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Solubility and liquid-liquid equilibrium data have been obtained for the ternary system Water-Phosproric Acid-Di-isopropyl Ether at 25 and 40°C. This system presents a three-phase1 region at bcth temperatures. Data for the tie lines end the solubility curve in the zone above the three-phase region at 25°C have been obtained by analyzing the phcsphcric acid and the di-isopropyl ether composition in the conjugated phases. Di-isoprcpyl ether i"as analyzed by NMR, using acetic acid as internal standard. It was impossible to apply conventional cloud point method to this zone due to the presence of an isooptic region.  相似文献   

Solubility and liquid-liquid phase equilibrium data have been determinated for the ternary system water-Phosphoric Acid-Dibutyl Ether at 25°

Data for the binodal curve have been obtained by analyzing the phosphoric acid percentage in both aqueous and organic phases. The plait point composition has been calculated by the Hand, Coolidge and Sherwood methods. The phosphoric acid extraction capacity of dibutyl ether has been compared to that of several solvents previously studied in the Alicante Chemical Engineering Division, showing that dibutyl ether has a phosphoric acid extraction capacity similar to propyl-ether and lower than isoamyl alcohol.  相似文献   


Solubility and liquid-liquid phase equilibrium data have been determined for the Water-Phosphoric Acid-3-Pentanone ternary system at 25 °C. Tie lines have been obtained and the plait point composition calculated. The phosphoric acid extraction capability of 3-Pentanone has been compared to that of other solvents previously studied. A systematic approach to the effects of chain length, functional group, branching and cyclation on the extraction power of the different solvents reported in the literature shows that the compatibility between solvent and phosphoric acid is higher for alcohols followed by ketones, esters and ethers. Branching and cyclation lead to a higher solubility of the acid into the organic phase, while an increase in the chain length results in a wider heterogeneous zone (i.e. in a decreasing solubility).  相似文献   

A quantitative study of the effect of sodium chloride has been made on the quaternary liquid-liquid equilibria Water-Phosphoric Acid-i-Pentanol-3-Pentanone at 25°c and atmospheric pressure. Mutual solubility and tie-line data are obtained at saturation of sodium chloride in both conjugated phases. The addition of sodium chloride increases the distribution coefficient of phosphoric acid and the selectivity of extractant solvents for i-Pentanol and mixtures of 1-Pentanol and 3-Pentanone, whereas it has no significant influence when the extractant solvent is 3-Pentanone.  相似文献   

Quartzites from the various deposits being commercially utilized for the manufacture of silica brick in the United States, Canada, and Europe were tested for porosity and apparent specific gravity before and after firing at 1500 °C for 2 hours. Petrographic examination was made of several of the raw quartzites, and the differences in crystalline structure are shown by photomicrographs. The rate of conversion of the quartz. was not constant for the quartzite? reported. The porosity after firing varied from 2 to 30% and the apparent specific gravity varied from 230 to 244. A fine-grained quartzite tends to give lower porosity after firing.  相似文献   

The diffusion coefficient of HEHEHP in heptane has been measured by the modified Stokes cell technique at temperatures between 25 and 55°C. The Stokes cell was calibrated by measuring acetic acid diffusion with the pH-stat technique. The average diffusion coefficient of HEHEHP in heptane was determined to be 0.97 × 10 ?9 m2/s at 25 °C for HEHEHP concentrations of 0 - 0.1 kmol/m3. The diffusion coefficient did not vary significantly with HEHEHP concentration. The Wilke-Chane relationship was used to predict D values of 1.53 × lO?9m2/s and 1.01 × 10 ?9m2/s for the monomelic and dimeric species respectively. Comparison of the measured and predicted diffusion coefficients led to the conclusion that the HEHEHP was substantially dimenzed over the concentration range studied

An activation energy of 6.90 kJ/mol was calculated from the diffusion coefficient measurements at elevated temperature.  相似文献   

Shot and step response measurements were carried out with inert bed and adsorption bed both under iso-thermal conditions.Parameter values were determined from a time domain analysis of the measured inputand response signal.Sensitivity test in the parameter values showed that shot response measurements maygive more reliable parameter values than step measurements.Since Kubin[1]and Kucera[2]proposed a parameter estimation technique based on a moment methodfor adsorption system,attention has been focused on dynamic input-output measurements with variouspacked bed systems for the parameter estimation.The object of this work is to compare shot and step re-sponse measurements and see which measurement gives more reliable parameter values.  相似文献   

The effects of mass transfer and physical properties upon the thinning and rupture of adraining plane parallel film are investigated.An equation is derived in which the thinning rate is afunction of bulk properties.surface properties(surface tension,surface viscosities,and the variationof surface tension with surface concentration),intermolecular forces(London-van der Waals forcesand electrostatic double layer forces),adsorption and surface diffusion coefficients,bubble size andfilm thickness.An estimation for the critical thickness at which a film rupture is carried out and thecoalescence time is obtained by integration to the critical thickness,The coalescence time is predictedas a function of bulk and surface properties,London-van der forces,adsorption and surfacediffusion coefficients,and bubble size.  相似文献   

