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以《城市规划学刊》《规划师》《国际城市规划》为文献来源,依托中国知网(CNKI)文献计量可视化平台,分析以上期刊文献的关键词、文献共被引、文献指数等,结合对近3年相关中央文件的解读,总结我国城乡规划研究动态:①整体研究趋势为经典问题始终延续、前沿问题不断涌现;②经典问题包括:法定规划、问题导向的城市设计、国情政策导向的城镇化研究;③涌现的前沿问题包括新型城镇化、生态城市、旅游规划、产城融合;④未来研究趋势一方面延续新型城镇化、生态城市等领域的研究,另一方面将展开对乡村的系统性研究、对本土规划理论的构建以及健康与安全城市研究。  相似文献   

李其廉  汪潇 《山西建筑》2014,(27):259-260
为了准确掌握我国建筑物整体平移技术的研究进展和前沿动态,对该技术领域的研究文献从年代分布、研究作者及机构、研究热点及研究主题方面进行了统计分析,并对该技术的发展做出了总结,从而为进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

胡凯富  郑曦 《风景园林》2018,25(11):84-89
景观绩效研究为支撑、评价和指导景观实践提供重要科学依据。随着相关研究文献数量的大幅增长,传统文献梳理方式难以客观把握当前研究内容的宽度与深度。CiteSpace作为当前文献信息可视化分析的主要工具,为挖掘研究知识的网络结构和前沿动向提供技术支持。以Web of Science数据库所收录2000—2017年的景观绩效文献为研究对象,通过计量分析和人工检阅结合的述评方式,客观定量地呈现当前景观绩效研究的文献概况和发展脉络,进而系统揭示景观绩效研究的七大重点领域和两大前沿方向,为拓展中国当前研究内容和明确未来发展方向提供参考,以期推动中国景观绩效研究的进一步发展。  相似文献   


Overcoming the dichotomous nature of smart city research is fundamental to providing cities with a clear understanding of how smart city development should be approached. This paper introduces a research methodology for conducting the multiple-case study analyses necessary to meet this challenge. After presenting the methodology, we test the practical feasibility, effectiveness, and logistics of such a methodology by examining the activities that Vienna has implemented in building its smart city development strategy. The results of this pilot study show how the application of the proposed methodology can help smart city researchers codify the knowledge produced from multiple smart city experiences, using a common protocol. This in turn allows them to: (1) coordinate efforts when investigating the strategic principles that drive smart city development and test the divergent hypotheses emerging from the scientific literature; (2) share the results of this investigation and hypothesis testing by conducting extensive cross-case analyses among multiple studies able to capture the generic qualities of the findings; (3) gain consensus on the way to think about, conceptualize, and standardize the analysis of smart city developments; and (4) develop innovative monitoring and evaluation systems for smart city development strategies by reflecting upon the lessons learned from current practices.  相似文献   

陈文锋 《城市建筑》2014,(14):23-23
城市规划管理机制是进行城市规划的基础,也是决定城市建设成败的根本保证。为达到城市规划工作的最大效能,就应该掌握社会发展趋势,实行管理机制的改革与创新,从而更大程度的完善城市规划的程序与规则,为城市建设提供最坚实的保障。  相似文献   

基于文献计量学的屋顶绿化研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
借助CNKI和Web of ScienceTM数据库,利用文献计量学方法对近几十年来国内外发表的屋顶绿化文献进行了定量分析,综述了屋顶绿化研究的现状、前景和面临的挑战。通过构建CNKI总量和核心期刊2个数据库,发现屋顶绿化研究涵盖多个领域,呈现多学科参与的特点。2011年之前文献数量一直呈总体增加趋势,但最近2年则逐年减少。对SCI期刊数据库最近12年的文献检索发现,其年文献数量始终在增长,且研究重点逐步聚焦到生态与环境问题上,而不仅是屋顶本身。可为国内未来屋顶绿化的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

武静  蒋卓利  吴晓露 《风景园林》2022,29(12):43-49
近年来,城市碳排放问题已成为制约城市可持续发展的关键问题,而城市蓝绿空间因其具有突出的碳汇潜力与增汇效能,在城市减排增汇中能发挥重要作用。以1992—2021年中国知网与Web of Science数据库所收录的期刊文章为数据基础,以“城市蓝绿空间”和“碳汇”为主题,运用文献计量软件统计后,对中外文文献中城市蓝绿空间的碳汇研究进展、热点前沿及发展趋势展开深入剖析。结果表明:1)中外文文献发文量逐步上升,其中中国科研机构在国际合作网络中表现较为突出;2)在城市蓝绿空间的碳汇研究领域,中文文献研究热点主要包括低碳城市、城市绿地碳汇、碳汇效益,外文文献研究热点主要包括碳汇量估算、碳汇管理和碳汇影响机制;3)中文文献研究侧重理论架构和评估体系的建立,外文文献研究则更关注方法探索和实操应用,方法类研究逐渐成为学者们共同关注的重点,并逐步向动态化且多维度的研究拓展。4)完善城市蓝绿空间碳汇研究框架,开展“双碳”目标下生物多样性、人类健康福祉等多维度研究,统筹开展城市蓝绿空间系统的碳汇研究,强化城市蓝绿空间碳汇计量、评价及优化模型方法等,将会成为未来的发展热点。  相似文献   

