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The nocturnal, New World owl monkey (Aotus trivirgatus) has a rod-dominated retina containing only a single cone type, supporting only the most rudimentary color vision. However, it does have well-developed magnocellular (M) and parvocellular (P) retinostriate pathways and striate cortical architecture [as defined by the pattern of staining for the activity-dependent marker cytochrome oxidase (CO)] similar to that seen in diurnal primates. We recorded from single neurons in anesthetized, paralyzed owl monkeys using drifting, luminance-modulated sinusoidal gratings, comparing receptive field properties of M and P neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus and in V1 neurons assigned to CO "blob," "edge," and "interblob" regions and across layers. Tested with achromatic stimuli, the receptive field properties of M and P neurons resembled those reported for other primates. The contrast sensitivity of P cells in the owl monkey was similar to that of P cells in the macaque, but the contrast sensitivities of M cells in the owl monkey were markedly lower than those in the macaque. We found no differences in eye dominance, orientation, or spatial frequency tuning, temporal frequency tuning, or contrast response for V1 neurons assigned to different CO compartments; we did find fewer direction-selective cells in blobs than in other compartments. We noticed laminar differences in some receptive field properties. Cells in the supragranular layers preferred higher spatial and lower temporal frequencies and had lower contrast sensitivity than did cells in the granular and infragranular layers. Our data suggest that the receptive field properties across functional compartments in V1 are quite homogeneous, inconsistent with the notion that CO blobs anatomically segregate signals from different functional "streams."  相似文献   

Neuronal response properties vary markedly at increasing levels of the cortical hierarchy. At present it is unclear how these variations are reflected in the organization of the intrinsic cortical circuitry. Here we analyze patterns of intrinsic horizontal connections at different hierarchical levels in the visual cortex of the macaque monkey. The connections were studied in tangential sections of flattened cortices, which were injected with the anterograde tracer biocytin. We directly compared the organization of connections in four cortical areas representing four different levels in the cortical hierarchy. The areas were visual areas 1, 2, 4 and Brodman's area 7a (V1, V2, V4 and 7a, respectively). In all areas studied, injections labeled numerous horizontally coursing axons that formed dense halos around the injection sites. Further away, the fibers tended to form separate clusters. Many fibers could be traced along the way from the injection sites to the target clusters. At progressively higher order areas, there was a striking increase in the spread of intrinsic connections: from a measured distance of 2.1 mm in area V1 to 9.0 mm in area 7a. Average interpatch distance also increased from 0.61 mm in area V1 to 1.56 mm in area 7a. In contrast, patch size changed far less at higher order areas, from an average width of 230 micron(s) in area V1 to 310 micron(s) in area 7a. Analysis of synaptic bouton distribution along axons revealed that average interbouton distance remained constant at 6.4 micron(s) (median) in and out of the clusters and in the different cortical areas. Larger injections resulted in a marked increase in the number of labeled patches but only a minor increase in the spread of connections or in patch size. Thus, in line with the more global computational roles proposed for the higher order visual areas, the spread of intrinsic connections is increased with the hierarchy level. On the other hand, the clustered organization of the connections is preserved at higher order areas. These clusters may reflect the existence of cortical modules having blob-like dimensions throughout macaque monkey visual cortex.  相似文献   

What role does the initial glimpse of a scene play in subsequent eye movement guidance? In 4 experiments, a brief scene preview was followed by object search through the scene via a small moving window that was tied to fixation position. Experiment 1 demonstrated that the scene preview resulted in more efficient eye movements compared with a control preview. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that this scene preview benefit was not due to the conceptual category of the scene or identification of the target object in the preview. Experiment 4 demonstrated that the scene preview benefit was unaffected by changing the size of the scene from preview to search. Taken together, the results suggest that an abstract (size invariant) visual representation is generated in an initial scene glimpse and that this representation can be retained in memory and used to guide subsequent eye movements. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The vestibular system contributes to the stabilisation of visual images on the retina by means of vestibulo-ocular compensatory reactions. The development of vestibular control of eye movements has been studied in twelve week old kittens, reared in total darkness, which have been compared with a control group of kittens reared in normal conditions. Post-rotatory nystagmus, nystagmus during sinusoidal oscillations, visual suppression of vestibular nystagmus by fixation, have been used as indicators of the functional state of the vestibulo-ocular control system. The results show that most of the essential features of this control are present in dark-reared kittens. However differences have been noted which possibly concern precise regulation of compensatory movements and head-eye coordination. The frequency of vestibular nystagmus is much smaller in dark-reared animals and the initial deviation of post rotatory nystagmus in the direction of the change of movement is absent in dark-reared kittens. Habituation also seems to operate differently in the two groups of kittens. Visual suppression of vestibular nystagmus is present.  相似文献   

