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What is frequently construed as women's special relationship to food has provided an important entry point for gender into studies of social memory. Although such studies offer important insights into the relationship of food, femininity, and memory in the Euro-American contexts upon which they often focus, masculine aspects of food-centered memory have received far less attention, despite their importance in many non-Western settings. Focusing here on Samburu pastoralists in northern Kenya, I examine how a shift from a diet oriented around livestock products to one dominated by purchased agricultural foods forms a potent arena of collective memory, particularly in contrasting present forms of masculinity with historically validated and remembered ones. Most importantly, the new-found emphasis on cooking presented by agricultural foods, “foods of the pot,” disrupts social boundaries that are fundamental to patterns of respect that define the most masculinized of Samburu men, the age-grade of bachelor-warriors. The iconic role these historically validated forms of masculinity hold for the cultural identity of Samburu of all age-gender sectors thus means that collective memory not only becomes oriented around disruptions in food-centered gender relationships, but moreover that Samburu social memory itself becomes in a sense disproportionately masculinized.  相似文献   

What is frequently construed as women's special relationship to food has provided an important entry point for gender into studies of social memory. Although such studies offer important insights into the relationship of food, femininity, and memory in the Euro-American contexts upon which they often focus, masculine aspects of food-centered memory have received far less attention, despite their importance in many non-Western settings. Focusing here on Samburu pastoralists in northern Kenya, I examine how a shift from a diet oriented around livestock products to one dominated by purchased agricultural foods forms a potent arena of collective memory, particularly in contrasting present forms of masculinity with historically validated and remembered ones. Most importantly, the new-found emphasis on cooking presented by agricultural foods, “foods of the pot,” disrupts social boundaries that are fundamental to patterns of respect that define the most masculinized of Samburu men, the age-grade of bachelor-warriors. The iconic role these historically validated forms of masculinity hold for the cultural identity of Samburu of all age-gender sectors thus means that collective memory not only becomes oriented around disruptions in food-centered gender relationships, but moreover that Samburu social memory itself becomes in a sense disproportionately masculinized.  相似文献   

The connection between plant-based diets and compassion is intuitive. Prior research has demonstrated that food of ethical origin subjectively tastes better to consumers who embrace ethical values. Since meat avoiders generally internalize the values associated with the avoidance of animal-derived products, higher levels of compassion are expected to enhance the subjective taste of meatless food choices, which has implications for lowering barriers to the adoption of vegetarian diets.Three experimental laboratory studies demonstrate that compassion improves the subjective taste of meatless foodstuffs and increases meat avoidance intent, which translates into a higher probability to choose a vegetarian wrap rather than a meat-containing wrap. Two online studies illuminate the underlying psychological process, which is mediated by perceived self-similarity to human and non-human animals.Identifying individual traits that are associated with heightened enjoyment of meatless foods facilitates marketing segmentation for meatless foodstuffs. Furthermore, the tested compassion-inducing visual stimuli can be adapted for product packaging or employed in restaurant décor to elevate consumers’ subjective taste of meatless foods, potentially counteracting the negative individual and societal health effects of excessive meat intake.The moderating effect of meat avoidance intent on subjective taste suggests that, for people who consider reducing their meat intake, transitory zones exist where the perceived enhancement in taste of vegetarian food is not sufficiently motivating to change dietary practices permanently and it may appear more rewarding to simply revert to meat consumption. Social marketers can focus on these zones where moral conflict about meat consumption is salient by providing support to make dietary transitions less frustrating.This set of studies is the first to articulate the connection between compassion and ethical food choices in a consumer-relevant context. The findings point towards avenues to promote meat reduction, improve individual physical and mental health, and reduce the environmental impact of meat production.  相似文献   

复配天然抗氧化剂在肉类制品中的应用现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要阐述了天然抗氧化剂种类和抗氧化机理,复配天然抗氧化剂在肉类食品中的应用、存在的问题及发展前景。  相似文献   

硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐在腌肉制品加工中同时起着发色、抑菌、抗氧化和提高风味的作用,但硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐与肉中的二级胺反应会形成致癌物质N-亚硝胺,所以寻求一种更加安全有效的硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐替代方式,在实际生产中具有重要意义。本文就无硝腌肉制品在亚硝酸盐发色作用、抑菌作用和抗氧化作用的替代物方面开展的研究工作进行综述,提出了天然腌制的概念,重点介绍目前国内外利用蔬菜替代亚硝酸盐的方法,包括将蔬菜粉(或汁)中的硝酸盐用硝酸盐还原菌转化为亚硝酸盐后加入腌肉制品中(先发酵法)和将蔬菜粉(或汁)加入肉馅中再发酵(后发酵法)两种生产方式,并对目前的研究现状、进展、存在问题及今后发展方向进行了论述,以期为生产安全腌肉制品提供借鉴。  相似文献   