武静  杨颖  何军 《南方建筑》2019,(3):16-21
随着全球环境问题日趋严重,人们对良好生态环境的需求越来越急迫,绿色基础设施作为改善环境问题的有效措施之一,近年来日益受到关注,相关研究文献数量也在持续增加。以绿色基础设施为研究对象,选取Web of Science(WOS)核心合集数据库,以1995年至2018年间发表的1098篇文献作为数据源,对绿色基础设施的学者合作网络、期刊分布特征、高被引文章、关键词热度、研究热点与研究趋势等相关研究进展进行分析。发现:(1)国内外绿色基础设施的发文量总体呈显著上升趋势;(2)热点研究方向开始逐渐转向生态系统服务、生物多样性、气候变化和城市景观等;(3)研究领域从水资源、地理学、工程学逐渐转向林学、建筑学、生物学、地球科学、毒理学等领域;(4)近几年,绿色基础设施的相关研究在风景园林学、城乡规划、建筑学、环境科学等学科得到快速发展。将为未来中国绿色基础设施的建设与发展提供科学依据与理论支撑。  相似文献   

通过对城市与色彩之间的关系进行认识,就其两者关系的发展过程进行简要分析,为城市发展色彩的科学选择、设计及管理等诸多方面提供进一步的可行性方案.从城市的地理环境和原有结构入手,结合城市发展的特点,从自然条件、历史人文和空间结构等方面,浅析城市色彩规划和设计的方法,以期使城市发展更加美丽和科学.  相似文献   

In this article, some of the obstacles for translating urban imaginaries and urban sustainability concepts based on technological interventions are analyzed. This analysis is built on experiences from the World Urban Forum 7 in Medellín, Colombia held in April 2014 and uses previous attempts to explore the production of imaginaries at play in the performance of SymbioCity, an urban development concept with a symbiosis tint created by the Swedish Trade Council. Through documenting the role of physical and non-physical messages from the Swedish delegation and its exhibition, along with numerous interviews with key actors at the conference and from the city's administration, an analysis of the current strategies used to promote the tool is provided. The claim that induced idealized urban futures sap energy and result in poor achievement of the goals is used to suggest that context and current conditions influence the ability to understand and adopt technological solutions. The conclusions are centered on the fact that SymbioCity, for the most part, is trying to sell products or services that are difficult to see and understand from the perspective of cities-customers, since most of these consist of invisible (i.e., energy), or hidden loops (i.e., waste and water). It is argued that there are contextual and historical conditions that are crucial for the decision to implement them that are, at least implicitly, expressed by the targeted cities-customers, and that the SymbioCity concept, or at least the way it is communicated in these fora, has undergone a change, in the sense that it has become more flexible and allowed for bottom-up considerations to enter the discourse.  相似文献   

雒薇 《建筑与环境》2010,(5):140-143
随着城市经济的快速发展,城市可建设用地越来越少,城市不得不选择向外扩张与蔓延。与此同时,许多的村落被城市建设用地分割和包围,形成城中村。城中村的出现不仅制约了城市的功能拓展,也对城市环境和社会治安带来了巨大的压力,因此必须对城中村进行改造,逐步实现城乡统筹,使城市得到可持续发展。本文主要透过城中村问题表征,探寻城中村发展的深层机制和改造过程博弈模型,从而为城中村的改造实践提供理论依据,使改造各方达到互利共赢的目的。  相似文献   

我国城市竞争力研究对象的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的城市竞争力研究由于行政区区划的特殊性存在研究对象不明确的现象.在发现、探究,分析这一问题后.提出了研究中的应对策略.即在测评城市竞争力和探讨城市竞争力提升策略时.应分别使用狭义和广义的城市竞争力研究对象。  相似文献   

