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Acknowledgement of reviewers  相似文献   

《Food chemistry》2005,93(3):531-550
This review presents the principles of food labelling, such as the consumers’ right to non misleading information and informed choice, and the harmonisation of national laws to ensure free circulation of goods and fair trade in the Community. The relevant European Regulations and Directives are detailed, and references and websites given for access to full texts. Mandatory label information rules are presented, both “horizontal” rules applying to all foods (mainly pre-packaged foodstuffs for the ultimate consumer or for supply to caterers), and “vertical” rules defining the name and composition of specific products. Ingredient listing is discussed with regards to the recent amendment concerning food allergens. Voluntary label information is also presented, including quality and origin labelling, and organic production. The rules for novel foods and for genetically modified foods are analysed. The nutrition labelling Directive is detailed, together with texts ruling food supplements and foods for particular nutritional uses. Recent and still pending proposals for nutrition and health claims, and for nutrient fortification of foods are discussed. The results of critical surveys on the present implementation of food and nutrition labelling are summarised, together with the corresponding recommendations for improvement.  相似文献   

Seaweed is a source of protein that can help overcome the anticipated challenges of a growing world population and the current challenges for finding alternatives for animal proteins in the Western diet. Thus far, data on the safety of seaweed for feed and food purposes in the Western world are scattered. This study aimed to review the available knowledge on the presence of food safety hazards in seaweed, including factors influencing their presence, and to prioritize the hazards that may pose a risk to human health. Given current knowledge from the literature, data from the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed, and results from a stakeholder survey, 22 food safety hazards were ranked into major (4), moderate (5), and minor (13) hazards. Arsenic, cadmium, iodine, and Salmonella were identified as major hazards. Hazards, where data gaps exist, should be carefully assessed. These include pesticide residues, dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls, brominated flame retardants, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, pharmaceuticals, marine biotoxins, allergens, micro‐ and nanoplastics, other pathogenic bacteria, norovirus, and hepatitis E virus. It is recommended to collect more data on these hazards in future studies. Many factors can affect the presence of hazards including seaweed type, physiology, season, harvest and cultivation environment, geography including the location of cultivation, alongside further processing. Moreover, when seaweed is cultivated near industrialized or anthropogenic activities, these activities may negatively influence water quality, which can increase the likelihood of hazards in seaweed. Results of the ranking prioritized hazards can be used to prioritize monitoring programs and adjusted given future additional knowledge covering the data gaps.  相似文献   

Joseph H.  Hulse 《Journal of food science》2004,69(4):CRH130-CRH13
ABSTRACT: Thirty years ago, roughly 80% of Africans and Asians lived in rural environments, many sustained by subsistence farming. It was then logical for development agencies to give priority to raising harvest yields of the crops on which most poor people's food security depended. Today almost half of all Africans and Asians live in urban communities, expanding at between 3.5% and 4.5% per year. Food security for densely populated mega-cities cannot be assured simply by raising crop and livestock production. Assured access to an adequate food supply demands complex, integrated food systems: the planned, controlled integration of production with post-production systems, and these must embrace all critical components and activities from on-farm production to ultimate consumers. Diagnosis of existing patterns of production, preservation, processing, and distribution, followed by design of more efficient systems, calls for professional food systems analysts. Recent experience in India and South Africa illustrates how integrated food systems can contribute to sustained food security and stable employment in rural agribusiness.  相似文献   

Food safety should accomplish food and nutrition security. A key challenge to scale up food safety globally is to better leverage existing capacity and research working towards evidence-based decisions. At Ghent University since 2009 an annual 3-months international Intensive Training Program on Food Safety, Quality Assurance and Risk Analysis has been organized (www.itpfoodsafety.UGent.be). The trainees were asked to express their opinion on food safety concerns in their country and to select a case study to work on throughout the course. Main food safety issues had to do with bacterial pathogens, pesticide residues and mycotoxins which were challenged by lack of food safety knowledge and appropriate legislation and enforcement by government. They welcomed education and training on these topics in particular to elaborate on control measures including good hygienic practices, implementation of certified food safety management systems and setting of appropriate criteria. A number of topics are highlighted here in particular as these topics were shown to have a common ground of interest by several participants in several countries and throughout the years. These topics include among others safety of street foods, safe milk and cheese production, and risk assessment to control Salmonella and pathogenic E. coli in meat (and other foods). Although some recurring food safety issues could be identified, other topics are of particular concern in selected countries because of specific cultural appropriate eating habits. The world is changing fast. Problems change and the information stream is very intense. Leaders in food security should be aware about food safety as well, and will have to develop an attitude of continuous learning, critical thinking and be given the right tools(“know how”) to develop local solutions to address the emerging societal and environmental challenges to provide sufficient, safe, healthy, nutritious and sustainable produced food to the world's population.  相似文献   

