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刘素琴 《激光杂志》2000,21(4):67-68
为了减轻病员住院经济负担、探讨肺癌在门诊化疗的可行性及疗效 ,我院专家门诊从 1998~ 1999年对 2 3例中晚期肺癌不能手术治疗患者 (其中非小细胞癌 2 0例、小细胞肺癌 3例均经纤维支气管镜活检证实 )。根据细胞类型制定不同化疗方案并配合应用沙星力康辅助化疗 ,取得较为满意疗效 ,全部病例均取得部分缓解 ,未发生明显化疗毒副反应 ,如期完成 1~ 3个疗程化疗 ,现将我们点滴体会报告如下。1 化疗方案1 1 非小细胞性肺癌采用治疗方案环磷酰胺 40 0mg/M2 生理盐水 10 0ml静滴。阿霉素40mg/M2 生理盐水 10 0ml静滴。顺铂 40m…  相似文献   

目的:比较伊班膦酸钠分别联合放疗和化疗治疗骨转移癌的疗效和毒副反应。方法:90例患者随机分为两组,伊班膦酸钠 放疗组(联合放疗组)45例,伊班膦酸钠 化疗组(联合化疗组)45例。采用伊班膦酸钠6mg加入生理盐水500mL静滴4h以上,每4周重复,每例病人应用4~6次。放疗方法骨转移灶剂量为30~40Gy/2~3周,化疗根据原发肿瘤类型选择相应方案。结果:联合放疗组和联合化疗组1、3、6月疼痛缓解率、骨转移灶有效率分别为91.1%、86.7%、82.1%;84,4%、82.2%、82.9%和40.0%、48.9%、59.0%;37.8%、44.4%、61.0%。两组比较P>0.05,差异无统计学意义。结论:伊班膦酸钠分别联合放疗和化疗治疗骨转移癌的疗效相似,毒副作用可以耐受。  相似文献   

阿霉素是一种发现较早的一种蒽环类抗生素,是当今世界上最有效的抗肿病药物之一,在化疗中具有很重要的地位,但因它所特有的心脏毒性而限制其广泛应用。我院新合成的SIPI-708也是一种抗肿瘤的新的蒽环类抗生素,经药理学初步研究认为其疗效与阿霉素相等时,心脏毒性较阿霉素低。本文电镜观察表明阿霉素和SIPI-708对心肌损害特征性的形态学特点是相似的,仅见损害轻重不同而已。具体表现:(1)心肌损害是灶性的,(2)病灶内肌浆网和下管呈不同程度的扩张,(3)线粒体固缩或/和肿胀及髓样结构形成,(4)肌原纤维排列紊乱、分离、断裂和溶解(图1,2)。阿霉素和SIPI-708均系蒽环类衍生物,上述相似的形态学特点说明它们对心脏毒性反应的机理也可能相同。此两药在代谢过程中均可使心  相似文献   

目的:观察超脉冲CO2激光点阵疗法联合曲安奈德治疗增生性瘢痕的效果。方法:对60例增生性瘢痕患者,采用超脉冲CO2(能量50至100mJ/脉冲,频率10至20脉冲/min)每间隔0.5cm麝削增性瘢痕0.5*O.5—F大小面积至正常皮肤平面,然后以激光焦点距离每间隔0.1cm呈点阵状打孔约0.1cm,再涂抹40mg/ml曲安奈德,约10至15天创面愈合后、进行间隔部位治疗,间隔周期均为10至15天。结果:接受该方案治疗的60例患者中,治愈53例,显效7例,无效0例,总有效率100.00%。不良反应的有2例患者(3.3%),为创面延迟愈合,其余患者未见明显不良反应。结论:超脉冲CO2激光点阵疗法联合曲安余德治疗增生性瘢痕,具有疗效显著、操作简单、并发症少等优点。  相似文献   

