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鉴于虾青素水溶性差、易氧化降解和生物利用率低等缺陷,科学合理的运载体系是改善其应用特性的关键。本文对目前有关虾青素运载体系的研究进行了系统综述。在此基础上,对虾青素运载体系的研究现状和存在问题做了思考和总结。通过研究成果的梳理,对把握虾青素运载体系相关研究领域的前沿方向,探究运载体系与虾青素营养功能之间关系,具有重要的意义。同时,可为解决虾青素营养特性保持和赋型食品开发等产业实际问题提供理论依据。  相似文献   

益生菌赋予宿主多种健康益处,并可用于防治胃肠道和非胃肠道疾病,例如腹泻、结肠癌、肥胖症、神经系统疾病、糖尿病和炎症等。然而益生菌在生产加工,储存和消化过程中受各种环境因子作用进而影响其活菌存活率。如何最大限度的保持益生菌的活力和稳定性成为当前益生菌的研究热点之一。具有生物相容性和可降解性的聚合物可作为益生菌的给药载体,能有效增强益生菌活性、延长储存时间、减少益生菌在胃部的损失,甚至实现结肠和粘膜的靶向递送。该研究综述了当前封装益生菌聚合物载体的类型以及益生菌递送系统的评价方式,并探讨了制备益生菌递送系统的新技术。结果表明有机结合递送系统新技术和多样化评估手段,建立具有稳定性、功能性、安全性、有效性以及靶向能力的益生菌递送系统,可实现对益生菌的高效递送,将进一步促进多功能益生菌在食品或药物领域的应用。  相似文献   

海藻酸钠是传递体系中应用最广泛的聚合物多糖之一,以其为原料制备的凝胶常被用作生物活性化合物和药物等物质的运输载体,在食品和药品领域具有较大的应用潜力.目前复配凝胶法已被用于改善单一海藻酸盐凝胶的机械性能和应用缺陷,并且应用形式多样.本文综述了海藻酸钠的结构与基本性质,重点介绍了近年来海藻酸钠复配凝胶的研究状况,包括与多...  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of encapsulating material on encapsulation yield, resistance to passage through simulated gastrointestinal conditions, and viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 during storage. Microparticles were produced from reconstituted sweet whey or skim milk (30% total solids) inoculated with a suspension of L. acidophilus La-5 (1% vol/vol) and subjected to spray-drying at inlet and outlet temperatures of 180°C and 85 to 95°C, respectively. The samples were packed, vacuum-sealed, and stored at 4°C and 25°C. Encapsulation yield, moisture content, and resistance of microencapsulated L. acidophilus La-5 compared with free cells (control) during exposure to in vitro gastrointestinal conditions (pH 2.0 and 7.0) were evaluated. Viability was assessed after 0, 7, 15, 30, 45, 60, and 90 d of storage. The experiments were repeated 3 times and data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey test for the comparison between means. The encapsulating material did not significantly affect encapsulation yield, average diameter, or moisture of the particles, which averaged 76.58 ± 4.72%, 12.94 ± 0.78 μm, and 4.53 ± 0.32%, respectively. Both microparticle types were effective in protecting the probiotic during gastrointestinal simulation, and the skim milk microparticles favored an increase in viability of L. acidophilus La-5. Regardless of the encapsulating material and temperature of storage, viability of the microencapsulated L. acidophilus La-5 decreased on average 0.43 log cfu/g at the end of 90 d of storage, remaining higher than 106 cfu/g.  相似文献   

方志锋  赵国忠  李海涛  陈卫  张灏 《食品科学》2018,39(15):254-261
肠道菌群在代谢综合征、心血管疾病和结直肠癌等疾病中的研究已经成为焦点,但是肠道微生物与这些疾 病的因果关系以及相应的致病机制尚不清楚。通过分析肠道菌群结构、组成以及代谢活动的变化对高血压的影响, 能够揭示肠道以及肠道微生物的活动与高血压之间的相关性。益生菌是对机体健康产生有益作用的活的微生物,可 以调节肠道微生态的平衡以及肠道微生物的代谢活动,从而对高血压的调节产生影响,进而为以肠道微生物为靶点 干预治疗高血压疾病提供理论参考,同时也为疾病的干预治疗提供新的途径和方法。  相似文献   

