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At one of the routine meetings recently held by the State Council, the Chinese Government discussed and approved in principle the draft "Platform of Energy Development Plan (2004-2020)". This platform document is regarded as important to China's energy industrial development,according to the industrial insiders. In an interview with news media, Director of Energy Research Institute of State Development and Reform Commission Zhou Dadi specified eight key points of the new energy strategy.  相似文献   

2004年底以来,俄罗斯加快能源领域的资产重组,其目的是加强国家在能源领域的监控作用,以保证经济稳定、社会安宁和维护国家安全;同时尽快打造与世界能源巨头相匹敌的国家巨型能源企业,有效地推进能源外交。在国际能源合作中,俄罗斯奉行国家利益第一的对等外交政策,并根据国际形势变化,不断调整其顺序和策略。俄罗斯能源领域资产重组尚面临国内外严峻挑战,受到美国等西方国家和国内反对派的非议、威胁。俄罗斯未来能源政策走向将取决于大选获胜者。因此,为切实推进中俄能源合作,密切关注与研究俄罗斯政治、经济特别是能源政策和体制等各种变化,关注其所处国际环境的变化十分必要。  相似文献   

Early September, 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping made a trip to four countries in central Asia and Russia with the aim of deepening energy cooperation between the countries. For the past decade, China had established a sound foundation with these Central Asian countries for energy cooperation and seen major energy projects being pushed forward smoothly.  相似文献   

China and Russia signed a deal in Beijing on February 17,2009 to lend US$25 billion to two Russian oil firms,which in turn will sell 15 million tons of crude oil a year to China for the next 20 years.  相似文献   

俄罗斯是当今世界的主要产油大国,但同时也面临着有效解决石油伴生气利用的重大问题.俄罗斯政府近年来制定了一系列法律法规加大对石油伴生气利用的监管和整治,俄各大油气公司也纷纷探索新途径以提高石油伴生气利用水平,同时,俄科研机构及设计单位也积极参与到石油伴生气有效利用的探索中来.通过分析俄罗斯石油伴生气的生产和利用水平,选取俄罗斯石油伴生气有效利用的典型事例,较系统地介绍目前饿罗斯石油伴生气利用的新方式,同时探讨中俄在未来石油伴生气利用领域的合作机遇和合作途径,以期达到双方合作共赢目的.  相似文献   

<正>A rise in Chinese investment is leading to development of the resource-rich country–Papua New Guinea.With more than 60 percent of the landmass in Papua New Guinea still to be explored,particularly in the oil and gas sector,it is not surprising that the country is attracting so much international interest.In an interview last year,former minister of petroleum  相似文献   

张建 《中国石油企业》2011,(7):28-29,128
5月31日,中国国务院副总理王岐山与俄罗斯联邦政府副总理谢钦在莫斯科举行了中俄能源谈判代表第七次会晤,就全面扩大和深化中俄能源合作达成了一系列重要共识。6月16日,中国国家主席胡锦涛和俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫在莫斯科发表的关于《中俄睦邻友好合作条约》签署10周年的联合声明,无疑又给各方以明确的信息提示:中俄能源合作已经跨入"能源联盟"的崭新发展阶段。2010年以来,中俄两国在能源领域的合作呈现出新的特征,从单纯的原料进出口贸易关系发展成全面的投资开发合作伙伴;合作范围从石油、电力贸易和核电站建设扩大到了煤炭、发电站建设和可再生能源等领域,几乎涵盖了所有的能源形式,中方出资金、俄方出资源的"能源联盟"之势凸显。虽然国家主席胡锦涛访俄期间,中国石油和俄气公司未能就天然气价格达成一致,但"持续的谈判有助于解决任何细微的问题",双方的合作渐趋成熟。中俄能源合作具有战略性、全面性和长期性的特征,是基于市场原则和政治意愿及相互信任的合作。中俄双方应该继续坚持互利共赢的原则,以积极的态度拓展和深化能源合作领域,使合作之路走得更宽、更广、更深。  相似文献   

正On January 18,China International Energy Cooperation Forum 2018:New Era,New Opportunities,New Vision and New Ideaswas successfully held on the campus of its organizer Renmin University of China.This forum received strong support from dozens of domestic and foreign research institutes,including the Renewable Energy Professional Committee of China  相似文献   

