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Rotational effects on textures of superfluid 3He in aerogel with 98% porosity at a pressure 3.0 MPa were investigated by cw-NMR measurement at 700 kHz (H 0=22 mT) under rotation up to 2π rad/s. At rest, the superfluidtransition to the A phase occurred at T aerogel c =2.07 mK and the A phase was supercooled down to T aerogel A→B==1.73~1.80 mK and became the B phase in the cooling process. In the warming process, the B phase was superheated up to T aerogel c . In the B phase, a new peak appeared in the NMR spectrum by rotating the sample. The intensity of this peak increased as the rotation speed increased almost linealy to Ω and started to be saturated for ΩΩ c. We attributed the new peak to the textural change caused by the counter flow and the onset of the saturation at Ω c to the onset of vortex nucleation in aerogel. On deceleration, the peak intensity decreased and disappeared at Ω=Ω v. Further decreasing Ω, the peak intensity increased even at Ω=0. The counterflow peak observed at Ω=0 indicates the existence of persistent current induced by pinned vortices in aerogel. In the A phase, we did not find any noticeable change in the NMR spectrum under the rotation speed up to 2π rad/s, or by cooling through T c with or without rotation. We concluded that the ${\hat \ell }$ texture in the A phase was strongly pinned to aerogel. No spin wave satellite signal localized at a soft, core vortex was observed in contrast to the bulk A phase.  相似文献   

This report discusses our results on the superfluidity of 3 He- 4 He mixtures in a 98% porosity silica aerogel. We have used low frequency sound to probe helium mixtures confined to aerogel, and have observed both the slow mode of superfluid 3 He in aerogel, which is manifested only below Tc, and an additional sound mode present only in the mixture. We attribute this novel sound mode to the slow-mode in the 4 He rich phase of the dilute 3 He- 4 He mixture. This mode exhibits positive frequency shifts below Tc in aerogel, while above Tc the mode is observed at a temperature independent frequency until close to T where it shifts to zero frequency.  相似文献   

No Heading NMR studies of superfluid 3He in 97.5% aerogel have been performed in a magnetic field of 28.4 mT. A small-angle neutron scattering experiment on the structure of the aerogel shows that the average separation distance of silica strands is 54 nm. The aerogel strands were covered with a few layers of solid 3He whose magnetization shows Curie-Weiss behaviour. On cooling process A-like phase appeared at suppressed superfluid transition temperature TCaero and B-like phase appeared at lower temperatures although only the B-like phase was observed up to TCaero on warming process above 2.1 MPa. The superfluid transitions in aerogel always occur below the AB phase transition temperature of bulk liquid at all pressures. An isotropic inhomogeneous scattering model(IISM) proposed by Thuneberg et al. explained well the observed suppressed TCaero in 97.5% with the radius 59 nm of voids in this model. This radius is similar with the average strand separation distance of 54 nm measured in the structural analysis. This similarity of two lengths shows the connection of the suppression of TCaero with the actual average separation distance of the silica strands.PACS numbers: 67.57.Pq, 67.80.Jd  相似文献   

The mobility of positive ions has been measured in the normal and superfluid phases of 3He at several pressures. Below 100 mK the normal phase mobility increases logarithmically with decreasing temperature down to the superfluid transition temperature T c; it shows an anomalous jump near 100 mK. At low temperatures the drift velocity is nonlinear for electric fields exceeding 30 V/cm. In the superfluid the mobility, normalized to its value at T c, is much less than for negative ions. We have also observed the anisotropic mobility in the A phase and the Landau critical velocity for pair-breaking in both superfluid phases.Work supported by the Academy of Finland.On leave of absence from Regensburg University, Regensburg, West Germany, supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

While studying superfluid 3He of 2.4 MPa in 97.5 %-porosity aerogel with NMR/MRI techniques, we find that the T C is reduced when more than adequate amount of 4He, which covers the surface of silica strands, is introduced. For a sample, whose T C is reduced to as low as 0.9 mK, we find that the spin diffusion coefficient in the normal phase is increased by a factor of 1.56 both in high temperature region, where 3He-3He scattering dominates, and in low temperature region, where 3He-aerogel scattering dominates. This enhancement is attributed to a modification of Landau parameter $F_{0}^{a}$ from ?0.757 to ?0.62, which is a change towards less ferromagnetic direction. The modification of microscopic quantity could be explained if small amount of 4He has homogeneously mixed into liquid 3He in the aerogel.  相似文献   

We report simultaneous heat capacity and torsional oscillator measurement of 3 He in aerogel near the superfluid transition. The heat capacity has a peak at the temperature Tc where the torsional oscillator shows the onset of superfluid decoupling. The coincidence of these signatures suggests that 3 He in aerogel does undergo a true thermodynamic transition.  相似文献   

