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The notion of confluence is studied on the context of bigraphs. Confluence will be important in modelling real-world systems, both natural (as in biology) and artificial (as in pervasive computing). The paper uses bigraphs in which names have multiple locality; this enables a formulation of the lambda calculus with explicit substitutions. The paper reports work in progress, seeking conditions on a bigraphical reactive system that are sufficient to ensure confluence; the conditions must deal with the way that bigraphical redexes can be intricately intertwined. The conditions should also be satisfied by the lambda calculus. After discussion of these issues, two conjectures are put forward.  相似文献   

Substructural type systems are designed from the insight inspired by the development of linear and substructural logics. Substructural type systems promise to control the usage of computational resources statically, thus detect more program errors at an early stage than traditional type systems do. In the past decade, substructural type systems have been deployed in the design of novel programming languages, such as Vault, etc. This paper presents a general typing theory for substructural type system. First, we define a universal semantic framework for substructural types by interpreting them as characteristic intervals composed of type qualifiers. Based on this framework, we present the design of a substructural calculus λSL with subtyping relations. After giving syntax, typing rules and operational semantics for λSL, we prove the type safety theorem. The new calculus λSL can guarantee many more safety invariants than traditional lambda calculus, which is demonstrated by showing that the λSL calculus can serve as an idealized type intermediate language, and defining a type-preserving translation from ordinary typed lambda calculus into λSL.  相似文献   

The calculus of constructions of Coquand, which is a version of higher order typed-calculus based on the dependent function type, is considered from the perspective of its use as the mathematical foundation for a proof development system. The paper considers formulations of the calculus, the underlying consistency of the formalism (i.e., the strong normalisation theorem), and the proof theory of adding assumptions for notions from logic and set theory. Proofs are not given, but references to them are.A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the Third Banff Higher Order Workshop, 23–28 September 1989.  相似文献   

We survey a substantial body of knowledge about lambda calculus and Pure Type Systems, formally developed in a constructive type theory using the LEGO proof system. On lambda calculus, we work up to an abstract, simplified proof of standardization for beta reduction that does not mention redex positions or residuals. Then we outline the meta theory of Pure Type Systems, leading to the strengthening lemma. One novelty is our use of named variables for the formalization. Along the way we point out what we feel has been learned about general issues of formalizing mathematics, emphasizing the search for formal definitions that are convenient for formal proof and convincingly represent the intended informal concepts.  相似文献   

This paper shows (1) the undecidability of the type checking and the typability problems in the domain-free lambda calculus with negation, product, and existential types, (2) the undecidability of the typability problem in the domain-free polymorphic lambda calculus, and (3) the undecidability of the type checking and the typability problems in the domain-free lambda calculus with function and existential types. The first and the third results are proved by the second result and CPS translations that reduce those problems in the domain-free polymorphic lambda calculus to those in the domain-free lambda calculi with existential types. The key idea is the conservativity of the domain-free lambda calculi with existential types over the images of the translations.  相似文献   

The calculus c serves as a general framework for representing contexts. Essential features are control over variable capturing and the freedom to manipulate contexts before or after hole filling, by a mechanism of delayed substitution. The context calculus c is given in the form of an extension of the lambda calculus. Many notions of context can be represented within the framework; a particular variation can be obtained by the choice of a pretyping, which we illustrate by three examples.  相似文献   

类型系统在分布式系统理论中有着非常重要的作用。在为π演算引入多态类型系统后,需要对新的环境下进程的等价关系进行研究。在多态类型系统下,环境只能得知进程中通道的抽象类型,而无法得知通道的具体类型,此时环境的区分能力被削弱,所得到的互模拟关系更为粗糙。本文在以往文献研究的基础上给出了多态π演算互模拟的一个公理系统,并证明了公理系统的一致性和完备性。  相似文献   

Explicit fusions     
We introduce explicit fusions of names. An explicit fusion is a process that exists concurrently with the rest of the system and enables two names to be used interchangeably. Explicit fusions provide a small-step account of reaction in process calculi such as the pi calculus and the fusion calculus. In this respect they are similar to the explicit substitutions of Abadi, Cardelli and Curien, which do the same for the lambda calculus. In this paper, we give a technical foundation for explicit fusions. We present the pi-F calculus, a simple process calculus with explicit fusions, and define a strong bisimulation congruence. We study the embeddings of the fusion calculus and the pi calculus. The former is fully abstract with respect to bisimulation.  相似文献   

We present an unboxed operational semantics for an ML-style polymorphic language. Different from the conventional formalisms, the proposed semantics accounts for actual representations of run-time objects of various types, and supports a refined notion of polymorphism that allows polymorphic functions to be applied directly to values of various different representations. In particular, polymorphic functions can receive multi-word constants such as floating-point numbers without requiring them to be boxed (i.e., heap allocated.) This semantics will serve as an alternative basis for implementing polymorphic languages. The development of the semantics is based on the technique of the type-inference-based compilation for polymorphic record operations [20]. We first develop a lower-level calculus, called a polymorphic unboxed calculus, that accounts for direct manipulation of unboxed values in a polymorphic language. This unboxed calculus supports efficient value binding through integer representation of variables. Different from de Bruijn indexes, our integer representation of a variable corresponds to the actual offset to the value in a run-time environment consisting of objects of various sizes. Polymorphism is supported through an abstraction mechanism over argument sizes. We then develop an algorithm that translates ML into the polymorphic unboxed calculus by using type information obtained through type inference. At the time of polymorphic let binding, the necessary size abstractions are inserted so that a polymorphic function is translated into a function that is polymorphic not only in the type of the argument but also in its size. The ML type system is shown to be sound with respect to the operational semantics realized by the translation.  相似文献   

