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Prior to undertaking studies involving human subjects, engineering education researchers are required to consider the ethical implications of their work by obtaining approval from an ethical review board.


Recent research suggests that some unintended consequences of this procedure are that it externalizes and inflexibly formalizes ethical considerations, and limits researchers’ readiness to systematically identify and consider ethical questions that arise while conducting research.


We used a collaborative inquiry approach to examine such ethically important moments that emerged in two of our interpretive research projects. We drew on Walther, Sochacka, and Kellam's framework for interpretive research quality as the departure point for our shared sense‐making process.


Our explorations revealed two insights that connect research ethics to research quality in novel ways. First, we found that the quality of our work improved when we critically explored the intersections between our motivations and intentions for investigating particular research topics and broader cultural agendas and assumptions. Second, we found that when we actively sought to do justice to the participants, co‐investigators, and readers of our research, we were afforded with opportunities to increase the quality of our work, in sometimes quite unexpected ways.


We synthesized the findings from our collaborative inquiry into a process‐oriented model for ethical validation, which we propose as a sixth construct to our prior five‐construct framework for interpretive research quality.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research review is to open dialog about quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research methods in engineering education research. Our position is that no particular method is privileged over any other. Rather, the choice must be driven by the research questions. For each approach we offer a definition, aims, appropriate research questions, evaluation criteria, and examples from the Journal of Engineering Education. Then, we present empirical results from a prestigious international conference on engineering education research. Participants expressed disappointment in the low representation of qualitative studies; nonetheless, there appeared to be a strong preference for quantitative methods, particularly classroom‐based experiments. Given the wide variety of issues still to be explored within engineering education, we expect that quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches will be essential in the future. We encourage readers to further investigate alternate research methods by accessing some of our sources and collaborating across education/social science and engineering disciplinary boundaries.  相似文献   

我国企业质量失信问题频繁发生,依法做好质量信用征信管理工作,建立质量信用分级分类管理制度,逐步推进质量信用信息社会公开,对于尽快形成优胜劣汰的市场机制,增强企业质量诚信意识,具有重要意义。本文将企业质量信用等级划分为基本等级和申报等级。其中,针对基本等级提出了企业质量信用分级分类的量化方法,增加了分级分类管理方法的科学性和可操作性。  相似文献   

以培养学生综合设计和创新设计能力为主线,论述了深化现代“工业设计“教学改革的任务、方向及课程的主要特点,从树立教学新观点、调整培养目标、改革教学模式、应用现代教学手段、突出培养学生的素质能力等方面,进行了必要的探讨。  相似文献   

高等教育通过促进人力资本积累能够带来科技创新的有效提升和经济社会的高质发展。本文在揭示高等教育经济功能运行机理的基础上,通过构建时间序列和面板数据的向量自回归模型,对我国改革开放40年以来高等教育直接影响经济增长以及通过科技创新间接影响经济绩效进行了实证检验。脉冲响应分析结果显示:首先,高等教育带来了显著的“改革红利”,即高等教育制度的良性改革能够有效地促进科技创新的提升进而共同推动了国民经济的增长;其次,高等教育的“大众化”发展模式至少在经济领域是有效的,因为其规模的扩张带来了经济的快速增长;最后,高等教育从数量扩张到质量提升的转变更有利于科技进步和创新提升,提升高等教育质量是促进经济高质量发展的关键。因此,继续深化高等教育制度改革,在稳步提高高等教育入学率的基础上进一步提升高等教育质量,是发挥高等教育经济功能的有效途径。  相似文献   

Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention - Risk mapping is the foundation of the risk prevention strategy. It allows for the understanding of all factors that may affect the activities. It is a...  相似文献   

A manufacturing system with both quantitative and qualitative (QQ) quality responses (as a QQ system) is widely encountered in many cases. For example, in a lapping process of the semiconductor manufacturing, the quality of wafer’s geometrical characteristics is often measured by the total thickness variation as a quantitative response and the conformity of site total indicator reading as a binary qualitative response. The QQ responses are closely associated with each other in a QQ system, but current methodologies often model the two types of quality responses separately. This article presents a novel modeling approach, called “QQ models,” to jointly model the QQ responses through a constrained likelihood estimation. The QQ models can jointly select significant predictors by incorporating inherent features of QQ systems, leading to accurate variable selection and prediction. Both simulation studies and a case study in a lapping process are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. Supplementary materials to this article are available online.  相似文献   

