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本文报道了以一较直观的微生物模式对3种白蚁、2种菌圃、1种鸡Zong菌发酵液及1种用白蚁和菌圃制成的保健酒进行的抗突变和致突变研究。结果表明:1)这些样品均无致突变性。2)除3种白蚁水提液外,其余样品均有明显的抗突变性。这一结论对白蚁及菌圃的进一步药用研究具参考价值。  相似文献   

本文对黑翅土白蚁和巢内菌圃,药效成份进行分析研究,同时进行动物实验、毒理检测成功地用与临床。《白蚁巢胶囊》获得国家药监局新药批准文号(国药准字B20020630),填补了我国用白蚁及菌圃制药的空白。  相似文献   

2007年元月11日,安庆市白蚁防治研究所组织全所职工,赴位于宜秀区某一学校的林地,现场观摩、学习由该所白蚁防治专业技术骨干人员,通过采用挖巢来灭治白蚁这一传统、实用的方法。根据现场观察白蚁的外露迹象,该所的技术人员很快确定,这是黑翅土白蚁的蚁巢并大致确定了主巢的方向,技术人员小心地循着白蚁活动的主干道进行追挖,在追挖了1米多处,就发现了白蚁的空腔,接着发现了白蚁生活的养料——菌圃、白浆菌,通过继续追挖,发现几十个卫星菌圃,向前就是白蚁的主巢了。技术人员取出主巢并进行解剖,发现了王室里的一对原始型蚁王、蚁后。据此推断此巢体已有上十年了。  相似文献   

用点滴法测定了溴氰菊酯对黄肢散白蚁(Reticulitermesflaviceps)的接触毒性,并进行了驱避作用试验。结果表明,溴氰菊酯对黄肢散白蚁的LD50为0.11ng/头;当土壤中溴氰菊酯的浓度为1ppm时,白蚁穿过的土层多巨离为1.00±0.10cm,土壤中浓度≥10ppm时,溴氰菊酯能阻止白蚁穿透,室内接触毒性和驱避作用试验均表明溴氰菊酯对黄肢散白蚁的防治效果优于氯丹。  相似文献   

野生乌灵参菌Xylaria nigripes(k1.)SaCC.,长期以来一直被人们认为只有生长在已无白蚁生存的巢穴内。近年来在野外挖掘土栖白蚁巢穴时,发现有部分长有乌灵参菌的巢穴内仍能见到白蚁活动;甚至发现已生长好的乌灵参菌核被白蚁蛀食成空壳,并将泥土填充到菌核内形成实体的现象。研究发现:乌灵参菌的生长、发育不但需要一定的温湿度条件,更需要菌基的养分和无蚁酸抑制的环境。乌灵参菌核是“实体”还是“空体”的问题,并非取决于采掘乌灵参菌核的时间,而是取决于乌灵参菌核生长是否紧贴于菌圃及其所吸取的养份。  相似文献   

从采集的255瓶标本中鉴定了巢湖地区白蚁有2种5属共15种,其中家白蚁有4种,占鉴定标本总数的47.06%,散白蚁7种,土白蚁2种,大白蚁和华歪白蚁各1种。该地区白蚁区系分布特点:1.白蚁种类多,分布密度大,优势种明显。2家白蚁种类多,为害普遍而且严重。3.黄翅大白蚁,华歪白蚁属在该区分布有明显的地域性。4.即有巢县家白蚁的特有种,也有不少外来种。  相似文献   

本文系统地研究了黄翅大白蚁的分布及危害林木状况,内部器官中的消化、生殖系统的剖析、蚁群的组成和分工、蚁巢菌圃和储料、成熟蚁群的分群特点以及并巢合群自然演替状况的研析,最后提出了防治方法。  相似文献   

