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Due to the rapid development of space communication, satellite networks will be confronted with more complex space environment in future, which poses the important demand on the design of the survivable and efficient routing protocols. Among satellite networks, two-layered Low Earth Orbit (LEO)/Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellite networks (LMSNs) have become an attractive architecture for their better communication service than single-layered satellite networks. To determine the topological dynamics of LMSN, the satellite group and group manager (SGGM) method is a prevalent strategy. However, it can not precisely capture the topological dynamics of the LEO layer, which may result in the unreliability of data transmission. Besides, most existing routing protocols based on the SGGM method will collapse once any top satellite fails. To overcome both limitations, this paper proposes a new topology control strategy for LMSNs. The proposed strategy determines the snapshot in terms of the topological change of the LEO layer, which ensures the topological consistency of routing calculation. Moreover, a new survivable routing protocol (SRP) is presented for LMSNs by combining both centralized and distributed routing strategies. The SRP can provide strong survivability under the LEO or MEO satellite failure. Besides, it can also achieve the minimum delay routing provided the MEO layer can effectively work. The performance of SRP is also evaluated by simulation and analysis.  相似文献   

The rapid advance of communication and satellite technology pushes broadband satellite networks to carry on multimedia traffic. However, the function of onboard routing cannot be provided in existing satellite networks with inter‐satellite links, and quality of service (QoS) of satellite networks cannot be reliably guaranteed because of great difficulties in processing of long distance‐dependent traffic. In this paper, a two‐layered low‐Earth orbit and medium‐Earth orbit satellite network (LMSN) is presented. A novel hierarchical and distributed QoS routing protocol (HDRP) is investigated, and an adaptive bandwidth‐constrained minimum‐delay path algorithm is developed to calculate routing tables efficiently using the QoS metric information composed of delays and bandwidth. The performance of LMSN and HDRP is also evaluated through simulations and theoretical analysis. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Satellite systems are going to build a part of the future personal communications infrastructure. The first-generation candidates for satellite personal communication networks (S-PCN) will rely on low Earth orbit (LEO) and medium Earth orbit (MEO) constellations. A noticeable trend in this field is toward broadband services and the use of ATM. For LEO satellite systems employing intersatellite links (ISLs), this paper proposes an overall networking concept that introduces the strengths of ATM to their operation. The core of the paper is the design of a new routing scheme for the periodically time-variant ISL subnetwork, discrete-time dynamic virtual topology routing (DT-DVTR), and its ATM implementation. DT-DVTR works completely off line, i.e., prior to the operational phase of the system. In a first step, a virtual topology is set up for all successive time intervals of the system period, providing instantaneous sets of alternative paths between all source-destination node pairs. In the second step, path sequences over a series of time interval are chosen from that according to certain optimization procedures. An ATM-based implementation of DT-DVTR in LEO satellite ISL networks is presented with some emphasis on the optimization alternatives, and the performance in terms of delay jitter is evaluated for an example ISL topology  相似文献   

Multiservice on-demand routing in LEO satellite networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, a distributed on-demand routing protocol for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite systems, named multiservice on-demand routing (MOR), is proposed and evaluated. The proposed protocol adjusts the routing procedure to the QoS requirements of different traffic classes. The performance of the MOR protocol is compared to the unique proposal for traffic class dependent routing in the literature and the good characteristics of the proposed scheme are corroborated by ample simulation experiments, where significant gains in performance are witnessed.  相似文献   

LEO/MEO卫星网络中运用自组网思想的动态路由算法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
分析了基于星际链路的LEO/MEO路由算法的特点及卫星网与自组网的相同之处,借鉴了自组网路由协议中适用于卫星网的部分,提出了LEO/MEO卫星网络中运用自组网思想的动态路由算法,并对算法进行了模型仿真和性能分析,这种算法增强了卫星网络的自适应性,使网络具有自治性强,功能更全面、系统开销小、适用范围广等特点。  相似文献   

田斌  梁俊  余江明 《信息技术》2010,(3):6-8,13
卫星网络不仅能提供全球无缝覆盖,具有连续的高带宽性能,而且还支持灵活、可扩展的网络配置.文中阐述了LEO卫星网络在空间通信中的重要地位及路由算法应当具有的通用、简洁和可靠等特点.从各方面综述了多种路由算法,并对其进行详细的分析和比较,最后指明进一步的研究方向.  相似文献   

雷援杰  唐宏  马枢清  李艺 《电讯技术》2021,61(6):710-715
由于卫星星上处理以及存储能力有限,随着卫星网络的规模越来越庞大,迫切需要一种简单高效的路由算法.为此,提出了一种基于网络拥塞程度感知的路由策略(Network Congestion-Aware Routing Algorithm,NCARA).NCARA路由策略在网络处于非拥塞状态时采用Dijkstra算法寻路,网络拥...  相似文献   

