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Using superleak condenser transducers, the velocity of second soundU 2 has been measured near the superfluid transition temperature T in3He-4He mixtures with molar concentrationsX of3He of 0.0, 0.038, 0.122, 0.297, and 0.440. We have obtained the superfluid density s/ fromU 2 on the basis of linearized two-fluid hydrodynamics. The results for s/ are consistent with those obtained from the oscillating disk method, as expected from two-fluid hydrodynamics. The value of s/ at eachX could be expressed by a single power law, s/=k, where =1-T/R, with the experimental uncertainty. It is found that the exponent is independent of concentration forX0.44 within the experimental uncertainty. This concentration independence of is in agreement with the universality concept. From the conclusion that the values of are universal forX0.44, the concentration dependence of the superfluid component s is expressed by an empirical equation s(X, )=2s(0, ). It is found that corresponds to the volume fraction of4He in the superfluid3He-4He mixture. The value of is in agreement with that obtained from the measurement of the molar volume by others.This paper is based on a thesis submitted to Tokyo University of Education in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree.  相似文献   

High-resolution measurements of are reported for liquid4He and3He-4He mixtures at saturated vapor pressures between 1.2 and 4.2 K with particular emphasis on the superfluid transition. Here is the mass density, the shear viscosity, and in the superfluid phase both and are the contributions from the normal component of the fluid ( n and n ). The experiments were performed with a torsional oscillator operating at 151 Hz. The mole fraction X of3He in the mixtures ranged from 0.03 to 0.65. New data for the total density and data for n by various authors led to the calculation of . For4He, the results for are compared with published ones, both in the normal and superfluid phases, and also with predictions in the normal phase both over a broad range and close to T. The behavior of and of in mixtures if presented. The sloped/dT near T and its change at the superfluid transition are found to decrease with increasing3He concentration. Measurements at one temperature of versus pressure indicate a decreasing dependence of on molar volume asX(3He) increases. Comparison of at T, the minimum of n in the superfluid phase and the temperature of this minimum is made with previous measurements. Thermal conductivity measurements in the mixtures, carried out simultaneously with those of , revealed no difference in the recorded superfluid transition, contrary to earlier work. In the appendices, we present data from new measurements of the total density for the same mixtures used in viscosity experiments. Furthermore, we discuss the data for n determined for4He and for3He-4He mixtures, and which are used in the analysis of the data.  相似文献   

From the second-sound velocityU 2 near the superfluid transition point, the superfluid densities in3He-4He mixtures, s (X) and s (), were deduced along the paths of constant3He concentrationX and of constant chemical potential difference of3He and4He. The following critical exponents of s are determined: (a) =XX for s (X) in the(X, T) plane,(b) X for s (X) in the(, T) plane, and(c) for s () in the(, T) plane. It is found that and X change by about 4–6% relative to with increasing3He concentration up toX=0.4 and by 8–10% up toX=0.53. It seems that, belowX=0.53, universality hold for . Values of have been found to be in good agreement with the critical exponent of s in pure4He under constant pressure. The values of and X forX0.53 are also found to be consistent with the scaling relations in the (,T) plane of3He-4He mixture.Work performed in part while at the Electrotechnical Laboratory.  相似文献   

Measurements of the pressure coefficient (P/T),x are reported for a 3 He- 4 He mixture with a mole fractionX=0.805 of 3 He in the neighborhood of the liquid-vapor critical point. These include data on 16 isochores taken over the density interval–0.50.5 and over the temperature range–0.1 t0.1, where =(– c )/ c andt=(T-T c )/T c ,with c andT c ,respectively, the critical density and temperature of the mixture. From the discontinuity of (P/T),x at the boundary between the two-phase and the one-phase regions we determine the dew-bubble curve nearT c with better precision than was done in recentPVT experiments. From the extrapolation of data not approachingT c closer than1 mK, (P/T),x along the critical isochore appears to be discontinuous atT c ,while for the isochore / c 0.92, (P/T),x is continuous across the dew curve. It is found that this latter isochore cuts the dew curve at its highest temperature. These observations are discussed in terms of general thermodynamic arguments and theoretical predictions of the asymptotic behavior. We calculate (P/T),x from the scaling equation of state proposed by Leung and Griffiths for 3 He- 4 He mixtures, using their numerical parameters. In spite of some systematic deviations, especially in the two-phase region, there is in general good agreement with experimental results. In particular, the shape of the measured dew-bubble curve and the apparent discontinuity of (P/T),x along the critical isochore show excellent agreement with theory.Work supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation. A report of this work has been presented at the Washington Meeting of the APS [Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 20, 618 (1975)].  相似文献   

