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In this paper a new version of ML model has been used to simulate discharge dynamics in a 90 kj Fillipove type plasma focus, Sahand. Comparing model predictions with experimentally measured data shows that, the ML model when properly is fitted, is able to realistically simulate the discharge dynamics and consequently can be used to investigate the effect of operational and structural parameters on Sahand PF operation. To determine the optimum parameters which maximize the pinch current Ipinch, the effect of gas pressure and static external inductance L0, on discharge dynamics in Sahand were investigated. The obtained results show that, for fixed initial stored capacitor energy, there is an optimum gas pressure at which Ipinch has its maximum value. To further increase in Ipinch at the optimum pressure, the static inductance was reduced. The results indicated that there exists an optimum value of L0, where Ipinch reaches a maximum value and reducing L0 further will not increase Ipinch. The maximum Ipinch has been achieved at optimum low static inductance at the expense of reducing C.S velocity at the time of pinch. The results of this investigation can confirm the current pinch limitation indicated before for Mather type PFs, for a Fillipov type PF.  相似文献   

The current sheath velocity in 0.25 Torr gas pressure of Filippov type plasma focus is studied experimentally.By using two tridimensional magnetic probes on top of the anode surface,the current sheath velocity is measured for argon,oxygen and nitrogen.Additionally,the effect of charging voltage on the current sheath velocity is studied in both axial and radial phases.We found that,the maximum current sheath velocities at both radial and axial phases are respectively 4.33 ± 0.28(cm/μs) and 3.92 ± 0.75(cm/μs) with argon as the working gas at 17 kV.Also,the minimum values of current sheath velocity are 1.48 ± 0.15(cm/μs) at the radial phase and 1.14 ± 0.09(cm/μs) at the axial phase with oxygen at 12 kV.The current sheath velocity at the radial phase is higher than that at the axial phase for all gases and voltages.In this study,variation of the full width half maximum(FWHM) of magnetic probe signals with voltage is investigated for different gases at radial and axial phases.  相似文献   

In this paper a 90 kJ plasma focus facility was used to the bombardment of the titanium substrate using nitrogen ion beams. From x-ray diffraction patterns, we investigated the structure properties of titanium nitride layer has been successfully deposited on the titanium substrate such as grain size microstrain and dislocation density. In this work we observed the growth of in grain size with increasing a number of deposition shots. Decrease in dislocation density and microstrain at higher deposition is the another results we observed in this work. The topography and morphology of TiN samples was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical microscopy images. From SEM micrograph, damage of surface and creation of pits and cracks was reported. The goniometric test indicate increasing in contact angle of water drop for irradiated samples in respect to the unirradiated samples. The Knoop microhardness of the samples is increased about 500%. With increasing of nitrogen ion flux, the microhardness increases.  相似文献   

This article is about the characteristics of the hard X-ray (HXR) emission from the Filippov type plasma focus (PF) device, Dena. The article begins with a brief presentation of Dena, and the mechanism of the HXR production in PF devices. Then using the differential absorption spectrometry, the energy resolved spectrum of the HXR emission from a 37 kJ discharge in Dena, is estimated. The energy flux density and the energy fluence of this emission have also been calculated to be 1.9 kJ cm−2 s−1 and 9.4 × 10−5 J cm−2. In the end, after presentation of radiography of sheep bones and calf ribs, the medical application of the PF devices has been discussed.  相似文献   

The time resolved emission of neutrons and X-rays (both soft and hard) is correlated with the current sheath evolution during the radial phase of a 3.2 kJ Mather-type plasma focus device operated in deuterium at an optimised pressure of 4 mbar. A three-frame computer-controlled laser shadowgraphy system was incorporated in the experiment to investigate the time evolution of the radial phase of the plasma focus. The dynamics of the sheath was then correlated with the time resolved X-rays and neutron emission. The time-resolved neuron and hard X-ray emission was detected by a Scintillator-photomultiplier system while the time resolved soft X-rays were detected employing filtered PIN photo diodes. The observations were recorded with a temporal accuracy of a few ns. For the reference, the total neutron yield was also monitored by an Indium Foil activation detector. The correlation with the High Voltage Probe signal of the discharge, together with the X-ray and neutron emission regimes enabled to identify the important periods of the sheath evolution i.e. the radial compression (pre focus), minimum pinch radius (focus) and the post focus phenomena. During the initial stage of the radial phase, velocities of 10–23 cm/μs, while at the later stage of the radial phase (up till the compression), velocities up to 32–42 cm/μs were measured in our experiment. For the discharges with the lower neutron yield (lower than the average value ~1 × 108 n/discharge), the current sheath appears to be disturbed and neutron and hard X-ray signal profiles do not carry much information whereas the soft X-ray emission is significant. For the discharges with high neutron yield (higher than the average value), the current sheath has a smooth structure until the maximum compression occurs. Hard X-ray emission is maximum for the discharges with high neutron yield, especially whenever there is development of m = 0 instability compressing the column to very high densities. The neutron are emitted long after the maximum compression supporting the beam target fusion. For the discharges with High neutron yield, the soft X-ray production is less as compared to the discharges with low neutron yield.  相似文献   

