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某包装件的有限元建模及动态性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究包装件为纸浆模塑缓冲包装衬垫,考虑非线性在有限元软件中的应用,建立和使用瞬态动力学模块仿真分析包装件在运输过程中的振动特性,仿真得到包装件的加速度响应及缓冲衬垫的加速度、最大应力、等效应力等云图。利用Lansmont振动试验系统对包装件进行扫频定频振动试验,得到包装件的加速度响应等,最后比较仿真结果与试验结果。  相似文献   

The volatile flavor compounds of fresh, frozen beef stew were isolated, fractionated and identified by standard methodology. A total of 132 compounds was either positively or tentatively identified. A comparison of the volatile compounds and their relative amounts in the fresh, frozen stew with those previously identified in canned stew demonstrated both qualitative and quantitative differences between the volatiles of the two stews. This difference was due mostly to the greater number and amounts of the oxygen-containing compounds such as alcohols, 2-alkenals, esters, lactones, and ionones found in the fresh, frozen stew as compared with the greater number and amounts of hydrocarbons and nitrogen and/or sulfur-containing heterocycles found in the canned stew.  相似文献   

为明确香辛料对川卤卤汁风味的作用,通过构建川卤香辛料风味贡献分析模型,结合缺失实验、感官评价、差异性分析、香气活度值解析卤汁中关键香辛料及其风味贡献。结果表明:从川卤卤汁中共检出挥发性成分93种,相对含量在0.01~70.57 μg/kg之间;卤汁中重要香气化合物有36种,包括萜类21种、醛酮类5种、醇类1种、酯类2种、烷烃类2种、酚类3种。川卤卤汁风味形成为卤汁中主体风味化合物、关键风味化合物及风味修饰化合物共同作用的结果。感官评定及挥发性成分分析表明,八角、小茴香、陈皮、灵草、肉蔻、川砂仁对卤汁中部分重要香气化合物具有较为突出贡献,为川卤卤汁关键香辛料成分。其中,八角对卤汁中茴香烯、桃金娘烯醇、水杨酸甲酯及苯酚贡献相对突出,小茴香对苯酚贡献作用较为明显,灵草对苯酚、糠醛贡献作用较为突出,陈皮对卤汁中糠醛具备一定贡献作用,肉蔻、川砂仁对卤汁中多种物质均有贡献作用。本研究可为川卤卤汁标准化发展提供数据参考。  相似文献   



Chocolate consumption lowers cardiovascular disease risk, which might be attributed to the methylxanthine theobromine. These effects may be mediated through effects on HDL‐mediated cholesterol efflux, which may be affected by microRNA (miRNA) levels in the HDL particles. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate effects of theobromine consumption on fasting and postprandial cholesterol efflux and miRNAs levels.

Methods and results

Thirty overweight and 14 obese healthy men and women participated in this randomized, double‐blind crossover study. Participants consumed 500 mg d?1 of theobromine or placebo for 4 weeks. ABCA1‐mediated cholesterol efflux was measured using J774 macrophages. MiRNAs levels (miR‐92a, miR‐223, miR‐135a*) were quantified in apolipoprotein B‐depleted serum. Theobromine consumption did not affect fasting and postprandial cholesterol efflux. Fasting miR‐223 and miR‐135a levels were unchanged, while miR‐92a levels were decreased (?0.21; p < 0.05). The high‐fat meal increased postprandial cholesterol efflux capacity (+4.3 percentage points; p ≤ 0.001), miR‐92a (+1.21; p < 0.001), and miR‐223 (+1.79; p < 0.001) levels, while a trend was found for miR‐135a (+1.08; p = 0.06).


Theobromine did not improve fasting and postprandial ABCA1‐mediated cholesterol efflux capacity, but decreased fasting miR‐92a levels. High‐fat meal intake increased postprandial cholesterol efflux and the three selected miRNAs levels.

添加大豆分离蛋白(SPI)于豆浆浆液中,对添加SPT后豆腐的得率、品质及其微观结构进行了分析.结果表明:豆腐的得率在SPI添加量为1%时较高,随着SPI添加量的增多,其得率逐渐下降;豆腐的保水性得到了明显的改善,添加量为2%时,保水性最好;随着SPI的添加,豆腐的粘度和弹性先降低,后又逐渐增大;但豆腐的硬度和韧性随着SPI添加量的增加而降低;另外,SPI的添加使豆腐的微观结构也发生了较为明显的变化.  相似文献   

A review of Industrial Ecology and Industrial Ecology and Global Change.  相似文献   

Aim: The purpose of this review was to assess existing evidence on the effects of chronic dietary macronutrient composition on substrate oxidation during a fasted state in healthy and overweight subjects. Methods: A systematic review of studies was conducted across five databases. Studies were included if they were English language studies of human adults, ≥19 years, used indirect calorimetry (ventilated hood technique), specified dietary macronutrient composition, and measured substrate oxidation. Results: There was no evidence that variations of a typical, non-experimental diet influenced rate or ratio of substrate utilization, however there may be an upper and lower threshold for when macronutrient composition may directly alter preferences for fuel oxidation rates during a fasted state. Conclusion: This review indicates that macronutrient composition of a wide range of typical, non-experimental dietary fat and carbohydrate intakes has no effect on fasting substrate oxidation. This suggests that strict control of dietary intake prior to fasting indirect calorimetry measurements may be an unnecessary burden for study participants. Further research into the effects of long-term changes in isocaloric macronutrient shift is required.  相似文献   