Satellite networks are used as backup networks to the terrestrial communication systems. In this work, we tried to find a routing strategy over dynamic satellite systems to better utilize the capacity of the network. The satellite networks are not affected by natural disasters, therefore they can be used widely during and after disasters. The Minimum Flow Maximum Residual (MFMR) routing algorithm over the Routing Set boundaries is proposed in order to better utilize the capacity of the system by distributing the load over the shortest path alternatives of the system. We assumed the satellite network as having finite states and formulated the problem by using Finite State Automation concept along with earth-fixed cell strategy by using a virtual satellite network model. The routing problem in satellite networks is previously studied in the literature and it is conjectured that the problem is NP-Hard. The online and offline problems are stated and the MFMR algorithm is described in detail. The algorithm is compared with alternatives by simulating the network on Opnet Modeler. Finally, the performance analysis of different scenarios is given in this work. Roy Kucukates received his BS, MS and PhD degrees in computer engineering from Bogazici University, Istanbul, in 1993, 1995 and 2002, respectively. He worked as teaching assistant in Bogazici University between 1993 and 1995. Currently, he is a part time instructor in the Computer Engineering Department of Koc University and Dogus University. He is the co-founder and manager of Gordion Bilgi Hizmet Ltd Sti. LEO satellite networks, wireless networks, simulation and performance evaluationl, routing protocols can be stated among his research areas. Cem Ersoy received his BS and MS degrees in electrical engineering from Bogazici University, Istanbul, in 1984 and 1986, respectively. He worked as an R&D engineer in NETAS A.S. between 1984 and 1986. He received his PhD in electrical engineering from Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York in 1992. Currently, he is a professor and department head in the Computer Engineering Department of Bogazici University. His research interests include performance evaluation and topological design of communication networks, wireless communications and mobile applications. Wireless sensor networks. Dr. Ersoy is a Senior Member of IEEE.  相似文献   

LEO/MEO双层卫星星座是现代卫星通信系统星座研究的热点。运用理论分析的方法,对LEO/MEO双层卫星星座层间链路的链路距离、仰角、方位角等几何参数进行了研究,给出了各自的计算公式,并进行仿真分析。通过仿真发现,层间链路几何参数变化的突出特点是变化范围大、变化剧烈且周期性不明显。  相似文献   

A multicast routing algorithm for LEO satellite IP networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Satellite networks provide global coverage and support a wide range of services. Since low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites provide short round-trip delays, they are becoming increasingly important for real-time applications such as voice and video traffic. Many applications require a mechanism to deliver information to multiple recipients. A multicast routing algorithm for datagram traffic is introduced for LEO satellite IP networks. The new scheme creates multicast trees by using the datagram routing algorithm. The bandwidth utilization and delay characteristics are assessed through simulations  相似文献   

在分析传统卫星网络路由算法的基础上,提出一种基于分时的LEO卫星网络无环路由算法(DTRA)。针对卫星在各时间片之间进行路由表切换时可能出现的路由环问题,算法采用平滑路由表切换策略消除由于切换前后网络状态信息不一致而产生环路的可能性,保证分组在任何时刻都能够沿无环最短时延路径被转发。同时,DTRA也能够通过使用无环备份路径处理可能出现的链路拥塞、节点失败等突发情况。通过复杂性分析可知,算法只需较小的星上存储开销和星上处理开销,而无需星问通信开销。仿真实验结果也表明算法能够提供数据最优传送,具有较好的端到端时延性能。  相似文献   

全球覆盖稳定拓扑LEO/MEO双层卫星激光网络设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用覆盖带法,设计了全球连续覆盖低轨道(LEO,lowearth orbit)/中轨道(MEO,mediumearth orbit)双层卫星光网络结构。LEO层是一个零相位因子walkerdelta星座,系统具准静态的Mesh逻辑结构。MEO层由赤道和极地轨道两个轨道组成,补充了LEO层对赤道地区覆盖的不足。覆盖性能结果表明,该网络上升轨道卫星对全球提供99.9%的平均覆盖,对我国提供100%的覆盖。链路性能仿真表明,双层卫星网络结构网络拓扑稳定,相邻节点仰角变化范围小,非常适合激光链路,与国外同类型星座相比所需卫星数少。  相似文献   