In this paper, the theoretical ML model has been used to study the effect of three preliminary parameters (gas pressure, discharge voltage and the kind of the gas), to the current, azimuthal magnetic flux density, and the plasma layer pressure, in the Filippov type plasma focus device, Dena. Among others, it has been shown that to have an optimum pinch, the mentioned parameters should be selected in a manner so that the plasma sheath moves with an optimum velocity. A higher or lower velocity leads to pinch formation in an inappropriate time, when the plasma pressure is relatively low.  相似文献   

In this paper the nitrogen ion properties (maximum energy, current density and the most probable energy) are investigated by using Faraday cup in a time of flight method. These ions are produced in a Filippov type plasma focus (Sahand Facility) device and the Faraday cup was placed in a distance range of 18–24?cm from the top of the anode. Maximum and minimum most probable ion energies are 76 and 8.5?keV for the distance range of 18 and 24?cm, respectively. The displacement from 18 to 24?cm at top of the anode the ion current density varies from 4.5?×?106 to 3.2?×?105 (A?m?2). For the investigation of the effect of ions bombardment of materials at different positions, at the optimum working conditions of 14?kV as a working voltage, and 0.25?Torr as a gas pressure, titanium samples are placed in a distance of 21, 22, 23 and 24?cm from the top of the anode (θ?=?0) and each sample is put under irradiation for 30 plasma shots. The structure of the nitrided surfaces and their morphologies are characterized by X-ray diffractometry and by scanning electron microscopy, respectively. The average crystallite size deduced for (200) and (222) planes of TiN deposited with 30 shots in different distances are estimate to be from ~13 to ~38?nm.  相似文献   

Dynamics of dust in a plasma sheath with a magnetic field was investigated using a single particle model. The result shows that the radius, initial position, initial velocity of the dust particles and the magnetic field do effect their movement and equilibrium position in the plasma sheath. Generally, the dust particles with the same size, whatever original velocity and position they have, will locate at the same position in the end under the net actions of electrostatic, gravitational, neutral collisional, and Lorentz forces. But the dust particles will not locate in the plasma sheath if their radius is beyond a certain value.  相似文献   

The fast pulsed electric discharge current drives all physical processes in the plasma focus device; in turn all physical processes in the focus affect the current waveform. Thus the discharge current waveform is the most important indicator of plasma focus performance. This underlies the importance of properly measuring, processing and interpreting the discharge current waveform. This paper reports the measurement of fast pulsed discharge current by the Rogowski coil, in two different modes: the current transformer, ??I?? mode, and current derivative, ??Idot?? mode. The processing and interpretation of recorded current waveform to obtain useful information about the physical processes in the plasma focus device are discussed. The current transformer with a large number of turns and a sub-1 Ohm terminator has good high frequency response, necessary for the sharp current dip region when dI/dt exceeds 2?×?1011?A/s. However the signal is ??noisy?? in the current dip region. Several methods to extract the current dip from the noise are discussed and examples of how low pass filters affect the signals are shown. The dI/dt coil, the Rogowski coil in ??Idot?? mode, with a few turns terminated by 50-Ohm is also described. Integrating the 1?GSa/s digital waveform does remove the high frequency noise components, yet the extracted waveform shows sharp angular features indicative of the retention of short-time features. This makes the dI/dt coil superior to the current transformer. A 7-turn coil is tested against the Lee Model code and found to be suitable to measure the plasma focus discharge current.  相似文献   

A 3 kJ Mather type plasma focus system filled with deuterium gas is operated at pressure lower than 1 mbar. Operating the plasma focus in a low pressure regime gives a consistent ion beam which can make the plasma focus a reliable ion beam source. In our case, this makes a good deuteron beam source, which can be utilized for neutron generation by coupling a suitable target. This paper reports ion beam measurements obtained at the filling pressure of 0.05–0.5 mbar. Deuteron beam energy is measured by time of flight technique using three biased ion collectors. The ion beam energy variation with the filling pressure is investigated. Deuteron beam of up to 170 keV are obtained with the strongest deuteron beam measured at 0.1 mbar, with an average energy of 80 keV. The total number of deuterons per shot is in the order of 1018 cm?2.  相似文献   

1. IntroductionThe plasma sheath is an important and complexregion for nearly all plasma applications in materials processing. The theoretical and experimental research on the features of sheath is important for making the processing mechanism clear and for selectingthe best processing conditions.The main process Of plasma nitriding has been noal.widely accepted as being dominated b3' the excitednitrogen molecules, ions= and nitrogen atoms [l-41.As to their formation, Aloll [5] thought that i…  相似文献   