目的 :观察紫杉醇卡铂化疗联合放射治疗局部晚期非小细胞肺癌 (NSCL C)的近期疗效及毒副反应。方法 :3 2例局部晚期NSCLC患者 ,采用紫杉醇加卡铂联合化疗 (紫杉醇 13 5 mg/m2 ,静滴 ,第 1天 ;卡铂 3 0 0 mg/m2 ,静滴 ,第 2天 ,每 2 1天为 1周期 ,共 2~ 3周期 ) ,并与放射治疗 (常规分割 ,DT62~ 68Gy/3 1~ 3 4次 )交替进行 (夹心疗法 )。结果 :全组 CR2例 ,PR16例 ,总有效率 (CR PR) 5 6.3 % ,无严重毒副反应。平均生存期 14 .5月。结论 :紫杉醇卡铂化疗联合放射治疗局部晚期 NSCLC能提高近期疗效 ,远处转移有降低趋势 ,且毒副作用可耐受 ,值得临床进一步观察研究  相似文献   

肖青  王煜 《激光杂志》2008,29(3):87-88
目的:观察美罗华联合CHOP治疗非霍杰金氏淋巴瘤的临床疗效和毒副作用。方法:选择4例非霍杰金氏淋巴瘤第一天给予美罗华375mg/m2,第二天给予CHOP方案化疗。结果:1例完全缓解,3例得到部分缓解。结论:美罗华联合其它化疗药物治疗B细胞淋巴瘤疗效好,患者耐受好。  相似文献   

目的观察糖皮质激素联合三尖杉酯碱治疗系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)的疗效。方法36例SLE患者给予强的松0.8~1mg(kg/d),4~8周后开始按每周5mg减量,维持量10~20mg/d;三尖杉酯碱1mg+0.9%氯化钠注射液500ml静脉滴注,5~7d为1个疗程,间隔2~3周,共3~6个疗程。定期检测血常规、24h尿蛋白定量、血肌酐、白蛋白、免疫球蛋白、C3、C4、抗ANA抗体、抗ds-DNA抗体及抗SM抗体水平,比较治疗前后各项指标的变化。结果狼疮活动积分表(SLEDAI)评分由治疗前平均14.36分降至5.16分,24h尿蛋白定量、ESR水平较治疗前明显下降(P<0.05),抗ANA抗体转阴率87.5%,抗ds-DNA抗体、抗SM抗体转阴率分别为87.5%和83.3%。结论糖皮质激素联合三尖杉酯碱治疗SLE具有疗效高,不良反应小,价格低的特点,值得临床应用。  相似文献   

目的考察氟达拉滨联合治疗高龄慢性淋巴细胞白血病患者的有效性和安全性。方法应用氟达拉滨联合利妥昔单抗方案治疗11例患者,根据患者情况分次给药,25~30mg/m2隔日或每周1~2次静脉注射,或口服剂型10mg~20mg/d连续用药,观察患者应用氟达拉滨过程中及其后的不良反应及疗效。结果全组11例患者CR+PR为10例,其中CR6例,PR4例,NR1例。不良反应主要为粒细胞及血小板减少等骨髓抑制,未出现严重感染,无化疗相关死亡。结论氟达拉滨联合利妥昔单抗治疗高龄慢性淋巴细胞白血病具有较高的安全性和有效性。  相似文献   

目的:观察不同方法应用甘露醇治疗颅内高压的效果,以指导临床合理用药及护理。方法:将所有患者随机分成3组,第1组(27例)按0.5g/kg体重应用20%甘露醇;第2组(25例)按1.0g/kg体重给予;第3组(26例)按0.5g/kg体重给予甘露醇治疗以及速尿20mg降颅内压处理,所有患者给予颅内压监护,记录使用甘露醇前、后的颅内压变化数据。结果:第3组在有效率、药效持续时间优于其它两组,而颅内压反跳率低于其它两组。第2组与第1组比较,药效持续时间差异有统计学意义,其余指标差异无统计学意义。3组比较降压幅度差异无统计学意义。结论:甘露醇治疗颅内高压是有效的,O.5g/kg体重的甘露醇+速尿20mg效果理想,值得提倡。加强用药过程中的护理,充分发挥其药理作用,使患者得到安全有效的治疗。  相似文献   

