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Literature on HF extraction by amines and by tributyl phosphate is critically reviewed. The system amine-HF-H2O shows an interesting feature concerning properties such as distribution curves compared to those for extraction of other acids, similarity to extraction by TBP, water extraction, selectivity, effect of amine type and dilution and diluent effect These properties sharply change (or even invert) when HF/amine molar ratio exceeds 2.  相似文献   


Deuterated toluene solutions of di-n-octylphosphoric acid, HDOP, containing Sr+ extracted from 0.1 M LiNO3 aqueous solutions, were investigated by small angle neutron scattering (SANS). The extractions were also performed in the presence of either the cis-syn-cis or the cis-anti-cis stereoisomer of dicyclohexano-18-crown-6 (DCH18C6) in combination with HDOP in the toluene phase. The addition of the crown ether increased metal extraction into the organic phase over that observed with HDOP alone (synergistic extraction), The cis-syn-cis isomer was more effective than the cis-anti-cis isomer in enhancing Sr(II) extraction in the synergistic system. The SANS results confirmed that when the metal cation is extracted by HDOP present in large stoichiometric excess, the predominant species formed in the organic phase can be described as Sr(H(DOP)2)2 with 2 extra HDOP molecules solvating the complex. In the synergistic crown ether-HDOP system, the SANS data are consistent with solvent extraction data suggesting the formation of complexes containing one crown ether and two HDOP dimers. In the extraction of Sr(II) by HDOP alone, the SANS data reveal the presence of small amounts of large aggregates. Both the cis-syn-cis and cis-anti-cis isomers of DCH18C6 inhibit the formation of these aggregates. The cis-anti-cis isomer, however, despite its weaker complexation of strontium, is more effective in preventing aggregate formation.  相似文献   


Data on the distribution of uranium(IV,VI), plutonium(III) and nitric acid between 30 vol.% TBP in dodecane and aqueous nitrate solutions also containing hydrazine nitrate were mathematically described by empirical equations. This made it possible to present distribution ratios of the extracted components as functions of concentrations and temperature at a single variable being varied and other variables being kept constant. Salting-out and self-salting-out action of the electrolytes present in the system as well as mutual replacement of the extracted components from the organic phase are shown.  相似文献   

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