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Implementation of clinical practice guidelines in a large setting is a complex process. This article describes the many issues encountered in trying to implement Agency for Health Care Policy and Research acute pain and cancer pain guidelines in an academic medical center. Issues addressed include the membership of the task forces involved, incorporation of the guidelines into the institution-specific standards of care, selection and implementation of self-reporting tools for assessment of pain throughout the institution, issues involved in standardizing documentation of pain throughout the institution, measurement of the current status of pain control and integration into the existing quality assessment and improvement program, various analgesic interventions addressed throughout the hospital, educational strategies used and planned, and how multidisciplinary involvement was obtained.  相似文献   

We describe a novel technique for characterizing regional cerebral gray and white matter differences in structural magnetic resonance images by the application of methods derived from functional imaging. The technique involves automatic scalp-editing of images followed by segmentation, smoothing, and spatial normalization to a symmetrical template brain in stereotactic Talairach space. The basic idea is (i) to convert structural magnetic resonance image data into spatially normalized images of gray (or white) matter density, effected by segmenting the images and smoothing, and then (ii) to use Statistical Parametric Mapping to make inferences about the relationship between gray (or white) matter density and symptoms (or other pathophysiological measures) in a regionally specific fashion. Because the whole brain sum of gray (or white) matter indices is treated as a confound, the analysis reduces to a characterization of relative gray (or white) matter density on a voxel by voxel basis. We suggest that this is a powerful approach to voxel-based statistical anatomy. Using the technique, we constructed maps of the regional cerebral gray and white matter density correlates of syndrome scores (distinct psychotic symptoms) in a group of 15 schizophrenic patients. There was a negative correlation between the score for the reality distortion syndrome and regional gray matter density in the left superior temporal lobe (P = 0.01) and regional white matter density in the corpus callosum (P < 0.001). These abnormalities may be associated with functional changes predisposing to auditory hallucinations and delusions. This method permits the detection of structural differences within the entire brain (as opposed to selected regions of interest) and may be of value in the investigation of structural gray and white matter abnormalities in a variety of brain diseases.  相似文献   

The trace of the diffusion tensor (or simply the trace) is diagnostically valuable for detecting acute ischemic lesions. A number of studies indicate that the trace of human gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) are quite similar. This is somewhat surprising considering the different cellular environments of GM and WM. It is possible that partial volume averaging (PVA) effects between GM and WM, inherent in many of the ultrafast imaging sequences used for diffusion measurements, are responsible for this observation. In order to minimize PVA effects, the trace values of GM and WM have been selectively measured by implementing double inversion recovery (DIR) echo planar imaging (EPI) pulse sequences. Results on six normal volunteers indicate that the trace values of WM and GM are not statistically different.  相似文献   

We describe a system that is being used to segment gray matter from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and to create connected cortical representations for functional MRI visualization (fMRI). The method exploits knowledge of the anatomy of the cortex and incorporates structural constraints into the segmentation. First, the white matter and cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) regions in the MR volume are segmented using a novel techniques of posterior anisotropic diffusion. Then, the user selects the cortical white matter component of interest, and its structure is verified by checking for cavities and handles. After this, a connected representation of the gray matter is created by a constrained growing-out from the white matter boundary. Because the connectivity is computed, the segmentation can be used as input to several methods of visualizing the spatial pattern of cortical activity within gray matter. In our case, the connected representation of gray matter is used to create a flattened representation of the cortex. Then, fMRI measurements are overlaid on the flattened representation, yielding a representation of the volumetric data within a single image. The software is freely available to the research community.  相似文献   