中国林木白蚁危害及其防治技术   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
陈Bo尧  张文艺 《白蚁科技》1993,10(2):1-5,12
中国白蚁已知有350种,危害林木的白蚁有:Odontotermes、Macrotermes、Coptotermes,Hodotemopsis,Nasutitermes、Neotermes、Schedorhinotermes Stylotermes、Coptotermes等属,危害约300余种林木。在原始林、原始次生林中因食料丰富,白蚁仅取食生长衰弱、动物或人类损伤的林木,危害性不大,无需防治,在丘陵荒岗坟地营造杉木幼林,在全垦整地,一年数次除草的情况下,土栖白蚁食源紧缺,常见危害幼树、插条以及一些树木的芽接苗,使之生长衰弱或枯死,必须防治。Coptotermes在林中发生少,一般危害宅旁树木、风景区的古树名木和行道树,破坏景观,也造成居民财产损失,必须防治。土栖白蚁蚁巢在土层深厚、地形起伏不大的林地中分布格局为随机分布型;在地形有些起伏、土层上浅下深的孤山为负二项分布,它们取食范围为347—440平方米,活动范围220—660平方米。1.人工幼林治理白蚁的方法:①清理造林地白蚁的防治技术。②烟剂薰杀法。③林地直林诱杀法。2.幼树根际土壤药剂处理:用0.04%氯丹乳剂处理。3.风景区古树名木防治白蚁方法:①专职人员经常巡视,发现白蚁用“灭蚁灵”防治。②用“灭蚁膏”或“灭蚁纸”诱杀。  相似文献   

安庆市白蚁种类调查及其区系分布特点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对安庆市白蚁种类进行调查研究,共获289瓶标本,经鉴定有2科5属23种白蚁(3种待定)。本市白蚁区系分布特点:①白蚁种类多,优势种十分明显;②圆唇、黑胸散白蚁是市区危害房屋木构件的主要蚁种;③水网密布、低山石多、土层浅、植被少,限制了一些白蚁分布。  相似文献   

按照《中国动物志》昆虫纲第十七卷等翅目的区系划分:山东省主要划分在暖温带落叶阔叶林区,辽东—黄淮亚区。该亚区白蚁种类记述有1科1属4种散白蚁,即鼻白蚁科Rhinotermiidae散白蚁属Reticulitermes中的4种散白蚁:黄肢散白蚁Reticulitermes fllaviceps、黄胸散白蚁R.speratus、黑胸散白蚁R.chinensis、青岛散白蚁R.qingdaoensis。  相似文献   

园记包含了园林要素、空间构成、人文场景等丰富 信息,是研究唐代园林的珍贵材料。通过收集整理唐代园记, 解读时空信息及景观信息,研究唐代园林景观印象的时空分布 关系。首先,将唐代园林景观印象分为5种景观单元类型,并 对其进行统计分析;其次,提出了4种地理空间推断方式和3 种时间定位方式解析园记时空信息;最后,采用核密度、方向 标准差椭圆等方法,分析唐代园林景观印象的空间关系与时空 演变。研究表明:唐代景观印象单元主要分布于“两京”“江 浙”和“永州”,类型以山水、植物、建筑为主。时空演变 上,前期集中分布于“两京”;中期以“两京”为主,“永 州”“江浙”为辅;后期转变为以“两京”“江浙”为核心的 两核多点的分布模式。随时间演进,分布中心向中国东南移 动,方向分布趋势也显著增强。证明了应用GIS对园林文献进 行空间分析的可行性,也为深入分析古代园林的地理空间分布 提供了参考。  相似文献   