虾青素作为一种天然强抗氧化剂,不仅具有强抗氧化功效,还具有降血糖、抗炎、抗癌等生物功效。目前国内外均有生产虾青素的公司,且它们的产品广泛应用于水产饲料、保健品、医药等领域,这些行业对原材料的要求颇高,但虾青素存在水溶性低、稳定性差、合成成本高等问题,严重影响其产业应用。因此探究运用包埋技术保藏虾青素成为目前的研究热点,多种运载体系已被证明可以提高虾青素的稳定性和生物利用度。该综述回顾了基于虾青素运载体系的最新进展,并以脂质体、微胶囊、乳液为代表进行阐述。通过比较三种运载体系的包埋率、生物利用度、优缺点等方面,以期为虾青素的运载体系研究与应用提供参考,为虾青素市场应用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

姜黄素具有抗氧化、抗肿瘤、降血脂和预防老年痴呆等多种生理功能,还可以用作天然着色剂、食品防腐剂、抗氧化剂等;然而水溶性差、不稳定、代谢速度快、生物利用率低等缺陷限制了其在食品领域中的应用.利用食品运载体系,以天然生物分子为材料制备姜黄素的传递载体可以解决上述问题.本文介绍了姜黄素的结构特征和理化性质,以及限制其利用的主...  相似文献   


In recent years, there is a rising interest in the number of food products containing probiotic bacteria with favorable health benefit effects. However, the viability of probiotic bacteria is always questionable when they exposure to the harsh environment during processing, storage, and gastrointestinal digestion. To overcome these problems, microencapsulation of cells is currently receiving considerable attention and has obtained valuable effects. According to the drying temperature, the commonly used technologies can be divided into two patterns: high temperature drying (spray drying and fluid bed drying) and low temperature drying (ultrasonic vacuum spray drying, spray chilling, electrospinning, supercritical technique, freeze drying, extrusion, emulsion, enzyme gelation, and impinging aerosol technique). Furthermore, not only should the probiotic bacteria maintain high viability during processing but they also need to keep alive during storage and gastrointestinal digestion, where they additionally suffer from water, oxygen, heat as well as strong acid and bile conditions. This review focuses on demonstrating the effects of different microencapsulation techniques on the survival of bacteria during processing as well as protective approaches and mechanisms to the encapsulated probiotic bacteria during storage and gastrointestinal digestion that currently reported in the literature.  相似文献   

苑蕾  陈红  李娜 《中国造纸》2023,42(11):152-159
本文综述了纳米纤维素在药物传递系统中的应用,并介绍了纳米纤维素的制备方法及影响其性能的因素,详细阐述了纳米纤维素的性能,及其在药物负载、药物缓释、靶向给药等方向的作用机制。同时,深入探讨了药物传递系统中的纳米纤维素在生物安全性、工业化生产及规模化应用等方面所面临的挑战,并对其未来应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