We studied 12 patients with myotonic dystrophy using MRI and the Mini-mental state examination (MMSE), to see it specific MRI findings were associated with intellectual impairment. We also compared them with the neuropathological findings in an autopsy case of MD with intellectual impairment. Mild intellectual impairment was found in 8 of the 12 patients. On T2-weighted and proton density-weighted images, high-intensity areas were seen in cerebral white matter in 10 of the 12 patients. In seven of these, anterior temporal white-matter lesions (ATWML) were found; all seven had mild intellectual impairment (MMSE 22-26), whereas none of the four patients with normal mentation had ATWML. In only one of the eight patients with intellectual impairment were white-matter lesions not found. Pathological findings were severe loss and disordered arrangement of myelin sheaths and axons in addition to heterotopic neurons within anterior temporal white matter. Bilateral ATWML might be a factor for intellectual impairment in MD. The retrospective pathological study raised the possibility that the ATWML are compatible with focal dysplasia of white matter.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare MS normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) where new gadolinium-enhancing (Gd+) lesions do and do not arise. METHODS: A total of 22 relapsing-remitting MS patients and 11 healthy control subjects completed as many as 12 monthly brain MRI sessions. Quantitative measures of gadolinium enhancement (GDR), water proton density (PDN), water proton T2 relaxation time constants (T2), magnetization transfer ratio (MTR), and T1-weighted signal intensity (T1N) were followed serially in healthy control and MS NAWM. RESULTS: A total of 129 new Gd+ lesions were identified in 11 patients. PDN, T2, MTR, and T1N were diffusely abnormal in MS NAWM. NAWM regions in which new Gd+ lesions arose have increased GDR, PDN, and T2, and reduced MTR and T1N compared with contralateral homologous NAWM regions in which no new Gd+ lesions arose. Differences between these NAWM regions preceded lesion appearance for at least several months. After lesions became visible, GDR returned to baseline within 2 months, and PDN and MTR had larger residual abnormalities than T2 or T1N. CONCLUSIONS: Quantitative MRI measures are diffusely abnormal in MS NAWM. These measures are, on average, more abnormal in NAWM regions in which new Gd+ lesions arise. After the appearance of Gd+ lesions, measures of PDN and MTR may provide more appealing markers of relatively irreversible tissue damage than measures of T2 and T1N.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated differences between gray matter and white matter perfusion in patients with a unilateral occlusion of the internal carotid artery (ICA) with dynamic susceptibility contrast. Seventeen patients and 17 control subjects were studied, using T2*-weighted gradient echo acquisition. Gray and white matter regions were obtained by segmentation of inversion recovery MRI. Lesions were excluded by segmentation of T2-weighted MRI. In the symptomatic hemisphere, cerebral blood volume was increased in white matter (P < .05) but not in gray matter. No cerebral blood flow changes were found. All timing parameters (mean transit time [MTT], time of appearance, and time to peak) showed a significant delay for both white and gray matter (P < .05), but the MTT increase of white matter was significantly larger than for gray matter (P < .05). These findings indicate that differentiation between gray and white matter is essential to determine the hemodynamic effects of an ICA occlusion.  相似文献   

We performed a correlative study between intellectual impairment, CTG repeat expansion and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) abnormalities, including hippocampal atrophy, white matter lesions and ventricular dilatation in 15 patients with myotonic dystrophy (MD). They included 4 males and 11 females aged from 20 to 66 years, averaging 43 years of age and 15 years of duration of illness. Nine patients had intellectual impairment (WAIS-R<80). Negative correlations were found between full scale IQ (FSIQ), duration of illness (p<0.05) and CTG repeat expansion (p<0.05). Compared with normal controls, the patients with MD showed a significant reduction in size of the hippocampal head (p<0.01), which was positively correlated to FSIQ, verbal IQ and performance IQ levels (p<0.05). Ten patients had white matter lesions. Severer white matter lesions tended to be recognized in patients with longer duration of illness and with decreased FSIQ level. These results suggest that hippocampal atrophy and white matter lesions are related to intellectual impairment in patients with MD.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose was to obtain normal values of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in the infant brain and to compare ADC maps with T1- and T2-weighted images. METHOD: Diffusion was measured in nine infants with an ECG-gated SE sequence compensated for first-order motion. One axial slice at the basal ganglia level was investigated with the diffusion-encoding gradients in the slice-selection direction. RESULTS: On ADC maps, the corpus callosum and the optic radiations appeared dark before the onset of myelination, and the crus posterior of the internal capsule could be visualized before it appeared on T1- or T2-weighted images. In gray and white matter, the mean ADC ranged from 0.95 x 10(-9) to 1.76 x 10(-9) m2/s. In the frontal and occipital white matter, in the genu corporis callosi, and in the lentiform nucleus, the ADC decreased with increasing age. The cortex/white matter ratio of the ADC increased with age and approached 1 at the age of 30 weeks. CONCLUSION: ADC maps add information to the T1 and T2 images about the size and course of unmyelinated as well as myelinated tracts in the immature brain.  相似文献   