The sheath criterion for an electronegative plasma composed of hot electrons,hot negative ions and cold positive ions in an oblique magnetic field is investigated.We discuss the effects of negative ions and external magnetic field on the sheath criterion.We find that the ion Mach number is of relatively low value because of Coulomb attraction between positive and negative ions.Also the ion Mach number depends on the magnitude and the angle of the magnetic field as well as the initial velocity of ion flow.  相似文献   

A model of collisional RF sheath with negative ions is discussed in this paper. The influences of collision and negative ions on the parameters of the sheath are studied through numerical simulation. It is found that when the collision coefficient increases and the RF power is fixed, the electrode potential and sheath electric field potential increase, the electrode current and thickness of the sheath decrease. When the negative ion content changes, the same phenomenon Occurs,  相似文献   

The electrostatic sheath with a cylindrical geometry in an ion-electron plasma is investigated. Assuming a Boltzmann response to electrons and cold ions with bulk flow, it is shown that the radius of the cylindrical geometry do not affect the sheath potential significantly. We also found that the sheath potential profile is steeper in the cylindrical sheath compared to the slab sheath. The distinct feature of the cylindrical sheath is that the ion density distribution is not monotonous. The sheath region can be divided into three regions, two ascendant regions and one descendant region.  相似文献   

Bohm criterion in a magnetized plasma sheath is investigated with a fluid model. The upper and lower limits for the sheath criterion in different states of appl...  相似文献   

The paper describes the construction of a magnetic electron analyzer for pulsed beam electron energy distribution studies. The single shot information is obtained using a NMOS linear image sensor. Both the energetical and the sensitivity calibration were performed using careful numerical simulations. For simplicity, the signals can be read on an oscilloscope, and they are transmitted via an optic fiber, which allows the analyzer to work while connected to high voltage. The analyzer was successfully implemented on a 15 kV/3 kJ plasma focus device and was used to study the electron energy distribution in the 30–660 keV range..  相似文献   

The temporal variation of the current sheet (CS) inductance in a plasma focus device can be calculated using the current derivative and the voltage signal acquired on the anode electrode, which are very common measurements in this type of device. The value of that inductance contains important information about the discharge performed including the CS lift-off from the insulator, voltage between the pinch extremes, maximum energy of the X-ray, energy delivered to the pinch and information about the actuating fusion mechanisms if the filling pressure is deuterium. This work discusses the values of the CS inductance extracted from several discharges of the Plasma Auto Confinado (PACO) plasma focus, installed in the National University of the Center of Buenos Aires—Argentina (2 kJ total energy, capacitor bank of 4 μF charged to 31 kV and a maximum current of 250 kA).  相似文献   

The notion that PF discharge circuits should be represented by an equivalent circuit having two loops instead of the traditional single one is presented. This implies that two frequencies must be expected in the currents and voltages in these devices. Also, that the current flowing into the plasma is not the same as the current flowing from the capacitor bank. Finally, the difficulties for calibrating in situ a Rogowski coil are discussed.  相似文献   

The modified version of the Lee model code RADPF5-15a is used to run numerical experiments with nitrogen gas, for optimizing the nitrogen soft X-ray yield on PF-SY1. The static inductance L 0 of the capacitor bank is progressively reduced to assess the effect on pinch current I pinch. The experiments confirm the I pinch, limitation effect in plasma focus, where there is an optimum L 0 below which although the peak total current, I peak, continues to increase progressively with progressively reduced inductance L 0, the I pinch and consequently the soft X-ray yield, Ysxr, of that plasma focus would not increase, but instead decreases. For the PF-SY1 with capacitance of 25 μF, the optimum L 0 = 5 nH, at which I pinch = 254 kA, Ysxr = 5 J; reducing L 0 further increases neither I pinch nor nitrogen Ysxr. The obtained results indicate that reducing the present L 0 of the PF-SY1 device will increase the nitrogen soft X-ray yield.  相似文献   

The Magnetic Reynolds Number (MRN) in neon is computed as a function of Neon shock speed. The magnetic field profiles at various positions in the axial run down phase of the INTI Plasma Focus device are measured over a range of pressures from 2 to 20 Torr. These profiles are assessed for good electromagnetic coupling including measuring the current per unit current sheet thickness as a comparative measure of current sheet diffusion. It was found that at an axial current sheet speed of over 3.5 cm/μs (corresponding to MRN > 15), the current sheet has a compact profile with current density of 55 kA/cm of sheet thickness whereas at speeds below 2.8 cm/μs (corresponding to MRN < 10) the profile is more diffuse with current density less than 30 kA/cm of sheet thickness. Based on these studies it is proposed to take a speed of 3 cm/μs corresponding to an MRN of 10 as the minimum speed of neon current sheet below which the electromagnetic coupling begins to weaken.  相似文献   

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