6-姜酚是生姜辣味物质姜酚的主要成分,具有抗肿瘤、抗炎、抗氧化、降血糖、降血脂、降血压、防治结肠炎等多种健康效应。然而,由于存在水溶性低、胃肠道稳定性差、体内代谢速率快、非靶标吸收部位释放、刺激性苦辣味等问题,使6-姜酚经口摄入后的健康效应发挥受限。本文综述了6-姜酚抗癌、抗炎、降血脂、防控心脑血管疾病、治疗胃肠道疾病等健康效应及作用机制。基于6-姜酚在胃肠道的吸收、在体循环中的分布、代谢和排泄及其在上、下消化道的代谢过程的研究进展,对当前针对6-姜酚设计的口服增效靶向递送体系研究现状进行总结,并阐释其增强健康效应的调控机制和功效提升策略的设计原理。本综述可为6-姜酚口服靶向递送体系的设计及其增效作用机制的研究提供理论指导,并为其功能食品制品的开发提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Dairy foods, particularly those of bovine origin, are the predominant vehicles for delivery of probiotic bacteria. Caprine (goat) milk also possesses potential for successful delivery of probiotics, and despite its less appealing flavor in some products, the use of goat milk as a probiotic carrier has rapidly increased over the last decade. This review reports on the diversity, applicability, and potential of using probiotics to enhance the sensory properties of goat milk and goat milk‐based products. A brief conceptual introduction to probiotic microorganisms is followed by an account of the unique physicochemical, nutritive, and beneficial aspects of goat milk, emphasizing its advantages as a probiotic carrier. The sensory properties of probiotic‐enriched goat milk products are also discussed. The maintenance of probiotic viability and desirable physicochemical characteristics in goat milk products over shelf life is possible. However, the unpleasant sensory features of some goat milk products remain a major disadvantage that hinder its wider utilization. Nevertheless, certain measures such as fortification with selected probiotic strains, inclusion of fruit pulps and popular flavor compounds, and production of commonly consumed tailor‐made goat milk‐based products have potential to overcome this limitation. In particular, certain probiotic bacteria release volatile compounds as a result of their metabolism, which are known to play a major role in the aroma profile and sensory aspects of the final products.  相似文献   

王浩楠  陈美妙  肖杰 《食品科学》2022,43(3):352-361
结肠定向吸收增强型递送体系是具有突出结肠靶向黏附能力和结肠增强吸收功能的新型结肠靶向递送体系.相较传统结肠靶向递送体系,其优势在于释放位点及作用时间的精准控制、递送体系比表面积的增加以及靶向黏附效果的增强.本文综述了结肠定向吸收增强型递送体系的研究进展和评价方法,并从结肠定向吸收增强型递送体系的类型、结构、制备方法及递...  相似文献   

国内外益生菌制品发展现状   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
杜鹏  霍贵成 《食品科学》2004,25(5):194-198
益生菌是一种通过改善肠道微生物平衡从而对宿主施加有益影响的微生物添加物,它们对机体有多种其它正常生理菌群无法比拟的生理作用。国内外使用的益生菌主要为乳杆菌和双歧杆菌。目前,国外的益生菌制品形式多样,日本的益生菌开发较早并已形成了产业规模;欧盟各国益生菌制品种类繁多;美国虽然在这方面起步较晚,但发展迅速,已开发出一系列的益生菌产品。我国在益生菌及其制品方面的研究还比较落后,产品良莠不齐,今后要求在一些领域取得突破。总之,益生菌制品开发应用方面的前景一定会很美好。  相似文献   

药物的生物利用度是表示药物分子以各种途径或形式进入机体后,经口腔、胃、肠等消化吸收后进入体循环的比例参数。生物利用度是反映药物在生物体内吸收、分布、代谢和排泄情况的重要依据。在医药等领域,纳米药物递送体系是提高活性分子生物利用度非常有效的手段,药物发挥药效时需要从载体中释放才能被充分吸收。在生物活性分子的研发过程中,可通过体外模型和动物体内模型来模拟药物在机体的作用过程,以此推测药物的生物利用度。目前,广泛应用的生物利用度模型主要包括体外模拟释药模型、体外模拟消化模型、细胞模型、体内药代动力学模型等。该研究主要对常见的生物利用度研究模型构建和应用等进行总结,以期为今后纳米药物递送体系的生物利用度模型研究和拓新提供参考。  相似文献   

郝晓丽  吉日木图  何静 《食品科学》2021,42(11):341-348
生物活性肽因具有高生理活性和生物相容性己被用于预防或治疗各种疾病.纳米载体在生物活性肽的稳定性方面发挥重要作用,对其穿过胃肠道时提供了强有力的保护作用.口服给药的方式往往会很大程度地降低生物活性肽的生物利用度,制备纳米颗粒作为生物活性肽的口服给药递送系统旨在提高生物活性肽的生物利用度,从而提高治疗的靶向性.因此,本文综...  相似文献   