Current quality of service (QoS) routing schemes for low earth orbit (LEO) satellites IP networks either neglect the varying population density or fail to guarantee end-to-end delay. As a remedy, QoS routing protocol based on mobile agent (QoSRP-MA) is proposed. QoSRP-MA is a source-based routing protocol. Once connection requests arrive, QoS mobile agents are dispatched from ingress satellite to explore routes, which migrate using satellite routing tables. Upon arriving in egress satellite, QoS mobile agents migrate back towards ingress satellite to reserve bandwidth. To construct satellite routing tables, load balancing routing algorithm based on mobile agent (LBRA-MA) is presented. In LBRP-MA, at regular intervals mobile agents launched on all satellites migrate autonomously to evaluate path cost and update routing tables. Moreover, path cost between source and destination is evaluated considering satellite geographical position as well as inter-satellite link (ISL) cost. Furthermore, ISL congestion index is considered to update routing table. Through simulations on a Courier-like constellation, it shows that QoSRP-MA can achieve guaranteed end-to-end delay bound with higher throughput, lower connection failing ratio and signaling overhead compared to high performance satellite routing (HPSR) scheme.  相似文献   

赵鑫  赵光  陈睿  王文鼐 《电信科学》2023,39(2):48-58
提出一种基于卫星航点的分段路由(waypoint-segment routing,WSR)算法,WSR算法以可预测的卫星网络拓扑运动周期为基础,根据卫星节点链路状态确定卫星航点的位置;利用分段路由灵活规划分组传输路径的机制,提前响应网络拓扑变化,计算得到一条不受网络拓扑快照切换影响的传输路径。基于NS-3仿真平台进行仿真实验,设置源节点与目标节点在反向缝同侧与不同侧两种场景,选取优化链路状态路由(optimized link state routing,OLSR)算法和最短路径算法与WSR进行时延抖动与分组丢失率的对比分析。实验证明WSR与OLSR相比,两种场景下最大时延抖动分别降低46 ms与126 ms,分组丢失率分别降低30%和21%,并且能够解决拓扑快照切换导致分组传输路径中断的问题。  相似文献   

This paper considers the network design of intersatellite link (ISL) networks in broadband LEO satellite systems, where the major challenge is the topology dynamics. First, a general method to design convenient ISL topologies for connection‐oriented operation is presented, and a reference topology for numerical studies is derived. A permanent virtual topology is then defined on top of the orbiting physical one, thus forming a framework for discrete‐time dynamic traffic routing. On this basis, heuristic and optimization approaches for the combined routing and dimensioning task, operating on discrete time steps, are presented and their performance is numerically compared. It is shown that minimizing the worst‐case link capacity is an appropriate target function, which can be formulated as linear optimization problem with linear constraints. Using linear programming (LP) techniques, the dimensioning results are clearly better than with simple heuristic approaches. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A novel distributed packet routing algorithm for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite networks based on spiderweb topology is presented. The algorithm gives the shortest path with very low computational complexity and without on-board routing tables, which is suitable and practical for on-board processing. Simulation results show its practicability and feasibility.  相似文献   

为精确模拟验证低中轨道(LEO/MEO)双层卫星光网络及其关键技术,按1:30的比例设计了分时切换双层卫星光网络半实物实验演示系统。系统包括计算机仿真环境和硬件平台两部分,通过SITL模块互联而成。软件部分由虚拟网络组成,实现灵活、可扩展的配置;硬件平台由1个圆形往复转台、6个伺服机构、6个无线激光通信终端和6组自动追...  相似文献   

QoS Handover Management in LEO/MEO Satellite Systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite networks are foreseen to complement terrestrial networks in future global mobile networks. Although space segment topology of a LEO network is characterized by periodic variations, connections of mobile stations (MSs) to the satellite backbone network alter stochastically. As a result the quality of service delivered to users may degrade. Different procedures have been proposed either as part of a resource allocation mechanism or as part of an end-to-end routing protocol to manage transitions of MSs from one satellite to another (handover). All of these techniques are based on the prioritization of requested handovers to ease network operation and therefore enhance provision of service. This paper proposes a new handover procedure that exploits all geometric characteristics of a satellite-to-MS connection to provide an equable handover in systems incorporating onboard processing satellites. Its performance is evaluated by simulations for a variety of satellite constellations to prove its general applicability. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In the modern world of telecommunications, the concept of wireless global coverage is of the utmost importance. However, real global coverage can only be achieved by satellite systems. Until recently, the satellites were in geostationary orbit and their high altitude could not allow real‐time communication such as cellular networks. The development of LEO satellite networks seems to overcome this limit. However, LEO satellite systems have specific characteristics that need to be taken into account. In the same manner, the TCP/IP standard was developed for terrestrial network. The need is then to come up with a solution that would permit the use of TCP/IP on LEO satellite networks without losing too many packets. The idea is to develop a routing algorithm that maximizes the RTT delays compared to the TCP timer granularity. For that matter, we use an FSA‐based link assignment that simulates the satellite constellation as a fixed network for a predetermined time interval. In this configuration, the problem becomes a static routing problem where an algorithm can find the best solution. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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