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带电粒子面沟道辐射的混沌行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑了带电粒子沟道辐射的衰减和晶格场的周期性,把粒子运动方程化为具有弱阻尼和弱激励的摆方程。讨论了带电粒子面沟道辐射的混沌(Chaos)行为,计算了系统的Melnikov函数,导出了系统的阈值和通向混沌的可能途径。  相似文献   

邵明珠 《半导体学报》1993,14(6):353-360
本文利用我们曾提出的粒子-晶体相互作用势(正弦平方势)讨论了带电粒子在形变超晶格中的运动行为,导出了共振退道时的退道系数,指出了用沟道技术研究形变超晶格的灵敏性、可靠性和重要性。  相似文献   

邵明珠  罗诗裕 《中国激光》1987,14(4):206-209
引入新的相互作用势——正弦平方势,并从运动方程的旋转周期解出发,解析地处理了带电粒子的准沟道辐射。讨论了这种辐射与沟道辐射的区别,计算了它对总辐射强度的贡献。  相似文献   

在经典力学框架内和偶极近似下,引入正弦平方势讨论了系统非线性对摆动场辐射的影响。首先,把粒子在弯晶中的运动方程化为具有周期外力作用的摆方程,用Jacobian椭圆函数和椭圆积分解析地描述了粒子运动行为;用多尺度度法和三角函数的广义Bessel展开,找到了受迫摆方程的近似解。而后,在超相对论情况下讨论了系统的瞬时辐射强度和平均辐射强度,并对两种辐射的强度比进行了讨论。结果表明,摆动场辐射强度与摆动场振幅平方成正比,振幅越大摆动场辐射强度越强。  相似文献   

In the frame of the classical mechanics the motion equation of particles is reduced to the pendulum equation by using the sine-squared potential. The solution of the equation and the period of the particle motion are expressed exactly by means of Jacobian elliptic function and the elliptic integral. The quasi-channeling radiation of the charged particles is discussed based on the rotational periodic solution. From the comparison between quasi-channeling radiation and channeling radiation, it is found that their main difference is that the average transverse velocity of the quasi-channeling particles is not zero,and its radiation energy is 2.4 times more than that of the channeling radiation if k~c =0.5.  相似文献   

本文利用经典电动力学方法,描述了超相对论电子的面沟道辐射,并指出可利用这种辐射作为x-激光或γ-激光的可能性。  相似文献   

正电子面沟道辐射的经典描述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邵明珠  罗诗裕 《中国激光》1986,13(10):607-611
本文利用经典方法,将粒子运动方程化为二阶非线性常微分方程,并用Jacobian椭圆函数和椭圆积分,解析地得到了方程的解和粒子振动周期;讨论了沟道辐射的一些主要特征,计算了正电子的最大辐射能量和谱分布,并同实验进行了比较,发现二者基本一致。  相似文献   

罗诗裕  余超凡 《中国激光》1985,12(8):449-454
本文从量子力学出发,讨论了面沟道辐射的一般论证.在非简谐近似下,描写了正电子面沟道辐射的频谱辐射.同实验比较表明,二者基本符合.  相似文献   

引入正弦平方势,在量子力学的框架内,把电子在掺杂超晶格中运动的Schrodinger方程化为Mathieu方程,根据Bloch定理讨论了系统能量分布,并用摄动法求解了方程的低阶不稳定区及其禁带宽度,系统自动呈现出了能带结构,再现了带电粒子同掺杂超晶格相互作用的周期性特征.同时,由于不稳定区的宽度与粒子质量、势阱宽度和深度有关,只需适当调节这些参数,就可以调节带隙宽度,从而改变材料的光电性质.  相似文献   

The estimations of equivalent values for linear energy transfer of heavy charged particles based on the results of experimental investigations of sensitivity of LSICs to local radiation effects with the use of the procedure of local laser irradiation are presented. The possibility of recalculation of the energy of laser radiation into equivalent values of linear energy transfer with the use of the measurements of the ionization reaction in the supply circuit of LSIC is substantiated. Uncertainties caused by the characteristics of the interaction of optical radiation with semiconductor structures are eliminated in the suggested procedure.  相似文献   

The parameters of deep centers in the barrier structures based on intrinsic gallium arsenide that are used in the detectors of charged particles and X-ray radiation are studied via the methods of the deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) and the low-frequency-noise spectroscopy. Two deep levels (DLs) with different layer concentrations are revealed in the samples under study. It is demonstrated that a high-temperature DL with relatively high ionization energy determines the spectral power density of the excess noise and reverse currents of an Al/i-GaAs detector. In addition, it is demonstrated that the DL ionization energies determined with the use of the DLTS and the low-frequency-noise spectroscopy methods are identical.  相似文献   

The steady-state parameters and the composition of the dc glow discharge plasma (p = 40–200 Pa, i = 30–70 mA) in methane are investigated by the probe diagnostics and mathematical modeling when solving the Boltzmann kinetic equation. The data on the reduced electric field strength, the electron energy distributions, the rate constants of the processes during the electron impact, the concentrations of charged particles, and the densities of their fluxes on the surface, which restrict the plasma region, are obtained. It is established that the associative electron detachment from the negative ion H? + R → H-R + e (where R = H, CH3, CH2, CH ...) substantially affects the balance of the charged particles in the plasma.  相似文献   

雾滴谱分布和雾对红外的衰减   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雾天气是一种常见的天气现象,为了研究雾气溶胶的特性,利用光学粒子计数器对雾的实际测量结果,使用Junge谱、对数正态谱和Γ谱对雾气溶胶谱分布特性进行了拟合,分析了地面雾和山顶雾气溶胶谱分布的特征。最后还对雾气溶胶在可见和红外波段的消光特性进行了计算。  相似文献   

The general problem of optimizing the design of planar electromagnetic pulse radiators is discussed. It is shown that bounds on the performance of such radiators can be determined by formulating field quantifies as inner products and solving a variational problem. Results of a simple example are given where the bound on the peak electric field is round for a finite-sized radiator having a current distribution which is frequency band-limited. The bound on the peak electric field component along an arbitrary orientation of direction in the radiator's far field is also presented. These results provide insight into the synthesis of electromagnetic pulse radiators, but further work is necessary if the technique discussed here is to lead to the design of improved electromagnetic pulse antennas.  相似文献   

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