发展空中花园是高密度城市解决公共空间不足、响应绿色人居的重要举措,掌握其分布特征与影响因素对存量发展阶段垂直空间的精准配置具有重要意义。以广州中心城区为例,通过识别高清影像图与实地踏勘建立718个空中花园GIS数据库,从建筑功能、建筑高度和地块形态3个方面分析其分布特征和影响因素。结果表明:1)总体上,75%的空中花园分布在高层高密度地块,57%位于居住类建筑,59%位于高层和超高层建筑,空中花园虽然在一定程度上对地面绿地起到了补充作用,但屋顶利用率较低且各类建筑、地块内部发展不均衡;2)空中花园分布总体上与地面互补度呈显著正相关、与综合需求度和技术难度呈显著负相关,高密度地块的影响模式与总体样本一致,但低密度地块表现为均不相关。研究结果说明空中花园分布与地面绿地供给、空中花园需求均存在一定程度的错配。未来绿色空间供需匹配研究亟须从二维转向三维,结合立体空间进行地面-空中的一体化评估、规划和设计,尤其要增强空中花园的使用便捷性和多元性。  相似文献   

Vietnam recently started to recognise the multiple benefits brought by open and green spaces to urban population and environment. In this paper, we analyse the provision of open and green spaces (parks, public gardens and lakeshores) in Hanoi. Using a model proposed by Talen (2010), we examine the spatial evolution of these spaces between 2000 and 2010, their level of proximity to residential units, and the extent to which their distribution matches social needs (defined in terms of population density). We find that while the absolute number and surface area of parks and public gardens has increased significantly in Hanoi, these new public spaces are mainly built on the city’s newly urbanised periphery. As a result, in 2010, only 15% of Hanoi’s residential blocks had access to a park or public garden within a reasonable walking (1000m) or biking distance (2500m). Moreover, the city’s densest residential areas have only access to relatively small gardens and parks, resulting in overcrowding. Lakeshores, however, represent an opportunity to enhance access to open and green spaces in Hanoi due to their spatial distribution. We conclude by advocating for the integration of spatial measures of proximity and needs into Hanoi’s public space planning policy framework.  相似文献   

This study examined the visual structures of five highly regarded views at Katsura Imperial Villa to clarify the pond spatial characteristics of Okufukasa (a sense of depth) in Japanese stroll gardens. Analysing the layout and visibility of both the water surface and the islands in the pond view, we found that Okufukasa is created through a combination of features, such as the visual depth and width of the water surface with the vista and perspective, overlapping island layers, and the concealment of shorelines and their scenic end points. Two types of outlines were used to determine how layout affects Okufukasa. Directional outlines, distributed along the sides of the visual path, contribute to vista and perspective by mimicking the orientation of the furthest visible water surface. Meanwhile, stratificational outlines, distributed along the centre islands and convex sections of the surrounding islands, create overlap in the scenic layers. Clarifying this area of tacit knowledge in traditional Japanese gardening can contribute to the application of Okufukasa in contemporary landscape design.  相似文献   

白雪锋  许浩  江文琪 《中国园林》2023,39(7):133-138
近代南京是中国最早开启近代化建设和提出绿地系统的城市之一,园林类型主体由私家园林向公共绿地扩展,绿地的功能与权属发生变化。基于Arc GIS平台,结合空间句法和分形理论,探讨了城市化进程下南京近代园林的类型和分布演变。研究表明:1)近代园林数量呈倒“V”形生长,清末主要为私家园林和宗教园林,民国以别墅园林、城市公园、公建附属园林为主;2)清末集中于城南,民国向城北扩展;城东园林较少,近代园林南北方向扩展能力远大于东西方向;3)近代园林主要分布于城北住宅和文教区及路网整合度较高、公共交通发达且地价小于30元/方丈的区域。总结了近代园林类型、分布与城市近代化转型背景、社会生活的变迁及中西文化交流融合的影响关系,为划定近代园林保护范围、塑造“民国文化看南京”的城市品牌提供依据。  相似文献   