针对荧光定量PCR仪的温度性能及扩增质量,本文采用PCR仪无线温场校准装置及大肠埃希氏菌EHEC DNA标准品作为质控品,对PCR仪的扩增温度及扩增质量进行测试,并绘制质控图.结果表明质控图能够连续、动态地反应同一台荧光定量PCR仪若干次试验的稳定性及扩增质量.通过绘制质控图对实验结果和扩增温度进行质控,能尽早发现扩增...  相似文献   

In spite of considerable research about the poor retention rate of undergraduate engineering students, we still have an inadequate understanding of the factors that affect students' decisions to remain in engineering programs and their ability to perform well enough to be retained. Although continued study is needed of external factors such as curricular requirements, admissions criteria, and test scores, we also need to know much more about the relationships between curricular experiences and students' learning styles, habits, and attitudes. The work presented in this paper was designed to enhance educators' understanding of the factors that underlie the concern about student retention in engineering. By observing 1,000 engineering students during their first three years in college, the research team generated a large database on the students' academic and non‐academic characteristics as well as their successes and failures. The traits discovered not only support many findings from previous studies but also reveal some new relationships that could prove essential to designing an educational environment that will prepare engineers for success in the future.  相似文献   

Optimizing with several responses can benefit from an objective approach of eliminating non-contenders, understanding trade-offs between competing responses, and then identifying a final choice that matches optimization priorities. To offer insights that can help guide thoughtful decisions, we explore and summarize different patterns of solution sets and their trade-offs for different types of optimization with responses that are to be maximized and/or to achieve a target.  相似文献   

方梅 《安装》2002,(1):38-38,41
论述了对ISO9001:2000质量记录控制的认识,介绍了如何在工程质量记录与管理过程中,贯彻质量管理体系的原则,不断提高企业管理的水平。  相似文献   

Recent technological advancements and developments have led to a dramatic increase in the amount of high-dimensional data and thus have increased the demand for proper and efficient multivariate regression methods. Numerous traditional multivariate approaches such as principal component analysis have been used broadly in various research areas, including investment analysis, image identification, and population genetic structure analysis. However, these common approaches have the limitations of ignoring the correlations between responses and a low variable selection efficiency. Therefore, in this article, we introduce the reduced rank regression method and its extensions, sparse reduced rank regression and subspace assisted regression with row sparsity, which hold potential to meet the above demands and thus improve the interpretability of regression models. We conducted a simulation study to evaluate their performance and compared them with several other variable selection methods. For different application scenarios, we also provide selection suggestions based on predictive ability and variable selection accuracy. Finally, to demonstrate the practical value of these methods in the field of microbiome research, we applied our chosen method to real population-level microbiome data, the results of which validated our method. Our method extensions provide valuable guidelines for future omics research, especially with respect to multivariate regression, and could pave the way for novel discoveries in microbiome and related research fields.  相似文献   

Two special considerations are discussed which frequently arise when conducting statistical analyses for the assessment and evaluation of engineering education programs. The first concerns the multiple comparison problem and Type I errors, specifically when should the significance level be adjusted and which adjustment procedure is most appropriate? Three scenarios are presented to illustrate three different applications of the classical Bonferroni procedure, one of the most extensively used adjustment procedures. A scenario is also presented for when an adjustment is not necessary. The second consideration is: when evaluating a predictive model should a tree diagram be used as an alternative to a classification table? For example, how does one assess a model's predictions when certain of its “recommendations” are not followed? For this type of case, a classification table may yield incomplete information. The use of a tree diagram to present more information on model performance is discussed.  相似文献   

以我校3届建筑环境与设备工程专业毕业生及相关用人单位调查数据为基础,遵循"厚基础、宽口径、高素质"应用型人才培养目标,从专业素质教育的视角出发,提出了教学环节过程中对学生专业素质培养具体措施。有利于培养适应社会发展需要的应用型工程技术人员,提高学生的就业核心竞争能力。  相似文献   

The engineering professor's role is dualistic in the sense that not only must s/he create an academic environment conducive to the acquisition of course content but must also prepare students to become practicing professionals. This dualism requires that the professor both motivate good study habits as well as build within students the confidence that they have the requisite capability to perform actual engineering. Self‐efficacy, simply defined as one's self‐judgment concerning capability, has been shown to be an important mediating factor in cognitive motivation. This paper describes the motivating role of the professor, theories of motivation, the role of self‐efficacy in motivation, and guiding principles that can be used to enhance self‐efficacy in engineering students. These principles can serve as guidelines in designing instructional delivery strategies that motivate engineering students to engage in behaviors conducive to becoming value‐added practitioners.  相似文献   

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