目的探讨利用体部伽玛刀联合全身热化疗和微量泵化疗对中晚期原发性肝癌进行综合治疗的疗效。方法入院后经检查无全身热疗及化疗禁忌症晚期肝癌患者25例,全身热疗时予氟尿嘧啶1g、羟基喜树碱10mg、奥沙利铂100mg;以后予奥沙利铂100mg/d,8d,静脉滴注;热化疗后第2d起予氟尿嘧啶0.25g/d,14d;羟基喜树碱2mg/d,9d。热化疗3d后进行体部伽玛刀治疗,50~65%的等剂量曲线包绕计划靶区PTV,单次剂量3.2~4.0Gy,10~12次,总剂量为36~44Gy。其中化疗泵治疗间隔2周重复,共4~6周期;全身热疗1~3次,于每次化疗第1天进行。热化疗及伽玛刀治疗结束后分别观察不良反应和近期疗效。结果部分缓解(PR)20例;1年局部病变无进展率为56%(14/25)。1年生存率为76%(19/25),2年生存率40%(10/25)。全身热疗中6例出现下肢或腹部局部皮肤红斑,2例出现小水泡;肝脏急性不良反应Ⅰ级1例。结论伽玛刀联合全身热化疗治疗肝细胞癌安全可靠,有利于提高疗效。  相似文献   

This paper studies the combination of practical trellis and convolution codes with Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (THP) for the presubtraction of multiuser interference that is known at the transmitter but not known at the receiver. It is well known that a straightforward application of THP suffers power, modulo, and shaping losses. This paper proposes generalizations of THP that recover some of these losses. At a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the precoding loss is dominated by the shaping loss, which is about 1.53 dB. To recover shaping loss, a trellis-shaping technique is developed that takes into account the knowledge of a noncausal interfering sequence, rather than just the instantaneous interference. At rates of 2 and 3 bits per transmission, trellis shaping is shown to be able to recover almost all of the 1.53-dB shaping loss. At a low SNR, the precoding loss is dominated by power and modulo losses, which can be as large as 3-4 dB. To recover these losses, a technique that incorporates partial interference presubtraction (PIP) within convolutional decoding is developed. At rates of 0.5 and 0.25 bits per transmission, PIP is able to recover 1-1.5 dB of the power loss. For intermediate SNR channels, a combination of the two schemes is shown to recover both power and shaping losses.  相似文献   

Previous designs of Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (THP) for the broadcast channel with multiple (cooperative) transmitters and noncooperative (decentralized) scalar receivers assume complete channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter. Due to its nonlinearity, THP is more sensitive to errors in CSI at the transmitter than linear precoding, which may be large in wireless communications. Thus, THP performance degrades severely-and it is even outperformed by corresponding linear precoders. We propose a novel robust optimization for THP with partial CSI based on mean-square error (MSE), which performs a conditional mean (CM) estimate of the cost function including a novel model of the receivers. This enables a smooth transition of robust THP from complete, via partial, to statistical CSI. The performance is now always superior or in the worst case equal to corresponding linear precoding techniques. With these features, the proposed robust THP is very attractive for application in the wireless broadcast channel  相似文献   

