限的保持性及其乘积性更加清楚,同时所讨论的内容也使得狭义拟仿紧空间类的一些性质在应用时更加方便。  相似文献   

一个空间X被称为具有性质(wa),如果对于空间X的任意覆盖U和对于X的任意稠密子空间D,在D中存在一个离散子集F,使得St(F,U)=X,其中St(F,U)=∪{U∈U:U∩F≠}.本文给出了一个不具有性质(wa)的完全正则空间的例子  相似文献   

针对一些广义仿紧空间以及拓扑空间中半开集和半闭集的性质,本文将次仿紧空间的一些结论推广到半闭集的条件下,新定义并研究S -次仿紧空间的基本性质。首先给出一些基本的定义和定理,然后在此基础上定义S-次仿紧空间,最后得出一些主要结果:(1)空间X是S-次仿紧空间,则X的每一开覆盖U,存在半开加细覆盖序列{Vn}n∈N使对每一x∈X,存在n∈N,使ord(x,Vn)=1,这里(ord(x,Vn)=|{V:V∈Vn,x∈V}|);(2)空间X是S-次仿紧空间,则X的每一开覆盖具有σ垫状加细覆盖;(3)如果(X,Fa)是S-次仿紧空间,则(X,F)也是S-次仿紧空间,并给出相应的证明。  相似文献   

设F是特征不为2热且不为Z3的域,M2是F上的2×2矩阵代数,Γ2是包含M2全体对合元的子集,M2上的变换φ满足A-λB∈Γ2当且仅当φ(A)-λφ(B)∈Γ2,则φ的形式是(A)=εPAP-1,A∈M2,或φ(A)=εPAtP-1,A∈M2,其中P∈M2非奇异,ε∈{-1,1}.  相似文献   

<正> 令X是无穷集,C={L:L是定义在X上的格};定义(?)={M:M与L是定义在X上的同构格},C_1={(?):L∈C}.K={L:L是定义在X上完全格};K_1={(?):L∈K}.  相似文献   

文章引入了S-亚紧空间,并且获得3个主要结果:(1)如果(X,(y))是一个S-亚紧的T2空间,则对X中的任意一个闭集A和不属于A的任一点x,存在U∈(y),V∈SO(X,(y))使x∈U,ACV且U∩V=(O).(2)如果(X,(y)α)是S-亚紧的,则(X,(y))是S-亚紧的.(3)(X,(y))是一个极不连通的T2空间,则(X,(y))是S-亚紧的当且仅当X的每个开覆盖(b)有一个点有限的正则闭加细(V)V∈RC(x,(Y).  相似文献   

采用一个新的几何性质 kWB,证明了具有该性质的 Banach空间 X具有弱Banach一Saks性质,且具有该性质的Banach空间X的kNUC充分必要条件是自反且为UKK,并给出了Musielak-Orlicz序列空间是kNUC的等价条件.  相似文献   

证明了如下结果::(1)如果X=∏τ∈∑Xτ是|λ|一超仿紧空间,则X是σ-集体正规空间当且仅当 F∈[∑]〈ω,X=∏τ∈∑Xτ是σ-集体正规空间。(2)设X=∏i∈ωXi是可数仿紧的,则下列三条等价:X是σ-集体正规的;F∈[ω]〈ω,X=X=∏i∈ωXi是σ-集体正规的;n∈ω,∏i≤n Xi是σ-集体正规的。  相似文献   

设G=(V,E),是一个图,对于图G的一个函数f:E→{-1,1},如果对任意e∈E(G),均有∑e'∈N(e)f(e')≤1,则称f为图g的一个逆符号边全控制函数.图G的逆符号边全控制数γ'st(G)=max{∑e∈Ef(e)|f是图的逆符号边全控制函数}.给出了图的逆符号边全控制数的两个上界.  相似文献   

点可区别全色数的一个上界   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设G是简单图,f是从V(G)UE(G)到{1,2,…,k)的一个映射.对每个u∈y(G),令c(u)={f(u)}v∈V(G),uv∈ E(G)}.如果,是k-正常全染色,且对任意u,v∈V(G)(u≠v),有c(u)≠c(v),那么称f为图G的k-点可区别全染色(简记为k-VDTC).数χvt(G)=min{k|G-有k—VDTC}称为图G的点可区别全色数.通过应用概率方法,证明了对任意最大度A≥2的图G,χvt(G)≤32(△+1).  相似文献   

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