We have measured the Hall resistivity, xy , and the longitudinal resistivity, xx , in superconducting MgB2 thin films in a mixed-state while changing the magnetic field and the current density. A Hall scaling behavior without the anomalous Hall effect was observed with a exponent of 2.0±0.1 in xy =A xx . This exponent is observed to be constant, i.e., independent of magnetic field, temperature, and current density.  相似文献   

We present steady-state measurements of the thermal diffusion ratiok T and of the heat conductivity for three dilute mixtures of3He in4He with concentrations 9×10–3X(3He)5×10–2 at saturated vapor pressure in the normal phase close to the superfluid transition. The data are compared with predictions by Dohm and Folk from the renormalization group (RG) theory. From auxiliary determinations of thermodynamic derivatives for these mixtures, we obtain the separation factor =–(k T /T)×(/X) T,P /(/T) X,P above T over the range wherek T is positive. Here is the mass density. From the transients of X(t) as a function of time, we obtain an estimation for the mass diffusion coefficientD and compare the results with predictions by Dohm and Folk and with results from other experiments.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of () and of the molar volume are reported for liquid mixtures of 3He in 4He over the temperature range between 0.5 and 2.5 K. Here is the shear viscosity and is the mass density. In the superfluid phase, the product of the normal components, n and n , is measured. The mixtures with 3He molefractions 0.30 < X < 0.80 are studied with emphasis on the region near the superfluid transition T and near the phase-separation curve. Along the latter, they are compared with data by Lai and Kitchens. For X > 0.5, the viscosity singularity near T becomes a faint peak, which however fades into the temperature-dependent background viscosity as X tends to the tricritical concentration X t. Likewise, no singularity in is apparent when T t is approached along the phase separation branches and +. Furthermore, viscosity data are reported for 3He and compared with previous work. Finally, for dilute mixtures with 0.01 X 0.05, the results for are compared with previous data and with predictions.  相似文献   

The temperature changes as a result of rapid hydrostatic pressure applications are reported for high density polyethylene (HDPE) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) in the reference temperature range from 298 to 423 K and in the pressure range from 13.8 to 200 MN m–2. The adiabatic temperature changes were found to be a function of pressure and temperature. A curve fitting analysis showed that the empirical curve (/P) =ab(P)b–1 described the experimental thermoelastic coefficients obtained from the experiments. The data were analyzed by determining the predicted thermoelastic coefficients derived from the Thomson equation (/P) = T 0/C p. The experimental and predicted Grüneisen parameter T were also determined.  相似文献   

Contrary to previous statements in the literature, large deviations from Matthiessen's rule in fine wiresare to be expected on the basis of a straight-forward solution of the ordinary transport equation, assuming the relaxation-time approximation and imposing the idealized condition of diffuse scattering of electrons at the boundaries. Using Chambers' path-integral method to evaluate the current density in a wire of arbitrary cross-sectional shape, the effects of boundary scattering on the resistivity in the regimed 0.1 have been calculated for two model Fermi surface geometries. For the temperature-dependent part of the resistivity, d (T) d (T)– d (0), two distinct types of behavior are found in the alternative cases: (1) for a spherical Fermi surface, d(T) increases logarithmically with d(0); (2) for a cylindrical Fermi surface, d (T) increases essentially linearly with d (0). [In each case the qualitative dependence of d(0) on /d is, for practical purposes, linear. However, the correct value of the product in the cylindrical case is not simply given in the ordinary way by the slope of an empirical plot of d (0) vs.d –1.] A comparison of theoretical results for the two simple models with the published data for indium and gallium shows that the actual temperature-dependent size effects are consistent, both qualitatively and, by a rough estimation, quantitatively, with the expected behavior.  相似文献   

We report third-sound studies of3He-4He mixture films for 0.3T1.8 K carried out in two different experimental situations. In one experiment detailed measurements of the amplitude of both the temperature and thickness variation of the film were made for pure4He and the results for |T/d| are in good agreement with the predictions of Bergman. Mixture studies in this apparatus were made difficult due to the presence of capillary condensation. In spite of this a number of interesting results are reported. Subsequent measurements were made in a new apparatus where capillary condensation effects could be demonstrably avoided. Helium films of 5.7 layers of4He were studied as a function of added amounts of3He. BelowT0.7 K the third-sound measurements are consistent with model calculations based on a bilayer film. We conclude that for 0.3T0.6 K films of the type we have studied are isotopically layered in the van der Waals field provided by the substrate.  相似文献   