白藜芦醇是一种主要存在于葡萄、花生、虎杖等植物中的天然多酚,具有抗氧化、抗菌消炎、抗心血管疾病、抗肿瘤等多种生物活性,在食品、药品及日化品领域都有广泛应用。但由于白藜芦醇性质不稳定、水溶性差等特点,限制了其应用范围,因此,利用运载体系提高其生物利用度是一个关键的研究方向。本文总结了白藜芦醇理化性质及生物活性,并对近年来有关白藜芦醇的运载体系进行综述,提出现有运载体系存在的问题,以期为白藜芦醇的运载体系的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

食源性致病微生物不仅会引起食品腐败,造成经济损失,也给人类健康带来很大威胁,因此亟需开发高效、安全、不影响食品品质的食源性致病微生物控制技术。益生菌是近年微生物和食品科研领域研究热点,益生菌除具有调节和改善健康功能,其本身及代谢物对微生物较强的清除和抑制作用,使其可应用于对食源性致病微生物的控制。明悉益生菌及其代谢物类型、潜在的抑制微生物机制以及应用现状对相关控制技术的研发至关重要。分析了现有益生菌及其代谢物对食源性致病微生物的抑制机制,主要为破坏细胞结构、影响遗传物质复制、阻断能量代谢途径、干扰群体感应系统、控制生物被膜形成、竞争关键性营养物质等方面的单机制或多机制联合作用;同时基于目前益生菌及其代谢物在食品安全和品质控制中的应用研究实例,探讨了其在果蔬、肉类等食品中的应用方式、应用条件,对货架期的延长效果等;分析了益生菌及其代谢物在抗菌效能提高、活性包装、与其他食品品质控制技术联用等方面研究的发展趋势。研究结果旨在为基于益生菌及其代谢物的食品安全和品质控制技术的开发和应用提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Skin is the largest organ of the body and is constantly exposed to physical, chemical, bacterial, and fungal challenges. It is well known that probiotics are helpful for specific disorders and different clinical studies have indicated that probiotics have special effects in cutaneous apparatus directly or indirectly that can be considerable from versatile aspects. Probiotic bacteriotherapy can have great potential in preventing and treating the skin diseases including eczema, atopic dermatitis, acne, and allergic inflammation or in skin hypersensitivity, UV-induced skin damage, wound protection, and as a cosmetic product. The current paper comprehensively reviews the different health effects of probiotics on the skin.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Live cells of Bifidobacterium longum, microencapsulated in K‐carrageenan, were added to stirred yogurt after fermentation (pH 4.6) and stored at 4.4 °C for 30 d. Cell enumeration indicated no decline of encapsulated cell number in yogurt samples, while there was significant reduction in nonencapsulated cell population (89.3% for B. longum B6 and 91.8% for B. longum ATCC 15708). Ion‐exchange high‐performance liquid chromatography showed comparable amounts of lactic and acetic acids in all samples, indicating little metabolic activity by bifidobacteria in experimental yogurts. Consumer sensory analysis of blackberry‐flavored yogurts revealed that samples containing encapsulated bifidobacteria had a grainy texture. Results suggested that microencapsulation protected bifidobacteria from the low pH of yogurt.  相似文献   

王淑敏  叶发银  刘嘉  赵国华 《食品科学》2014,35(23):320-324
随着肠道菌群的发现及其健康促进功能的明确,使得结肠的营养及健康状况受到大量关注。以结肠靶向输送体系为载体经口服主动向结肠递送食物活性成分,能够达到优化肠道菌群和/或维护结肠健康的效果。因此,食物活性成分结肠靶向输送体系是结肠功能性食品研发或结肠营养支持的技术核心。在查阅近10年相关文献的基础上,本文着重对食物活性成分(益生菌、疏水小分子活性物质、亲水小分子活性物质和大分子活性物质)结肠靶向输送体系的构建原理(pH敏感型输送系统、时间依赖型输送系统、菌群/酶触发型输送系统和其他类型输送系统)及其应用现状进行综述,并就食物活性成分结肠靶向输送体系研究开发所存在的问题及其发展方向进行阐述。  相似文献   

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