Liquid-liquid equilibrium, solubility and tie-line data, for the quaternary system Water-Phosphoric Acid-l-Pentanol-3-Pentanone, were obtained at 25°C and atmospheric pressure, using an analytical method. 1-Pentanol appears to be more effective than 3-Pentanone as extractant solvent of phosphoric acid. Advantages are not observed with the use of mixed solvents in the purification of wet process phosphoric acid by means of solvent extraction.  相似文献   

The solubilities of acetaminophen and ibuprofen in the mixtures of propylene glycol-water, polyethylene glycols 200- and 400-propylene glycol, and polyethylene glycols 200- and 400-propylene glycol-water (122 data points) at 25°C were determined and mathematically represented by the Jouyban-Acree model. The solubilities were measured using the shake flask method, and the model was used to fit the solubility data of each drug in the solvent mixtures. The density of the solute-free solvent mixtures was measured and the density of the drug-saturated solutions was predicted. The obtained overall mean relative deviations (OMRDs) for fitting the solubility data of acetaminophen and ibuprofen in binary mixtures are 1.5% and 11.7%, respectively. The OMRDs for fitting the solubilities in ternary solvent mixtures for acetaminophen and ibuprofen are 16.3% and 42.0%, respectively, and the OMRD values for predicting all solubilities of acetaminophen and ibuprofen by these trained versions of the Jouyban-Acree model were 5.7% and 20.4%, respectively. The prediction OMRD for the density of saturated solutions was 2.5%.  相似文献   


The paper presents results of water sorption tests of dried blood flour carried out tinder laboratory conditions and mathematical analyses of sorption isotherms obtained. Moisture equilibrium data were investigated at air temperatures in the range of 20–50°C and water activity ranging from 0 4 to 0 99. The experimental procedure used was a gravimetric dynamic method with continuous registration of sample weight changes. Sorption capacity decreases as temperature increases. Rehydration of the dried material results in hysteresis but this phenomenon was small. Four models of equilibrium moisture content/equilibrium relative air humidity (Chung—Pfost. Halsey. Henderson, and Oswin) were evaluated for their ability to fit data for the samples of dried blood. The modified Henderson equation was a good model for moisture adsorption and desorption of dried blood flour  相似文献   

This is a Fourth Progress Report outlining results and data which are supplementary to results published in the Third Report. This Report contains values of modulus of elasticity, transverse breaking strength, and maximum fiber elongation of seventeen representative sagger clays as determined by tests at 1000°C and includes (for comparative purposes) the values of these same properties previously determined at several lower temperatures. At 1000°C the rigidity of the clays has greatly decreased and the cross-breaking strength has greatly increased when compared with values obtained at room temperatures. The pyrometric cone equivalent (P. C. E.) value of the clays appears to give the best indication of the relative plastic deflection exhibited at 1000°C.  相似文献   

Surfactant protein C (SP-C) exists in α-helical and β-sheet conformation. The influence of these conformations on the surface behavior of spread layers containing dipalmytoyl phosphatodylcholine and the surfactant protein B was investigated. The β-sheet conformation of SP-C, which is formed during the preparation procedure at high lipid/protein concentrations, was confirmed by using circular dichroism (CD) and FTIR spectroscopy. Using a captive bubble device, the surface pressure/area isotherms, the surface dilatational elasticity and viscosity, and the main relaxation times of a transient stress relaxation were determined. Surface layers containing SP-C in β-sheet have no protein squeeze-out plateau. The surface dilatational elasticity is increased, which leads to a film of low compressibility. The relaxation times were increased by more than one order of magnitude, and the decays after surface compression and dilatation did not approach each other. Therefore, the surface behavior of layers containing SP-C in β-sheets remarkably differs from those containing SP-C in α-helical conformation. The presence of β–SP-C prevents the film from meeting the function of a pulmonary surfactant layer.  相似文献   

A series of Methine Type Disperse Dyes of Benzthiophen-one derivatives for polyester fiber was devised and prepared. The adsorption spectra of these disperse dyes in solution were measured. The relation between the molecular structures of these dyes and their adsorption spectra was studied and discussed.  相似文献   

The solubilities, densities, and refractive index data for the 1,2-propylene glycol + MNO3 + H2O (M = Na, K, Rb, Cs) ternary systems at 25° and 35°C were measured with mass fractions of 1,2-propylene glycol ranging from 0 to 1.0. In all cases, the presence of 1,2-propylene glycol significantly reduces the solubility of the salts in aqueous solution. The experimental data of density, refractive index, and solubility of saturated solutions for these systems were correlated using polynomial equations. Furthermore, the refractive index and density of unsaturated ternary solutions were also determined and correlated with the salt concentrations and proportions of 1,2-propylene glycol in the systems.  相似文献   

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