城市形态学是认知城市形态及其演变过程的理论从文献回顾的角度,梳理了西方学者针对中国明清县治古城原型——平遥古城所开展的形态学研究,主要包括城镇形态分析、环境行为研究以及历史城镇的保护研究。通过对比认为,中西方研究者在研究主题、研究方法和研究成果上都有较大差异。西方学者在关注城市及建筑形态的特征及演变过程中,把城市作为一个可以不断细分的整体,对形态各要素进行多尺度的探索,将城市形态研究深入到街区、地块乃至建筑层次,发掘出了更丰富和细致的形态信息,这对于准确阅读、理解和分析城市形态起到了示范作用。中国与西方的对话一方面需建立在对自身形态土壤的深刻认知上;另一方面也要注意西方理论在中国环境下的修正与补充,发展适合中国城市条件的城市历史文化区域的分区、分类方法以及相关的参照体系,这对于中国历史城镇的保护规划显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

广州旧城城市游憩商业区比较研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
城市游憩商业区提供了不同于城市其他功能的活动,同时吸引着旅游者与非旅游者,游憩、旅游商业的功能已成为新的城市功能。本文对广州城市游憩商业区的发展进行了特征分析和比较研究。依托老城市中心的步行商业街和悠久的历史文化,北京路和上下九两个主要的旧城商业区通过统一的规划更新,已经逐渐成为具有较大的吸引力的RBD。同时,两地区都突破了以往单一经营的传统模式,融购物、娱乐、休闲、餐饮等多种服务功能于一体,较好地顺应了不同消费层次多元化的消费需求。而沿江西RBD由于许多建筑日久失修,环境恶化和交通的影响,造成了沿江西RBD吸引力大为减退。  相似文献   

经营城市——城市发展的必由之路——以长沙市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以湖南省长沙市为例,分析认为在市场经济条件下中心城市的发展必须走经营城市之路,进而提出了经营城市的基本思路和具体作法。  相似文献   

李晖 《南方建筑》2013,(5):110-115
城市设计因为偏物质规划设计的属性而一直存在争议,本文分析了城市设计存在的问题,梳理了当前城市设计的研究现状,提出了注重发展策略的城市设计方法,即建立在“问题特征--发展策略--城市设计前期研究和空间结构框架”的逻辑演进的设计思路。并结合实际案例,阐述了该方法在沧州新城城市设计中的应用。  相似文献   

工程造价专业具有实践性、复杂性、综合性等特点。阐释、介绍"工学融合工作室"的建设思路和建设定位、组织构架、运行机制;分析"工学融合工作室"实现校企资源充分整合、实现实践教学模式创新、实现产教真正互促融合等创新点。以期把"工学融合工作室"打造成工程造价能力训练平台、人才培养基地和校企创新平台。  相似文献   

The need to better identify the spatio-relational nature of urban innovation systems and spaces is increasingly acknowledged. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to provide an enhanced understanding of the knowledge networks existing between urban Knowledge Intensive Business Service firms (KIBS) and universities, which are often key components of such systems and spaces. Drawing on an analysis of urban KIBS firms and universities in the United Kingdom, it is found that the nature of firms, their location, and the research intensity of their university partners are important determinants of the spatiality and localization of the networks they form. The results show that the smallest urban KIBS firms have the highest propensity to engage in local links with universities, suggesting that they rely most significantly on their own urban innovation system for collaborative network ties.  相似文献   

Local decision-makers face a wide range of pressures over questions of urban development. Among these is to pursue urban economic growth, while simultaneously responding to environmental demands to reduce car usage. There is, however, a lack of empirical studies analysing urban entrepreneurialism in conjunction with car-use reduction. This paper focuses on city-centre development and regulation of retail trade in two Norwegian cities. The underlying logic is that while compact city development and concentration of commerce in the urban core are ways to reduce car usage, there are also pressures drawing shopping to the city outskirts. The paper highlights the conflicting spatial interests involved in policies for car-use reduction, as evident in discussions as to how to regulate parking throughout the urban area. The paper also shows how municipal policy for car-use reduction is affected by private actors and neighbouring municipalities. Ultimately, the cases illustrate how local decision-making is influenced by the balance of pressures for and against environmental policy. In this way, analysis of inter-municipal competition over retail trade, inhabitants and investments, provides important insights into urban policy and practice.  相似文献   

The debate about the installation of a tramway in Paris stretched out over a decade. Two rival projects were put forward, each one focusing on a different aspect of the problem: town-planning on the one hand, transport on the other. The present article looks at the decision-making process, and the accompanying techno-political controversies. This form of analysis makes it possible to understand the different actors' viewpoints, and to make sense of their “policy statements”. Our primary concern is to show how the decision-making process in question depended on the different protagonists' ability to provide convincing arguments, transforming the tramway issue into a problem solving exercise.  相似文献   

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