A general reducibility method is developed for proving reduction properties of lambda terms typeable in intersection type systems with and without the universal type Ω. Sufficient conditions for its application are derived. This method leads to uniform proofs of confluence, standardization, and weak head normalization of terms typeable in the system with the type Ω. The method extends Tait's reducibility method for the proof of strong normalization of the simply typed lambda calculus, Krivine's extension of the same method for the strong normalization of intersection type system without Ω, and Statman-Mitchell's logical relation method for the proof of confluence of βη-reduction on the simply typed lambda terms. As a consequence, the confluence and the standardization of all (untyped) lambda terms is obtained.  相似文献   

LJQ is a focused sequent calculus for intuitionistic logic,with a simple restriction on the first premiss of the usualleft introduction rule for implication. In a previous paperwe discussed its history (going back to about 1950, or beyond)and presented its basic theory and some applications; here wediscuss in detail its relation to call-by-value reduction inlambda calculus, establishing a connection between LJQ and theCBV calculus C of Moggi. In particular, we present an equationalcorrespondence between these two calculi forming a bijectionbetween the two sets of normal terms, and allowing reductionsin each to be simulated by reductions in the other.  相似文献   

We consider the lambda calculus obtained from the simply typed calculus by adding products, coproducts, and a terminal type. We prove the following theorem: The equations provable in this calculus are precisely those true in any set-theoretic model with an infinite base type.  相似文献   

In previous work with Bono we introduced a calculus for modelling “environment-aware” computations, that is computations that adapt their behavior according to the capabilities of the environment. The calculus is an imperative, object-based language (with extensible objects and primitives for discriminating the presence or absence of attributes of objects) equipped with a small-step operational semantics.In this paper we define a type and effect system for the calculus. The typing judgements specify, via constraints, the shape of environments which guarantees the correct execution of expressions and the typing rules track the effect of expression evaluation on the environment. The type and effect system is sound w.r.t. the operational semantics of the language.  相似文献   

Type expressions may be used to describe the functional behavior of untyped lambda terms. We present a general semantics of polymorphic type expressions over models of untyped lambda calculus and give complete rules for inferring types for terms. Some simplified typing theories are studied in more detail, and containments between types are investigated.  相似文献   

In the proof-theoretic study of logic, the notion of normal proof has been understood and investigated as a metalogical property. Usually we formulate a system of logic, identify a class of proofs as normal proofs, and show that every proof in the system reduces to a corresponding normal proof. This paper develops a system of modal logic that is capable of expressing the notion of normal proof within the system itself, thereby making normal proofs an inherent property of the logic. Using a modality △ to express the existence of a normal proof, the system provides a means for both recognizing and manipulating its own normal proofs. We develop the system as a sequent calculus with the implication connective ⊃ and the modality △, and prove the cut elimination theorem. From the sequent calculus, we derive two equivalent natural deduction systems.  相似文献   

A lambda theory satisfies an equation between contexts, where a context is aλ-term with some “holes” in it, if all the instances of the equation fall within the lambda theory. In the main result of this paper it is shown that the equations (between contexts) valid in every lambda theory have an explicit finite equational axiomatization. The variety of algebras determined by the above equational theory is characterized as the class of isomorphic images of functional lambda abstraction algebras. These are algebras of functions and naturally arise as the “coordinatizations” of environment models or lambda models, the natural combinatory models of the lambda calculus. The main result of this paper is also applied to obtain a completeness theorem for the infinitary lambda calculus recently introduced by Berarducci.  相似文献   

We propose an encoding of an object calculus into interaction nets in two stages. First, we make the calculus fully explicit, i.e. with explicit substitutions, duplications and erasures. Then, we use this explicit calculus to produce an interaction net encoding of objects.  相似文献   

From the very beginning process algebra introduced the dichotomy between channels and processes. This dichotomy prevails in all present process calculi. The situation is in contrast to that withlambda calculus which has only one class of entities-the lambda terms. We introduce in this papera process calculus called Lamp in which channels are process names. The language is more uniform than existing process calculi in two aspects-. First it has a unified treatment of channels and processes.There is only one class of syntactical entities-processes. Second it has a unified presentation ofboth first order and higher order process calculi. The language is functional in the sense that lambda calculus is functional. Two bisimulation equivalences, barbed and closed bisimilarities, are proved to coincide.A natural translation from Pi calculus to Lamp is shown to preserve both operational and algebraic semantics. The relationship between lazy lambda calculus and Lamp is discussed.  相似文献   

主要解决基于一级泛与运算的一阶谓词演算形式系统VUL-h∈[0.75,1]的完备性。通过引入全称量词和存在量词,建立与命题形式系统VUL-h∈[0.75,1]相对应的一阶谓词形式系统VUL-h∈[0.75,1],证明其完备性定理。从而说明形式系统VUL-h∈[0.75,1]的语义和语构是和谐的。  相似文献   

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