MRI was obtained in eight normal volunteers and seven patients with brain oedema around the trigone. In addition to the conventional sequences, diffusion-weighted and intravoxel-incoherent-motion images using motion-proving anteroposterior and/or lateral direction gradients were obtained to show the white matter pathways better. Coronal proton-density-weighted images showed three thin relatively high-intensity layers in addition to the tapetum and the internal and external sagittal strata. Although they have not been confirmed anatomically, the thin layer between the internal and the external sagittal strata was corroborated by diffusion-weighted and intravoxel-incoherent-motion images, and by characteristics of the spread of oedema into the sagittal stratum. We propose that this layer be named the central sagittal lamina. The other two layers medial and lateral to the sagittal stratum were outside, but in contact with the medial and lateral parts of the sagittal stratum, respectively. We provisionally named them medial and lateral sagittal laminae; they were not evident on any other images. The low-intensity layer on T2-weighting was the internal sagittal stratum. The optic radiation, comprising the external sagittal stratum, appeared as an intermediate to slightly high-intensity layer on T2-weighted images and a low-intensity layer on T1-weighted images as did the corticospinal tract in the posterior internal capsule.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To test the hypothesis that irrecoverable neurological deficit in multiple sclerosis is associated with axonal loss. METHODS: 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) was carried out in a group of patients with clinically definite multiple sclerosis (n=31). Using this technique, the apparent concentration of NA ([NA] the sum of N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), a neuronal marker, and N-acetylaspartylglutamate has been compared in four groups of patients with multiple sclerosis classified as relapsing-remitting, secondary progressive, primary progressive, benign, and a control group. RESULTS: In the patients with relapsing-remitting disease (n=9) there was a highly significant reduction of apparent NA (median 8.73 mM, range 6.86 mM-10.74 mM, P=0.0008) from an area of high signal compared with the control group (median 11.97 mM, range 10.55 mM-14.5 mM). In the patients with secondary progressive disease (n=10), there was again a highly significant reduction of apparent NA (median 7.82 mM, range 3.5 mM-10.3 mM, P=0.0003) from an area of high signal compared with the control group. In the patients with primary progressive disease (n=6) there was once again a highly significant reduction of apparent NA (median 8.83 mM, range 6.95 mM-9.89 mM, P<0.002) from an area of high signal compared with the control group. In the patients with benign disease, however, there was no significant difference in the apparent NA (median 10.5 mM, range 8.53 mM-12.8 mM, P>0.05) from an area of high signal compared with the control group. In the patients with benign disease (n=5) there was also no significant difference in the apparent NA (median 10.74 mM, range 8.58 mM-13.4 mM, P>0.3) from an area of normal appearing white matter compared with the control group. In the patients with primary progressive disease, however, there was a significant reduction of apparent NA from an area of normal appearing white matter (median 8.78 mM, range 8.7 mM-12.38 mM, P< 0.025) compared with the control group. There was a significant inverse correlation between [NA] from lesions in the patients with multiple sclerosis and disability as measured on the Kurtzke expanded disability scale score (r= -0.364, 0.05>P>0.02). CONCLUSION: These findings support the hypothesis that axonal loss is important in the development of disability in multiple sclerosis. They also provide evidence for axonal loss in normal appearing white matter in patients with primary progressive disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Screening for psychological distress in cancer patients is important, considering the high prevalence of psychiatric disorders responsive to treatment. The aim of this study is to test the psychometric properties of the Psychological Distress Inventory (PDI), a 13-item self-administered questionnaire developed to measure psychological distress in cancer patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The PDI was tested in three samples of 434 cancer patients. In the first sample (n = 102) it was administered with the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and with the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ). Its validity as a screening method for psychiatric disorders was evaluated through a clinical interview in the second sample (n = 107). The third sample (n = 225) provided information on the ability of the PDI to discriminate among patients in different clinical phases of disease and allowed an estimate of the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in these groups of patients. RESULTS: A 0.88 alpha coefficient was obtained in the whole study sample. The correlations with the STAI scales were > 0.70. A positive correlation with neuroticism (r = 0.59) and a negative correlation with extroversion (r = -0.34) was observed. In the second sample, 67 patients (62.6%) received a psychiatric diagnosis according to the ICD-X criteria. The mean PDI scores were significantly lower for the 40 patients with no psychiatric diagnosis (mean 24.5) as compared with the 49 patients with adjustment disorders (mean 36.4) and with the 12 patients with depressive disorders (mean 40.8). The area under curve, estimated through a Receiver-Operating Characteristics analysis, was 0.88. A cut-off of 29 was associated with a 75% sensitivity and a 85% specificity. In the third sample, the lowest PDI scores were in patients with no evidence of disease (mean 24.7, 95% CL 23.0-26.4) as compared to patients undergoing antineoplastic treatment (mean 30.9, 95% CL 28.9-32.9) and to patients under palliative therapy (mean 36.0, 95% CL 34.0-37.9). The estimated prevalence of patients with psychiatric disorders in these three groups were respectively 5.0, 56.6 and 98.8%. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the PDI is a reliable and valid tool for measuring psychological distress in cancer patients and to detect psychiatric disorders through a screening procedure.  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationship between neuropsychological performance and MRI of the orbital frontal cortex (OFC) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of the cingulum bundle (CB) within groups of patients with schizophrenia and healthy subjects. The authors analyzed data from subjects, who had participated in prior MRI, DTI, and neuropsychological studies (Nakamura et al., 2008; Nestor et al., 2008). In comparison to healthy subjects, patients showed the expected reductions across CB fractional anisotropy (white matter) and OFC gray matter volume as well as lower neuropsychological scores. In addition, in comparison to healthy subjects, patients showed a very different pattern of functional-anatomical correlates. For patients, CB white matter but not OFC gray matter correlated with various aspects of intelligence, including general abilities and working memory. For controls, OFC gray matter but not CB white matter correlated with scores on tests of intelligence and decision making. These results point to the potentially important role of CB white matter in the neuropsychological disturbance in schizophrenia. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Information on the neuropathological changes underlying ischemic leukoaraiosis is only available postmortem, and there are limited data on histological appearances early in the disease. Diffusion tensor imaging allows determination of the directionality of diffusion, which is greater in the direction of white matter bundles. Therefore, the technique might be expected to show loss of anisotropy (directional diffusion) in leukoaraiosis. METHODS: Nine patients with ischemic leukoaraiosis (radiological leukoaraiosis and clinical lacunar stroke) and 10 age-matched controls were studied. Diffusion tensor imaging was performed, and maps of diffusion trace and fractional anisotropy were constructed. Mean values of trace and fractional anisotropy were determined in standard regions of the anterior and posterior white matter in both hemispheres. RESULTS: In all patients with ischemic leukoaraiosis, a characteristic abnormal pattern was found, with loss of anisotropy and increased trace in the white matter. For example, in the right anterior white matter mean (SD) trace/3 was 1.12 (0.33) x10(-3) mm2 s-1 in patients and 0.75 (0.11) in controls (P=0.001). In the same region, fractional anisotropy was 0.53 (0.11) in patients and 0.78 (0.09) in controls (P<0.001). Within the white matter regions, there was a strong negative correlation between mean diffusivity and anisotropy (r=-0.92, P<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The characteristic pattern found on diffusion tensor imaging in this patient group is consistent with axonal loss and gliosis leading to impairment to and loss of directional diffusion. The "in vivo histological" information obtained may be useful in monitoring disease progression and in investigating the pathogenesis of the cognitive impairment that may be present.  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationship between psychiatric symptoms and the presence of of MR deep white matter lesions (DWMLs) in 28 probable Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients with mild to moderate dementia. The difference in frequency of psychiatric symptoms between patients with and without DWMLs was not statistically significant. However, MR global scores of severity correlated with the presence of ideational disturbances (such as low self-esteem and suicidal ideation). Analysis of specific cerebral regions indicated that the highest correlation occurred in the frontal white matter. Thus, DWMLs are correlated with specific symptoms of depression in AD. Whether DWMLs are etiologically related to these symptoms remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) was measured both in whole (ORAC-T) and deproteinized (ORAC-AS) plasma samples of human, pig, cow, rabbit, dog, cat, sheep, horse, dolphin, turkey, guinea-hen and chicken. In the 12 species, ORAC-T data, expressed as micromoles of peroxyl radicals trapped by 11 of sample, were found scattered between 8,600 and 23,000 micromol/l. The species with the highest ORAC-T values were cat among mammals and chicken among avies. ORAC-AS values ranged between 600 and 2000 micromol/l, with the highest values found in dolphin and sheep among mammals, while chicken was first among avies. In the 12 species, the relative contribution of ORAC-AS in relation to ORAC-T ranged from 5% to 20%. Protein SH-groups and uric acid were measured in plasma of all species, but no significant correlation was found between thiols and ORAC-T values or between uric acid and ORAC-AS values. Our results show that: (1) the ORAC method is reproducible and sensitive enough to be used in the comparison of the peroxyl-radical absorbance capacity of protein and non-protein plasma components in different animal species; (2) both in mammals and in avies, there is a deep intra-class heterogeneity of ORAC-T and ORAC-AS values; (3) by considering most species, plasma proteins and lipoproteins account for about 85-90% of the overall peroxyl-radical trapping capacity. In the dolphin only, the protein contribution decreases to 80%; (4) uric acid accounts for about one-half of the ORAC-AS value in human, guinea-hen and for about one-third in chicken, while it provides a very limited contribution in other species. We conclude that species with the highest ORAC-T, like cat and chicken, or with the highest ORAC-AS, like dolphin, are interesting models to study the reasons of such a marked antioxidant defense in the plasma.  相似文献   