植物基仿肉制品能够满足消费者基本的感官和营养需求,缓解肉类消费增加带来的环保压力,满足消费者对健康、动物福利、性价比和素食的需求,受到市场的持续关注。植物基仿肉制品的感官属性是其重要的品质之一,其原料组成和加工工艺会对产品质地、外观、风味品质产生重要的影响作用。本研究从植物基仿肉产品的加工工艺、原料、配方等角度出发,对植物基仿肉制品原料蛋白、油脂和水分对纤维化蛋白和产品品质的作用进行阐述,并以市场上的典型产品Beyond Meat、Impossible Foods和金字火腿为例,分析了植物牛肉饼所用着色剂、粘结剂和风味物质的来源、分类和功能。最后对植物基仿肉制品存在的问题和发展方向进行总结,以期为植物基仿肉制品的进一步研究与产品品质提升提供支持。  相似文献   

Bonne K  Verbeke W 《Meat science》2008,79(1):113-123
This paper focuses on public trust of Belgian Muslims in information sources of halal meat and their confidence in key actors and institutions for monitoring and controlling the halal meat chain. Cross-sectional consumer data were collected through a survey with 367 Muslims during the summer of 2006 in Belgium. Findings reveal that Islamic institutions and especially the Islamic butcher receive in general most confidence for monitoring and controlling the halal status of meat, and for communicating about halal meat. However, based on Muslims' confidence, four distinct market segments were identified: indifferent (29.1%), concerned (9.7%), confident (33.1%) and Islamic idealist (26.7%). These segments differ significantly with respect to trust in information sources and institutions, health and safety perception of halal meat, perceived halal meat consumption barriers, behavioural variables (halal meat consumption frequency and place of purchase), and socio-cultural (acculturation and self-identity) and individual characteristics. Indifferent consumers are rather undecided about who should monitor the halal status of meat, and they are most open to purchasing halal meat in the supermarket. Concerned Muslim consumers display higher confidence in Belgian than in Islamic institutions, which associates with perceiving a lack of information, poor hygiene and safety concern as barriers to purchasing halal meat. Confident consumers display a clear preference for Islamic institutions to monitor and communicate about halal. Islamic idealists, who are typified by younger age, second generation and high Muslim self-identity, differ from the confident consumers through their very low confidence in local Belgian sources and institutions.  相似文献   


This study looks at the ways in which Israeli female chefs interpret professional cookery and mobilize their position to form feminine restaurant spaces, in which they instill their professional agenda. Israeli female chefs, we argue, maintain that their gender grants them professional flexibility to construct cooking spaces where alternative working norms apply and certain privileges, such as a flexibility to establish cooking spaces that do not otherwise function in the realm of upscale dining. By perceiving their restaurants as an extension of the dwelling, they interpret their head chef position as that of a professional mentor and counselor. Moreover, they exercise their legitimacy via an ongoing dialog with their staff, based on respect, empathy and emotional support, all with the aim of turning them into better cooks. Their professional vision of cookery also translates into designing menus that reflect a homey feeling and enable creating a community of diners.  相似文献   

主要介绍了天然食用植物香料的分类及其特点,比较了几种产品形式。目前主要有完整型香辛料、粉碎型香辛料和香辛料提取物,前两种产品形式较为传统,在烹调中运用较为普遍;后一种则是近年来较为先进的形式,有自身的优势,应用前景广阔。文章对食用植物香辛料如何合理地在烹调中进行应用,作了较为详细的阐述,有助于烹饪工作者更好地掌握食用植物香料的调香和调味技术,具有一定的实际指导作用。  相似文献   

通过对泰州市肉类食品安全现状的调查,摸清了泰州市肉及肉制品生产、加工、经营企业的基本情况和产品质量安全状况,掌握了肉及肉制品安全监管现状,找出了当前在肉食品生产、加工、流通及消费环节中存在的安全隐患,提出了合理化的对策和建议。  相似文献   

程腾  薛冬  冯坤  吕静  相启森 《食品工业科技》2023,38(15):427-433
即食肉制品在加工、运输、贮藏和销售等环节极易污染细菌、酵母菌和霉菌,造成腐败变质并引发食源性疾病。大气压冷等离子体(Atmospheric cold plasma,ACP)是一种新型非热加工技术,具有杀菌效果好、处理温度低且对食品营养和感官影响小等优点,在食品杀菌保鲜领域具有广阔的应用前景。本文概述了ACP对微生物的杀灭作用和影响因素,介绍了ACP在即食肉制品杀菌保鲜中的应用研究进展,并探讨了ACP处理对即食肉制品中脂质、蛋白质、色泽及感官品质等指标的影响,以期为ACP在即食肉制品杀菌保鲜中的实际应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Food Science and Biotechnology - This study aimed to evaluate the suitability of total aerobic plate count (APC) guidelines for raw pork (< 1 × 107 CFU/g)...  相似文献   