In 2009 competent organisations in the European Union provided the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) with data from the most recent national dietary survey at the level of individuals' consumption. Twenty different Member States provided EFSA with data from 22 different national dietary surveys, with consumption figures for adults and, when available, for children. Member States' dietary data were assembled into the EFSA Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database. In this paper an overview of the methodologies and protocols employed in the different national dietary surveys is provided. Specifically, details about dietary assessment methods, interview administration, sampling design, portion size estimation, dietary software, evaluation of under-reporting and non-dietary information collected are described. This information is crucial to evaluate the level of accuracy of food consumption data and to anticipate and acknowledge the utmost important sources of heterogeneity of national databases included in the Comprehensive Database. The Comprehensive Database constitutes a unique resource for the estimation of consumption figures across the European Union and represents a useful tool to assess dietary exposure to hazardous substances and nutrient intake in Europe. Nevertheless, the many substantial methodological differences that characterise the Comprehensive Database are acknowledged and critically discussed.  相似文献   

In 2009 competent organisations in the European Union provided the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) with data from the most recent national dietary survey at the level of individuals’ consumption. Twenty different Member States provided EFSA with data from 22 different national dietary surveys, with consumption figures for adults and, when available, for children. Member States’ dietary data were assembled into the EFSA Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database. In this paper an overview of the methodologies and protocols employed in the different national dietary surveys is provided. Specifically, details about dietary assessment methods, interview administration, sampling design, portion size estimation, dietary software, evaluation of under-reporting and non-dietary information collected are described. This information is crucial to evaluate the level of accuracy of food consumption data and to anticipate and acknowledge the utmost important sources of heterogeneity of national databases included in the Comprehensive Database. The Comprehensive Database constitutes a unique resource for the estimation of consumption figures across the European Union and represents a useful tool to assess dietary exposure to hazardous substances and nutrient intake in Europe. Nevertheless, the many substantial methodological differences that characterise the Comprehensive Database are acknowledged and critically discussed.  相似文献   

洪玺 《中国食品》2007,(4):34-35
意大利,一个充满多元文化的欧洲国家,以它多具风情的姿态不知让多少人为之心醉神迷,然而,更让人们沉醉其中的还应该是带给味雷无限美妙感觉的意大利美食。  相似文献   

This analysis has been conducted to explore the validity and reliability of the Food Choice Questionnaire (FCQ) across 9 European countries. Variation in the factor structure and the perceived importance of food choice motives have been compared cross-nationally. Volunteers (N = 9381) were recruited from an existing panel of a social research agency to take part in the Food4Me survey in Germany, Greece, Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, the UK and Norway. The survey was administered on-line. Configural, metric and scalar invariance fell within acceptable limits and were consistent across the 9 countries. All reliability parameters were above acceptable levels. Factor analysis confirmed that all items loaded onto the same 9 factors established by Steptoe and Pollard (1995). There was highly significant agreement in the relative importance of food choice factors between countries. Price was ranked as most important food choice factor in five countries (Spain, Greece, Ireland, Portugal and the Netherlands), sensory appeal was ranked first for three countries (Norway, Germany and the UK) while natural content was ranked as the most important factor in Poland. Familiarity and ethical concern were consistently ranked as least important in all countries. These data suggest that the FCQ is a suitable tool for exploring food choice motives across different European populations. Differences in relative importance of factors within countries may need to be taken into account in dietary health intervention and food product development.  相似文献   

古往今来,粮食在全人类的心目中始终占据着无与伦比的特殊地位。中国有句俗话称“民以食为天”,意大利也有“人无三天不言粮”之说。可见,粮食对于人类是何等的重要。 近年来,我国政府由于重视农村和农业工作,粮食生产连年丰收,以致于粮食出现了局部的、相对的“过  相似文献   

1 世界小麦的产量消费量贸易量和贮存量 2004/2005年度,世界小麦产量将略高于消费量.继2002/2003年加拿大和澳大利亚欠收后,2003/2004年欧盟和黑海沿岸国家的收成也不好.所以当时不得不动用了主要生产国的贮存来满足世界的需求.因此,小麦的贮存量已下降到危险的水平.  相似文献   