As far as the chemical industry is concerned, development is the petroleum sector was voted third among the achievements according to the country's official survey, the inorganic chemical industry was rated the 20th, and rare metal the 22nd. Petroleum is a major source of energy and a raw material for the clothing, food, housing and transportation industries. China has established its own petroleum industry almost from nothing. In 2001, a total of 160 million tons of crude oil was extracted from the mainland oil deposits.  相似文献   

Venezuela is the 5th biggest oil export country in the world, and a member of OPEC. With rich reserves of crude oil, its average daily oil output reached 3.1 million barrels in 2004. Venezuela's state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA), the biggest oil company in South America, launched its China representative office in Beijing on 22 Aug. Ma Fucai, Vice Director of the State Energy Leading Group Office, and Rafael Ramrez, Minister of the Energy and Oil Ministry of Republic of Venezuela, attended the opening ceremony. Ramrez is the president of PDVSA at the same time. He said the opening of PDVSA China Representative Office is a sign reflecting a new start-point for the energy cooperation between China and Venezuela. Cooperation between oil companies from both countries will be strengthened as well.  相似文献   

油气工业是哈萨克斯坦国民经济的支柱产业。近年来,哈国通过吸引外资、技术改造、兼并收购等措施提升油气工业发展水平。10年来,该国油气产量增加了6倍,2011年开采原油及凝析油8 006×104 t,天然气395×108 m3. 近年,哈萨克斯坦通过修改资源法、颁布天然气法等更加务实的油气政策,旨在不断加强油气资源的监管和利用,保障本国的利益。基于对哈国天然气工业发展现状、前景分析,给出了中哈油气合作建议。  相似文献   

<正>Energy strategy and China-Russia energy cooperation are based on the estimation of China's energy supply and demand.Therefore,before we get to the main point,we need to analyze the development of energy in China first,and then discuss the issue of China's energy strategy and China-Russia energy cooperation.Basic situation of China's energy supply and demand China is now the world's major producer and consumer of energy.China ranks the second in the world in terms of both the output and consumption of energy.  相似文献   

China-Saudi Arabia cooperation China's Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan met the visiting Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Saudi Arabia Ali Bin lbrahim Alnuaimi on April 2 in Beijing. Vice Premier Zeng said China and Saudi Arabia can reciprocate each other economically in many fields, adding that the Chinese government has attached great importance to development of friendly and cooperative relations with Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

The sustainable and rapid development of Chinese economy entails fast growth of energy demand. In recent years, power is in short supply; supply and transportation of coal is tense, causing a price rise;crude oil import increases, and oil price lingers on high end. These phenomena reflecting energy shortage have become people's hot-debated issues in economic life, and public economic regulators and economists have shown unprecedented concerns about the energy-, environment-,and resources-related issues from the sustainable development point of view.  相似文献   

Sinopec, one of China's big-three oil companies, is now under negotiation with Iranian companies over a landmark multi-billion dollar deal with Iranian firms to import liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the Middle Eastern nation, which would be one of the biggest LNG purchase transactions in the world. The move was revealed by Iranian Vice-President Mohammad Sattarifar in an interview with China's news media in the beginning of April when he visited Beijing to attend the 12th meeting of the China-Iran Commission for Economic, Trade, Scientific and Technological Cooperation.  相似文献   

俄罗斯物探技术现状及进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
随着政治的逐步稳定和经济的持续复苏,俄罗斯的地球物理技术近几年取得了长足的进步。在对俄罗斯有关地球物理研究单位进行系统调研的基础上,简要介绍了俄罗斯的地球物理研究机构和技术的整体情况。并针对近年来俄罗斯技术在我国应用的情况,初步分析了俄罗斯物探技术的主要特点和发展趋势。  相似文献   

With the heavy dependence of world's growing economy on energy supply, the energy issue again comes into the spotlight throughout the world. How to ensure energy security is a great concern to most countries in the world. In this paper, trends in energy supply, energy security mechanism and new challenges are analyzed. As well as, China's security strategies are also proposed.  相似文献   

The global energy market is volatile at present. It is of great significance for the BRICS countries, representatives of emerging economies and energy powers in the world, to deepen practical cooperation in energy. With a large energy volume and obvious complementary advantages in energy resources, industries and technologies, the BRICS countries have a good basis and prospects for cooperation. With the continuous deepening of the BRICS cooperation mechanism, the mechanism for BRICS cooperation ...  相似文献   

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