The effect of relaxation phenomena on the hydrodynamic stability of the plane gradient flow of a structurally viscous medium is investigated using linear theory.Notation ij stress tensor deviator - Ui components of the velocity vector - xi coordinates - t time - P pressure - =0L/*V plasticity parameter - o limiting shear stress - andc dimensionless wave number and the perturbation frequency - Re=VL/* Reynolds number - density - Fij deformation rate tensor Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 868–871, November, 1978.  相似文献   

The shear viscosity of fluids exhibits an anomalous enhancement in the close vicinity of the critical point. A detailed experimental study of the viscosity of steam in the critical region has been reported by Rivkin and collaborators. A reanalysis of the experimental data indicates that the behavior of the viscosity of steam near the critical point is similar to that observed for other fluids near the critical point. An interpolating equation for the viscosity of water and steam is presented that incorporates the critical viscosity enhancement.Nomenclature a critical region equation of state parameter - a k coefficients in equation for 0 - a ij coefficients in equation for ¯ - b critical region equation of state parameter - c p specific heat at constant pressure - c v specific heat at constant volume - k critical region equation of state parameter - k B Boltzmann constant - P pressure - P r 22.115 MPa - P * P/P r - P c critical pressure - P i coefficients in critical region equation of state - R~P (P-P c )/P c - q parameter in equation for critical viscosity enhancement - r parametric variable in critical region equation of state - T temperature in K (IPTS-48) - T r 647.27 K - T * T/T r - T c critical temperature - T (T–T c )/T c - V volume - critical exponent of specific heat - critical exponent of coexistence curve - critical exponent of compressibility - critical exponent of chemical potential at T=T c - dynamic viscosity - 0 lim 0 - ¯ normal viscosity - critical viscosity enhancement - ¯ thermal conductivity - normal thermal conductivity - critical thermal conductivity enhancement - parametric variable in critical region equation of state - correlation length - 0 correlation length amplitude above T c at = c - critical exponent of correlation length - density - r 317.763 kg/m3 - * / r - c critical density - (– c )/ c - p estimated error of pressure - T estimated error of temperature - estimated error of viscosity - exponent of critical viscosity enhancement - t (/P) T symmetrized compressibility - T * T P r / r 2 - t t P c / c 2  相似文献   

Thermally stimulated current (TSC) discharges in open circuit of amorphous poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) corona-charged electrets show a heteropolar relaxation at 87 °C, 1 between and peaks. This relaxation tends to become homopolar when the sample is annealed at temperatures below the glass transition temperature. This is due to the formation of a trapped charge density on the surface of the material that originates, during the TSC discharge, a current that counteracts the one that results in 1 This trapping effect, which initially is null, increases with annealing due to the rise in resistivity. On the other hand, TSC discharges in short-circuited annealed samples result in a heteropolar peak, *, that corresponds to 1 The area of * increases with the annealing time in a bounded way. This peak is related to the formation of thermal nuclei (embryos) in the bulk of the material that act as heterogeneities. This suggests that 1 is associated with a barrier-type polarization. If the annealed sample is heated to temperatures above the glass transition temperature, the tendency to the inversion of 1 vanishes and * disappears, whereas and are modified. This suggests that relaxation is related to a Maxwell-Wagner-Sillars effect.  相似文献   

Precision first-sound measurements at 17.1 kHz are presented for a 5%3He-4He solution. Measurements near the transition are analyzed with a modified Pippard-Buckingham-Fairbank relation using recent3He-4He heat-capacity measurements. The analysis takes into account the effects of gravity and dispersion. An accurate determination of (P/)T is obtained from velocity measurements in the range 1.1–2.0 K.Work at the University of California was supported in part by the U.S. Office of Naval Research.Part of this work was performed during the author's postdoctoral year (1967) at the Physics Department of the University of California at Los Angeles.  相似文献   

It was shown that the Hall resistivity xy for LuNi 2 B 2 C and YNi 2 B 2 C is negative in the normal and mixed states and has no sign reversal below T c . In the mixed state the scaling relation xy xx (xx is the longitudinal resistivity) was found for both compounds with 2.0. In the normal state a distinct nonlinearity in the xy(H) dependence, accompanied by a large magnetoresistance, was found below 40 K only for LuNi 2 B 2 C. The difference in the behaviour of Lu- and Y-based borocarbides seems to be connected with the difference in the Fermi surfaces of these compounds.  相似文献   