1. Our goal was to assess whether visual motion signals related to changes in image velocity contribute to pursuit eye movements. We recorded the smooth eye movements evoked by ramp target motion at constant speed. In two different kinds of stimuli, the onset of target motion provided either an abrupt, step change in target velocity or a smooth target acceleration that lasted 125 ms followed by prolonged target motion at constant velocity. We measured the eye acceleration in the first 100 ms of pursuit. Because of the 100-ms latency from the onset of visual stimuli to the onset of smooth eye movement, the eye acceleration in this 100-ms interval provides an estimate of the open-loop response of the visuomotor pathways that drive pursuit. 2. For steps of target velocity, eye acceleration in the first 100 ms of pursuit depended on the "motion onset delay," defined as the interval between the appearance of the target and the onset of motion. If the motion onset delay was > 100 ms, then the initial eye movement consisted of separable early and late phases of eye acceleration. The early phase dominated eye acceleration in the interval from 0 to 40 ms after pursuit onset and was relatively insensitive to image speed. The late phase dominated eye acceleration in the interval 40-100 ms after the onset of pursuit and had an amplitude that was proportional to image speed. If there was no delay between the appearance of the target and the onset of its motion, then the early component was not seen, and eye acceleration was related to target speed throughout the first 100 ms of pursuit. 3. For step changes of target velocity, the relationship between eye acceleration in the first 40 ms of pursuit and target velocity saturated at target speeds > 10 degrees /s. In contrast, the relationship was nearly linear when eye acceleration was measured in the interval 40-100 ms after the onset of pursuit. We suggest that the first 40 ms of pursuit are driven by a transient visual motion input that is related to the onset of target motion (motion onset transient component) and that the next 60 ms are driven by a sustained visual motion input (image velocity component). 4. When the target accelerated smoothly for 125 ms before moving at constant speed, the initiation of pursuit resembled that evoked by steps of target velocity. However, the latency of pursuit was consistently longer for smooth target accelerations than for steps of target velocity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The study investigated biases for negative information in component processes of visual attention (initial shift vs. maintenance of gaze) in dysphoric and nondysphoric individuals. Eye movements were recorded while participants viewed a series of picture pairs depicting negative, positive, and neutral scenes (each pair presented for 3 s). Biases in initial orienting were assessed from the direction and latency of the initial shift in gaze, whereas biases in the maintenance of attention were assessed from the duration of gaze on the picture that was initially fixated. Results indicated that the dysphoric group showed a significantly greater bias to maintain gaze longer on negative pictures, relative to control pictures, compared with the nondysphoric group. There was no evidence of a dysphoria-related bias in initial shift of orienting to negative cues. Results are consistent with a depression-related bias that operates in the maintenance of attention on negative material. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Thirty codependent cocaine and alcohol users were compared with age-, education-, race-, and sex-matched cocaine abusers (N = 30) and normals (N = 30) using an extended Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery to determine whether cocaine abusers with alcohol dependence were more cognitively impaired than singly addicted cocaine abusers. Tests were grouped and analyzed according to 8 major ability areas. Participants who abused both cocaine and alcohol did not differ from normals on the majority of test measures. An unexpected but consistent finding was the poorer performance of the cocaine sample relative to cocaine and alcohol abusers on measures of complex psychomotor and simple motor functioning (ps < .001). Pure cocaine abusers, but not abusers of both cocaine and alcohol, also performed more poorly than normals on a measure of global neuropsychological functioning (p < .01). These results are consistent with previous reports of generally mild cognitive dysfunction in cocaine abusers. The findings also suggest that cocaine and alcohol abusers of relatively young ages may be less cognitively impaired than demographically comparable cocaine abusers. Evidence from studies of vascular functioning in abusers of cocaine and alcohol alone and in combination is discussed as possible explanation for these findings.  相似文献   