We present novel experiments on a disk of 98% aerogel oscillating in superfluid 3 He at ultralow temperatures. The aerogel dik is attached to a goal post shaped vibrating wire resonator and immersed in liquid 3 He cooled by a Lancaster style nuclear cooling stage. At low pressures we see no evidence for superfluidity within the aerogel down to our base temperature of below <0.11Tc. At higher pressures we observe large temperature dependent frequency shifts, reminiscent of torsional oscillator experiments. We find the transition temperature at 5 bar to be around 600K. The response of the resonator is highly non linear when the helium in the aerogel is superfluid. The resonant frequency decreases strongly with increasing wire amplitude. This offers an exciting new technique for measuring the superfluid properties of 3 He in aerogel in the ultralow temperature regime.  相似文献   

A novel feature of condensate state in liquid 3He is predicted theoretically, which consists of spin triplet s-wave Cooper pairs (Higashitani et al. in J. Low. Temp. Phys. 155:83–97, 2009). Such a spin triplet s-wave state will appear inside aerogel near the surface boundary contacting with superfluid 3He-B, and the enhancement of magnetization due to s-wave state is theoretically expected (Nagato et al. in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 78:123603, 2009; Higashitani et al. in Phys. Rev. B 85:024524, 2012). In order to detect this proximity effect, we made the interface in columnar glass tube which coated with 2.5 layer 4He, and set a saddle shape NMR coil very near the interface. At 7 bar, we found that superfluidity in liquid 3He inside aerogel never occurred, even at considerably low temperatures. At 24 bar below T/T c =0.392, we observed no decrease of magnetization with decreasing temperatures. This phenomenon might be due to spin triplet s-wave Cooper pairs.  相似文献   

The properties of 3He nanoclusters in phase-separated solid 3He-4He mixture were investigated using pulse NMR. Samples of pressure between 2.64 and 3.71 MPa and NMR frequencies, 62.5, 125, and 250 kHz were used. Magnetization was measured in the temperature range between 0.6 to 10 mK. The solid-like fraction was obtained from the relative magnitudes of magnetization and it showed a sharp increase with pressure around 2.94 MPa accompanying an abrupt change in Weiss temperature. For samples of pressure between 2.94 and 3.15 MPa, the magnetization could be separated into two components with different spin-spin relaxation time T * 2's. The short and long T * 2 components showed ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic tendencies, respectively. The long component showed an anomalous decrease of magnetization below 1.05 mK.  相似文献   

We present the results of experiments on sound propagation at audio frequencies in 3 He-filled aerogel. Sound modes were observed at temperatures of 0.8–100 mK in an aerogel sample of 98% porosity. We find that below T c for superfluid 3 He in the aerogel matrix the speed of sound in the composite system increases by as much as 1.5%. Also below the aerogel T c new modes appear which correspond to propagation speeds of up to 10 m/s.  相似文献   

We have studied phase transition of superfluid 3He in 97.5% porosity aerogel by NMR method. Above 1.0 MPa, superfluid phase transition has been observed. The transition temperature T c a is strongly suppressed from its bulk value. The Pressure-Temperature diagram suggests that superfluid phase will not appear below near 0.8 MPa. The A-B phase transition has been observed above 1.3 MPa, below which a state of superfluid phases remains to be identified. The temperature dependence of NMR frequency shifts Δf in the A-like and the B-like phases are almost linear at pressures below 2.4 MPa. We obtained the differential coefficient of NMR frequency shifts f)/(T/T c a ) at 0.9T c a as a function of pressure, and it suggests that superfluid phase will not appear below near 0.8 MPa which is the same pressure estimated by P-T diagram.  相似文献   

Measurements of the vibrating wire spectrum have been carried out in superfluid 3 He along the melting curve down to 0.53mK. We have observed that at temperatures below 0.3 Tc the width of the mechanical resonance of the wire decreases exponentially with 1/T, indicating the ballistic regime of collisions with quasiparticles. The value of the superfluid energy gap was found to be (1.99±0.05)Tc, in good agreement with the values obtained from heat capacity measurements. The vibrating wire was thereby calibrated for further experiments at temperatures below 0.5mK, where the sensitivity of the melting curve thermometry becomes rather poor.  相似文献   

Adiabatic melting of 4He crystal to phase separated 3He–4He solution (at T< 2 mK) is probably the most promising method to cool the dilute phase down to temperatures substantially below 0.1 mK. When started well below the superfluid transition temperature T c of pure 3He, this process allows, in principle, to get the final temperature (T f ) several orders of magnitude less than the initial one (T i ). This work is the first practical implementation of the method below the T c of 3He. The observed cooling factor was T i /T f =1.4 at 0.9 mK, being mainly limited by the bad performance of the superleak filling line, by incomplete solidification of 4He in the cell, and by the improper thermal contact between the cell wall and the liquid.  相似文献   