Cerebral lactate rises after chemically induced seizures, but it is not known if this occurs with posthypoxic seizures. We examined changes in lactate and pyruvate in gray and white matter in the newborn pig brain after a hypoxic insult known to produce seizures and permanent brain damage. Fourteen halothane-anesthetized piglets aged 24-49 h, were instrumented with a two-channel scalp EEG and microdialysis probes positioned in white and gray matter. Forty-five minutes of hypoxia were induced by reducing the fraction of inspired O2 to the maximum concentration at which EEG amplitude was < 7 microV. Postinsult EEG was classified as electroconvulsive activity (ECA) (n = 4) or burst suppression (n = 2), persistently low amplitude (n = 2), or intermittent spikes on normal background activity (n = 6). Six hours after the insult the brains were perfusion fixed for histologic probe localization. Plasma lactate and brain lactate had different time courses with brain having a persistently elevated lactate/pyruvate (L/P) ratio. The highest L/P ratios in gray and white matter were in the two pigs with persistently low amplitude EEG. There was no association between onset of electroconvulsive activity and an increase in lactate or L/P ratio. Posthypoxic energy metabolism is disturbed in both gray and white matter probably because of mitochondrial dysfunction. Seizure activity does not increase cerebral lactate or L/P ratio above the already raised levels found in posthypoxic encephalopathy. These findings cast further doubt on the hypothesis that such seizures are, in themselves, damaging.  相似文献   

A previously healthy male was struck by lightning. He developed neurologic deficits, including mild cerebral brain dysfunction. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed numerous foci of hyperintensity on long TR images, scattered throughout the supratentorial white matter. To our knowledge, the early MRI findings of lightning injury have not been previously reported.  相似文献   

Examined the relationship between aphasia type and lesion site in 80 subcortical stroke patients. Ss were classified as affected by aphasia, dysarthria, and nonaphasia, nondysarthria. Sites of lesions were identified by means of computerized tomography (CT) scan. No correlation between site of lesions and category group was found. Lesions of the same subcortical structures yielded different neurolinguistic impairment, whereas comparable linguistic patterns were observed with lesions of different deep areas. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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