This contribution describes the rationale, origin, specific objectives, current activities and anticipated outcomes of the EU Concerted Action — “Food Forum: a research forum for an innovative and globally competitive European Food Industry”  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Both under- and overnutrition are among the major challenges to world health. Nutrient deficiencies decrease human capacity, increase the risk of infection and are associated with preventable diseases and result in premature death. Likewise, diseases of excess such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease lead to poor quality of life and premature death. WHO statistics suggest that overnutrition, as indicated by the increased rates of overweight and obesity, is as prevalent a problem worldwide as undernutrition. The evolution of the food system has been intertwined with the changing patterns of diet-related diseases. Current recommendations for healthful diets emphasize the importance of moderating fat and refined carbohydrate intake while encouraging the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and whole grain products. Emerging technologies in food science can help contribute to dietary patterns that will promote health and prevent disease.  相似文献   

研究开发天然营养和功能性的食品和添加剂,是新时期食品工业增长关注的热点.本文轭要介绍近年来国内及日本、欧洲、美国技术交流和展览会上,所提供的功能性食品和添加剂(如大豆异黄酮、蕃茄红素、叶黄素等)的研发动向,希能为业者作为今后工作中有所参考.  相似文献   

Monitoring of dairy products should preferably focus on the most relevant food safety hazards in the dairy supply chain. For this purpose, the possible presence of microbiological, chemical, and physical hazards as well as trends in the dairy supply chain that may affect their presence were assessed. A literature review was combined with available data from EFSA, RASFF, and the Dutch monitoring program on chemical hazards as well as expert information. This study revealed that microbiological hazards are encountered more frequently in dairy products than chemical and physical hazards. Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, and human pathogenic Escherichia coli were identified as the most important microbiological hazards in dairy products. Soft and semisoft cheeses are most frequently associated with L. monocytogenes and S. aureus enterotoxins, whereas raw milk is most frequently associated with human pathogenic E. coli and Campylobacter spp., Cronobacter spp., and Salmonella spp. are the microbiological hazards of most concern in powdered infant formula. Based on literature, monitoring, and RASFF data, the most relevant chemical hazards in dairy products are aflatoxin M1, dioxins, and dioxin‐like compounds and residues of veterinary drugs. Chemical hazards primarily occur at the dairy farm and may accumulate during further processing. The most relevant physical hazards are metal, glass, and plastic particles introduced during processing. Analysis of trends in the near future revealed that increased milk production is seen as most relevant in relation to food safety. Other trends affecting food safety are climate change and changes at the farm level, which aim to improve animal welfare and environmental sustainability.  相似文献   

赛诺国际有限公司在国内塑料软包装行业可谓赫赫有名,仅其一家公司的产品就占据了国内塑料软包装市场65%以上的份额,同时还远销欧美、澳洲、亚洲等多个国家和地区。经过多年的努力,赛诺已成长为集研发、生产、销售塑料软包装产品和一站式彩色包装印刷服务于一体的综合性集团公司,并于2008年2月在纳斯达克股票交易所成功上市。赛诺的主导产品包括了激光全息防伪膜、  相似文献   

国内外食品冷藏链行业的现状与发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄健  杜恩杰  石文星 《食品科学》2004,25(11):404-410
随着国民经济的发展和人民对食品要求的不断提高,食品冷藏链行业的发展越来越受到重视。文章介绍了国内外冷藏链技术的最新进展和国内冷藏链行业的现状,指出我国在食品冷藏链发展中值得注意的问题和适宜的发展方向。  相似文献   

今后20年世界粮食业形势展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以各国政府现行农业政策和粮食业现状为基础,准确预测世界的人口增长、人口分布和粮食生产与需求趋势,对于各个国家和地区制定适当的长期农业政策具有重大的指导意义。 (一)世界粮食需求量展望 2000年;世界粮食总产量约为18.52亿t,比1999年下降近2%,也低于前5年的年均产量。2000/01年度,世界粮食消费量连续第二年超过生产量,约达19.09亿t,比上年增长0.6%,其中用作人类食品的粮食消费量增长近1.2%,用作饲料的粮食消费量则仅增长约0.6%。世界粮食年终库存量约为6.4亿t,比上年减少5200万t,降低7%,为近4年中最低,主要原因是产量下降和消费量增加。主要出口国家的粮食年终库存量约为2.37亿t,比上年减少1200万t,但仍占世界粮食年终库存总量的约37%。 为了满足人类对肉类需求的迅猛增长,世界农业必须生产出更多的粮食(特别是玉米)作为动物饲料。到2020年,发展中国家对主要用作家畜饲料的玉米和小麦的需求量将增长1倍,超过对稻米的需求量。  相似文献   

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