随着社会发展进步,健康饮食、绿色可持续发展等观念受到广泛认同。相比于传统肉,植物基蛋白肉具有营养丰富、环境友好且节约生产要素等优势,成为当下的研究热点。本研究简要梳理了植物基蛋白肉近年来的国内外研究现状、发展历程,系统介绍了植物基蛋白肉的原料组成、挤压技术以及质量评价方法。最后,总结了植物基蛋白肉研究中现存的主要问题,并结合实际研究进展提出展望。未来,应以深入研究植物基蛋白肉产品的外观、风味、质地等感官特性为主,同时兼顾营养和安全性。高湿挤压技术作为未来发展方向,除调整含水量、挤压温度和其他工艺参数外,还需重点关注冷却模具的改进。  相似文献   

亚硝酸盐在肉品中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盐类用作肉品防腐剂的方法由来已久,已有几百年的历史。盐类达到一定浓度时,就可以阻止导致肉品腐败的菌类的生长。其原因一方面是盐类对微生物的生长有直接的抑制作用(盐液具有强大的渗透压,使微生物细胞质脱水收缩发生生理干燥而无法活动);另一方面是盐类可以降低肉品中的水分活度(微生物的生命活动和各种化学反应需要一定的水分活度,肉品中水分活度降低,游离水减少,微生物活动受到抑制)。  相似文献   

近年来,在食品中添加非食用物质或滥用食品添加剂而导致群体性食物中毒的恶性事件在我国频频发生。作为消费量占肉类产量60%左右的熟肉制品和肉肠类制品[1]其食用是否安全更是各级政府和广大市民关注的焦点。针对兰州市2001~2005年市售熟肉制品中亚硝酸盐合格率较低[2],2008年其检出率高居不下的状况,文章主要讨论了兰州市售熟肉制品的安全现状及可能出现肉制品安全问题的原因,并在此基础上提出了预防肉制品安全问题产生的相关对策。  相似文献   

The rate of cooked meat haemoprotein formation (measured as the rate of loss of myoglobin solubility) was found, at least initially, to obey first order kinetics in meat, aqueous muscle extracts and mixtures of myoglobin and bovine serum albumin. In meat at 60 °C the rate was dependent on the species, (the pigment was formed significantly faster in lamb m. longissimus dorsi than in beef m. longissimus dorsi) and anatomical location (cooked meat haemoprotein was formed in beef m. 1. dorsi about twice as rapidly as in both beef shin and chuck (shoulder) muscle of similar pH). The rate of formation was similar in aqueous muscle extracts to that found in meat and in these systems increased with decreasing pH. The activation energies for all beef systems studied were similar and typical of those associated with protein denaturation (˜300 KJ mol−1); however, that from lamb appeared to be lower (˜200 KJ mol−1). The problems of using colour as an index of temperature reached, either for microbial safety (E. Coli 0157:H7 destruction) or quality are discussed in the light of these results.  相似文献   

我国传统酸鲊肉是一种乳酸细菌型发酵肉制品,具有众多营养特点和生理功能。该文对我国传统酸鲊肉的概念、特点、历史、加工工艺等进行概述,同时概括了发酵微生物种类及作用、传统酸鲊肉生产的安全隐患和安全限量标准(或指引),最后对我国传统酸鲊肉制品的发展进行了展望,以期为我国传统酸鲊肉制品实现工业化、规模化、规范化生产提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The solubility of carbon dioxide in meat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gill CO 《Meat science》1988,22(1):65-71
The solubility of CO(2) in muscle tissue of pH 5·5 at 0°C was approximately 960 ml at STP/kg of tissue. The solubility increased with increasing tissue pH by 360 ml/kg for each pH unit. The solubility decreased with increasing temperature by 19 ml/kg for each °C rise. Solubilities in beef, pork and lamb muscle tissue were comparable. The solubility of CO(2) in fat tissues initially increased as the temperature was raised above 0°C, but then declined at higher temperatures, with the temperature of peak solubility and the solubility curves being markedly different for fat tissue from the three species.  相似文献   

转谷氨酰胺酶在肉制品中的应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对自产的转谷氨酰胺酶(TG)的胶凝性质和在火腿肠中的应用进行了研究。研究结果表明,TG对酪蛋白的胶凝能力优于大豆蛋白,TG能明显改善火腿肠的品质。TG在火腿肠中的最佳作用参数分别为:酶添加量6.4U/g蛋白质,酶反应温度30℃,酶反应时间为30min。  相似文献   

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