We studied cytoskeletal proteins and other markers for embryologic origin in the outflow pathways of the aqueous humor, cornea, sclera, and ciliary muscle of the cynomolgus monkey. The corneal endothelium and trabecular cells stained with markers for vimentin, smooth muscle cell alpha-actin, F-actin, spectrin, vinculin, and talin. The endothelium of Schlemm's canal stained with markers for vimentin, spectrin, and F-actin. These results suggest that trabecular cells are a kind of myofibroblast and support the belief that the endothelial cells of Schlemm's canal are vascular in origin. Fibrillary staining with antibodies to vimentin, spectrin, neurofilament protein, and glial acid fibrillary protein was observed along and between the ciliary muscle cells. Cells in the deep sclera adjacent to the supraciliary space stained with antibodies to smooth muscle alpha-actin, alpha-vinculin, talin, and desmin. These cells may anchor ciliary muscle cells into the sclera or may be developmental remnants of ciliary muscle cells. Leu 19 immunoreactivity was found in the corneal endothelium, in all trabecular cells, in ciliary muscle cells, and in keratocytes and fibroblasts in the superficial part of the cornea and sclera. All of these cells are therefore likely to express neural cell adhesion molecules indicating neuroectodermal origin.  相似文献   

In the owl monkey, microelectrode mapping of Brodmann's area 19 indicates that this region contains part or all of at least 5 separate representations of the visual field, each of which adjoins the anterior border of V II and collectively are termed the third tier of cortical visual areas (V I is the first tier; V II is the second tier). Described in detail in this report is one of the third tier areas which is located on the dorsal surface and the adjacent medial wall of the occipital lobe and corresponds to a densely myelinated zone of cortex. In this dorsomedial area (DM), the representation of the horizontal meridian is partially split, and thus, like V II (see ref. 4) and the dorsolateral crescent5, DM is a second order transformation of the visual hemifield. In one abnormal owl monkey, a portion of the upper quadrant was represented twice in DM. This abnormal case may provide some clues as to how the normal pattern of visuotopic organization is established in the developing brain.  相似文献   

The endocrine function and pituitary imaging in Sheehan's syndrome more than 30 years after causative events were evaluated. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a combined anterior pituitary test, plasma vasopressin-to-osmolality adaptation study, and antithyroid and antipituitary cell antibody measurement were performed in 6 women with Sheehan's syndrome. The interval from delivery to the onset of symptoms of hormonal deficiency ranged from 3 to 32 years. Since clinical onset, all had received glucocorticoid and thyroid replacement therapy. Cranial MRI examination showed an "empty sella" in 5 cases. Among these, 2 of 5 (40%) demonstrated panhypopituitarism and the other 3 (60%) maintained gonadotropin response. The pituitary gland was normally discernible but with a low-intensity lesion on T1-weighted images in a patient who maintained PRL and gonadotropin responses. Posterior pituitary function was abnormal in 3 of 6 (50%) despite the absence of polyuria. No antipituitary antibodies were detected in any of the cases. Thyroid peroxidase antibody was negative in all cases, but antithyroglobulin antibody was detected in 2 of 6 (33%). Thyroid-stimulating antibody was not detected, but one case had an anti-TSH antibody. Thirty years after the initial events, most patients with Sheehan's syndrome showed signs of an empty sella on MRI, all having noticeable suppression of anterior and/or posterior pituitary hormones with no related autoimmunity.  相似文献   

We have investigated the visual responses of 184 single units located in the superficial layers of the optic tectum (OT) of the decerebrate, paralysed pigeon. Visual responses were similar to those reported in non-decerebrate preparations; most units responded best to moving visual stimuli, 18% were directionally selective (they had a clear preference for a particular direction of visual stimulus movement), 76% were plane-selective (they responded to movement in either direction in a particular plane). However, we also found that a high proportion of units showed some sensitivity to the orientation of visual stimuli. We examined the effects of extraocular muscle (EOM) afferent signals, induced by passive eye movement (PEM), on the directional visual responses of units. Visual responses were most modified by particular directions of eye movement, although there was no unique relationship between the direction of visual stimulus movement to which an individual unit responded best and the direction of eye movement that caused the greatest modification of that visual response. The results show that EOM afferent signals, carrying information concerning the direction of eye movement, reach the superficial layers of the OT in the pigeon and there modify the visual responses of units in a manner that suggests some role for these signals in the processing of visual information.  相似文献   