Very little is known about how lizards respond to urbanization. Given their small space requirements, opportunist lizard species can potentially exist in small patches of suitable urban habitat. This study identified the relative importance of landscape and habitat-level factors that influenced the occurrence of an opportunist and generally abundant species, the common skink Oligosoma nigriplantare polychrome in suburban private gardens in New Zealand. Private gardens are potentially important in sustaining urban wildlife as they make up a significant proportion of the total area of many cities. Common skinks were largely absent from the central suburbs and distributed in less highly ordered gardens around the city edge. Skink occurrence was influenced mainly by landscape-level features that reflect opportunities for dispersal into gardens from source populations (distance to city edge; presence of an adjacent grassy paddock) and habitat quality (messiness). To a lesser extent skink occurrence was associated with lower cat densities, less native vegetation and south-facing sites. Within private gardens common skinks were associated with areas with a high proportion of basking surfaces, lower plant species diversity, shorter distances to potential cover, and vegetation that was low in height and made up mainly of long exotic grasses. Despite common skinks’ ability to thrive in exotic vegetation and their small spatial requirements, it is unlikely that they will thrive in urban areas unless gardening practices change to increase resource availability and provide refuges from predators.  相似文献   

Ecological garden views were adopted to re-explore benefits of garden landscaping, co-prosperity of man and tree was applied to study application modes of plants in ecological gardens. Green spaces in ecological gardens should be evenly and reasonably distributed, actual conditions of the planning site respected, outstanding styles and diversified plant furnishings defined. Three layouts of ecological gardens and the future development trend of modern ecological gardens were introduced.  相似文献   

A total of 126 traditional villages in Guangdong were selected for research to analyze their spatial distribution pattern, spatial autocorrelation, and Han subgroup characteristics through the spatial analysis with GIS. The results showed that the traditional villages in Guangdong were distributed compactly, which was similar to that in other provinces; on the prefecture-level city scale, they were mainly distributed in Meizhou, Qingyuan, Zhanjiang, and Zhaoqing, showing a central distribution; on the regional scale, they were mainly distributed in northern Guangdong and the Pearl River Delta, indicating an unbalanced distribution; their density of spatial distribution showed a significant difference with a provincial distribution density of 0.59 per thousand km~2 and the highest distribution density of 2.14 per thousand km~2; there were four gathering areas accommodating many traditional villages, namely Meizhou-Chaoshan area, Guangfo-Dongguan area, Leizhou in Zhanjiang, and Lianzhou in Qingyuan; the spatial distribution of traditional villages, which presented a pattern of hot spot—sub-hot spot—sub-cold spot—cold spot, had a significant global spatial autocorrelation, and areas in similar sizes were tending towards gathering; traditional villages in Guangdong belonged to the Cantonese-speaking group and Hakka-speaking group with a density of 0.59 per thousand km~2 and 0.48 per thousand km~2 respectively, and Han subgroup with the highest distribution density was the minority areas of 1.31 per thousand km~2, followed by Shaozhou dialect area with a density of 1.00 per thousand km~2.  相似文献   

In previous work on 17 residential street sections in Montreal, it was shown that landscape elements of front yards, rather than being distributed randomly, form spatial regularities. It is suggested that residents within street sections are influenced by the surrounding environment when they landscape their front-yard gardens. Results showed that many residents copied and/or imitated landscape elements present in their street section in an organized fashion. The processes responsible for the four spatial landscape patterns found are considered. Taking a phenomenological approach, an explanation based on residents' 'logics of thinking' is put forward.  相似文献   

明代靖藩制度是桂林发展历史进程中至关重要的政治制度,山水园林受其影响而呈现出显著的营建特点并形成多元类型的园林体系。当前研究囿于王府园林类型的探讨,对该时期山水园林的多样性与规律性认知尚显不足。采用“信息采集-特征归纳-叠合分析-提炼规律”的思路与方法,通过古文献信息采集和地理信息系统技术,从整体上探究了明代桂林王府园林、衙署园林、公共园林、寺庙园林等多种园林的营建主体、建设目标及其空间分布特征,揭示了山水园林依托城市形胜区域的基址选择、锚合城市山水秩序的空间布局、融糅出世入世思想的意境表达等营建规律,旨在为桂林山水城市的“城中之园,园中之城”理想风景营建带来启示。  相似文献   

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