We report systematic measurements of the response of a Vibrating Wire Resonator (VWR) in normal and superfluid liquid 3He. Special attention has been paid to the hydrodynamic regime of the superfluid B-phase, where the response parameters of the VWR do not follow a simple law. We show that a simple interpolation between the region where first order slip-corrections can be applied and the ballistic regime is insufficient. Measuring an empirical effective viscosity, we propose a temperature calibration method which allows the use of VWRs as a secondary thermometer at intermediate and high pressures in the temperature range 0.2 T c < T < 50 mK.  相似文献   

No Heading We have measured in detail the NMR spectra of superfluid 3 He inside two different silica aerogels, one with a porosity of 99.3% and the other 98.6%. From these spectra, we are able to determine the equilibrium A-B transition temperatures in both aerogel samples as a function of hydrostatic pressure. We find that the slope of the reduced A-B transition temperature, 1- TAB/Tc, vs. pressure is only about one third that seen for the bulk A-B transition, despite the fact the Tc for the two samples is suppressed very modestly, by only 4% and 8% at 34 bars. We argue from this that the presence of the aerogel stabilizes an equal-spin pairing which is district from that stable in the bulk.PACS numbers: 67.57 Pq, 67.57 Lm  相似文献   

We have studied phase transition of superfluid 3He at 2.4 MPa in cylindrical aerogel by NMR method. When the liquid is cooled down from the normal state, the A-like phase appears below superfluid transition temperature T c a which is suppressed in comparison with the transition temperature of the bulk liquid. With further cooling below the certain temperature T ab,c a , the A-like phase is converted into the B-like phase gradually. Both phases stably coexist within about 90 μK. When you keep the temperature constant in which both phases coexist, the A-B phase conversion stops. With furthermore cooling, the whole liquid becomes the B-like phase. The cwNMR spectra at the coexistence state suggest that the B-like phase is not uniformly distributed in the A-like phase like a large number of small bubbles in a liquid, but separated as a whole from the A-like phase. By applying a field gradient which changes as a function of square of radius, we found that the A-like phase is in the edge part with a cylindrical shape and the B-like phase is in the central part with a columnar shape.   相似文献   

We have constructed a silver alloy cell to investigate low frequency sound propagation in 3 He-filled aerogel at various magnetic fields. In this apparatus, two sound modes were observed in the superfluid phase. We observed both the first sound-like mode (fast mode) which is a compression wave also seen in the normal state and the second sound-like mode (slow mode) which is attributed to the out-of-phase oscillation of the superfluid and normal components of 3 He clamped to the aerogel matrix. The values of Tc and s can be extracted from the analysis of these two modes. In addition, a Helmholtz resonance provides an in-situ signature of the bulk superfluid transition and allows us to also determine the bulk s. By measuring these quantities over a range of applied magnetic fields we hope to explore the P, T, H phase diagram of 3 He in aerogel.  相似文献   

High-precision measurements of the3He melting pressure versus temperature have been made from 500 K to 25 mK using a60Co nuclear orientation primary thermometer and a Pt NMR susceptibility secondary thermometer. Temperatures for the fixed points on the melting curve are: the superfluid A transition TA = 2.505 mK, the A-B transition TAB = 1.948 mK, and the solid ordering temperature tn = 0.934 mK. These fixed points and a functional form for P(T) constitute a convenient temperature scale, based on a primary thermometer, usable to well below 1 mK.  相似文献   

The melting pressure of a 3 He–4He mixture has a very simple quadratic temperature dependence below some tens of mK, determined by the entropy of the 3 He component in the liquid mixture. For undersaturated mixtures, the melting pressure also depends on the 3 He concentration x, which may vary in the course of the experiment as 4 He transfers between the liquid and the solid phases. On the other hand, if the mixture is saturated, the system is in a univariant state with a melting pressure that depends uniquely on temperature and, thus, offers a thermometric standard. However, the univariant state includes a pure liquid 3 He phase, which complicates the temperature dependence around its superfluid transition temperature Tc. In this paper, we analyze the melting pressure of the saturated mixture in simple terms and find an expression that is in good agreement with our experimental data, and is applicable across Tc down to very low temperatures. The obtained derivatives of the melting pressure with respect to the square of temperature are 0.92 Pa·mK−2 above Tc and 1.52 Pa·mK−2 in the zero-temperature limit. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

We have completed a systematic study of the superfluid density of 4 He films adsorbed in 91% porosity aerogel glass. We have concentrated on the low-coverage regime (Tc<200 mK) in an attempt to address recent theoretical work on the onset of superfluidity in dirty boson systems. Our data are not in agreement with the predictions of a scaling theory of the onset transition developed by Fisher et al. 1 We discuss the extent of this disagreement and the limitations of other models of the onset transition.  相似文献   

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