Tomlinson–Harashima precoding (THP) is a successive pre-equalization technique that arranges all the receivers into a group of layers and then suppresses the interlayer interference in sequence at the transmitter. There are two basic THP structures according to the positions of the diagonal weighted filter—decentralized at the receivers or centralized at the transmitter—which are denoted dTHP or cTHP, respectively. In this paper, the investigation of THP in downlink multiuser multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) systems with imperfect channel state information (CSI) is performed. The interference power caused by imperfect CSI is first derived, and then, the comparison between the two basic THP structures and the linear zero-forcing (ZF) precoding is carried out in terms of the interference power and the system capacity. Furthermore, the cases with different CSI errors among users are considered, through which the independence of the interference power among layers or subchannels is presented, including the cases with single-antenna and multiantenna receivers. Analytical and simulation results indicate that with imperfect CSI, THP leads to less interference power than linear-ZF, and dTHP leads to larger system capacity than cTHP and linear-ZF.   相似文献   

成功合成带有三苯胺和吡喃环结构的新型功能性二胺4-[(2-二氢吡喃)氧]-4’,4"-二氨基三苯胺(THP)。使用此单体与4,4′-二氨基二苯醚(ODA)和4,4′-(六氟异丙烯)二酞酸酐(6FDA)共聚,利用两步化学酰胺化法,制备了共聚物的组成配比不同的3种聚酰亚胺(PI)。使用NMR、FT-IR、DSC、UV-Vis等测试手段对单体和PI进行了结构表征和各项性能测试。研究了其溶解性能、耐热性能、透光性能和取向性能。结果表明3种PI均可溶于NMP、DMF等极性溶剂,同时在THF、DCM等低沸点溶剂中也具有较好的溶解性。PI的玻璃化转变温度在270℃以上,在500~800nm区域透过率在80%以上,液晶分子的预倾角随THP的增加而增大,可达2.3°,且具有均一的取向效果。  相似文献   

目的 观察奈西雅预防化疗所致恶心呕吐的效果和不良反应。方法  60例患者接受含DDP或CTX、ADM联合化疗 ,随机自身对照。第一周期用奈西雅或用对照药物胃复安十爱茂尔或恩丹西酮 ,第二周期交换应用。结果 预防呕吐的有效率 ,奈西雅为 89 7%、恩丹西酮为 85 5 %、胃复安十爱茂尔为 66 6%、(P <0 0 5 )。其中完全缓解率为 64 1%、61 7%、3 8 4%(P <0 0 5 )。结论 奈西雅能有效的预防顺铂等化疗药物所致的呕吐与恩丹西酮相似 ,明显优于胃复安 +爱茂尔 ,且给药方便。  相似文献   

An asymmetrical dual-edge modulation (ADM) method applied to digital peak current (DPC)-controlled switching dc–dc converters is proposed in this brief. Steady-state and transient performance comparison of DPC-controlled buck converters with ADM and conventional symmetrical dual-edge modulation (SDM) is presented and verified by experimental results. Comparison studies show that the steady-state and transient performances of DPC with ADM are better than those of DPC with SDM.   相似文献   

We investigate a wireless network architecture that utilizes Tomlinson Harashima Precoded Multiple Input Multiple Output (THP MIMO) technique for improved system capacity. We consider THP MIMO in a multi user scenario, together with a proposed smart scheduling technique and we explore the capacity performance through extensive capacity analysis considering varying SNR levels, varying number of users and number of transmit/receive antennas, under fading and shadowing, also considering errors in channel state information (CSI). We also evaluate the complexity of THP MIMO and present a low-complexity scheduling algorithm that employs Gram-Schmidt algorithm for incremental implementation of THP’s QR factorization. In the end, we identify the network and channel conditions under which THP MIMO can be preferred over classical conventional MIMO, and we conclude that for practical transceivers with up to four antennas, THP MIMO can provide significant capacity enhancement over conventional MIMO at lower complexity, performing slightly below the sum rate capacity bound. Another important advantage that is observed in this study is better immunity of THP MIMO to CSI errors, as compared to conventional MIMO.  相似文献   