Measurements have been performed of electrical resistivity and thermoelectric ratioG on deformed samples of potassium as well as of on a deformed 0.077 at %KRb alloy. A large anomaly in (T) forT<0.5 K is ascribed to electrons interacting with vibrating dislocations and it is shown that the data are consistent with a model of Gantmakher and Kulesko in which the scattering arises from local phonon modes associated with the dislocations. ForT>1 K, an increase in (T) is ascribed to the suppression of phonon drag by the dislocations. The latter is qualitatively confirmed by theG measurements. A maximum inG at 0.5 K is observed when dislocations are present. The two effects in (T) outlined above are so large that the change in the electron-electron scattering contribution to due to deformation cannot be precisely determined.  相似文献   

The dynamic viscosity of the binary mixture 1-methylnaphthalene+2,2,4,4,6,8,8-heptamethylnonane was measured in the temperature range 293.15 to 353.15K (in progressive 10K steps) at pressures of 0.1, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100MPa. The composition of the system is described by nine molar fractions (0 to 1 in 0.125 progressive steps). The density was measured at pressures from 0.1 to 60MPa in progressive 5 MPa steps. The measurements of are used to determine the excess viscosity E and the excess activation energy of flow G E as a function of pressure, temperature, and composition. Some models have been used to represent the viscosity of this binary mixture.  相似文献   

We propose that He II exhibits macroscopic [ P /N O(1)] quantum zero-point motion in momentum space, i.e., that a nonzero root-mean-square superfluid velocity exists even in an equilibrium superfluid system at rest. At absolute zero, using coherent states, we relate the uncertainty P /N in the total momentumP (per particle) to the long-range-order (LRO) part of the phase gradient correlation function, which is proposed as an order parameter. The local equilibrium equation for the superfluid velocity potential derived by Biswas and Rama Rao yields, in the strict equilibrium limit, the equation determining this order parameter in terms of fluctuation correlations that remain to be determined. The order parameter is interaction dependent, nonzero atT=0 if (0)–0V0>0, and can vanish at some transition temperatureT when fluctuation terms become comparable to theT=0 value. (HereV 0 0, and (0) are the uniform parts of the potential, density, and chemical potential with shifted zero of energy, respectively.) A characteristic length (T), diverging atT=T , appears naturally, with its defining relation reducing to a macroscopic uncertainty relation ( P /N)(0)=/2 atT=0. With certain assumptions it is shown that atT=0, LRO in the phase gradient correlation function is incompatible with off-diagonal long-range order (ODLRO) in the (r)(r) correlation function, and with nonzero condensate function.  相似文献   

The behaviour of different iron salts (FeSO4.7 H2O, FeC2O4.2 H2O, Mohr's salt, and basic iron carbonate) was studied by means of the emanation method, DTA and dilatometry. The salts were heated within the temperature range of 20 to 1100 C, under identical conditions. The results obtained are compared and the process of thermal decomposition of the different salts is discussed.The activity of ferric oxide obtained by decomposition of various iron salts is estimated, and it is suggested that the low activity of the sulphate-derived ferric oxides is related to a low thermal annealing rate, while the higher activities of the other two resultant ferric oxides are similarly related to higher thermal annealing rates.  相似文献   

Results are given of an analytic investigation of transient processes inside counterflow apparatuses and heat exchangers with temperature disturbance in one of the heat carriers at the entry to the apparatus.Notation =(t–t0)/(T0–t0),=(T–t0)/(T0 s-t0) relative temperatures - t, T temperatures of material and gas respectively - t0, T0 same for the initial state - Z=[ Vm1/c(1–w/wg)] [–(y0–y)/wg] dimensionless time - m1=1/(1+Bi/) solidity coefficient - B1=( FR/) Biot number - F V heat-exchange coefficients referred to 1 m2 surface and 1 m3 layer - R depth of heat penetration in a portion - portion heat conductivity coefficient - shape coefficient (=0 for a plate,=1 for a cylinder,=2 for a sphere) - c, Cg heat capacities of material and gas respectively - , g volumetric masses - w, Wg flow velocities of material and gas - y distance from the point of entry to the heating heat carrier - y0 heat-exchanger length - Y= Vm1y/WgCg g dimensionless coordinate - m=cw/Cg gWg water equivalent ratio Deceased.Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 832–840, May, 1971.  相似文献   

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