Early studies of the echidna led to the conclusion that this monotreme did not have rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Because the monotremes had diverged from the placental and marsupial lines very early in mammalian evolution, this finding was used to support the hypothesis that REM sleep evolved after the start of the mammalian line. The current paper summarizes our recent work on sleep in the echidna and platypus and leads to a very different interpretation. By using neuronal recording from mesopontine regions in the echidna, we found that despite the presence of a high-voltage cortical electroencephalogram (EEG), brainstem units fire in irregular bursts intermediate in intensity between the regular non-REM sleep pattern and the highly irregular REM sleep pattern seen in placentals. Thus the echidna displays brainstem activation during sleep with high-voltage cortical EEG. This work encouraged us to do the first study of sleep, to our knowledge, in the platypus. In the platypus we saw sleep with vigorous rapid eye, bill and head twitching, identical in behaviour to that which defines REM sleep in placental mammals. Recording of the EEG in the platypus during natural sleep and waking states revealed that it had moderate and high-voltage cortical EEGs during this REM sleep state. The platypus not only has REM sleep, but it had more of it than any other animal. The lack of EEG voltage reduction during REM sleep in the platypus, and during the REM sleep-like state of the echidna, has some similarity to the sleep seen in neonatal sleep in placentals. The very high amounts of REM sleep seen in the platypus also fit with the increased REM sleep duration seen in altricial mammals. Our findings suggest that REM sleep originated earlier in mammalian evolution than had previously been thought and is consistent with the hypothesis that REM sleep, or a precursor state with aspects of REM sleep, may have had its origin in reptilian species.  相似文献   

Deficits in smooth pursuit eye movements are well documented in schizophrenia and schizotypic psychopathology. The status of eye tracking dysfunction (ETD) as an endophenotype for schizophrenia liability is relatively robust. However, the relation of ETD to schizophrenia-related deviance in the general population has not been confirmed. This study examined smooth pursuit eye tracking and schizotypal personality features in the general population. Smooth pursuit eye movement and schizotypal features were measured in 300 adult community subjects. The sample included both sexes, subjects with a wide age and educational range, and subjects with no prior history of psychosis. Primary outcome measures were peak gain (eye velocity/target velocity), catch-up saccade rate, and schizotypal feature scores. Total schizotypal features were significantly associated with decreased peak gain and were associated at the trend level with increased catch-up saccade rate. These associations were essentially unchanged after controlling for age, sex, and intellectual level effects. These data confirm a hypothesized association between schizotypal features and poorer eye tracking performance (principally, peak gain) in the general population as well as support the conceptualization of ETD as an endophenotype for schizophrenia liability. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Monkeys trained to saccade to visual targets can develop separate "express" and "regular" modes in their distribution of saccadic latencies. The purpose of this study was to determine whether this occurs under more natural viewing conditions, when targets are suddenly presented in a structured visual field during visual scan. It was found that scanning saccades stopped appearing 60 msec after a target's onset, and subsequent saccades, which were directed toward the suddenly appearing target, had a bimodal distribution of latencies. Express saccades were more likely to occur as the target was presented later in a fixation. Regular mode saccades were more likely to occur with longer target durations. Scanning saccades made to stimuli of the structured visual field always had unimodal inter-saccadic interval distributions. All these effects were apparent after only 2-3 days of training. These findings, taken together with recent physiological results, suggest that the visuomotor cells of the superior colliculus mediate latency bimodality.  相似文献   

Conducted 4 experiments with 108 volunteers (aged 18-42 yrs) to test object-, discrimination-, and space-based theories of visual attention. In each experiment, Ss were presented with small (  相似文献   

Typical natural visual scenes contain many objects, which need to be segregated from each other and from the background. Present theories subdivide the processes responsible for this segregation into a pre-attentive and attentive system. The pre-attentive system segregates image regions that 'pop out' rapidly and in parallel across the visual field. In the primary visual cortex, responses to pre-attentively selected image regions are enhanced. When objects do not segregate automatically from the rest of the image, the time-consuming attentive system is recruited. Here we investigate whether attentive selection is also associated with a modulation of firing rates in area V1 of the brain in monkeys trained to perform a curve-tracing task. Neuronal responses to the various segments of a target curve were simultaneously enhanced relative to responses evoked by a distractor curve, even if the two curves crossed each other. This indicates that object-based attention is associated with a response enhancement at the earliest level of the visual cortical processing hierarchy.  相似文献   

Beginning with the first step of visual processing and proceeding outward from that point, the neurons involved in different aspects of vision are distinct. Stated simply, neurons doing different things look different. They often display distinct morphological features and they usually express different molecules. In addition, neurons that perform a common function usually aggregate together to form recognizable layers or compartments that can be studied in isolation because they are neurochemically distinct. Here is found, then, a junction of two major domains in neuroscience research, as discovery of molecular diversity among neurons is exploited to study organization and function of the primate visual system.  相似文献   

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