ALA联合小剂量HPD激光光动力学治疗皮肤肿瘤临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱菁  张慧国  陆丽萍  严敏 《应用激光》2009,29(6):548-555
目的:局部外敷ALA和静脉注射小剂量HPD联合用药后进行激光光敏诊断和光动力学治疗,探讨这种联合用药光动力学疗法治疗皮肤恶性肿瘤的疗效.并与常规HPD-PDT及激光气化肿瘤合并ALA-PDT治疗作临床疗效对比.方法:30例患者,45处皮肤损害.采用ALA-PDT与小剂量HPD-PDT联合的方案进行治疗.光敏药物剂量:8%ALA 霜剂外敷,1.5mg/kg HPD静脉用药,波长630nm半导体激光照射(功率密度250mW/cm~2,照射时间20分钟/光斑).同时在PDT治疗过程中,及以后的随访中均以激光光敏诊断技术指导治疗及判断避光时间.并与常规HPD(5mg/kg)-PDT治疗皮肤恶性肿瘤43例及三周前激光气化肿瘤加20%ALA霜剂外敷光动力学治疗29例作疗效比较.结果:ALA联合小剂量HPD激光光动力学治疗组,除一例鳞癌II级患者及一例恶性黑色素瘤患者出现复发外,其余患者对联合治疗的效果均佳,随访6~24月,均获得了痊愈,近期痊愈率93.33%,显效率6.67%,皮肤避光时间减少到10~14天.HPD-PDT治疗皮肤恶性肿瘤组43例,40例达近期痊愈,近期痊愈率91.43%,3例显效,显效率8.57%(显效3例,2例为色素型基底细胞癌, 1例为直肠癌肛周复发).激光气化肿瘤加ALA-PDT治疗组29例,26例一次治疗痊愈,近期痊愈率89.66%,3例显效,显效率10.34%(显效3例,2例鳞癌II级经二次治疗痊愈,1例汗管癌7周复发改用手术治疗).结论:1.ALA联合小剂量HPD的光动力学疗法对于诊断和治疗皮肤恶性肿瘤有较佳的疗效.两种光敏剂的联合使用,使皮肤避光时间由原来常规剂量HPD-PDT所必需的4~5周缩短到2周左右,并改善了ALA-PDT作用深度浅(2mm)的弊端.2.光敏诊断是一种简便、快捷、灵敏、非创伤性的肿瘤诊断方法,对于提高肿瘤的早期诊断率有很大意义,又能作为判断避光时间的辅助手段.3.光动力学治疗是一种对肿瘤组织杀伤具有高度选择性的微创技术,病人对整个治疗过程的耐受性好,更适合于年老体弱或对皮肤美观有特殊需求的患者.  相似文献   

Delta Modulation (DM) is a simple waveform coding algorithm used mostly when timely data delivery is more important than the transmitted data quality. While the implementation of DM is fairly simple and inexpensive, it suffers from several limitations, such as slope overload and granular noise, which can be overcome using Adaptive Delta Modulation (ADM). This paper presents novel 2-digit ADM with six-level quantization using variable-length coding, for encoding the time-varying signals modelled by Laplacian distribution. Two variants of quantizer are employed, distortion-constrained quantizer which is optimally designed for minimal mean-squared error (MSE), and rate-constrained quantizer, which is suboptimal in the minimal MSE sense, but enables minimal loss in SQNR for the target bit rate. Experimental results using real speech signal are provided, indicating that the proposed configuration outperforms the baseline ADM algorithms, including Constant Factor Delta Modulation (CFDM), Continuously Variable Slope Delta Modulation (CVSDM), 2-digit and 2-bit ADM, and operates in a much wider dynamic range.  相似文献   

分插复用器(ADM)是组成同步数字传输网(SDH/SONET网)的基本单元,它可以同SDH的终端复用器(TM)、同步数字交叉连接设备(SDXC)及网络管理设备(TMN)等网络单元(NE)一起组成配置灵活的SDH传输网络。光群路单元板(OAU板)是ADM的核心部分。本文简要介绍ADM的功能组成与OAU板的参考设计。  相似文献   

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