实施西部大开发,预示着西部地区发展机遇的到来?结合西部大开发对陕西粮食流通发展的积极影响,结合全省国有粮食企业的现状及存在问题,提出了加快陕西国有粮食企业跨越式发展的对策。  相似文献   

屠宰前畜禽在经历装卸、运输与休息、入栏、禁食以及宰前致晕等过程中,要面临许多应激原的刺激,如饥饿、颠簸、拥挤等客观因素,以及由此导致的惊恐、紧张等心理因素。宰前处理程序带来的应激大部分对肉质的形成是不利的,但是运输前的禁食、供水以及宰前休息等可能对肉质有一定的改善作用。电击晕、CO2致晕,二者都是机械化屠宰经常采用的工序,国内对于CO2致晕的应用与研究均较少。本文综述了近年来国内外有关宰前运输、休息、禁食及致晕方式对鲜肉品质影响的最新研究成果,旨在为优质肉的生产及相关科学研究提供参考。  相似文献   

研究了皂土和壳聚糖对青梅发酵酒的澄清效果,并通过正交试验及综合评比分析,结果表明壳聚糖的澄清效果明显好于皂土,经壳聚糖处理的青梅发酵酒透光率达98.5%,确定了最佳澄清工艺条件:壳聚糖用量0.5g/L,pH为3.2,温度26℃,澄清时间24h。澄清后的发酵酒澄清透明,稳定性增加。  相似文献   

A phenomenological inquiry of the islands of Lewis and Harris provides a foundation for the cloth that is made there, which in tag and reputation conveys its relationship to “place.” Tweed is a cloth historically born out of place-based tensions, which express themselves socially and materially in the vehicle of this woven proxy. Using Harris Tweed as a primary case study, this tension is addressed in a narrative examination of insiders and outsiders to conclude that the fabric of tweed—as well as the nationalisms, social fabric, and industry so iconic to it—is constructed with contrasts and differences, and not in spite of them. This examination proves relevant to tweed’s historic role as “British National Costume,” especially in light of the 2014 Scottish independence referendum and the 2016 Brexit vote.  相似文献   

Scope : Decreasing postprandial glycaemic excursions may have a beneficial effect on inflammatory and oxidative stress profiles. In this study, we investigated the impact of carbohydrate digestibility modulation per se, as a means of reducing the glycaemic response, on metabolic and inflammatory responses in subjects with metabolic risk factors. Methods and results : Twenty healthy subjects with metabolic risk consumed a cereal product either high in Slowly Digestible Starch (HSDS) or low in SDS (LSDS) at breakfast daily for 3 weeks, in a cross‐over design. Following each 3‐week session, postprandial glycaemia, insulinaemia, the lipid profile, inflammation and oxidative stress markers were assessed and compared to those induced by ingestion of a glucose solution (as a reference). The 2‐h glycaemic and insulinaemic responses were significantly lower following the HSDS breakfast compared with the LSDS breakfast or glucose. No significant differences between the products were observed in terms of the lipid profile, C‐reactive protein, IL‐6 and tumour necrosis factor alpha. We observed a slight increase in fasting lipid peroxidation markers, including an increase in plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) and a decrease in whole blood glutathione (GSH), without significant alteration of urinary F2‐isoprostanes or plasma glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity. Conclusion : Consumption of HSDS products for 3 weeks significantly altered both postprandial glycaemia and insulinaemia, but was not sufficient to modify the inflammatory profile. Consumption of both cereal products was associated with a slightly higher fasting oxidative stress profile.  相似文献   

西男 《中国宝玉石》2013,(1):134-135
24年,可谓是很短暂的,但对于一个民营企业成长来说,其中的波折艰难,是外界难以想象的。宝福珠宝自创建以来,凭借着超前的眼界和胆识,克服重重困难,在竞争激烈的珠宝领域打造出一片辉煌的天地,从最初单纯的加工生产发展成现在的全球领先珠宝研发生产综合服务商。目前,宝福珠宝已经发展成为拥有黄金、铂金与镶嵌饰品三大产品生产线和集研发、设计、生  相似文献   

目前,印刷行业面临着日趋激烈的竞争。各印刷企业为增加在市场竞争中的砝码.不断加大对印刷设备的投入,尤其是对印前新设备的增加及更新。再加上CTP技术的日趋成熟,CopyDot扫描仪(称网点拷贝扫描仪,有滚筒型和平板型之分)已经展示出难以抗拒的魅力。它快速弥补了版面需要修版、补版的技术缺陷.成为CTP技术、数字印刷技术以及远程传版的先行军。特别是随着印刷市场的不断开放,针对书刊印刷企业而言,购置网点拷贝扫描仪已经是实现企业利润最大化的关键所在。  相似文献   

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